International bumps to be!

Hey ladies! sorry for being so out of the loop! :flower:

hena - so sorry you are feeling 'out' - like the ladies say - its not over til the witch shows! even though you got a bfn you could be a late riser/implanter... what great support from dh, just what you need.... i'm keepin all my digits crossed for ya though for this cycle!

mzswiss - how ya doing sweetheart? did dh read your letter - relationships are tough, but with the strain of ttc its even harder, it sounds like you have a passionate relationship and i'm sure this maybe contributes to a passionate argument iykwim - just like you ssay - this will make you even closer

stuckinoki - sheesh @ the stoopid people on the other part of forum, really, how immature! ignore them sweetheart. i so understand the not feeling like bd - when its not ov i really have to have a word with myself to not push dh away.. i try to tell myself its good practice for the time we will catch the egg. sorry dh is going away for so long, that must be playing on your mind - i hope that you have a bean nestling in tight before he goes

madrid - ooooh i loooove that line! do your kids know about the babba yet? what a big adventure for you wee girl - i'm sure you're having a real mix of emotions. it will be a fab opportunity for her & i'm sure she'll get so much out of it. i can imagine how much you'll miss her though!

chrissi - know what you mean about deleting the baba programmes - sometimes i let myself read the birth announcements on here - but others i make myself stay away. sorry to hear your oh will be away next cycle too, also hoping you will have a bean in place for his departure...

dusty - yay for good quality bd - teehee! totally agree about not telling dh about ov days - they don't handle pressure so well as our gender! sorry for being nosy - is your clinic doing your test in 2wks? sending positive vibes! hope you going somewhere nice next wk end too

afm - been a busy old wk end so far.. been keeping an eye on dad (too independent to come stay with us!). he feeling bit off today, up during night being sick, trying not to worry too much as i suppose it's to be expected.

we were also determined to do some fun things with the kids and mother nature obliged us with lots of sunshine! yesterday we went to a local historical site - a prehistorical burial site. today we were at the early cinema show, then home to quickly make a picnic then off to the beach to meet friends. had a great day, kids in the sea swimming etc then a great game of rounders. we're still dusting off the sand!

i'm cd 11ish i think & we've started some bding lol.. having stinky cramps today not sure why but its quite common for me to get them mid month.. boo

hope you guys all enjoy the rest of the wk end.... its smelly monday tomorrow.. off to start the mammoth ironing pile!

Well ladies. DH and I are now on good terms. No bd as of yet but we are happier than ever so thats good. He read the letter and he understands so thats good. Just hoping we all get our bfps
Mzswizz by working out things with dh you're already a step closer to your BFP!!!

So glad you're in good terms!!!

Thanks Madrid. I was sooo happy and shocked when dh looked at me and said im ready to have babies with you. So its a step closer.
Thanks Madrid. I was sooo happy and shocked when dh looked at me and said im ready to have babies with you. So its a step closer.

Woo Hoo!!!

Glad it's working out for you mzswizz!
Ho ladies!

mzswizz, so glad everything's worked out! You'll only be stronger for getting through times like that.

rj, what a wonderful day!! Have fun BDing :thumbup:

dusty, It's good that you're relaxed about how things will turn out, it's a lot healthier for you and your bean if there is one. Try to stay relaxed and have a good time away.

Chrissi, I don't blame you for deleting that stuff, no way I could handle that now! I'm really happy when my friends on here get their BFPs because I know what they've been through and it gives me hope for myself, but I really can't handle hearing about strangers and "accidents" atm.

Stuckinoki, how did last night go? Did you end up getting into your groove? :winkwink:

afm, I finally had some red blood in the middle of the day yesterday, and a more AF-like quantity of dark blood in the evening. A bit more overnight and so far nothing today :wacko: pretty sure it was/is AF because of the lower temps, short showing of red blood and the fact it went on for 2 days, but I think I'll lay off booze and test again on Friday just in case. For the time being I'm counting yesterday as CD1. I just hope I O earlier this cycle than last because I'm leaving on holiday 2 weeks before DH and if it happens the same CD as last month we'll miss it by 3-4 days. eek!
Hi everybody!

