International bumps to be!

Ladies, i am deciding to take the EPO. I will probably get it soon but if i cant, then it will be before my next af for sure. This "AF" is weird i am sooo going to give up on it. After the tampon and checking my cervix, now there is heavy bleeding again but only when i use the bathroom. I keep checking my pad and its this pinkish little and i do mean little spot on it so its like maybe ts comes out when i use the bathroom because of the pressure. Inside my vagina is very tight and soft and it was hard to put my finger in but i did and i think thats what caused the heavy bleeding. Once again the bleeding isnt a flow. I am going to keep an eye on it. Also got this bad cramp. Like a pulled muscle pulling sensation pain on the right side right above the pubic area.
Oh poo, mzswizz! I really thought this could be it for you! How are you going to count your CD? Starting today? It sounds like your AF is like my last Aunt Drip, just confusing matters. Grrr!

So glad your manager was so supportive Madrid! GL at the doc's tomorrow, then only one day until the midwife appt! :happydance:

Dusty, I hope your snuggling tonight leads to something more. I can imagine how difficult it must be with a lo sick though. Are you doing Clomid this cycle, or is that what will be decided at your appt?
As for the grapefruit juice, it doesn't directly help sperm survive, but fertile CM does. As Grapefruit juice can help stimilate the production of EWCM (and for me it seems to work like magic) it may increase our chances of the spermies surviving longer. Fingers crossed...

Have a great trip RJ!!! Hope it's fun and relaxing. Congrats on getting through the interview. Like you said, either way you've gained something.

I have to go pick up DH, will continue when I return....
mzswizz; you can only take EPO leading up to's harmful to the baby if to take it after conception occurs. [[I didn't know how much research you've done on it]] It'll help you balance your cycle if you're not ttc, but if you are it will only help with the quality of eggs before ovulation.
Another blah night:argh:

LO was not sleeping very well - which means that none of us did either. This morning she got so frustrated about things, and it was very hard to comfort her as she kept pushing me away and hitting me. Not easy to not get mad myself, then.

Madrid - I haven't tried soy yet. I keep remembering those reports on soy saying that it kind of works like the contraception pill, so that kind of scared me away there.

Hena - no, watching tv didn't lead to anything more. We're both exhauseted from stressy nights with LO. It's sad, but lately it's not been like "I'm so in love, let's make a baby". After the big desaster lately, we haven't been DTD at all anymore. I'm kind of scared of another frustrating experience.:nope: Oh, and yes I'm on clomid already - but you have to go see the doc 14 days after ovulation to test whether or not you are preg. And probably see what to do next cycle. I hope I'll get another chance with the clomid. And guess who's gonna go buy all grapefruit juice in sight today?:wohoo:

mzswizz - :hugs:

Somebody asked me this lately, and I'm sure I forgot to answer:

Hubby is not willing to do anything regarding TTC. He's fine with what I do, but doesn't want to get his swimmers tested (doing "it" and have everyone knowing what you just did, I guess). I'm not even sure if he wants another child or not. He could do without one, I guess, so it's just me... he's got 2 adult kids already (big age gap), I've got the LO with him and would want to have another one (or two, but that's no option for hubby - so two it is, for us).
I can only tellfrom personal experience that I used both soy & epo for the first time the cycle I got my bfp. I don't know if soy works likebc pill but I've never heard of such a thing.
Maybe you could take epo with clomiddusty. Ask your doc on your next appointment.
Just a quick Hallo to all -
having a horribly emotional day.
It was Sports Day for my oldest son, who has Asperger's Syndrom (a mild form of Autism) and he yet again manage to humiliate himself and me by screaming, rolling on the grass and generally making a scene if he didn't win/throw wide enough/manage to jump rope etc.
Usually I endure this with a stoned face, knowing he can't control himself and he will be sorry afterwards. I try to ignore other parents stares and other kids sniggers, but today I just lost it. I had to leave the school yard, tears streaming down my face - thank goodness I was wearing sun glasses, especially for home time.
Must be those pregnancy hormones, but I feel completely spent.

