International bumps to be!

You need to book an appointment with your gp. Are you registered with one? If not do register and ask for an appointment. Then when you see the gp he/she will refer you to the antenatal clinic in the hospital that falls within your catchment area. If you don't like the hospital you can always ask to go to a different one.
This is how it works in London; the gp did the referral but I also had to confirm it online (they'll give you a booking number to do this if that's the way it works where you are).
And then it's just a waiting game. Apparently they wait to see you until you are 8 weeks pregnant at the hospital. And then you'll have your blood taken & all the health checks. The first scan is about 12wks.

Dusty I'm so sorry about your grandmum; it doesn't matter if you were not close, she's a human being after all and doesn't deserve to be suffering like that.

Stuckinoki I agree with Chrissi; just forget about the argument and wait for him tonight. There's still time if you jsut got your +opk.

Ok...So disaster averted :)
Operation "procure sperm" was a success.

DH came home around 9pm and immediately sat down and apologized for this morning. He said that because his mother used tears to manipulate people, that when he see me cry when I'm hurt his first reaction is to get mad...not on purpose but because of some deep seated mental block thanks to his crazy mother.

We had a good talk and he said that he's sorry that he hasn't been super excited about TTC. He said that he's scared that if he gets too excited about it with me, that when AF shows up he thinks that it would make it harder on me.

So then we BD'd on the living room floor [we used the preseed] and then I used a soft cup...but I think that the preseed make it too slippery and I can't get the stinking soft cup to stay in there [TMI, sorry ladies!]

Anywho. At least I can put an x on my ff chart for Bding today. Hooray.

Now we just try to relax and hope for the best! lol
stockinoki - aw, good you two got things sorted out - and it's amazing how your DH reflects things and realizes that his behavior has something to do with his childhood. I don't know many men who would admit that they didn't have a great childhood. Anyway, don't worry about TMI - that's why we're here, right? Yes, I can relate to just feeling good about knowing that you did what you could do.

Chrissi - Oh, that's what I have been looking for! Something that makes sure all the :spermy: :spermy::spermy: don't escape from their way to my eggy:winkwink: I've so far just tried to lie down for as long as possible, after we BD'd, guess it didn't exactly help. Anyway... want to send me one of those softcups? And would you want to have anything in return?

dusty sheep - aw... that's me... next...:haha:

RJ - well, no reason to excuse, at least not to me. I've been writing gloomy'ish things lately as well. And I can relate to what you said about being exhaused from being a mom. And it's not easy to cope with letting pass a cycle of TTC :hugs:

- good luck for the appointment with your manager tomorrow. Hope you'll come here before your holidays and tell us how it went?

mzswizz - sorry about AF showing up (but I guess I said that already?). Hopefully, the sex was at least quality sex:happydance: and hopefully next cycle will be better.:hugs:

Hena - I'm so not gonna buy that shirt - LOL:haha:

AFM - wrote a huge update earlier... having decaf with rice milk right now, and I really hate the rice milk:sad2:. LO is sick and therefore I've very exhausted from taking her to the doc, then rushing to another appointment, and having the LO being all clingy of course but refusing to take her meds.
Chrissi-congrats to you. Yay 2 international bumps already.

AFM, I think the cod liver oil was shortening my LP and after researching, i found more bad than good about cod liver oil so DH and i talked about it and both agreed i shouldnt take it anymore. Lets see how this cycle goes for me. Also i found out that it can cause toxins etc which could lead to infertility :saywhat: so that could be why we havent been concieving. Hopefully, we can now concieve since i stopped taking them. Back to square one. Also i woke up this morning to a swollen upper lip due to food allergy and to top it all off, dh amd i are sick but making the best out of it.
Hi ladies! Sorry, I promised a nice long reply but I've been insanely busy. One week until the big trip and I still have shopping, packing, planning for DH's bday (whichI'll be off-continent for) and LOTS of cleaning to do. To top it off, as this is the last week of classes before the summer holidays and Each of my classes only meets once a week, all of my stundents want to celebrate! My last class today (an adult group) watched the King's Speech and one of my lovely ladies brought beer so we did this :beer: resulting in this :drunk::drunk::drunk: What a nice day :haha:

I am so over the moon for Chrissi I can't even say!!! :wohoo: Maybe I'll use you as excuse for the second beer I drank, eh? hehe Now we really are averaging one BFP a month!!

