Inconceivable and beyond :-)


Mummy to 1 gorgeous Boy
May 23, 2012
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Hi everyone, I have been around for a couple of years but back after a long hiatus to sort my life and head out. I have a journal that anyone can jump in on view (and stalk away) to get a snapshot of our story thus far. We have been TTC for 11 years and after much heartache yesterday I had ET following an egg donor cycle. Now the TWW begins.. I am part of a closed group on facebook and something that has always helped me are the successes much more than anything and everyone sharing their experiences. There are just not many assisted conceptions :wacko:

Would love to hear where everyone is at in what is a delicate journey, whether it be in limbo, just starting out, WTT and even those who are now holding bubs.

Look forward to talking to you all :hugs:
Hi Lorna, sounds very similar to our journey, although we haven't been ttc for as long. I wish you congrats for being pupo. When is your test date? Fx for you!!

As for me, I was diagnosed with DOR in 2012 and been through 2 fresh failed DE IVF's along with a failed FET. I discovered I also have severe immune problems and have undergone treatment before my last DE IVF to help but it didn't :nope:
I have AntiPhospholipid Antibodies, Thrombophelia (clotting), and irregular LAD scores. To combat the immune a I tried Humira, LIT's x 2 plus 1 with the DE lady, IVIg, prednisone, Lovenox (Clexane for those in Europe), baby aspirin, and an anti-inflammatory diet. I went to a nauropathic doc and did blood testing to figure out which foods cause me inflammation.

Still without a single baby. And my dream family is at least 3-4 kids big.

Next attempt will be with a surrogate and donor egg IVF again in April 2015. We were going to sign up for adoption at Christmas but a good friend came forward to offer us surrogacy. I'm really hoping it all goes smoothly!
Hi 2have, wow you have been through much already. this journey can really suck and sometimes I don't think we are asking for too much :nope:. I hope next year is your year and how wonderful your friend has offered to be a surro. I am due to test next Wednesday a few long days ahead but hopefully it is our time at last.

Look forward to getting to know you more and following your journey :hugs:
Hi Lorna, congrats on being pupo :happydance: Keeping everything crossed for you after all this time.

I did DE ivf after I started ttc in my 40s. I had one mc then decided that DE was my best option. I Was very lucky in that it worked first time and I now have my bub.

Hi 2have :winkwink: :wave:
Hi Bf! thx for taking the time to still check in here,lovely to read you
I'm here!!!! 😜

Hi Lorna, I've been trying a long long time too. I've just turned 40 and have an 18dd and 16 DS, after my son I could not conceive again so we went years trying with no success. We tried IVF for 3 cycles and had no eggs fertilise and found out I had very low AMH. Was devestated but got pregnant and miscarries 5 times after IVf so I guess I had some fertility.
Thought egg quality was my worst problem so went to South Africa and again BFN, was so frustrated at that point but knew something was off. Found an RI doctor herenin Aus and low and behold I had immune issues. Did my second cycle in Zlin Czech Republic with donor eggs and a light immune protocol and had a chemical :( This time my Reproductive Immunologist brought out the good drugs, we went to Reprofit in Brno Czech Republic had two blasts transferred and found out last week I'm having twins!!! I am still worried about immune issues and how this pregnancy will go but am so pleased to have gotten this far:)

Hey BF and 2have 😘
Hello LornaMJ! (and hello to my beautiful friends also on this thread!)

Lovely to meet you! Lovely too to have another representative from the Southern Hemisphere!!! I'm curious, and hope you don't mind me asking - how did you go about your DE cycle? How does it all work in NZ? Did you travel overseas or are there more options for local donors?

Crystal and I are Aussies. As you may know, there are basically no altruistic donors in Australia, so either you need to know someone who will donate or you need to head overseas. I'm one of the former. 29 years old, diagnosed with ovarian failure secondary to chemotherapy for Hodgkins lymphoma (diagnosed when I was 26). I celebrated my 2-year remission mark in August this year with a fresh single DE transfer. I have a wonderfully generous lifelong friend who offered to donate. Thankfully our first cycle was successful, and I am now expecting my first bub in April next year. It's definitely a tough road, but well worth the effort.

Hoping it's a first time BFP for you, beautiful! :thumb up:

:hugs::hugs::hugs: to everyone

I'm here! Inconceivable and beyond is me! I had 5 natural MCs and 1 DE MC! Here to cheer for everyone unless I can convince the hubby for another round!

Congrats on being PUPO!
Hi Lorna congratulations on being PUPO :)

we've been trying to conceive for over five years now, I have old eggs & my DH has motility problems. We've now finally ready to go down the donor egg route and I go to Serum in December for my transfer :)
Hi everyone, great to meet you all :happydance:

Wow we are all on different parts of this long journey.

Jooba and Crystal hi from downunder :winkwink: Jooba huge congrats always love hearing a positive outcome that is fantastic news. I have to say NZ is not much different from Aussie, you can either wait for a clinic recruited donor which can take up to three years as there are not many out there or go 'hunting' for one. I created a facebook profile which was anonymous asking for a wonderful person to be our ED, at first we received lots of response but that all soon dried up. Then when I signed up to Egg Donors Australia and NZ on facebook there was a wonderful lady on there looking to find another couple to donate to so I approached and well here I am PUPO. She is such a gorgeous person we feel so lucky and praying this works.

I have said we tried for 11 years with 2 m/c and an ectopic along the way. This time last year we had 2 cycles of IVF both producing only cumulus cells and no eggs..that is when our FS said we need an ED. I was also told at this stage I had a low AMH however I have since had it retested and it was more than normal :wacko:

Anyway enough babbling welcome aboard ladies, look forward to following your stories :hugs:
Good morning lovely ladies :) since we've all had cycles just wondering what your clinics recommended for stopping progrsterone?
My Reproductive Immunologist suggests starting to ween at 12 weeks with being off at 16 weeks, this makes me a little uneasy because my placentas should be making all the progesterone by then. I agree with previous losses I should ween but 16 weeks seems excessive... Any thoughts or ideas?

Lorna, when is your test day? Very exciting!!
I do my BT next Wednesday and I will resist temptation to POAS!!

I have been told that I will stop the all the progesterone tablets and pesseries on week 12. There was no mention of weaning!
Crystal I think the concern is with not having enough. Are twins smaller / delayed growth than singleton? If you come off too soon and they aren't making enough that would be worrisome.

Lorna, I've never been told to come off all at once. I've been told to half the dose of everything (estrogen & progesterone) between 10-12 weeks.
Yes in my natural pregnancy 12 weeks and my DE cycle 12 weeks too! Was worried so I weened off it slowly!

Some clinics check progesterone level in the first trimester and some even early second!
Oh ok interesting, 2Have this was for a singleton as well which is what raised my interest. It's always been a. Part of my protocol to start weening at 12 and be done by 16 weeks? I've never had any issues with progesterone and I'm on whopping dose of 1200mgs a day.

Lorna, you have more patience then me :) I'm a POAS addict lol
Oh I was wondering about estrogen as well so that should be weened a bit too :)

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