Thanks for letting me vent! Hopefully a better day tomorrow.
Chrissi - in a hurry but can't leave here without a :hugs:


Chrissi - well, I can probably not even imagine how hard this must be for you, and also your son. You probably try to keep in mind that your son doesn't do all these things to humilitate you, or annoy you, but because he simply cannot handle situations like these in a different way. Did you ever get help regarding how to handle the Asberger's, like what you can do to help your son when he's losing it, and what you can do to help yourself to stay calm?

I can see that it is not easy to deal with people staring at you, and with other kids laughing at your son. That must hurt so much! I do understand that you got to a point where you couldn't cope anymore. I wouldn't say you lost it (unless you tell me that you screamed at people and said swear words). You reacted like most of us would have in a situation like that. Being pregnant isn't exactly known for helping you to get more stable, emotionally. Do you know why your son started to roll on the ground and scream? Does this happy generally when something isn't going the way he wants? (haha, excuse my bad grammar and stuff here! Hope you know what I mean?) Or are there trigger situations, like stress that he simply cannot handle well and therefore "makes a scene", like you put it? I don't know if any of this is helpful - All I want to say is, that you didn't do anything wrong there, not yesterday and not in the past. I hope ther'll be many more relaxing days for you:)
We BD yesterday even though the day had been so exhausting for all of us. For some reason, this only seems to work with porn lately. It's not exactly that I don't like it... it's more that I worry that we might not be able to do it without at some point. And that I am not attractive enough to make DH hot.

Neighbor complained about crying toddler (and she IS very loud and cries so dramatically, so I partly understand....). But still I feel so ashamed that I appear like that kind of mother who beat their kids so the neighbors get worried and ring their door bell.

Otherwise, not much new. 14 days past ovulation, and I feel AF around the corner. Slight pain, almost like when I was pregnant, very weird. I'm not one of those who can tell apart period pains from "stuff building up for the baby". So yeah.
.....and I'm back

Sorry about that, had a late night then some internet problems.

stuckinoki, I hope you were able to relax the other night. Fingers and toes crossed that we'll have some more good news here in a week or two!!!

Madrid, good luck at your midwife appt today! Can't wait to hear about it!!!

Dusty, so glad to hear you finally got to BD. Don't stress out about the porn, I'm sure it's just a phase. Sometimes, especiually when you're tired or stressed, it's just easier to get things going that way. If it goes on for months and months you might want to have a sit-down with hubby to calmly explain it makes you feel insecure though.

Chrissi, don't be embarassed. High energy, crowded situations (like a sports day) often trigger that kind of behaviour in people with Asperger's, especially children. Nobody should judge him or you, and if they do they're not worth your time. Honestly, I don't know how parents don't break down every day. I used to work with kids on the autism spectrum and I am in awe of how strong you parents are.

How are you doing mzswizz? Hope AF is over!!

afm.........I'm praying for an early O! DH came home with three bottles of grapefruit juice yesterday to help :rofl: We're bding on a 2 days on, one day off pattern. It wasn't really planned that way, but I'm hoping it will turn out to be good for us. Ticker says 8 days to O and I'm leaving in 4 GAH!!!! I'm going to go try to be all zen and relaxed now and get that egg to drop :haha:
On my way to the hospital!! Very excited!!! Will tell you all later today!!!

Chrissi I can understand very well how you feel. I don't have time now but I'll explain later as well.

Madrid-cant wait for the update!!!

Hena-one more day before af ends yay :happydance:

Chrissi-:hugs: its okay. What you did isnt wrong. You are a strong woman because if it was me, i probably would've yelled at the kids for laughing and the parents for staring and then walked away crying. So i commend you for your actions.

Dusty-glad you were able BD. You should try hiding the porn so he can only pay attention to you and get in the mood from you. Dont think you arent beautiful or attractive for him because you are beautiful. Just hide those darn porn movies. It has become a routine for him that shouldnt be a routine. A man should be attracted to his wife rather than porn and most women fake sex on porn movies so it should be more so as a turn off to him.

Stuckinoki-thanks for that information i didnt know that. I think i would have to start back temping in order to take EPO because i dont have an exact day on when OV occurs.

