International bumps to be!

Madrid, the doppler sounds like a great way to give you peace of mind while you're away! And fun for your ds too, hehe I bet the cheese craving is for the milk fat your baby needs to grow strong, keep chowing down :thumbup:

mzswizz, fingers crossed for an anniversary BFP!!!!! (or before)

RJ, how are the meds doing? How's the the empty stomach challenge? :haha: no way I could do it, I'm a grazer. The only time I have an empty tummy is first thing in the morning, and that never lasts long :rofl:

stuckinoki, how are you doing? I hope you're getting some quality bd in now.

How about you Chrissi, and symptoms? I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a bfn tomorrow, but I'm excited for you to test!!!! I'm going to have to figure out how to pretend drink with my family too because I'm leaving two weeks before dh and it will be my tww (if what I had really was AF, lol)
How about you Chrissi, and symptoms? I'm pretty sure I'm going to have a bfn tomorrow, but I'm excited for you to test!!!! I'm going to have to figure out how to pretend drink with my family too because I'm leaving two weeks before dh and it will be my tww (if what I had really was AF, lol)

Haha, I feel the same way - I am really excited for YOU to test. For me... not so sure. Could still be way too early to test even if something happened.
Still having twinges and weird feelings, BUT over the last three months I had all pregnancy symptoms in the book (thirsty, tired, sore boobs, nausea) and it never resulted in anything. Trying hard to keep a level head here!

Stuckinoki - did you OV? Were you able to get in the mood for the last big hurrah before DH leaves?

Madrid - how did you tell you husband? Did you do a cute surprise or just said it in a normal conversation? And when are you planning on telling the kids? Will you tell family on the trip?

Hope everybody is doing well, I shall post my results tomorrow morning before I leave for the airport! Have a great weekend!
Hena & Chrissi-FXed for you two. My DH just made it worst for my poas addiction. I was proud that i didnt buy tests but this morning, he just gage me money and the first thing that was in my head was :test: but im not going to give in. If anything, i will buy OPKs because to see if im actually going to OV saturday.

Madrid, RJ, Stuckinoki-how are you ladies doing?

AFM, yesterday was great. Even though i was missing dh while he was a work, i kept myself pretty occupied. My friend delivered her baby via c section the end of june and my cousin had her baby yesterday. Both delivered boys that were 7 lbs. and a few ounces apart. Also, my sister is having a girl so another girl is coming into the family and my nephew is now 6 months. I tell you time surely does fly. DH and i spent our time watching movies last night. We saw Just Go With It, Hall Pass, and True Grit. Wonderful movies that kept us laughing. We also DTD alot. So thats helpful if i am close to OV. We have been DTD more than once a day now so hopefully its enough soldiers in there when the egg comes. Today i have to go turn in a form to complete financial aid so i can start my classes aug. 18th. I have decided to just continue my studies at Broward College because 1) i will be a registered nurse not a licensed practical nurse which i heard that LPNs are the lowest paid also medical offices are trying to have their LPNs go back to become RNs so LPNs will soon become obsolete 2) i will have a degree instead of a certificate 3) i can schedule school around my life with a technical school, you have to schedule your life around school and 4) dh and i will be more than financially stable. We are ok financially now but by getting my degree and working, it will be an extra income thats also a high paying one and i would love my career so thats good. Well its cd20 for me. Nothing new other than sharp pains but starting to really not pay attention to anything thats going on. Lets get ready to make some babies!!! Wow it looks like i just wrote a book :haha:
Ok ladies I caved and took an OPK. I got 2 lines on the OPK but the test line was kind of faint. It wasnt as dark as the control line thats for sure so I know its negative. Usually I ovulated cd22 and Im on cd20 so shouldnt I have a positive? Also I thought I didnt have any LH at all because at first I only saw the control line and the test line didnt appear until like a minute or two. So does that mean I have ovualted already or didnt ovulate yet?
Madrid - how did you tell you husband? Did you do a cute surprise or just said it in a normal conversation? And when are you planning on telling the kids? Will you tell family on the trip?

I told him with the digi test joke about twins or triplets. My kids don't know yet; I nearly told my dd before she left but then I decided to wait a bit longer until all is confirmed. As she's not here it won't make any difference. My ds I won't tell until even later because he was sooooo confused last time when the mc happened as it was too much for him to understand properly.

Only 1wk left until my 1st midwife appointment. I don't know if they'll try to listen to the hb then. It may even be too early to be able to hear it with the fetal doppler even though theirs is much more sensitive than the one I have. I guess will have to wait and see.

mzswizz if you've had 2 lines nearly the same bd just in case. I don't know why I tell you this because you & your dh don't need any excuses for your bd action LOL

Stuckinoki, rjsman, dusty where are you all?

