International bumps to be!

Mzswizz - I'm sorry you felt this was a witch hunt. I also thought most of us were pressing the issue out of concern. You could have said that you don't believe it's ectopic!? I felt you were very unconcerned and while we all waited for your results you took extra long to post! Clearly your primary chat ladies are somewhere else!
I feel a bit stupid now that I was genuinely concerned and checked frequently for your updates...Wasted energy I guess.

While I understand your need to vent in a situation where you felt cornered, calling people names with stating their BnB name just seems wrong.

This thread is practically the only one I follow and post on. Feels like this little community has now been shattered. How sad!
Mzswizz - I'm sorry you felt this was a witch hunt. I also thought most of us were pressing the issue out of concern. You could have said that you don't believe it's ectopic!? I felt you were very unconcerned and while we all waited for your results you took extra long to post! Clearly your primary chat ladies are somewhere else!
I feel a bit stupid now that I was genuinely concerned and checked frequently for your updates...Wasted energy I guess.

While I understand your need to vent in a situation where you felt cornered, calling people names with stating their BnB name just seems wrong.

This thread is practically the only one I follow and post on. Feels like this little community has now been shattered. How sad!
mzswizz I really feel sad and shocked about the things you've said, not only in the other threads but also in your reply to stuckinoki.
You first refer to us in the thread as a group in which you haven't been heard or given support. I'm sorry but that's a lie. I don't know what you've being through in the past but since we've created the group, nothing bad or serious has happened to you apart from maybe having an argument with your dh and your bfp and then bfn sequence. We've always supported you and not only on this thread. You know very well I've been posting also in the thread about your "maybe BFP" as you called it yourself. Witch hunt? why exactly? because we were genuinely concern about you? And you said we were nasty to you after stuckinoki's post. That's another lie. We only advice you on what we thought you should do and if you don't want people to tell you their opinions and advice maybe you shouldn't be in a forum. Better create your own blog where you can just talk about yourself and with no discussions or dialogue.
It makes no sense to me to be so late and not buying a hpt. It makes no sense to me that you said you've made an appointment with your doctor and you couldn't change it and we kept asking you about going to ER or another emergency drop in centre, and that's exactly where you ended up going. I don't live where you do, and I've always said that in my posts but it just doesn't make any sense; whether your intention was to get our attention or not I don't know but can't understand the attitude even until today. Even with that I accepted we're all very different people and kept giving you the support you deserved. Now I feel I've been wasting my time and energy.
You've given a view of a side of you we've never seen before and better now than later. How can a person ttc say about another who's getting bfp's and then bfn's that she's getting what she deserves and that's karma? How evil is that?
After learning that the congratulations to stuck were clearly fake, it made me wonder what other sentiments were disingenuous!
Oh dear....hi everyone, I finally came back for the first time today and it seems I've missed quite a lot in my long absence. I'm going back to read the last 3 weeks now.
I'm sending positive energy to all of you in the mean time....
am afraid the karma comments were just too much for me also... we've all had hard journey's in life, even if it's not ttc related we all have stories & had hard times in our lives... no one's pain or hardship is more deep or painful than anyone elses... that was not karma
Oh dear....hi everyone, I finally came back for the first time today and it seems I've missed quite a lot in my long absence. I'm going back to read the last 3 weeks now.
I'm sending positive energy to all of you in the mean time....

Hena, love! Great to see you! We've been wonderin after you recently. Catch up and fill us in on YOU!
Hi Hena!! so nice to see you around again even though is all after the storm. But you know what they say in Spain? after the storm the peace will rein. I'm taking that for this whole experience. I was considering the thought of creating a new group for us so that we can start from fresh with no lies or fake comments. Please tell me what you think ladies.

Stuckinoki :friends: Do you have a pic for us? I was a bit naughty and tested after work. Will test again tomorrow with the strips again as I couldn't buy the other tests. My training finished so late and it was raining so I just couldn't be bothered to spend more money to maybe get another bfn.:nope:
Hi Hena!
To all ... let's plan to move forward --- lots of positive energy is what the confident, supportive, open ladies on this thread need I think! So I'm sending as much as I can from over here.
Bring on the :flow: :flow: :flow: :flow: :flow: :flow: in our gardens,
bring on the :friends: :friends: :friends: for the good times and challenges, and let's get excited before :xmas9:
I can only hope those on the other threads feel that they can be as confident in the support they receive as I do here.
Well, I've caught up and I'm so sad that there has been strife recently. I agree with Expat, let's move forward with positive energy! Whether that entails starting a new thread or continuing here, I'm with you ladies 100%

Everything else aside, if you are still checking in here mzswizz: I'm over the moon for you! All the best for a H&H 9 months, I know it's been a difficult journey.

