International bumps to be!

I've been getting hard, painful boogers [gross] and I've had a bunch of nose bleeds.

Ugh. I can't wait to get back to the states!

ooh i know what you - sounds painful actually! do you know how much longer you will be in Japan?

We will know more come August. That's when DH gets to talk to the monitor and see if we'll be leaving at the end of 18 months, or 36 months.

FX for 18 months. That would put us at leaving island March 2012, I really miss the states, and my aunt and nieces :) When DH and I were in NC, we got to drive down to SC and visit them every couple weekends. We'd all just hang out and bbq. It was probably the closest thing to a family function I think I know. lol
We will know more come August. That's when DH gets to talk to the monitor and see if we'll be leaving at the end of 18 months, or 36 months.

FX for 18 months. That would put us at leaving island March 2012, I really miss the states, and my aunt and nieces :) When DH and I were in NC, we got to drive down to SC and visit them every couple weekends. We'd all just hang out and bbq. It was probably the closest thing to a family function I think I know. lol

aw that makes me so sad for you! it sounds such a great experience being over there but i understand how hard it must be too... fingers crossed for the 18months honey... and fx that by then you have an addition to your family!

Ohhh....if we left then, I'd be 8 months pregnant. I don't know if they'd let us fly out.

Ahhh...who am I kidding. Such wishful thinking. lol

Although I did just put a red ribbon under my mattress because supposedly it's another "wives tale" to cure infertility. Who knows. We'll see if it works this cycle.

I'm having such a hard time getting going this month. Everything about DH is just making me mad recently. I can't get in the mood to BD, hell, I can't even stand the smell of DH right now...his natural odor is making me angry.

Stupid clomid rage!

I've got to snap out of this soon, or DH and I won't have any quality sex at all this month. I'm not OPKing either so all I have to go by is my temps, which have been kind of flip floppy already this cycle o_O

Ugh. I guess that's all I've got. I am in a cruddy mood and need to get to sleep. I can't believe I had a 4 day weekend this week! Feels like it was a normal short weekend to me, probably because we didn't do much!
Despite constant slight cramping, I've not wiped more blood in the last 24h.
To scared to even get my hopes up though. :sad1:
Chrissy, don't worry, I really think that sounds like a proper IB. Every pregancy is different, like the other ladies said. My grandmother had already had three children, was experiecing strange spotting and though it was early menopause. 5 months later my youngest aunt was born :haha: So just becase it didn't happen with your other los doesn't mean it can't happen this time around. Fingers crossed!

Stuckinoki, keep your chin up, everyone goes through times like that and I'm sure the Clomid doesn't help. You'll get your groove back :thumbup:

I just got home from work and DH is grumpy and I'm pooped from a long day so I'll just give you my quick update and try to catch up with the rest of you later.
My AF or AS (Aunt Spot) seems to have ended. The closest thing I had to "red flow" was on Sunday so I'm counting that as CD1. The rest of the time I didn't even need a pad or tampon. Today I wore white underpants and no pad just to tempt the witch, and nothing! Too bad DH is in such a foul mood, we could get some quality bd time in :haha:

Hope you're all doingh well! It's 10pm, I'm going to hunt me down some suppah! (that's me preparing for my time in Maine, hehe)
Hi ladies!!

First of all I'd like to apologise for my long symptoms list in my previous post. I don't want to sound like a boring "bump to be" and I've decided to keep the detail only for my pregnancy journal.

Hena are you sure you're not pregnant? That's too light to be af don't you think? If I were you I'd test with a cheap strip one at least.

Chrissi I really think that could've been ib. Fx'd your bfp is just around the corner.

Stuckinoki is such a shame you can't travel to see them. I consider myself quite lucky as tickets from here to Spain are very cheap at times. So I can visit whenever I get holidays if I want.

rjsman don't worry too much about your in laws. They may change their minds as the date approaches. When is the birthday? Hope you'll have time to prepare it all but don't stress.

I've been very tired today. Since I told my dh about the pregnancy I've noticed he was doing as if nothing was going on so about a week ago I asked him if he had told our dd and to my surprise he said he couldn't tell her what he doesn't know. He explained he didn't want to get his hopes up for nothing as last time & that for the time being he wanted to continue as normal. This was the first we had spoken about his feelings about the mc in jan'. I knew all along that he was hurt but he was keeping all to himself and I was definitely right. Sometimes we don't realise how much they take in or the pressures ttc puts on them as well.
But yesterday and today I've noticed he's changing a bit. As if he's gradually coming to terms with the new pregnancy. I told him about my tiredness and he was so nice when I came back home. Telling me to rest and take it easy & preparing dinner for us.

