Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Skp, all of my immune tests were negative too with that clinic, until I was tested at Dr. Beers clinic when the very same clotting test came out positive. When I asked for a complete set of my records, in fact, there was no indication they did some if the immune tests they claimed to have done for us - which is why I set an appointment up to grill them on this after I got my results from Dr. Beers clinic. Like I said also, they've pushed false hopes on you (and tried to with my DH and I too) that their 'clinical' bfp success rates without talking about the actual live birth rates which are totally dismal (< 30%) with frozen egg ivf. Most international clinics state both clinical and live birth success rates, it's not ironic that this clinic hides those facts. They are making heaps if money by providing high hopes and partial information. Many international clinics don't even deal with frozen egg ivf because the rates if success are so low. If you ask any of the calgary clinic doctors they'll all tell you they simply don't believe in the practice of reproductive immunology. But you need to ask those specific questions to figure things out. I hope you have a relaxing break from it all. All the best with the surrogacy direction.
Baggy tops with skinny jeans. I also work with men, I'm just one of the boys at work. I dont think they look at me.
I've told my boss and a co-worker I've worked with 12 years - he was shocked. I think they'll all be mega shocked. They all think I'm not interested in the family thing, I've used it to protect myself over the years.
Minxy that's what I did too. I didn't tell my boss until 6 months and most of our overseas family & fb aquaintences only found out at 32 weeks. I guess I just wanted to make sure everything was OK until almost 3rd tri. At work there's a policy I had to adhere to before I apply for my year mat leave, they need some notice at the 6 month mark.

Today, I walked downtown to get some lunch and had Braxton Hicks contractions the whole way there and back and now as I sit in my chair. Baby has also dropped, it's sitting really low which is nice because I can breath now but heavy on the lower belly! Any of the pregnant ladies getting those false contractions yet?
2have, how will you differentiate between Braxton Hicks contractions and real labor ?
Just asking out of curiosity coz heard so much about it .
MrsG, 2have what did you both pack for your hospital bags ? Any day now for both of you ladies !! Keep us updated.
Hey ladies. Have stalked this thread for ages and know Minno and some of the other ladies from previous threads. I am here looking for some advice about DE IVF in Czech Republic.
I have now completed 4 fresh and 3 frozen cycles with my own eggs, been TTC for 5yrs and have just turned 40. Got a confirmed BFN from our 4th fresh cycle today and am understandably feeling as though we have been through an emotional train wreck over these last years. Never had a sniff of a BFP and think the issue seems to be egg quality.
I am pretty sure I want to have at least one go with donor eggs and wonder if you could share any experience of the clinics you have used in Czech Republic. We would be travelling from Scotland.
Just wondering about costs, what info you got about donor, success rates, did you use fresh eggs and how did it work out logistically? Sorry, so many questions!! Any information would be gratefully appreciated. I need a plan!!!
Congratulations to all those ladies who are currently pregnant, I know so many of you have had similar long struggles. Xx
Bluebell, don't know much about Czech but other ladies in this thread will help you out. Just wanted to hug you !! I am so sorry, I know how it feels to get a BFN (When I was told my eggs were crappy I was just 31 ). Just don't lose hope and I am keeping my fingers Xed for your next DE cycle.
Hi Blubell, I too will send you massive hugs, sorry to hear about your latest bfn. Crystal, PC and I have all been to Reprofit. I really liked how professional they are. They also have one of the largest donor banks in Europe and have been operating far longer than other clinics. Their success rates are really high and costs are comparable to other clinics. They were able to nail down the timing exactly which I appreciated as our other clinic in Athens couldn't and it cost us a lot of unnecessary stress and last minute high booking fees (flights & accommodation). Czech Republic was also really very affordable with accommodations & food, we were pleasantly surprised. I was concerned that they wouldn't find a tall donor match for me and they nailed it (I accidentally saw her the day of transfer, she looked exactly like me)! I look forward to hearing more successes on this board, will be following closely for you, Minno, pinkie and potentially more bfp's!

