Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Dmama, I`m sorry American ladies don`t get more time off for maternity care - it's a real crime. I think Africa/Papua New Guinea is one of the only other places on earth that are so unsupportive of women & families to that extent. I`ve heard Bernie Saunders speaking about this from a post on FB that some American friends & family posted. There is hope, maybe with another round of voting for a party that values women, healthcare and basic social services things might just get better over there! It is proven that when you provide for women by protecting their jobs for their mat leave and support families via EI, GDP & the overall economy in that country is much stronger. Currently, so many women stay at home after baby 1 or 2 which leaves families struggling with income and only half a workforce left. The Economist had a brilliant article on this called Womenomics. I couldn't imagine waking up with a 2-3 month old feeding 2-4 times in the night and then getting up for my usual 6:15am and carting child off to daycare while I work (half asleep and zombie like). I could probably pull it off being sleep deprived and working as a designer but what if you were a chemist/airline pilot or something that requires safety & full on attention? No EI support for women is just a recipe for disaster.

My friend had issues with gassy baby too with her second. She did experiment with the food she was eating and found lettuce was her problem. I`ve heard milk products can be bothersome too. But as long as there`s weight gain there`s nothing to worry about - good job mama!

Coolstar we`re taking a Babies & Birth course that starts tonight and goes from 1 month prior to delivery to 1 month after most ladies have delivered. In there they talk about parenting, birth - when to go to the hospital, complications, your rights, breast feeding, baby massage, bedtime routines etc. I`m looking forward to it!

Minxy that`s the best news I`ve heard all week! :dance::bunny: I`m so pleased for you, two happy healthy babies. You are SO deserving of this, and being past 15 weeks you can now settle down and completely relax with your growing family inside. Sending you massive hugs, I`m SO happy for you! xx

I`ve decided to work right up to almost my due date unless I`m feeling crappy beforehand. My official last day is Oct 1 and will be induced by the 5th if baby doesn`t appear by then. I`m paid 90% by my company for S&A time if I need to leave before then as standard sick & medical leave and if I deliver before then my EI mat leave starts the 1st of 52 weeks off on delivery day. My colleague booked off on Mat leave 2 weeks early and delivered 2 weeks late and sat at home twiddling her thumbs (her words) for 1 month. She gave me wise advice I think to book the mat leave off later and take sick time paid if I feel crappy or go into BH/false contractions beforehand. That way you get the gov't EI for as long as possible on the back end of the leave.:thumbup:

I was speaking to a colleague from the Czech Republic and they get up to 3 years off depending on what percentage of EI you collect each month for Maternity benefits. How amazing is that? Talk about supporting families and protecting women from losing their jobs. Very happy to hear of more governments valuing women in the workplace!
Hi everyone.
Sorry not posted for a while, feel like I've missed loads of news.

Back to work this week after the summer holiday but only 7 working days left till mat leave! I get 2w full pay then 4w 90% then onto statutory pay which is £140 per week for another 7 months. They have to hold my job for 1 yr. I'm leaving 4w before he's due, partly cos I'm knackered and partly cos I know I won't go overdue, they won't let me! Plus he is currently breech so if my strange exercises and next weeks acupuncture don't work it'll be s section at 39w anyway.

2have, your friends words were wise, I am lucky to have been able to have a year off after my dd was born, but I too finished work 4 weeks before she was due (using holiday) and she was 16 days late!! After my due date every day felt like a hundred years and I'd make overdue friends on bnb only for them to go and have their babies and me to keep waiting! So if you feel well and able, I'd say keep working or at least keep busy!