Hena - I agree with Madrid, you should test just in case! By now levels should be measurable with a test, if you are pregnant despite the bleeding.

I will try to hold off for another 5 to 7 days before I POAS. At least I will really try. :blush:

Madrid - how far along where you with the MC? Maybe that's the mental time when DH will be able to let go of the fear and embrace the new possibility...

Stuckinoki - in therory you get to fly until week 38 with a doctor's note. The furthest along I've been was 34 though... Hope you are feeling better and the hubby smells more attractive to you! :winkwink:

Thanks for all you encouraging words. Have not told the DH about my hopes. Don't want to jinx it.
Madrid, I can't speak for the others but personally I love hearing about your symptoms, aside from being over the mood for you it gives me the opportunity to imagine myself in your position and dream a little :winkwink: I see you've linked your journal in your siggy, I'll be checking it out!
So glad your DH is coming around. It's amazing what men are able to keep to themsleves for such a long time. Mine had a totally unrelated break-down last month and it was only when I asked him directly that he admitted it was because of the disappointment after my period was so late! TTC isn't a one-woman show, eh?

Chrissi, I don't blame you for not wanting to get your hopes up, I'll keep mine up for you though :winkwink:

mzswizz, SO glad you and hubby are lovie dovie again! Have you decided when to test?

rjsmam, don't let the in-laws stress you out, you'll give your oh a great birthday no matter what anyone else does! Are you getting near to O time??

dusty, how are you doing? I hope that tww is flying by!

afm, I think I will test again just to be sure this pathetic bleeding was really AF. I'm going to wait until Friday though because I only have one ic left so I want to be sure it's accurate. My hopes aren't high, but I def. want to know before I fly so I can get in and see my doc before my trip. ooo I want a :baby: !!!!!!
madrid - i 2nd what Hena said!!!! please dont be afraid to have a moan - it's not even moaning really - your contentment shines through! i love personally love hearing all of your pg symptoms!

chrissi - fingers crossed for that bfp - it does sound promising although can understand you not mentioning to dh

hena - teeest! i was thinking exactly what the other ladies said - that doesnt sound like an af

i got antib's today for my sinuses which is a relief - doc said my face was very swollen and i should of asked for them ages ago. have to take four times a day on an empty stomach.. err... i dont have an empty stomach four times a day lol :haha:

dh's b day is in 4wks... & have done nothing towards the party tonight - think i will just need to make plans as if they are not coming & if they decide to come they can just work round my plans. i msgd a few of them on facebook - made me even more annoyed as i know they are on fb all the time but none have responded! grr @ selfish family

tonight i have been doing some practice online psychometric tests for interview next wk - ooh err i'm brain dead now. :wacko:

Well good morning ladies!!! I had a lovely day yesterday despite the heat. I had alot of catching up to do on here since yesterday.

Chrissi & Hena-i think you both need to test. Both of you spund like it could be IB. FXed

RJ-Hopefully dh family comes around for his birthday. Hope you are also feeling better.

Stuckinoki-i remember my sister was flying and she was 8 almost 9 months so its possible.

Madrid-we love to hear symptoms so you can write whatever you want here. We are here for support also we are international bumps to be.

AFM, dh and i have been drawn closer together after the argument. Our relationship feels better and the intimacy is great!! I thought just dtd every day was great. But now its more like 3 times a day. I dont know where he stores his energy :haha: i havent bother to take a test because of the fear of seeing a BFN. i feel sharp pains on and off and i have started to get back into eating alot. I was on a feeling sick not really wanted to eat anything in my face mode. But every 2 hours now im like im hungry and dh always says again?! :rofl: well im excited because our 2 yr wedding anniversary is on the 25th so who knows what we are going to do. Im just on cloud 9.
Mzswizz - great news! Where in you cycle are you? When are you going to test?
rj, hope the meds help!!! Do you think allergies contributed to your last bout of illness too? GL with the planning, I think you have the right idea. You did your part by inviting his fam, now they can plan around you.

mzswizz, I think you should test too after your out of whack af too. even if it is a bfn you'll be no worse off than you are now, eh? At least that's what I'm telling myself about my plan to test of Friday :haha:

Chrissi, how are you today? Still crampy?

Stuckinoki, hope you're feeling cheerier today :hugs:

I forgot to mention that one reason I don't think I am pg is that my bbs stopped hurting the same day the spotting started. If achy boobs are a symptom of pg and not af they should stay sore, right? (sorry, I'm fishing here, lol)
Gradually they'll become more sore & painful. My pregnancies I've had sore bbs as if af was coming & then they'll go back to normal. So it could be possible. Don't give up!!!