Had some margaritas last night at our early 4th of July party. And I liked them a lot. Why is this a bad sign? Because not liking any form of alcohol usually was an early sign of pregnancy for me (that plus retching from my am toothpaste). Oh, well, at least I had a nice party.

mzswizz - great to hear you've made up with hubby, maybe this will result in see a make-up sex :baby:

Hena - so sorry to hear :witch: seems to be landing after she toyed with your body & brain for a while. Ugh. But :test: anyway!!!!!

Stuckinoki - are you gathering some baby dance mojo? I really hope this month is the one for you since you are facing such a long time away from DH (where is he going?)

dusty - do you have a signs / twinges that make you feel pregnant or not - or are you refusing to symptom obsess?:winkwink:

Busy week ahead here, so I hope that distracts me from the 2ww.
Dusty; I can't talk about where he's going or dates that he'll be gone.... :( All I can say is that he'll most likely be gone for 2 or 3 cycles. He'll definitely be gone for our anniversary.

Hena; I wouldn't count CD1 until your first full day or flow. That's what FF says too. Like if your full flow starts in the evening, you wouldn't count CD1 until the following morning. [Or else you could end up with a really wonky cycle] Sorry she's showing up though. My AF started really freaking slow this month too. 4 days of spotting before she finally showed.

Rjsmam; sounds like you had a fun day!!! I just love the ocean :)

Chrissi; where are you in your cycle? Are we close together?

Madrid; How's your MS treating you? Are you feeling better yet?

AFM, DH and I tried to go to Sand Dollar Beach today [to look for sand dollars, of course] it was gross though. There was trash everywhere and the water was just nasty...DH and I didn't want to get in. I did find one sand dollar though so it wasn't a total waste of time.

After that, DH was in such a bad mood that he didn't want to go to another beach to snorkel, which bummed me out. I hate just sitting at home doing nothing.

Tomorrow I think we are going to try to go paddle boarding at one of the beaches close to our house. There have been people kite boarding outside on our beach and it looks like so much fun that I was looking into kites and boards and harnesses....Close to 2k for the gear so I guess that we won't be kite boarding any time soon. lol

Now, I'm just hanging out on the couch with DH watching movies and having a delicious orion beer:)
I am so glad I have you all - because I could not talk to anybody else about this...
After a crampy morning I just wiped - brown blood! Urgh.
AF coming early??? This is only day 21 of my cycle, I usually am between 30-32 days.
Implantation bleeding? Never had that before!?

It doesn't feel right. Obviously I will know by tomorrow. Still - very unsettling!
Could be anything this early on :(
I'm crossing my fingers it's IB though!
I am so glad I have you all - because I could not talk to anybody else about this...
After a crampy morning I just wiped - brown blood! Urgh.
AF coming early??? This is only day 21 of my cycle, I usually am between 30-32 days.
Implantation bleeding? Never had that before!?

It doesn't feel right. Obviously I will know by tomorrow. Still - very unsettling!

Chrissi, hope it isn’t stressing you out – it could be IB! Just when you think you know your cycle it throws something weird at you huh! :wacko: Fingers crossed.. tmi but i had this last night/ today too – but fairly sure it’s from dtd.. only cd12 for me.... urg.
Thanks ladies. For everything :hugs:

Stuckinoki-Some beaches in Miami are terrible like that. I dont know how people can walk on the sand.

Chrissi-Could be IB so FXed for you.

First off I would like to say good morning and Happy 4th of July!! Last night was amazing, DH and I slept in the same bedroom this time, he put his wedding band back on and we just cuddled and fell asleep together. We had a wonderful night's sleep and we DTD this morning, which DH took control and started so I was happy for that. After the argument we didnt have DTD on our minds so for him to decide to do it, it makes me hapy and means that we just became closer from this whole ordeal. Hopefully a BFP is just around the corner.
Good afternoon ladies!!!

It's nice to come from work and being able to read about how your days have been.

Chrissik I've never had ib either before but every pregnancy is different so who knows? It may well be happening for you this time. Fx'd isn't af showing so early.

mzswizz is funny what you say about the beaches and the sand because in Spain 99% of the beaches are sand ones & I found the other ones painful and awkward. It really depends on the quality of the sand though. In eastern Spain the sand is so thin that it'll get everywhere but it's very soft for your feet & to walk or jog. I've always love going to the beach in summer. I've been going every summer every year all my life & I love the sense of peace the sea brings.