I loved our birthing classes. Enjoy!! The most exciting time!! X
Minxie, I'm so relieved for you! As we're both having twins and I'm only a couple of weeks ahead of you (17 weeks tomorrow), I really felt for you. However amazing news! I've actually just booked a TAMBA 3 hr seminar, really looking forward to it ax I've realised how clueless we are. After years of trying to actually be pregnant feels a bit unreal! How often will you be scanned? I had my 16 week yesterday and all is fine, both are more or less the same size, however they were being modest so we couldn't see if they're boys or girls. Hopefully at my next scan in 2 weeks! Will you find out? Are you showing yet? I've suddenly developed a bit of a bump and looking less like a beer belly!
Dmama, gosh I didn't realise how little time you got off in the states! People in the UK complain so much about our NHS etc, yes it could be improved but overall I think it's pretty amazing.
Mrs G, going back for 7 days must be weird! I plan to have a year off and get pretty much the same as you (but think it's 90% pay for 6 weeks), we will struggle financially (would have been fine if we hadn't spent £30k on fertility treatment!), however we'll manage, let's face it we won't be going out! x
Hi pc. Ahh, shame babes weren't showing off more! Hope you find out at next scan. Yeah but weird going back but otherwise they would've started my mat leave back in July. I'm still kind of in holiday mode and as awful as it sounds am just getting through the next couple of weeks without really caring too much! I found last time it's amazing how quickly you get used to living on less money. I still wonder what the hell we used to do with 2 full time salaries!
Pinkie I too did that injection myself, it's IM right? You'll do fine girl! My DH gave me one in the arm and I did one in my hip. It really wasn't that bad. I chose to do progesterone injections too in the hip instead of taking gel or cream beads up the hoohaa. Much less mess. Will you get a choice of what kind of progesterone you want to use?

I didn't get a choice of progesterone, I am taking the pessaries up the hoohaa lol. I have loads left over from my previous cycle so one less thing to pay out for.

Dmama, sorry to hear maternity leave sucks where you are but good luck with going back to work, I hope its not too emotional for you.

Minxy, amazing news, congratulations. Enjoy sharing your news with friends and family.

PC - glad to hear the scan went well, babies clearly want to keep you guessing. Yey for the beer belly.

Coolstar/PC/2have - I think going to classes are a great idea, I can't wait to attend these :) I have a lot of experience with friends and family babies but I am sure its nothing compare to having your own.

MrsG/2have - yey for maternity leave soon, hope you get a little time for nesting but don't have to wait too long for the little ones to arrive. Sounds like you both have everything under control.

When I get pregnant I wont get any maternity pay unfortunately, I stopped working back in March (I know I am very lucky) I was struggling to hold down my stressful job while doing these cycles, testing etc back to back so we decided that my full time job was going to be 'getting pregnant'. A little annoying when I have paid into the system continuously for the last 20 years. But I am sure I wont moan once I have my babies.

Hope everyone is getting on ok and looking forward to the weekend. I am planning on painting the kitchen so a weekend of DIY!

Good luck with the painting Pinkie! Class was great last night, they covered the stages of birth and gave some great tips to the DH's for supporting us. Also had some science based what can help/what's a wives' tale. I have homework this week to pack a hospital bag and DH too as he's got a bed in my room. Also, they recommended perineal massage starting at week 35+ to prevent ripping. Just doing a little OT at work today which will help me with the little extras I've been shopping for for baby (Robeez soft sole shoes, Christmas props, and I have my eye on a tiny kilt on ebay if we have a boy):bunny:
2have, your class sounds wonderful and how lovely that your DH will have a bed in your room. How long do you have to stay in for after giving birth?
Christmas props, arh you are going to have a baby for Christmas this year <3

Question for you ladies. I am going to a wedding next weekend, do you think I will be ok to have a glass of wine or two? I am a girl who loves her wine, unfortunately over the last couple of years because of LTTTC I've had to detox on a regular basis especially before my IVF cycles. Obviously this time I am not using my own eggs, but I understand I still need to be healthy which I am being and exercising etc but should I completely avoid alcohol? If I was using my own eggs there wouldn't be a question and if all goes to plan I think the ET will be in about 5-6 weeks time. What are your thoughts on this?

Hi Pinkie, we were in Mexico enjoying margheritas before I got pregnant with my own egg. I say have a glass or two and really enjoy yourself! Health is about balancing everything - 2 glasses of wine isn't going to do that. I hope you have a fantastic time!