Hi Coolstar, we were told in our birthing class that real contractions are regular and you shouldn't be able to walk through them. These ones were complete muscle tightenings in my lower belly and very irregular.
In the hospital bag:
Tena disposable undies
Always pads
Nursing disposable pads
Nursing bra
My hut booties for walking the halls
Thongs for the shower
Swim attire for the shower (his & hers incase he wants to be in there supporting me)
Ipad with movies
iPhone with music
Leggings & my nursing hoodie
Toothbrush & paste
Wash cloth
Hair tie
Baby onsie
Baby hand scratch covers
Baby bunting bag incase it's cold when we return
Car seat is in car already
1 cloth diaper
I am thinking of renting a tens machine, this might go in there to for pain management
DH has Kureg coffee refills in case the night is long (there's a machine in the maternity unit)
Good list 2have! Might I suggest some nursing tanks! I got mine really cheap at Target if you still have Target! I lived in them! They look like tank tops and you can just pop a booby out to BF. I wore tank tops everywhere!
Hi Garnet, how are you lady? We don't have Target here - they went under in Canada because they never did carry any of the cool products that the American's got and what they did carry they charged more than all the other store for. I got a nursing hoodie, the t-shirts were $60+ and there no tanks so mom bought a hoodie for me as it'll be extremely cold here in Canada soon. We've already booked our ski vacation:haha:
I might look on ebay for nursing tanks, shopping in Canada sucks big time!!
Yes I thought Target went out! They had them in every color too! Do you have Walmart? I bought a few there! I used to wear the tanks during the winter under shirts and cardigans too and it was quick and easy! I bought some at Motherhood Maternity and those suck! When I was engorged they did not support well! They might of change them by now! I am doing good! Kids went back to school and now I have tons of appointments to attend to without kids! This BB said I had not been participating so I have to write on this thread!
Hey ladies. Have stalked this thread for ages and know Minno and some of the other ladies from previous threads. I am here looking for some advice about DE IVF in Czech Republic.
I have now completed 4 fresh and 3 frozen cycles with my own eggs, been TTC for 5yrs and have just turned 40. Got a confirmed BFN from our 4th fresh cycle today and am understandably feeling as though we have been through an emotional train wreck over these last years. Never had a sniff of a BFP and think the issue seems to be egg quality.
I am pretty sure I want to have at least one go with donor eggs and wonder if you could share any experience of the clinics you have used in Czech Republic. We would be travelling from Scotland.b
Just wondering about costs, what info you got about donor, success rates, did you use fresh eggs and how did it work out logistically? Sorry, so many questions!! Any information would be gratefully appreciated. I need a plan!!!
Congratulations to all those ladies who are currently pregnant, I know so many of you have had similar long struggles. Xx
Hi I went Prague but don't recommend the clinic! Pm me and I can explain!
Hi lovely ladies!! I must admit I've been reading this thread and another previous thread with you ladies and I'm hooked!! I love the support and encouragement that you lend to each other. It's so awesome to have women that you can relate to, that are enduring similar issues, that honestly care and are empathetic to your experience. Especially, when your friends and family can't begin to understand what your going through.

As for me, I'm 42 with DOR (Rt ovary 3-4 follicles), Lt ovary not visible. AMH 0.03
I've been ttc for 3 yrs unsuccessfully. My partner is 34 and has Normal swimmers. So, the problem is with me and my few "crappy old eggs".

I'm going to do my first DE IVF cycle this Fall. I'm choosing a donor now and completing the final lab work. I'm meeting with the DE Nurse Coordinator next week. And hopefully things will get going soon.

I'd love to join this thread!! I'm full of mixed emotions (anxious, nervous, happy, scared, hopeful, etc...). I don't have anyone that I can talk to. I'm going on this ttc journey alone. And could really use all of your support lovely ladies!!
2have, I would be freaking with the Braxton hick contractions. You seem to be very calm about all of this.

And wow sounds like you have to take a lot in your hospital bag, but once the little one is here I guess you wont be travelling lightly for a long time. How exciting! Not long for you ladies now, keep us posted.

Bluebell, I am sorry to hear about your recent fail. This LTTTC is such a hard journey. I can't offer any advice on Czech as I am about to start a cycle in Greece. The only thing I can say is that the process is not as scary as it first seems, in fact my experience so far has been nothing but positive and much easier than I expected. Apart from great advice from these ladies, I spoke to a co-ordinator who gave me loads of details on the clinic and an example of a treatment plan, it gave me a bit more of an understanding of how it would work. Good Luck.

Boopin, welcome to the thread and sorry to hear of your struggles. I completely feel you on the mixed emotions, I have just started my DE cycle and hoping for a transfer in October. Where are you going for your cycle?

Hi to everyone else :hi:

AFM, not much to report waiting patiently for the weekend so I can take my prostap injection. The needle is the size of a drawing needle and I am absolutely freaking out. Fingers crossed this time in 4 weeks I will be in Greece, whoop!