I'm going to sober up a bit, have a little bite to eat (dh is in Genoa atm so I have to feed myself) then I'll catch up on all the news. :hugs:

oooh, I'm def. drunk enough to do this!!!! :flasher: good thing the blinds are closed :rofl:
Okay, all caught up!

First of all, Dusty HUGE :hugs: What a go of it you're having lately! I'm sending prayers for your grandma, I hope she finds relief soon.
It sounds like you're going through a rough patch with DH too. I had some stressful times like that with mine a couple of years ago, we once went a whole month with no BD, and then when he finally gave me some it was only with the aid of porn :cry: keep in mind, we were basically newlyweds at the time. It turns out the porn was his lazy form of foreplay; because of all sorts of external stress he just couldn't be turned on by anything "real" so he had to rely on fantasy at the time. Obviously we moved beyond that rough patch, and so will you and your DH.
I hope your LO feels better soon! I'm sure that stress isn't helping!!

RJ what day is your interview? Fingers and toes are crossed for you!!! I hope the bank meeting put your mind at ease on the finacial situation. It's crazy how bad things are at the moment.
You mentioned that based on FF correctly placing OV you have a short LP, how short is it?

mzswizz So sorry AF showed early again :growlmad: Not to harp on, but it really sounds to me like you need some medical advice. Did you have an annual exam this year? When I lived in the States it was a real shocker after the Canadian health care system, but I found Family Planning in Maine very helpful. I'm sure you can find them in FL too. They function on a donation basis, only charging what patients can afford to pay. Most people think of them as an organisation for pregnancy prevention, but they are very family friendly and gave us tonnes of information about fertility and conception. (we weren't ttc at the time, but knew we'd want to in the next few years)

Madrid gl talking to your manager tomorrow, I hope she's supportive! Only 3 days until your big appointment! I'm really hoping they listen for the hb I'm sure it will bring you a lot of peace of mind before your trip. Fingers crossed!!!

YAY for :sex: stuckinoki :happydance: and lol about the living room floor, that's our location of choice most days too. Actually, we have the (bad?) habbit of stripping to the buff and jumping each other wherever in the house and on whatever piece of furnature happens to be convenient...I suppose we'll have to re-arrrange our love life once we have little ones around. I'm thinking a master bedroom suite.....
I hope you're feeling more optimistic now anyway :hugs:

I've already congratulated Chrissi a couple of times, but what the hay, :yipee:

AFM, I'm sober now :haha: DH is on a one-night business trip, bringing a work colleague home with him tomorrow so I have to have the place cleaned up by then. I have one week before I leave, and I'm trying really hard to stay calm and hope for an early O. I've read that :spermy: can live up to 5 days in EWCM and since grapefruit juice seems to trigger it for me I'll be downing it from now until I'm sure I've ovulated. If you read in the paper about a woman at the airport being arrested for trying to smuggle hundreds of 3oz bottles of grapefruit juice into the US, that'll be me! :winkwink:
Hena-i was thinking the same thing. My dh put a smile on my face today because he kept saying i think you could be pregnant because you was bleeding after sex the last time you were and we were kind of rough then the bleeding got heavier. All i can do is smile, he even wants to buy tests how sweet :haha: atleast he is as optimistic as me.
Gooooood Morning! :coffee:

Your hubby sounds like a trooper mzswizz! Go ahead and :test: hehe

I have about 100 things to do today and so far I've done 0 of them :blush: better get to it, time's a-tickin'! Hope you all have a great day!
Good morning everybody -

I told DH last night... I made a little box out of the digi carton and wrapped it in gift wrap with 3 flaps to open. On the first flap it said: "Die Würfel sind gefallen" (=the die has been cast), second flap said "I will not apply for the Newcastle job" (the university position I was contemplating, alas now I hopefully give birth during the semester) and the last flap said "You don't need to go to Hartlepoole" (the VR doc for a SA), then it opened to the test.

