Ladies I've been having a big ponder today and I'm after some advice......
At what point did you decide to close the door on your own eggs and use a donor? Does anyone feel they went to donor too soon, or do you wish you had done it sooner in retrospect?
Did anyone feel in their heart of Hearts that they knew their own eggs would never work? And where you right or wrong??
Hi Mrs W
I'm sorry about your IUI. When I did IVF my eggs never grew, they started at 5 & 7 mm and not one of them grew past 7mm. Either on low doses and no down reg or on their initial cycle of down reg and high dose. We had consulted with our local clinic on DE frozen egg IVF 1 months prior to doing our last IVF (Sept2013) with them. We decided to go to Europe if it didn't work out for the following reasons:
-we had to contact the business manager to get the stats of success to live birth. They only advertise their clinical rates (shady)
-we were told only after we pay the $10,000 of $25,000 that we could then get donor details.
-the price for 6 eggs was $25,000 and the thaw rates were 50%-60% (terrible compared to how many eggs you get from a fresh cycle)
-the quality of embryos were not good either out of the eggies that do thaw properly
During our IVF Sept 2013 I was researching the DE IVF clinics abroad, by October we had arranged a December 14th transfer date. They gave us our donor details mid November. My DE IVF requirements were a good donor database and high high success rates to live birth with FET's and fresh cycles plus competitive rates.
2 have how did y get pregnant naturally in the end? Had you given up or did you find something else was wrong?
After we did our fresh DE cycle and I was carrying twins with Reprofit in Brno Czech Rep I mc 1 emby @ 5 weeks and the other mmc at 8weeks. I had a D&C to get the emby tested for genetic anomalies and I sent blood samples off for reproductive immune testing with Dr Beers clinic in California (no trip was needed). The 8 week mmc had Turner's syndrome (sperm related) AND I was diagnosed and needed immune treatments if I was to carry a baby to term.
We then did another unsuccessful DE IVF in Athens with Serum. 6 months time got rid of the depression in my head, we got on the adoption list and planned another DE IVF with Reprofit, I was also in the mood to lose 20-30 lbs that I'd gained with the last years IVF's. While I was dieting & exercising in Jan 2015 I got pregnant. I've only EVER got naturally pregnant on high protein, low carb, LOTS of exercise diets. My first natural pregnancy in 2012 while dieting I wound up mc'ing at 8 weeks and now with knowing about my immune problems, and just gone through treatments, DH thinks that's what helped this pregnancy continue. I'm not sure, it could have been a rotten eggie the first time? I am also on blood thinners as Dr Beers caught severe clotting of 2 different types that our home clinic completely missed.
I think I'm just nervous that I will wonder in the future if I should have tried harder with own eggs? Waited longer and saved up for more tries.
This decision has to be up to you
I was so sick to death of watching my home clinic eat all of my funds with their low stats of success and because I never responded well to IVF I just knew I had to try something new. It felt like I was getting financially drained while banging my head on a brick wall. It was the best thing for us to try DE cycles abroad, we had the most amazing vacations, we found out about my immune issues, we had a different perspective and much more professional approach than our home clinic, and there's so much more hope in the air when your money is going towards a new method of success. Our mission is to have kids and lots of them. If I don't conceive naturally again in the next year or two I'm going back to Reprofit. Twins would be SUCH a blessing to finish off our wee family!