Is a c-section giving "birth"?

i find it offensive when people tell me I never "gave birth" ... My son was too big to "give birth" and without medical intervention we both could have and WOULD have died. -.- Just because I had a c-section doesn't make me any less of a mother, and it doesn't mean my experience was "easier" either.
Wikipedia has this definition of birth

Birth (calving in livestock and some other animals, whelping in carnivorous mammals) is the act or process of bearing or bringing forth offspring.[1] The offspring is brought forth from the mother. The time of human birth is defined as the time at which the fetus comes out of the mother's womb into the world.

No mention of the vagina there.

Oxford English dictionary says

the emergence of a baby or other young from the body of its mother; the start of life as a physically separate being:

Again no vaginal delivery. So yes in my opinion I gave birth.
It's a case of terminology. To me the term "giving birth" sits with delivering vaginally. To me its not the labour its the pushing and travelling of the baby through the vagina.

That doesn't mean I think less of those needing c-sections, as implied by previous posts, it is not the easy option at all.

Purely a term which means something to one person and something else to another.

Ether way you have given life.
Yes...not sure what else you'd call it to be honest :shrug:

I had an emergency c-section, bloody horrible, i'd have taken a natural delivery any day of the week. Until this thread i'd never been given reason to think that I hadn't given 'birth' to my LO.
What about the women that went into labor and pushed the baby into the vaginal canal and the baby got stuck so they needed an EMCS?
Of course it is! Life was given, a child was born. I had a vaginal delivery but feel insulted on behalf of mums who had c-sections that it's even a question.x
Did anyone else just experience a downtime on bnb?
I dont really understand why alot of women here are feeling the need to defend their c section, surely in the vast majority of cases it's medically advised? I didnt have one myself but I know I would've been perfectly happy with it had it been in my child's best interests....
Here's my take.

To others who judge having never had a c section and claim those who did didn't "give birth- my opinion is to go fuck yourselves. This isn't to any poster in particular but something I'd say if someone said that to me. This isn't fucking pizza delivery. I didn't hatch my baby. I did everything in my power fucking up my body to protect him while others had a lovely birth that went to plan.

For me and other moms who were in the awful position of really wanting a vaginal delivery but forced to have a cs or emcs, I can't bring myself to call it giving birth. I literally can't. I had zero time to accept it, if I gave birth vaginally he would be damaged if not dead and by the time the placenta abrupt there was only 8 minutes til he was brain damaged or worse and I would bleed out. To me giving birth is hearing the babies cries and experiencing even a tiny part of labor. By definition I did give birth. Emotionally, I had him ripped from my body too soon. I failed him. I am still traumatized. Can you tell?

Edit: lau
Logically we know that it was in best interest for a c section. I am very grateful hes happy and healthy Emotionally, I'm still a wreck.
I think everyone sees their labour/delivery differently,some people are extremely upset they didn't get a virginal birth so by people telling them they didn't give birth of course is going to offend them.

I had an emcs in the end and I don't see me as giving birth,it doesn't bother me that I don't see it as (or say) "giving birth" and I'm just still so happy she got out safely,no matter how she makes me no less of a mother and gives me no different bond with my baby by not having a virginal birth that either way if people choose to fell I gave birth or not doesn't bother me at all

Just becoz I myself don't think I gave birth doesn't mean that I don't respect people who say they gave birth having a csec as its their opinion on the matter and ultimately the only opinion in this case that matters Is ur own xx
the OB even let me try to push, she was only humoring me as she had what felt like her whole hand inside me and could not find crown of baby's head. after 30 hrs I had dilated to 10 cm but LO somehow never came down.

i was bummed for weeks at not getting a vaginal. seeing things or hearing things like that status hurt

Yep im with you again.. totally agree. Same thing happened to me and same feelings too.
Bloody hard work labouring for nearly 2 days and pushing for 1 hr 45 mins to just have it taken away from you and get cut open when you tried SO damn hard to do it.
Then when your baby is crying in the ward and you cant reach to get him cause your legs are dead still and you are in so much pain you cant move and the midwives arent coming and still your baby is crying and still you cant get to him..........TORTURE.
In my eyes i gave birth, i went through it all. That woman who said it isnt is a Dick head.
Last Saturday I was at my uncles and they were all talking about labour and they went to ask me then stopped themselves saying ...."oh wait you wouldn't know you've never given birth" I'd lie if I say I wasn't a teeny bit hurt :( x
Some people may think a c section is easy/ a cop out but to me that's not the same as 'not giving birth' its a matter of language, the words giving birth refer to the baby coming down the birth canal. It's a description, not a judgement. I know I'm digging a big hole here but some ppl aren't getting why some people voted no.
How about the women that have sick babies and can't go thru a vaginal birth? Or who have an emergency like a cord wrapped around the neck. I had an EMCS. I was in labor for 19 hours and she wouldn't descend into my birth canal cuz she got stuck so if anyone was to ever say that to me I'd tell them to go fuck themselves. Since when does a man know anything about these things anyways.
I don't think any definition of "birth" has said birth canal. It's not a matter of language. If you're "giving birth" you're doing the action of birth :shrug:
Thats like a trick question lol. I mean its birth of course and I see nothing wrong with c-sections. I thinks its the word "giving" that makes it sound incorrect to me. Either way I don't think it really matters. You do what you have to do to get baby here safe and sound. But hands down give credit to c section moms. I've heard its painful and a lot of women suffer emotionally after and that's understandable. But I thinly any mommy that went through it should be proud! Who really cares how a baby came out?

I just found this blog where this mother is discussing the same thing xx

I just found this blog where this mother is discussing the same thing xx

Haha this cheered me up. "ass clown" is exactly what I would title those insensitive enough to actually say it.
I don't think any definition of "birth" has said birth canal. It's not a matter of language. If you're "giving birth" you're doing the action of birth :shrug:

I wasn't talking about definitions, I said 'to me', it's my opinion. Your opinion is that a c section is giving birth, that's ok. There's no point having a poll about facts and definitions!!
Of course it is! I certainly endured long labours and have given birth by c-sections twice.

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