Hena - my boobs did not start getting sore until a couple of weeks into the pregnancy (same goes for nausea) and last month I was convinced I'd be pregnant, because they felt bigger (alas it was a sign of AF around the corner).

Still having the occasional weird feeling, but since it alternates sides, it can't be implantation pain, right!?
Unless it's twins :muaha: (my DH would certainly freak!)

Seriously considering testing on Friday, 5 days after the possible IB... So tempted! I have a BIG party to attend on Saturday in Germany. It would be really obvious not to drink, but if the test says :bfp: I could take a glass, but just pretend !?

I am leaving the UK Friday morning, so I could test then, because I am not taking a test with me to do it at my parents house on Saturday!:shhh:

Well, who am I fooling here? I am just DYING for an excuse to test!:rofl:

Hena - let's test!:finger: Whaddathink?
YES I'm in, Chrissi! Friday morning? :test: Fingers crossed for us both!!!

as for drinking, when I'm in the tww dh and I do the "switch" in social settings. I'll take a glass/bottle and so will he, then we swap when he's half done, and again when he's only got a few drops left :wine: he gets pretty tipsy, but it works!
I wish my husband would be with me for "switching", alas he remains in England to watch the boys while I party in Germany! LOL

Mzswizz -if your are not usually eating a lot with AF around the corner (like myself), the renewed appetite is a GOOD sign!
Chrissi & Hena-FXed for the testing.

I think I might test also just to see what it'll say even though I think its going to be :bfn: Also if it wasnt from a woman i guess we can say friend because on every thread i join we all get a special helping bond which builds to a friendship. So she asked where am I in my cycle also Chrissi and I just counted and figured out im on cd19 already :saywhat: I thought I had a few weeks before "estimated" OV was suppose to happen. But by "guessing" it suppose to occur on cd22 which is in 3 days. I have just been going with the flow that I havent paid attention at all. Well from the signs it seemed as if I OV wayyyy earlier than I think but who knows.But if I didnt, it should happen soon. And that would mean if AF comes on time or if she doesnt come which I am hoping, then AF due date is the 23rd which is 2 days before my 2 yr anniversary. I just calculated everything. Hopefully she doesnt come and we have a BFP because it would be a wonderful wedding gift for the both of us.
It would be the best present ever mzswizz!!

Chrissi the mc happened when I was 10wks but I wasn't sure about my dates then because I didn't use opk's or anything to track O. Taking into account the lenght of my cycles I think I was probably 9wks. I don't think he's waiting for that date to pass, I just believe he's the sort of man that keeps feelings, particularly this type of feelings, very much to himself. Don't know if it's pride or what exactly but I know when he's suffering even if he doesn't tell me.

I was trying a pair of mum to be trousers which I bought from Next last time just a few days before the mc and I think, as I haven't use them at all, that I'm going to change them. That's if the woman from the shop accepts the exchange. Because of the summer and them being too strecht I don't think I can wear them. In Spain I'll be boiling with those.

Today I've received the fetal doppler I ordered in amazon. Can't use it yet because it's too early but I want to take it with me on holidays just so that I can use it there. Unfortunately I'll missed my early scan so that's my only option. I was using it with my ds. He loved listening his heart & how fast it is.

I feel quite tired now. I've prepared lasagna for dinner. I'm having this thing about cheese. I've had a mozarella & pesto toastie for lunch & I was thinking at work about dinner & again I fancy something with cheese. Don't know why to be honest but every morning when I go to Sainsbury's on my way to work I need to have a cheese twist and if they don't have any I don't feel comfortable. As if I need to eat it! LOL I'm craving so much for a diet coke as well. I haven't had any caffeine for at least 5 weeks now & that's the only thing I miss. I know I could have the caffeine free but they very rarely sell it in individual cans and I don't want to carry a 2L bottle or a 6cans pack. It's in my shopping list for next weekend.

Madrid-I was sooo tempted to go buy some OPKs while I was out a few minutes ago but I just drove past the store. Im proud of myself even though I had the money in my pocket ready to buy :haha:. When I m/c at 5 weeks, DH was heart broken but he took it better than I did. Im like your DH, I surpressed my feelings thinking it will be okay but it was killing me on the inside. But after talking it over with DH it made me feel alot better. I was craving taco bell when I was pregnant. My DH said I was going to make us bankrupt :rofl:

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