I continue with my twist cheese craving so I've bought 3 after finishing work today. I already had one:shhh:

Madrid-Yeah i guess it was me being impatient trying to see when is ovulation.
Hi everyone, it's a dark and stormy night here, I'm sooo glad to be home!!!
I'd like to be cuddling up with dh watching a film but he's sitting in the dining room because has to finish up some work :growlmad: I really hope he gets another job soon, this one is killing us both.

mzswizz, my opks are "almost" positive before and after my pos, so it could be either. You should be okay if it's the tail end of LH though with all the bding you've been doing! :winkwink:

Madrid, YAY only one more week :happydance: fingers crossed that they'll be able to hear the hb, hearing it for the first time will be amazing!

afm, I'm way more stressed than I realised about taking the test tomorrow. I def. want to because if there's even the slightest chance I need to know now so I can see my doc next week.....but I hate BFNs so much!!! DH was so sad with the last one I almost didn't tell him my plan, but he could tell something was on my mind so I dished but tried really hard to keep expectations low.
me too, :bfn:
Ah well, now just praying for an early eggy so we have a chance to catch it before I go away!

Chrissi, I was so hoping to come on and read good news from you, it's still early for you though, right?
Hena&Chrissi, that makes 3 of us. It's 1 week after I got the hcg shot, and if at all, you get false positive test results. But a negative is a negative I guess, and means you are not preg.:cry: I'm so disappointed and sad right now, because we did.everything.right.

And it was such an effort to know that this one Thu or Fri we had to BD, while hubby was all like "Whah, I'm not in the mood today". And I was so happy when we got to DTD on Fri then.

I don't know what was wrong. Been at a friends for a few days, and had a glass of bubbly the one day and another half glass the next. Maybe it was that, or the stress that came along with traveling with a toddler to someone who's no kids (and therefore gives you all kinds of tips on how to educate your child).

I'm just saying hello to all the others here, Madrid, stockinoki, mzswizz and RJ. Will be back with proper replies soon - little one just woke up.
Dusty & Hena - at least we're not alone! Last months I was on my own and DH didn't quite get my sorrow & disappointment, since he thinks we have all the time in the world. But we don't. My fear is that I didn't ovulate/ the egg was not viable, since we were thorough with the DTD (to the point of it being a chore!). Then of course we need to check out DH's swimmers since he had a VR, but the surgeon said he expected no issues (and we couldnt test yet since you have to not ejaculate at least 3 days before). So I'll send him next week when AF shows.
Yes, in theory it's still early but if it was IB on Monday the digital test should have picked up traces - plus I always found out a couple of days early since my body creates hormones like crazy right away...

I am off to Germany (sitting at the airport right now). Will be back online Sunday evening. Will start my application for the university job since we will miss next months OV due to me traveling, so there is no chance I would deliver during the semester... At least that should keep me occupied and sane. TTC sucks, such a roller-coaster!
:hugs: to all that recieved a BFN. i was going to take a test. But seeing hat the OPK wasnt positive yesterday, i doubt i am pregnant but thats okay because ovulation suppose to occur tomorrow if it didnt already. I hope we get some bfps this cycle. I would hate to see af come 2 days before my 2 yr wedding anniversary
Sorry, Dusty! I'm sure it's not anything you did "wrong" we did everything this cycle too, but no luck. We just have to get back up and do everything right again!

Have a good time in Germany, Chrissi. I guess you can enjoy a few glasses of wine now, eh? I hope you can forget about ttc for a few days!!!

We're off to the in-laws' now, not really what I'm in the mood for, but ho-hum. I'm not really in the mood for anything so why not, eh?

Hope you all have a good weekend! I'll probably check in once or twice.
Well ladies. I think its probably just not the right time for us. We do everything we are suppose to and we DTD right on time and no BFP. I just think when it is our time then God will provide us with our blessings. Until then I say have fun TRYING :haha:. Its been 1 yr and 3 months of us ttc after m/c and no BFP yet but it doesnt hurt to keep on pushing. Hope you ladies have a wonderful weekend. DH and I are going out dancing with the family tomorrow and then he will be off until Wednesday :happydance:. I am expected to OV tomorrow so we shall see what happens. Im just going to go withthe flow and not worry about the OPKs or testing. I have a feeling the 23rd is going to come quicker than I think.
sorry for being mia again..... laptop was 'reinfected'.... %&*!$£ :growlmad:

so so sorry for those stinky bfn's ladies... :flower:

chrissi have a great time in germany - are you off to visit family?

hena - your oh's job sounds stressful, hoping it eases for you both soon. hope the inlaws goes ok & isn't stressful!

dusty - sorry hon, it's been a rough month huh... your comment about people giving you advice on kids even though they dont have any made me chuckle!

madrid - hope your daughter had a safe journey & you're not missing her too much. excited to hear about your apmnt next wk!!

