Infant feeding questions


Tandem feeding Mum
May 29, 2010
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i just know that certain ladies cannot control themselves so no doubt this will get nasty :haha:

But i'm VERY curious to the feel free to answer the questions with what you think

1/Why is it that when it comes to the way we feed our babies we can't all talk happily?

2/WHy is it always a 'them' and 'us' situation?

3/Why do you think some BF mums try and change peoples minds?

4/Why do you think some FF mums find this offensive?

No seriously try and keep it nice ladies and stick to answerign the q's!:flower:

Edited:due to some peoples serious lack of a sense of humour!
Ha ha good questions ;-)

well i thought i would ask what everyone WANTS to ask but is too scared to!

Surely at least one of these has crossed everyones minds at some point?

I'm genuinely curious,because it is something i see over and over again!
I know this is going to get nasty going to do it anyway :dohh:
I'm steering clear of this.... I hate the way some posts on here descend into horrible comments and back biting. I'm not sure why you've even started it... :flower:
1/Why is it that when it comes to the way we feed our babies we can't all talk happily? Who knows???!!!!

2/WHy is it always a 'them' and 'us' situation?
Because I think everyone gets very defensive over their parenting choices. Although I have friends that BF and friends that FF, and TBH, we never really discuss it!

4/Why do you think some FF mums find this offensive?
Probably guilt. I still feel guilty that I couldn't feed LO. Maybe that's it - it touches a raw nerve.
i don't actually care how others feed their babies, not in a nasty way but an each to their own way. I'm passionate about breastfeeding MY baby but wouldn't think to ask my friends how they feed theirs, and if they feed with a bottle i do wonder whether it's ebm or formula but that's more of an internal wondering - i'd never ask. I only know in long my sister breast fed for (4 weeks) because she told me :shrug:
I know this is going to get nasty going to do it anyway :dohh:

nothing wrong with asking q's... it's not my fault if certain people cannot discuss things in an adult manner!

If you are suggesting that controversial threads shouldn't be posted i think its a bit wrong.. there are lots of controversial subjects in the world and if they were never discussed it would probably be a much scarier place

The reasoning behind my q's is that i have a genuine interest in peoples opinions and thoughts on this matter as it's something i cannot get my head around personally :flower:
thank you for the civil replies ladies ! lets see if we can break records and keep it nice!!
Because feeding is a very sensitive issue, esp for those who tried to BF & couldnt for some reason. They already have guilt & although most of them say they'r over it, they'r still sensitive. When someone comes from nowhere to tell them formula with make your baby sick, overweight, pron to allergies, etc, etc, those FFing mummies will get offended & the battle starts.
I am a BF mum and couldn't care two hoots what anyone else feeds their baby. I am very pro BF though and would encourage someone whose not tried it before to give it a go and would also support that person in any way possible.

What really gets my goat though, is FF mums who pretend the BF or combi feed! Why? If you have chosen to FF then I am sure you have your reasons so why not be proud of your choices and screw those who want to make you feel guilty!

Didn't really answer any of your questions...oops! :dohh:

Ok, I think the answer to most of them is the same reason why some people get evangelical about anything - diet, religion etc. For some people it is not enough to find something that works for them and be happy with it. Some people just aren't satisfied unless everyone agrees with their point of view and they will nag and nag until you succumb or just ignore them! :haha:
A lot of the threads that turn into a row are posted without that intention so you posting one knowing its going to seems pretty silly to me.

babyclub is already having a lot of problems atm so why add to them?
1/Why is it that when it comes to the way we feed our babies we can't all talk happily? dont know maybe because everyone has different views

2/WHy is it always a 'them' and 'us' situation? same as above

3/Why do you think some BF mums try and change peoples minds? because we all have it drumed into us that breast is best?? ive never had anyone try to change my mind as i tried to breastfeed and couldnt

4/Why do you think some FF mums find this offensive? because some cant breastfeed not everyones able to do it whether its for medical reasons, baby not latching, milk production problems or just the plain fact some people dont want to do it
I can see this all going horribly wrong but for what it's worth....