Madrid: eeeek I hope, I hope, I hope this is it!!!

Stuck: eeeek I hope, hope, hope this is it! hehehe, you two would have almost identical due dates if this is it for you both, wouldn't you? How cool would that be! I hope you're able to give DH the greatest Christmas present of all time. Fingers fingers and toes crossed!!!!

Chrissi: I can't believe you did that whole move essentially on your own! DH owes you some intensive pampering when his work schedule clears off. I hope you're not in pain; take it easy, you and the bean are #1.

RJ: How are you feeling? Has the ms left? I'm eagerly awaiting a bump pic!!!

Expat: happy (very) belated birthday. I'm so sorry AF showed up. Keep thinking positively. Last I knew you were hoping to get to a city to have everything checked out....was it Bangkok? Any word on when you'll be able to get that in?
Also, I read your post with the signs and OPKs. My money would have been on CD 15 for ov, but if I were you I'd start temping, even just for 2-3 cycles to be sure. Fertility Friend has a whole tutorial on how to do it.

Dusty: fingers crossed that you don't have the dreaded noro virus, it nearly killed my cousin a year ago when she visited us. We had to rush her to the ER due to dehydration (granted she's rather weak and sickly at the best of times, but still, nasty stuff). Every pregnancy is different so maybe it's just severe ms........I hope!!!!

Molly: WELCOME!!!! I'll add you to the members list. You certainly are another international bump to be, I've already forgotten how many countries you can call home. Congratulations on the recent marriage, I hope you're having the time of your lives on the honeymoon. When you get back you should be able to get some answers from your doctor.

AFM.....well, I went ttc cold turkey last month. I couldn't even bear to see the word "baby" which is why I stopped coming to BNB. I nearly reported the neighbour downstairs for violating the tenants agreement because she left her baby pram in the hall which is listed on the items not to be stored in communal areas...not because it was in my way (it wasn't even an area I needed to access) but because I felt like she was rubbing in the fact that she has a baby and I can't get preganant. Rediculous, I know. :shrug: So the good news is, I didn't report her :haha:

DH and I celebrated our 5th anniversary with an AMAZING long weekend getaway in the mountains...Leukerbad, some of you may have heard of it. Hiking all day, thermal baths all evening (since we knew there wasn't a chance of conceiving at the time anyway)

Then, AF finally started thanks to some meds from the doc. I've had a few appointments and blood work done, but we don't have any conclusive answers yet. She can't diagnose me with PCOS afterall, because I don't have enough of the markers. We're hoping AF appears as due at the end of the month, then I can go in on CD11 and see what this body of mine is up to. OR maybe I'll be pg this time :rofl:

I can't believe how lucky we are to have this proactive doctor, she even said she'll see me before hours if there are no appts available on cd 11 or some in on Sat or Sun if cd11 falls on the weekend! I think I'll bake her some Christmas cookies:xmas8:

ooh look at me! I've just written an essay to make up for over three weeks away hehe, sorry! Love to you all, I've thought of you this whole time and missed you. I hope you understand why I had to take a break. :kiss:
Happy Wednesday ladies :hi:

Hope everyone is doing well. I wanted to apologize for the drama the past two days. It was definitely not my intent to sow discord around this forum, but I felt that something like that should be out in the open.

What happened was not one sided. I told the truth; I was upfront and honest about how I felt and while I will never apologize for being honest but I will apologize for the aftermath of this mess.

To each his own; may she find the kind of support that she's looking for and realize that this is the internet, there are many different kinds of people with many different kinds of opinions. We may not all agree with one another all the time, but in the end anything we say or act on should be out of genuine concern or passion. That's all I need.

Thanksgiving is tomorrow for us and I feel very grateful to have such a wonderful group of women to share my ups and downs with throughout this crazy journey. Without you all I may have given up ages ago! I'm so glad that I found this thread, and may we all get the BFPs we deserve this upcoming holiday season.

I don't have any pictures to share today, though part of me is wishing I had broken down and peed on something this afternoon! Even if it was just for funsies. Instead I'm having AF like cramps so I'm sure she'll be here soon [even with my crazy chart fertilityfriend still has AF as being due tomorrow] The upside of the AF like cramps is that if this is AF coming on, that means I didn't have any random spotting this cycle before AF; which to me is a miracle all in it's own.

