Inconceivable and beyond :-)

Thanks so much 2 have, I really appreciate you writing all that. I'm doing some research now! And I might diet and exercise madly while I wait for DE transfer just In case!!! ;) xx
Thanks so much 2 have, I really appreciate you writing all that. I'm doing some research now! And I might diet and exercise madly while I wait for DE transfer just In case!!! ;) xx

I wish you all the best and will be eagerly watching for good news from you ttc ladies. It was such a blessing to have Crystal, Garnet, PC, BF, LLB, Minno, Jooba, Sienna, mrs G and all of the other super supportive ladies here to help while I was going through the ringer. We're so lucky to have such a wonderful group!
Pinkie, what made you choose Greece? Keeping my fingers crossed for you. It is reassuring to hear about people having positive experiences as it is not something I ever imagined myself doing !!!

Hi Bluebell, after my 3rd failed cycle I started researching and kept coming across the same name of an English fertility nurse who co-ordinates cycles for a number of clinics in Greece and Spain. I got in contact and she sent me information on each clinic and my gut kept going back to the same one in Greece. I also found a thread on a different forum of women who have or are currently cycling there and there is nothing but positive comments about them plus a good success rate.

I never imagined myself going down this route either but now the decision has been made I wish I done it sooner.

Hi MrsW in response to your questions. After my 2nd failed cycle we decided to give it one more go and if that didn't work we were moving onto DE. I put my absolutely everything into our 3rd cycle (you have read my journal so I wont repeat everything) as soon as that one failed I wanted to move on straight away. I am fed up with not living my life waiting for something to happen. If I am honest I always knew we would struggle, I don't know why. And I never truly believed our ICSI cycles would work as much as I tried to stay positive. Moving onto this DE cycle is the first time I really felt any hope and believe this could be our time. Don't get me wrong this move onto DE was not an easy decision, there were many conversations and highly emotional ones from me, I had a lot of 'why me' moments but I think that's part of the process, but as MrsG said the excitement and prospect of having a baby outweighed it. If DE is an option for you then I agree with MrsG and make contact with the clinics to have a conversation, you don't have to make a decision straight away but at least get all the details and questions answered first.

In terms of how long I waited to be donor matched, mine was so quick. It took a matter of weeks. I signed off the cycle in mid-July and our transfer will be in Oct. In that time we had to go for tests, got donor matched and clinic closed for a few weeks.

Continue talking to your DH and I am sure as a couple you will make the right decisions.

Hi Mrs W, I think the decision for me wasrelatively easy. As I was in my 40s the chances of working with my own eggs were only about 5% as opposed to 56% with DE so it was a no-brainer and that was where I was going to spend my money. I have no regrets and I would never swap my little one with a baby from my own eggs ever. Despite the fact that he has Run me ragged and grizzled all day :growlmad::haha:
Thanks pinkie. Did you have to redo tests even though you'd recently had icsi or where they out of date? I feel similarly to you, having a baby soon is worth so much me than it being with my egg. If I had tchoose spending another £20k and waiting 2 years for my egg or spending £6k and having a DE baby next year I have to choose that so we can move on with our lives.

Butterfly you have no idea what you said means to ladies like me! I almost cried. To know you'd rather have your gorgeous little one than a baby with your eggs makes total sense, as he is your baby! But it's just wonderful to hear! Thank you!

My period hasn't come yet even though I tested bfn and am 13 dp iui so clinic want to me retest Monday and if still bfn I stop my sups and af will come. Then my research, planning and decision making starts next cycle!

Thanks for Ll the responses, it is really helping me and means a lot that you all don't mind taking the time.

Also.... I read on fb yesterday about a very brave lady who was having tests for ALS as she had a twitch and her mum, nan and other family members had sadly died from ALS. 2 days after finding out she was pregnant for the first time at 29, tests confirmed she did have ALS. Drs weren't sure if she would carry to term or be able to bf as she was quickly paralysed from the neck down. But she did carry to term, had a c section and managed to bf whilst other people helped her. Very very brave and inspiring lady and again made me realise life could be so so so much worse. When I feel down I think about people in situations like that, she knows she won't see her daughter grow up, she doesn't have long left. It really puts my situation into perspective. Like you pinkie I always thought I'd struggle and I was surprised to have my dd so easily but I then assumed I'd have no 2 easily so this has been a bit shock. I do have why me moments, but then I think of those much less fortunate and it makes me feel very lucky.