With the Christmas props I'm hoping to make my own Christmas cards this year, a cute baby & new family member is the only gift I need<3
Question for you ladies. I am going to a wedding next weekend, do you think I will be ok to have a glass of wine or two? I am a girl who loves her wine, unfortunately over the last couple of years because of LTTTC I've had to detox on a regular basis especially before my IVF cycles. Obviously this time I am not using my own eggs, but I understand I still need to be healthy which I am being and exercising etc but should I completely avoid alcohol? If I was using my own eggs there wouldn't be a question and if all goes to plan I think the ET will be in about 5-6 weeks time. What are your thoughts on this?

Hi Pinkie, I'd say go for it and enjoy yourself! When I've had cycles using DE the clinic told me it was fine to have a couple if drinks, like you say it's not your eggs so at the moment your body isn't doing any 'creating', if EG is 5-6 weeks away that's plenty time to get healthy and top up on vitamins etc. Enjoy the wedding! x
Pinkie, even I agree no harm in enjoying a glass of wine. And once you get pregnant no wine for a long time :)
2have, MrsG, so excited for you ladies!! Not much time left, wow !! Did you both pack your hospital bag ?
Hi everyone.

Yeah coolstar I've packed but it'll need redoing as at the mo we don't know if I'll have to have another section or if they'll let me try vbac. Baby was feet down at last scan, just like dd so waiting to see if he's turned. Packing for a section is different to packing for labour.

Just sitting down after packing it Coolstar. All ready to go now except for packing up my desk at work. I'll do this Tuesday when I get back, it's a stat/bank holiday this weekend.
How is everyone this weekend? It's grey and rainy outside today. Mom and I went for coffee today and she bought me a lovely nursing hoodie for my 40th birthday. It's super comfy, been wearing it all day. We went out to dinner & drinks with old friends last night, other than that it's been a very sleepy, lazy weekend. I hope you're all enjoying, whatever you're up to!
Hi all!

Pinkie I would have a few glasses of wine if you fancy. 2-3 drinks as a one off will probably just relax you! I didn't drink at all as soon as I found out I needed ivf and during my first ivf. During this second one I have up before stims and since we changed to iui I have had a few glasses during the tww. Once af come and we start stims again ill stop. We need to live life as well. Go for it and enjoy!

Ahhh hospital bags packed that's so exciting mrs g and 2have!! I'm jealous!! I loved packing my bag for dd! Although I packed for labour and had a EMCS in the end. I was in 4 nights but didn't use half the stuff I took!

Minxy so happy for you on your great news!! Hope you can now enjoy pregnancy a little more. Sorry if I've missed anyone, I'm on my tablet but get our Internet sorted hopefully today so I can be a bit better at responding!

Afm, think I'm 9dpiui now. Af usually comes 11dpo and after ivf I felt awful by 11dpo as progesterone was stopping full blown af coming but my body wanted it to come so I had awful lower back ache and spotting for days. Yuck. I'm guessing ill keep taking progesterone til Saturday, test and assuming bfn I can stop, af will come and I can go in for scan and start stims next week early. I'm doing antagonist protocol again next time, my body didn't like long clearly. Last OE chance!!!!
Thank you all for the kind wishes. So relieved. 16w scan on Friday, to get past that will really help me enjoy this. I will then need to spill the beans at work.

Pinkie - enjoy the wedding. I second the other ladies comments.

2have & MrsG - wow! Time is flying.

Pussycat - I am showing but in a beer belly / fat way, looking forward to getting a proper bump. I've managed to hide it so far but when Friday goes well I'm going to start wearing maternity dresses from Monday & they make me look more pg. do your co-workers know?
The tamba stuff looks good. I don't know anything about babies either & I can't wait learn. I Know a few twin mums through Twitter, so will be getting their top tips.
You've done well to keep it hidden to 16 weeks with twins! Do you think your colleagues suspect or will it be a big surprise? Either way, so excited for you. Best of luck for Friday and enjoy seeing the babies x
I m not sure if I said it already, I got my results from the antibody test and both of them were negetive.

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