AFM, so far this has been the lightest AF i have ever have, well except when i had heavy bleeding after sex. I literally have been wearing one pad a day and it will be a small spot over a long period of time. DH was surprised to see how the pad looked because he knows how my normal cycles are. I am already on cd6 so AF should end tomorrow. I just wrote this down as a whacky AF. when we find good affordable health insurance, i will go to my ob/gyn who is also a fertility specialist and tell him my situation. Hopefully i dont reach the 2 year mark before then which is june 10th. I talked to dh about EPO and we will be buying it. I wanted the tea but i would have to order it seeing that its not made here of course and they only have the capsules but i can manage with the capsules. Even though its taking longer than expected to concieve, i am finally content with us not having kids at the moment. Sometimes i felt bad when dh says will i leave him because we havent gotten pregnant. I told him i wouldnt leave him just to have kids and i know its not a problem with him because before when my AF was no show for months and was all over the place, he got me pregnant so i know its nothing wrong with him. If anything it would be something wrong with me. But i am getting AF every month so thats a better adjustment. Now if only i can get pregnant :haha:. DH told me the reasom why he didnt want me to take OPKs etc was because he didnt want the child to be planned. He just wants to DTD with his wife and then one day i just start vomiting, take a test and it would say pregnant. I think he just dont want pressure and i understand where he is coming from. But when we get good insurance and if i dont concieve before then, im going to my doctor :haha:
mzswizz; I'd take it up until like CD14 and then stop. That way you cover the most ground and you give the eggie 2 weeks to grow big and healthy!
I guess i will have to take it next cycle because by the time i buy it, cd14 will probably have passed.
That's not a bad thing :) This way next cycle you can get a full 2 weeks worth of good EPO!!!

Hopefully you won't need it and you get a BFP this month!
I know! Hopefully it helps the eggs grow big and strong. Im really looking forward to seeing a BFP hopefully this year.
Hi everybody - better day today! Went on a school trip with my 7yo to the seaside, lovely weather, fish & chips, great sandcastles and a finishing ice-cream! Yum.

I have been eating like a maniac- not good! I gained so much weight (50 & 40 lbs), I was hoping not to repeat that, but at the rate I am going... No nausea to slow me down, which worries me a bit. While it is no fun, it always served as a sign of a healthy pregnancy for me...

Found out I have to go see a midwife to start, will make an appointment for next week. It's the last week of school and then 6 weeks of summer craziness start!
Only one--count it, ONE teaching day left, then it's five weeks of freeeeedom! :happydance: Whew! I love my job, but I'm ready for a break!!!

Hope you're all well! I'm still downing the gf juice and praying, not much more I can do. Did an opk today and there's some hormone there, but def. not pos......
Today has been a busy day. I have been doing more driving than anything today. Also AT&T wants dh to dohe futher steps required to be hired and once he completes everything, then he will start training aug 8th so im excited because it means more money which will help us out and also probably good affordable healthcare yay. I must say that this AF has been the lightest AF i have ever had. I could literally wear one panty liner a day but of course i changed because i want to stay clean iykwim. I loved this AF. the only heavy flow was after dtd but other than that, only one drop on pad and thats it. But i know it was AF because i saw clots so of course it had to be AF. 1 more day then that witch is gone. Whoo hoooooooooo :happydance:
Hi! So sorry about yesterday but i was so busy packing that i had no time to write to you all. The appt went well. I've got my scan appt on the 26th August & next midwife appt on 15th september. I had blood tests, & all the normal checks.
I'm at the airport now as our flight is in 2 hours. A bit tired but excited about the holidays. Don't know when I'll be able to connect to the Internet again. Hope you'll be well & that this group will be full of bfp by then!!!
Take care ladies & enjoy the summer, holidays,...
:witch::witch::witch::witch::witch::witch::witch::witch: back and everything hurt so much, I feel horrible.

We'll be away over the weekend, and - yay! - I might have a glass of wine since obviously, I am not pregnant. Like I didn't know already from the 3 tests.

Been at fertility treatment center again, got blood drawn (hate it so much, and every freakin' time I go there, they do that!:growlmad:) and have to call whether or not I can restart the clomid. Don't ask me what that's supposed to mean - I just hope they don't find anything that makes them tell me to not take the clomid anymore - because that'd leave me without the slightest chance to get pregnant.

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