Have a good weekend ladies! I'm working all wkend so ill speak Monday!

Butterfly, such a beautiful thing to say. I am sure he is perfect.

MrsW, there were some tests that were required that I hadn't done before but in terms of ones I had from my last cycle Inc sperm analysis etc they were happy to use these as long as they were within the last 12 months. Unfortunately my previous clinic didn't like to make things easy and I had loads of paperwork to fill out plus would have to wait 40 days for my results, annoying. I didn't want to wait that long before starting (patience has never been my strong point) so I done everything again, we had all the results in 3 days!

Have a good weekend everyone, I am looking forward to a glass of wine tomorrow. Whoop.
Haha won't be long 2 have! One of the few bonuses of not being pregnant, a nice cold glass of wine after a stressful Friday!! X

Thanks pinkie, hoping my tests are up to date, I want to get this show on the road!! X
Yes,I can't wait for Thanks Giving. The breast pump will be in full time duty & will be a very jolly day!
2have only a few more weeks and you can have a cheeky glass, although after all this time you'll be drunk on half a glass!

Mrsw, maybe start making enquiries with your clinic now about how to go about getting copies of your results incase it can take some time to receive them.
Hi ladies, just wanted to see how everyone is going :)
2have, eeeek so close now!!! You must be so excited!
PC, how are you? Are you feeling movement yet? Twins are just a whole unique experience:)
Minxie, so glad all is well for you and the little ones! :) a huge relief I'm sure

Garnet, hi haven't been on here much or Facebook, there's just not enough hours lol! Hope your well :)
Hi everyone else! Hope cycles are coming together and pregnancies are going well :)

We're great! Girls turned 5 months on the 2nd, time just flies they are so sweet and cheeky :) complete daddy's girls though I'm great until he wals in and you'd swear their hearts skip a beat lol! Very cute for sure, anyway just wanted to check on everyone
So ladies we did our Childbirthing class last Saturday. I was the only one with such a small bump :winkwink: others were 7 to 8 months regnant. They also gave us a hospital tour. The hospital is nice, they have individual room and a sofa bed for DH and a common kitchen. Pre labor they keep you in one room, during labor they will shift to the labor room. Once you have the baby you are required to hold the baby for 2 hours in the labor room and try to breastfeed if you are willing. Then they will shift you to another room. If you have C section they will keep you for 4 nights and if normal 2 nights. I guess you have to let go of your modesty :flasher: during labor because they make you remove your bra also (I don't get it why ). They also showed us a birth video. It was so overwhelming for me, all throughout my TTC my focus was to get a BFP, never though about the pain one goes through during labor.
Hii Crystal,
Was just thinking about you and you pop up! Ha ha we need to coordinate this better! Yes twins probably keep you on your toes! Enjoy them even if they are Daddy's girls! :winkwink:
Hi Crystal, it sounds like everyone is having fun with your two sprites. I think it's bound to happen with dads, being the oroviders, the deep voices, their being away more, and being able to make lo's laugh so easily, I don't doubt they skip a heartbeat for their daddy!

Coolstar I was very emotional through our video, I still can't believe what we've gone through to get here. I have this intense fear about delivery that's has me feeling huge anxiety for the past few months. I don't want to rip as I've heard horror stories about ladies on B&B ripping straight through to their behind (shivers & cringe). I got the Epi-no about a month ago. It's like physical therapy for birth. It trains your body to isolate and strengthen certain muscles to push baby out. It's given me much more confidence and I have a feeling this will go smoothly now. I'm sure the contractions will be painful but I'm sure water will help with that. The class has been great, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's babies & getting breast feeding tips!
I guess you have to let go of your modesty :flasher: during labor because they make you remove your bra also (I don't get it why ).
I believe it is in case something goes wrong and also so you can breast feed and have skin to skin right away
Ladies about to give birth! Yes your modesty goes out the window ! Yes no bras just in casey you have an emergency (C -section) They prepare in advance! Their main focus is the delivery of a healthy baby! My oldest daughter they had me prep in 5 min including shaving downstairs in less than 5 min! I had a natural birth on the C section table!
I don't mind showing the boobies, and my DH, sister & mom will be in the room. It's my fanny, back end, and the whole crowning/pushing process that I'm a bit conservative about. But I'm sure I won't care when I'm in the moment (especially if there's some gas & air).
I've told the OB that I want delayed clamping, there are benefits to not having the cord cut so soon, I'm happy to hold baby on me for a while before they go into full medical mode on us both.

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