mzswiss - a bfp for your anniversary would just be so awesome! my fingers are crossed

been another stressful wk here, i feel like i'm living on my nerves! our house was valued for our remortgage and the value fell considerably based on last yr. of course it all ties into our mortgage deal & has implications. worry worry. it was my step sons b day this wk & dh's ex caused more drama by pretending it hadn't been agreed for us to have him overnight. all in all its been so fraught we've not been able to dtd... and i think today is ov & not even sure we'll manage it all... so i might not even be in the game which makes me sad. i have my job interview on tues so trying to concentrate on that - and i guess if there's any chance i get this job it might be best to wait for a bit :cry: trying not to feel too down about it. on a good note my chart is at last very stable after last months rollercoaster!
RJ-FXed you are able to BD tonight. Im hoping to get in some BD until AF comes which I am hoping doesnt :haha:. Not looking forward to seeing AF 2 days before our anniversary celebration so she better not show and hoping she doesnt show until after i give birth with our first child. But of course thats just me hoping for the best. I know you're going to get the job and you deserve it. Just dont worry about any of the stress nor BDing because I know you and DH will have a lovely night tonight and forget all the troubles.
Well ladies I have been having really bad cramps today and creamy cm. Maybe that means OV may be today or might just be tomorrow. Either way if we DTD tonight and tomorrow we should have a good chance. I been feeling sharp ovarian pains so I have no clue why is that. I have been drinking alot of water and that seems to make the pain get milder. DH is now back to the warehouse so he will be home soon which is great. Cant wait to see him. Im actually just ready to take a nap and from what im getting from DH so is he. So we might just skip DTD tonight and just call it a night. If its meant to be then it will happen if not then we all know whats going to happen next.
Hi ladies!!

So sorry I haven't been able to post before!!!

I'm so dissapointed to read about the bfn's. I'm really looking forward to the time we can all chat about preggy symptoms!!! Hena try to enjoy yourself with the in laws; at least it'll keep your mind busy. Chrissi have a lovely time in Germany!!

rjsman good luck with your interview! I'm sure you'll be fine!! And regarding finances I guess that we all have ups and downs but don't worry too much about it. The house market has changed so much in the past 2 years that's no surprise the value has decreased. I don't own a property here and sometimes I regret it but then I think for the time being is best as we are.

mzswizz I hope you aren't taking your cod liver oil. Pleaseeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! I keep on reading about it not being good for pregnancy. You're doing everything right so even if there is the tiny chance that it may interfere with your chances of getting a bfp would you want to risk it?

Dusty you aren't doing anything wrong!!! Nothing at all! But sometimes it just doesn't happen. When I think about the cycles when I didn't get my bfp there was always something that had made it impossible to happen; maybe I got O day wrong, or I was sick and I had the wrong medicine,.. But even when I had my +opk & we bd on that night it didn't happen either. So instead of thinking you're doing something wrong you should think you're doing everything you can and put your mind at rest because whenever is meant to happen it'll happen. No matter opk's, temps, bc or cm!!! Keep positive!!!

Madrid-no im not taking the cod liver oil supplements anymore. I think they are shortening my cycles and would explain why im not getting a bfp. Thats the only difference.

AFM, Well yesterday i told DH that i had bad cramps and they felt like my AF was going to start yesterday. Well i made dinner and put on something nice to go with my new hair do and we dtd and fell asleep around 8pm which is early for us. Then when we woke up around 1am i went to the bathroom and sure enough i saw pink!! So i had put on a light tampon on told dh then went back to sleep. This morning it was some on the tampon and it looks like its getting darker :cry:. More like a line but i think its AF :cry:. its cd22, OV day supposedly and AF arrives again!! Last month it came on cd23. Well next af will be due july 31st going by my shortest cycle. Well atleast i will be able to enjoy our 2 yr anniversary without worrying if she is going to show or not. Oh well onto the next cycle.
Hey you,

I wrote a huge reply to you yesterday, and I was almost done when it went poof and got lost in cyber space.:brat: Anyway, have a good weekend everyone:happydance::flower: So.... here we go again I guess:

Chrissi - you must be in Germany now. Have fun with your family and good luck with not-drinking. Maybe just have half glasses of wine etc. to begin with, then sip or pretend to do it and then say you feel a headache around the corner and therefore don't want to drink too much (which you could also say before you get any wine, now that I'm thinking of it...:blush:).

mswizz - I'm sorry about AF coming back and destroying all hopes:hugs: I've always thought that with shorter cycles, you get better (because more) chances to get pregnant? My natural cycle is like 45 days, and I've always found it unfair that in 45 days, I get only one chance to get pregnant while other women get to ov twice in that time.

Madrid - thank you for your support. I can understand that you don't tell until you feel really safe about the pregnancy. So, what I must have missed - your DH doesn't know either because last time you mc and he had a hard time coping with it? *send you some more twist cheese*

RJ - I'm sorry about all the stress you're having over there. Guess it's just understandable that you don't get to BD. You might still want to try, maybe curl up in a blanket with a glass of wine, watch an movie. And if you just fall asleep then this would be still good because you got a little relaxing time, and if you get the DTD, then it's also great. Good luck with your job appt.:hugs2:

Hena - have a good time at the in-laws. Btw I like the way you "drink". I tend to do that also since I started the clomid and everything. I do sip, but hardly ever more (except when I was away last week because obviously there was no one to switch glasses with. The friend and I aren't that close, so that would have been kind of weird).

stockinoki - where are you? So, you too, take clomid? I can so relate - I was so depressed and moody during the days I had to take it, but it got better right after I stopped. Do you get monitored? Because that way, they can tell you when BD'ing would make most sense. though I understand that you don't exactly feel like BD'ing at all. I hope it's just the clomid - then the moodiness will have stopped by the time you ov.:hugs:

*posting before it gets lost again*

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