Well, he was happy, but suspicious - How accurate are these test? Do you trust them? When is your period due?.
I decided he would believe me when I didn't have a visit from AF by the weekend! :haha:
And then proceeded to have a celebratory beer!:drunk:

Hurrah for stuckinoki and the successful :sex:

Dusty - the soft cup is on it's way!

Hena - good luck with the big list! I realized I have only 7 school days left to organize/finalize the summer vacation plans! Ooops!

Talk to you later!
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening everyone!!!

I'm 1dpo today and feeling pretty good about it. I'm doing some work on my website so I was contemplating opening a bottle of wine [code and building always makes me cranky]
I had a really long day at work too so I think I deserve a glass of two of wine! lol

Mzswizz; when are you going to test?????

Hena; lo-freaking-l!!! You're too much! I hope you get an early O, or a really late one [I'm hoping harder for the first option]
Just saying hello quickly!! My manager was very happy & supportive with the news. She's been through the same herself so she understands well how I feel. I'm glad I told her & 7wks today!!! So excited!!!!!!!

I'll reply to all of you later when I'm at home.

Hena-You sound like me when it comes to having a lot to do and havent started on anything :haha:

Chrissi-Cant wait for your dh excitement after AF doesnt show. I can just picture the reaction right now

Stuckinoki-If the bleeding stops before the normal AF ending time which is usually cd7 or cd9 and today i am cd4, then I will test but for now we are just keeping an eye on it.

Madrid-Thats wonderful that she understood and is happy for you. Also happy 7 weeks :happydance:!!

AFM, well cd4 and i had a tampon AND a pad on just to see what would happen. Last night, I switched back to pads and just had on a pad. When we were going to bed, DH told me to put a tampon on and without questioning i did because obviously it's one of his tests to figure out whats going on :haha:. And while i was putting the tampon on, I noticed there was no leakage and nothing on the pad. So forward to this morning, I went to use the bathroom, i looked at the pad and clean as a whistle. I took out the tampon and it was brown blood on it and not really alot which is a shocker seeing that im only on cd4 and I had the tampon on for 7 hrs so it shouldve been full. Also brown blood is a sign of AF ending for me :saywhat: I told DH and he just looked at me with a little smile and half asleep :haha: Also I was expecting drops in the water and the only thing that dropped in the water was discharge :shrug: My normal AF is super heavy from cd1, "smells" like blood and is dark red more like burgundy. This "AF" was spotting on cd1 and cd2 until the long period of rough intercourse which made me bleed more. Also blood is bright red/orange and looks like its "watered down". My dh says the blood looks fake :rofl: So i have yet to see anything on the pad nor have a flow in the toilet. Which is unusual for me because when it is AF, she makes her presence known. If it stops early i am going to :test: for sure. It would be a big surprise to me if I am. Also I remembered that when I was pregnant the last time, we had intercourse and it was the same blood type but lighter in flow than this and lasted 2 days and it seems like the same thing is happening again. Hope its a sign.
Update:cd4 on what suppose to be AF. i checked my cervix and it has a little bit of brown blood left along with ALL discharge!!! Cd4 of my cycle and looks like its not a cycle at a because it is stopping. I can loterally walk around with no pad and no tampon. This is soooo weird. Seems like it is going to end today. Will tell dh went he gets home from his job interview and see where we go from there. A little nervous to see whats going on. But i can say for sure this is NOT my normal AF. i suppose to be having a heavy flow and i wouldnt need to check cervix because i would be bleeding heavily. I checked and all i got was brown mixed with discharge. Please God please let this be it. And if i am pregnant, i got to go get a scan and bloodwork because of the heavy bleeding. Wish me luck ladies. Lets hope this is the cycle. I will keep everyone updated.
Chrissiiiiiiiiii - what a beautiful digi - CONGRATS - just love how you told your hubby!!! ):wohoo: :bfp: :wohoo:

just a quickie from me... job interview is done - boy was it tough - really don't think i'll get (and not in a bashful way) - part of the assessment was in a room with all the other candidates :wacko: however I know i can say i gave it my best & if another vacancy comes up I'll be well versed in the process....

we dtd the deed last night so i still have a chance this month.. woop woop.. temp rose today but not by much so still not sure i ov though..

i am officially on hols now & we're heading away to family in the south - the sun is shining & we have lots of plans with the kids..

have a great couple of days - if i miss you Madrid - have a FAB holiday

RJ - I still hope you get the job if you want/need it. happy holidays & have fun! And good to hear you got to DTD.:happydance:

mzswizz - So you think this was not AF but IB? Or some bleeding like many women experience during pregnancy? If you were pregnant, how far would you be? When will you be able to get an appt with you gyn to figure out what this is? The way you described it in your last post, it sounds more like IB to me. Fx'ed for you!

Madrid - thanks for the update - looking forward to hear from you!

Chrissi - I love the way how you told your DH! What a great idea:thumbup: And once again, I'm sooo jealous but also happy for you!:happydance: :wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: (hehe, I love that one!)
And thanks for sending me the softcup. Will there come an instruction with it? And if not, would you explain me how to use it? I'm really illiterate there:haha:. Oh, and want to explain how I get to become a member of the secret FB group:flower:?

stockinoki - saying hello and hoping to hear from you. Better stay away from the wine... though, if you don't, you will pm me a glass of wine too, will ya?

Hena - grapefruit juice is supposed to make sperm live longer? When the women drinks it? Never heard of that, but is it true? Hope you won't get a backache from carrying all the cans!:awww:

Planning to spend the night watching tv with hubby. no intentions to DTD as lo is still sick (even though getting better), hence not much sleep during the nights (dontcha just love it to get up at 3 am!). But I thought that now that I'm not pregnant (I had to take another test to make, I might have a glass of wine? Or two?
Have to go see gyn at fertility treatment center on friday. Then she'll tell me I'm not pregnant and probably plan on what to do next cycle. I hope she'll speed my so-called cycles a little up - I hate it that every time I figure out I'm not pregnant, another 50 days are gone poof. :brat:
Dusty-If i was pregnant i would be almost 4 weeks. But we just got to see how the bleeding goes.
Hi again!!

mzswizz I really hope the bleeding is just old blood & that you're pregnant as well!! Fx'd you get to test soon.

dusty have you tried soy at all? Are your cycles regular or long irregular cycles? I used it the cycle I got my bfp so it may be an option for you.

Stuckinoki I agree with dusty on the wine part, maybe you should avoid drinking until you get your bfp i.e. for the next 10days or so. I don't know if it's good or bad because I don't drink at all so I never read that part of the ttc advice but I guess it won't be good.

Chrissi nice way to tell him!!! Have you been able to book your appt with the gp at all?

Hena you are a woman with a mission! Hope you'll get to finish everything in time & to O before you go of course!!

rjsman good luck with the interview results and I hope you have also a wonderful time while visiting your family. I'll try to get access to the internet while I'm in Spain and keep in touch!!

Tomorrow I have my appointment at the hospital for my eye check up. It's going to be a long day!!!

Im out. Got sharp pulling stabbing pain in right ovary area and now there is blood on pad and also when i use the bathroom. Onto next cycle.

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