Hello all!!

2 have, your list sounds great! When you say thongs, do you mean for your feet, like flip flops? I laughed out loud, where I live, thongs are skimpy, sexy underwear! You won't be needing those straight after having your baby haha! I agree with garnet, the more nursing tops and clothes you can have the better. I didn't have loads but I Often wore a vest with another top over the top. That way you can lift the top up and pull the vest down and you don't expose much flesh! Keeps you warm and comfy.

Welcome bluebell and boopin! Good luck to both of you with your DE journey, looking forward to chatting to you both on the thread. I am still pursuing OE at the moment but I have a v low amh and limited money so DE is imminent! Plus I have a 3 year old and the age gap is ever growing so I want to get pregnant as quickly as possible, however it needs to be. I'm still toying with going abroad so I'm always interested to hear all about it. This is a lovely thread and these gals are the experts!

Pinkie, yikes to the big needle, what's this injection for? Glad it's all starting to happen for you!!

Afm, 11dpiui today. I absolutely hate the end of the tww, I'm totally rubbish at it and start going nuts! Especially on a medicated cycle because the progesterone sups give so many symptoms! I have a few of my usual af signs creeping in though I think today (lower back ache) so I am still as convinced as ever that ill be off for baseline scan Monday for next ivf. Hope the next few days pass quickly!
MrsW, I laughed at the 'thongs' too. I had to read it a few times to try and work out why you would need them in the shower after giving birth until it clicked ha ha. 2have, at least you gave us a giggle. :haha:

The prostap is a one off injection to down regulate me so I can sync my cycle with the donors, plus it also clears out any old lining etc to make everything nice and clear to build up a nice lining again.

I hope the next few days pass quickly for you too, when is your OTD?
I'm not going to the clinic for a blood test. I'm just testing at home, not sure if that's normal for iui. I'm 14 dpiui on Saturday so I assume I test that day and stop taking the progesterone and wait for af to arrive. Ill call them Friday to check.

Good luck with the injection. I think be brave and try to do the big needle. Then you won't worry afterwards. If you can get it in, you can still swop to the smaller one and try again. X
Garnet, I thought you went to a different clinic in Prague? Reprofit is in Brno.
Boopinbaby welcome and all the best with DE IVF!!
Mrs W & Pinkie always happy to give laughter:haha: There are so many thing different, when you say vest I think of a man's vest over a white dress shirt or a safety vest! I can't actually picture what a modern day woman's vest would look like. Perhaps a cardigan/sleeveless cardigan or tunic? And Pram, we call them strollers, and cots, those are things used in the military:haha:, cribs are for babies. Thongs used to be called flip flops because they have a thong that goes through your big toe, I grew up with calling them thongs so hard to change. Nappies are diapers, my DH is Scottish and always calls Jello jelly, we have some good pokes and prods as he's now on the other end of the schtick here in Canada. Football is 'American football' and Rugby is Rugby lol. I could go on!

I accidentally googled thongies instead of thongs - what a laugh, they have baby diapers that are thongs (fail!) To be fair, about 90% of google search images are underwear yes yes! However 10% ARE flip flops:dance:
This is what a vest looks like:
Yes I went a clinic in the city of Prague! Not Brno which I should have gone to Reprofit! I don't recommend the clinic I went to because the success rate is not good and all the issues I had with them! I wanted to give her warning if she was thinking about Prague clinic!
2have you are only taking one nappy?! :haha:

Welcome new ladies, I'm a stalker!

UK pregnant ladies. Does anyone want my nursing bras? I have 4, size 36E and 38d I think. I was 34 B/C (ok I still have baby brain and can't remember!) before LO and I wore them for about 6 months before and after he was born. they have that little clip down front bit so that you can breastfeed. They are clean and in good condition and if anyone wants them I'm happy to send them to them :thumbup:
2have you are only taking one nappy?! :haha:
BF yes, the baby will be on ration with poops:winkwink: Our hospitals provide most everything, including plastic pants, blankets, formula, etc for baby if we need. I'll want to breast feed but incase my milk doesn't come in I'll need their back up supplies. They even have disposable pants for us ladies, just not as nice as the ones you get in the store :dohh:

BF that's very generous of you to give your nursing bras away. Is this it for kids for you then? No more punishment with fertility treatments, pregnancy & delivery?:flower:

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