Stuckinoki is you're going to be on your own for 2-3 cycles, have you considered taking the opportunity to visit your family back home? As you said your job it's very flexible you could do that and the time will pass fast.

Hena I'm sorry af is still playing with you. :hugs: It's such a pain when you're in between and unsure about what will happen at the end either pregnancy or a new cycle. Try to keep smiling no matter what.

Dusty, hoping the tww will pass fast for you and that you'll get a bfp at the end of it!!

Rjsman I'm glad you had a lovely day with your family! Every time I read about beach and sun I want my holiday to start. It won't be long now though!
Nice to hear your dad doesn't want your help; that's a very good sign if you think about it.
Also you know you told me about the possibility of twins?; well, today my friend at work ask me if I was having twins as well!!!! How weird is that??? lol:haha:

Gradually I stoppend having the terrible indigestion and it has developed into normal ms. I have a bit in the morning or when I haven't had anything to eat for a while but it isn't bad at all. I think I've got use to it now.
Sorry tmi but the bloating is still ongoing together with constipation. My bbs are getting bigger and more sensitive particularly at night time. It's like they're full from the whole day.
Apart from symptoms I've been feeling very happy, always with a smile in my face. :cloud9: I just want to enjoy the moment for once and take it as it comes. My appointment with the midwife is on Thursday next week (I can't remember if I mentioned it before) and I've posted today the form with my details to them. As I know I won't be able to have a scan until the end of August I've bought myself a fetal doppler to take with me to Spain. They say you can hear the heart from around week 9, so still a bit to go.

So sorry I always write a long message but it's difficult to convey my feelings/ideas in fewer words.:wacko:

Thanks Madrid, but I'll be ok :) I actually enjoy my alone time when DH leaves. We are very independent people at heart, practically recluses. lol

It would be too expensive to fly home right now anyway since all of my family is on the east coast.

I'd love to visit, I just need to be working and making money since I haven't been contributing financially to our household for the past 4 months :(
Morning ladies,

Madrid – love hearing all about those pg symptoms! When is your scan again? Exciting!!

Rant alert!! ](*,) Called some of dh’s family last night about his party – they were all so reluctant to make the effort to come. I know it’s a 3hr car journey but there’s plenty beds for them & it’s kinda a big bday for him. His brother had a party a few yrs ago for his 40th and all the family made it – so i know dh will take it badly if they don’t come. It’s thrown my plans into doubt too – if his own family aren’t going to bother I think i might need to scale it down & try a wee house party. Grr.

Double rant! Sinus problems have crept back. After couple of glasses of wine it was back on Sat am with a vengance – thought it was just the alcohol aggravating it. But today i have a sticky weepy eye and full sinus headache. Grr. Really don’t want medication but think i’ll call the doc & ask for telephone advice.

/rant over/

rjsmam! So sorry you're having a rough time.

If it's any consolation; since we moved to Japan I have not been able to breathe through my nose without the help of Afrin spray. It's terrible!

I just bought a fertility bracelet on etsy....desperate times call for desperate measures I's really pretty though! lol
rjsmam! So sorry you're having a rough time.

If it's any consolation; since we moved to Japan I have not been able to breathe through my nose without the help of Afrin spray. It's terrible!

I just bought a fertility bracelet on etsy....desperate times call for desperate measures I's really pretty though! lol

oh that sounds tough - what causes the need for the spray? is it your sinuses too?

bracelet sounds pretty - i hope it works a charm for you honey!

called doc, they wouldnt do a telephone consult - but got an apmnt at 2pm - am amazed, usually in the uk if you call for an apmnt its about a wk before you see the doc!

The spray is the only thing that will clear my sinuses.

I've become a mouth breather since I've moved to Japan. Even with my air purifiers it's still really dusty in my house no matter what I do. I've just gotten used to the sinus congestion! lol
The spray is the only thing that will clear my sinuses.

I've become a mouth breather since I've moved to Japan. Even with my air purifiers it's still really dusty in my house no matter what I do. I've just gotten used to the sinus congestion! lol

Urgh – yeah i don’t mind the constant congestion but the pain in my nose/face is boring now – adding the weepy red eye & its most unattractive!
I've been getting hard, painful boogers [gross] and I've had a bunch of nose bleeds.

Ugh. I can't wait to get back to the states!

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