Hena, I am so sorry that you had to go through that. There are times when I can't even see pregnant women without feeling a pang of despair and jealousy. It's hard sometimes to keep your chin up and work forward, especially when it seems like you're not getting anywhere! We'll all get there. I truly believe that each and every one of us will have our chance to be a mother.

Your trip sounds AMAZING as well! I am so overdue for a vacation. Work has been ridiculous; my patient schedule is overflowing and I'm seeing tons of walk ins on top of it all. I would love to experience a thermal bath! I sounds like it would go very well with champagne :mrgreen:

Dusty, can you get Airborne where you are? My Mother swears by it; that it stops you from getting viruses! Also stay hydrated and get some vitamin C in you as well.

Madrid, have YOU tested again? I'm interested to see! It would be so great if we were bump buddies. Hell, it would be awesome if we all get BFPs this cycle and we could ALL be bump buddies!

RJ, I agree with Hena!!! Bump pictures please!

Expat, how's this cycle going for you? Are you planning on temping or OPKing, or just playing it by ear?

Molly, how are you doing?

I think that's everybody! I can't believe how much our little thread has grown the past couple months! We have so many bumps and ttcers in so many parts of the world!

Is everybody gearing up for Christmas? [Dumb question; but does everyone celebrate Christmas?] I've already bought DHs gifts, I believe that my graduation gift and Christmas present combined is going to be the new wedding band I've been after! He said I could have it when I graduated though I'm hoping for Christmas.

We're talking about going on vacation this year, DH will have some time off of work and so will I. We can't quite decide where we want to travel to though! When we moved to Japan DH was adamant that we both get tourist passports as well as our military ones because he wanted to travel. So far, we've both been too busy :sigh:

I want to go to the club med here and he wants to go to Thailand, we'll see I suppose!
Don't have much time as I'm getting ready to go to work.

1. Welcome Hena. I totally understand why you needed the time off. I'm so glad you're back though. We've missed you!!!!
2. I did test and it was bfn!!!!! Whatever!! The main thing is to celebrate something no matter what!!!
3. My temp was exactly like yesterday so I'm hoping I'll be moving into next cycle soon. Fx'd
4. Stucki Hun just forget about the whole thing!! Let's look to the future and forget about what's happened. By the way, the christmas question isn't silly at all: we don't celebrate it
5. Expat let's make this cycle your longest one!!!

Have a lovely morning and day ladies!!! See you later!!
Welcome back Hena!
I totally understand that you had to take a break from BnB and all things "baby", but good to have you back!

Stuckinoki - I think a Thai resort with spa and water sports (and awesome food) would be a dream!

Madrid - why don't you celebrate Christmas? Do you celebrate something else this time of year? How are the kids with all the Christmas hype then?

It's the American Thanksgiving tomorrow and DH is taking it really hard this year ghat he can't be with his family (3rd time in a row), has not only to work that day, but the whole weekend! Thinking about surprising him with a smaller version - turkey, mashed & sweet potatoes & beans on Saturday. And German Christmas cookies for desert since Sunday is 1st of Advent, which is a big deal for me!
Chrissi, I think that's a FABULOUS idea :mrgreen: I'm sure you're DH will be touched! I'm only doing a small turkey breast this year, with brown sugar yams, stuffing and green bean casserole.

Usually DH has his young marines over for dinner on the holidays [and when he's deployed a couple of us wives get together and do a huge dinner] so I cook a HUGE bird and all the fixins, but this year I just want it to be just the two of us. He's gone so often that I think I deserve a holiday where I'm not running around wielding a meat thermometer and screaming about mashed potatos! LMAO!

We had a pot luck at work today and everybody brought a Thanksgiving side in...OMG. Talk about being stuffed! I must have eaten my weight in macaroni and cheese, stuffing and Christmas cookies! It's gonna take some time on the treadmill to work off that meal, but it was totally worth it :)
EEek AF started a whole week early! Okay, no biggie, my last AF was triggered with chemicals, so maybe my system is just adjusting. I e-mailed my doc, should have an appt a week from Saturday to see of I have any eggies developing. Answers are coming! Answers are coming!