1/Why is it that when it comes to the way we feed our babies we can't all talk happily?

Because as mums we all make our own decisions about how to parent and invariably we think our decisions are the best ones, otherwise why would we choose them. Many of us are quite passionate about things like breastfeeding which can manifest itself in points being made in an insensitive manner. Likewise, some statements which state pure fact can be taken in an over sensitive manner.

2/WHy is it always a 'them' and 'us' situation?

There's no need for it and I've managed to have many discussions elsewhere which haven't turned this way but it again happens if people are being insensitive / over sensitive.

3/Why do you think some BF mums try and change peoples minds?

I'd love to see one who honestly is trying to do this. Alot of bfing mums try to clear up some of the bfing myths and promote bfing as it unfortunately isn't the norm.

4/Why do you think some FF mums find this offensive?

Because they have made their decision for their own reasons and feel they are doing the best they can in their circumstances and don't appreciate any perceived attack on this.

At the end of the day, it's an issue which can be discussed in a sensible way as long as everyone acts like adults, unfortunately that rarely happens :shrug:
You know what ... before i came onto this forum i never even knew this arguement existed, and i can hand on heart say that ive never seen this arguement IRL!! Funny that? :lol:

I couldnt care less how anyone feeds their baby as long as they are fed, ive got my own family to worry about nevermind anyone elses :lol:
1/Why is it that when it comes to the way we feed our babies we can't all talk happily? Because sometimes certain people post very offensive 'opinons' on both feeding methods. Such as the worst I can remember is "FF is likened to poison" and "BF is perverted" Very offensive opinons which sually spark a heated debate even when a feeding thread is going well

2/WHy is it always a 'them' and 'us' situation? I don't think it is until comments like the above are posted

3/Why do you think some BF mums try and change peoples minds? I don't think they try and change people's minds I think they try and educate. But again as above some of the posts are very hurtful.

4/Why do you think some FF mums find this offensive? Same answere as question 1

And why do you want to know :D
1/Why is it that when it comes to the way we feed our babies we can't all talk happily?
I can talk happily.. lol.. cos it doesnt bother me what anyone else does with their baby.
I believe every womans situation is different and bear no guilt WHATSOEVER by FF. However I think my baby got the best of both worlds cos I did give him my goodmess to start with by expressing.

2/WHy is it always a 'them' and 'us' situation? ..
Never felt that tbh.

3/Why do you think some BF mums try and change peoples minds?
for ages its said the best way to be for nature its what your breast is designed for. And I dont like it that MW's try and ram it down your throat.. however mine was very good when I showed her my flat nipples PLUS i had just undergone 3 breast operations before I knew I was pregnant. Before I knew I could get pregnant!!

4/Why do you think some FF mums find this offensive?
Same as above.. I am a FF mummy.. I felt it was my decision not to breast feed after discovering due to my flat nipples there was no way he could latch on.. but I didnt feel guilty about it.
I expressed for 10 days til the that 10th day he turned his nose up at my expressed breast milk and guzzled down the formual. I knew that he had already got the antibodies from the first bit of colostrum and such so I was happily ready to transfer to FF exclusively. Plus it meant OH could feed his son happily too without me having to help or interfere.

I know this is going to get nasty going to do it anyway :dohh:

nothing wrong with asking q's... it's not my fault if certain people cannot discuss things in an adult manner!

If you are suggesting that controversial threads shouldn't be posted i think its a bit wrong.. there are lots of controversial subjects in the world and if they were never discussed it would probably be a much scarier place

The reasoning behind my q's is that i have a genuine interest in peoples opinions and thoughts on this matter as it's something i cannot get my head around personally :flower:

You may want to change your OP in that case, saying you want to spice up your Saturday night indicates you're looking for a fight...
How about then, we move this over to the debate section where you've a little more freedom to discuss?

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