I hope all the Americans away from home have a very nice celbration away. I grew up having Canadian Thanksgiving in October, then American in November. It's a good thing I was an active child, I'd have been a moose otherwise! :rofl: As a vegetarian, I was never that thrilled with the holiday, however. I'm more eager for Christmas time and SO happy that this year is with my family. (yes, we celebrate Christmas)

I feel horrible right now, haven't had cramps this violent since I stopped taking the pill over 2 years ago....UGH Thank goodness for a short day and hot cocoa!
^^^Hena sounds like your body and hormones are just adjusting after the triggered period, sorry you've got cramps though!

I had an IUD right after high school and I remember that the cramps that came along with it were literally the WORST pain I had ever experienced. I had it taken out in the end because I couldn't handle the menstrual cramps!

Are they doing just a plain follicular ultrasound to see if you're growing eggies alone or do the have you on Clomid or something this cycle?

I hope you get some answers and I'm super glad that your doctor wants to help you! There's nothing worse than getting stuck with someone that doesn't want to run any tests for you! My first RE was like that, luckily my current specialist is not only amazing, but she's a bitch as well [in a get things done ASAP way] She's great. I know she and I are going to deal famously together!

Do you have a heating pad or anything? For my IUD cramps I'd have to boil water and then dunk a wash cloth in the pot and lay it directly on my belly. Hot, hot water was the only thing that made me feel better.

TWO THANKSGIVINGS?!?! Lucky girl! I absolutely LOVE turkey. So much so that I make a Thanksgiving meal about once every 3 months because I get in the mood for turkey and stuffing :mrgreen:
afternoon from a very windy, cold and rainy scotland!! :wave: :rain:

Hena - it's so great to hear from you. I'm so sorry how hard things have been for you & totally understand why you needed the break. sounds like you have a really great doctor on your side. urg AF pains are horrid - but at least your body is hopefully getting back on track & it means your closer to answers! your anniversary wk end sounds heavenly :flower:

Chrissi - your wee surprise meal for dh is an adorable idea.

Stuck - your vacation plans sound awesome, I was booked to go Thailand years ago & ended up preggo with my son so cancelled ! i'd love to go one day

madrid - sorry about the pesky bfn.. i hope your temp shoots up tom & you get those well deserved lines v soon

I hope everyone else is having a good day.

To everyone celebrating Thanksgiving I hope you have an awesome time

We sure do celebrate christmas and i totally love it! We usually have snow and I love having the time off to cosy up with the fire on and watch festive films with the boys! Most yrs i'm horribly last minute but nope.. not this yr.. i have the boys gifts already and have made some hampers for dh's family. Am determined to be organised!

My ms subsided a couple of wks ago but has returned with a vengance but hey it's supposed to be a good sign right?! And some say it's a sign of a girl even though dh will not even contemplate its anything other than a boy! I will get that bump pic taken & post it soon i promise!

Hi ladies!!

I'm so tired now because i've had a very busy day at work. I'm glad is over!!

The cramps are getting worse now and I think it has something to do with the vitex content in the FertiliTea. By the way, I've been meaning to ask you Chrissi; when you were drinking the tea, how many cups did you had a day? I was having only 1 and that may be the reason it never worked for me. As soon as I stopped drinking it I O and got the smiley. I wonder why :shrug:

I'm going to try soy next cycle again. I'm convinced but I'm still in two minds about opk's. Don't know if I should give them a last chance just to make sure we give it a 100% for my last soy cycle.

Regarding the Christmas celebrations let me just explain that when I was in Spain I use to celebrate with my family. For me then was a religious celebration and I've always understood it as such. Taking that into account we did celebrate it in 3 days: the 24th/25th, the 31st December and the 6th January.
Coming to the uk I was surprised with the way in which is celebrated here as presents are given on the 25th instead of the 6th (many people do the same now in Spain with Santa included).
We don't celebrate it because it isn't part of our faith or belief. My kids don't feel it because they can't miss what they've never had I guess.

Ok, Madrid I found it!
:wave: Hi y'all! I haven't had a chance to read through and stalk the thread yet, but I will. :) I've heard this group is very supportive in the ttc journey.
Welcome gabby!!!

I guess if you read the beginning of the thread it'll give you an idea on how this group started but just to sum up we came together after a thread created by Hena in the 2ww & as we kept posting after the 2ww was over we decided maybe to create a group to continue sharing our journey. Since then other lovely ladies have joined us and I'm sure they'll be delighted to introduce themselves once the get online.

I hope you'll enjoy sharing your ups and downs with us.


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