Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

Maddie, if you're still reading this thread I wanted to let you know I've been reading your posts in the TTC/IVF forum and am really hoping your pregnancy is not ectopic and your little one pulls through :dust:.

I'm not comfortable posting over there as I know how it feels for others who are still ttc to see posts from people as far along as me so I hope you don't mind this post.

Also know that regardless of what happens, we are all still here for you! :hugs:
You all might appreciate this, the other night I noticed my nether region had grown out of control. I can't see it anymore so in order to give it a bit of a "trim", I sat down on the bathroom floor with my back propped up against the counter and a pair of scissors, and tried to "weed whack" like a blind person without cutting myself. Needless to say, my husband walked in as I was finishing up :flasher: and the look he gave me was priceless and then he just kinda shrugged and looked at my like "you crazy woman" when I told him what I was doing. :haha:

I was able to accomplish my mission without cutting myself though!! :happydance:


OMG... That's funny, but I was noticing the same thing..I was thinking about going out for a brazillian wax or something, but heard it might hurt more in pregnancy because of the increased blood flow to the region...But I think I may have to try it before delivery.....:shrug:
Sounds way too painful. I'm hoping for the 'I don't give a rat's ass what I look like' kicking in early during the whole labour thing!

Dmama - have you felt movements yet? I don't think I have, but then both my placentas are on the anterior wall of the uterus so apparently that muffles any movements. Really looking forward to feeling something!
Sounds way too painful. I'm hoping for the 'I don't give a rat's ass what I look like' kicking in early during the whole labour thing!

Dmama - have you felt movements yet? I don't think I have, but then both my placentas are on the anterior wall of the uterus so apparently that muffles any movements. Really looking forward to feeling something!

Hee Hee....Yes Ms. Lemon, I have felt movements! They aren't consistent, but seem to get more frequent as time goes on. I think I have been feeling something in there since about 14-15 weeks. Now I can feel it more clearly, but like I said not all the time. Mostly in the evening before bed and sometimes early in the morning. Once or twice I have had a 'thud' behind the belly button. I think if you've been preggo before you feel it sooner or more clearly because your uterus has been expanded already and you know what you are feeling. I haven't been preggo before, but with my fibroids, my uterus was stretched to about 16 weeks size, so I figure maybe it is sensitive already to the movement? I don't know. I can't wait to feel the baby more often and more strongly....

I am beginning to get clumsy...Dropping things everywhere all the time and losing my that happening to anyone else?
I just got back from my first baby care class with my husband, I sat down and almost burst into tears, it took everything I had to keep it in so everyone else wouldn't think I was crazy. After about 10 minutes I was ok then watching my husband swaddle the fake baby, I almost started crying again. What a night!
oh yes - I think it's a particularly bad design fault that pregnancy makes you more clumsy so you drop more stuff, but it's harder to bend down and pick it up!

Recent pregnancy "moments" include scraping my car against the gatepost reversing it into the drive, getting the car stuck in the corner of the car park at work, knocking my glass of water over in the night all over the nearby electric socket and banging my bump into everything (including DH) as I'm not expecting it to be there. Let's just say I now come down the stairs holding the handrail!!!

Can imagine the birthing class being emotional Caseys. I'm crying every time I see a picture of a newborn at the mo. Sobbed my heart out to the Breastfeeding Information DVD that the midwife gave me to watch! Don't you just love those hormones?
Hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving for those celebrating.
How is everyone?

I am waitng to see my OB next week for my 24 week check. She is going to check the cervix and let me know how it is doing. I guess the measurement at the 20 week ultrasound was a tad shorter than she would like so she is worried about pre-term labor! Yikes so I am supposed to take it easy and hope that when she checks next week all is good. She will then decide if I need to come in every 3 weeks or every 4 weeks after that..Wish me luck!!! How often are y'all going for appointments?
We've got the 2nd part of the anatomy scan next Tuesday to check one of the spines. Or should I say the spine of one of the babies! They couldn't see at the previous scan as he/she wouldn't move! Very active though these last couple of weeks - loving the kicks (still pretty weak at this stage), but not digging when one of them turns round. Feels very very strange.

It's good that they're keeping an eye on you and your cervix! (never thought I'd be typing that sentence out). Fingers' crossed that all is fine at your next appointment.

Our 4 weekly scans start the week after next - that is routine for twin pregnancies though. Then there are midwife appointments in between, antenatal classes... oh, and I've just started yoga in pregnancy classes. Really good and relaxing. Can recommend them if they hold any near you. You learn breathing that can help during labour. Let's just hope I get to give it a go and don't have to automatically have a C-section.
Thanks MsLemon!

I thought about the prenatal yoga and might ask the doc when I go back. When she called me at home after the 20 week scan she asked me not to be on my feet for a long time...I got scared...So I have been walking but no other exercise.

I will be having a C-section for sure because of prior surgery on the uterus for fibroids, so while I know some people have said the breathing classes are good to do anyway, I won't be taking those. I am signed up for the parenting and breast feeding classes. It can't hurt how to re-learn how to diaper and do all that jazz although I did it for younger siblings. I am definately interested in the breastfeeding classes, as I have no idea about that at all. Well, I have an idea and it should be natural, but my mom didn't breastfeed and I don't have a good teacher....I don't want the poor baby to starve!

Hope all is well when you go back. It is good they didn't cooperate at first because you get to go back for another look! I love seeing the baby on ultrasound! I love feeling the kicks too but I know what you mean...on occasion I don't know what s/he is doing in there and it becomes a little unnerving....I have been getting Braxton Hicks contractions too. Not all the time but sometimes I notice I will have one after the baby is moving a lot or doing some type of acrobatics in there!

Stay well everyone!!!
Has anybody taken Metronidazole Vaginal Gel, 0.75%? I thought I had signs/symptoms of bacterial vaginosis so I discussed this w/ my OB. Now I'm doing a nightly dose for 5 days. I read some scary information on the box, saying it should not be used unless CLEARLY needed or indicated. Well, it sounds like I'm only taking this because I suggested I had BV. Anyone have experience with this? Thanks
Has anybody taken Metronidazole Vaginal Gel, 0.75%? I thought I had signs/symptoms of bacterial vaginosis so I discussed this w/ my OB. Now I'm doing a nightly dose for 5 days. I read some scary information on the box, saying it should not be used unless CLEARLY needed or indicated. Well, it sounds like I'm only taking this because I suggested I had BV. Anyone have experience with this? Thanks

I have taken it orally for BV some decades ago. I don't believe that it would be harmful if OB gave it to you, however, it is apparently quite easy for the doc to diagnose in the office and there is no reason why they could not just look under the microscope to tell you for sure or not before prescribing medicine.

In any case, the warning probably is as with other antimicrobials and antibiotics to not take it if you don't need to in order to avoid resistance. If you started it, I would finish it out though for that reason as well. Unless of course you feel like it makes things worse. I would ask doc to take a swab and look under the scope to rule out BV vs yeast, vs just something else if the symptoms haven't gone away....

Hope that helps
Thanks for your input and stating your experience. I think my DH got me freaked out when he was reading 'there have been reports of fetal death' to me. I too, just wished she would have cultured it and checked to make SURE before nonchalantly prescribing me a medication. I feel I've eaten organic produce as much as possible, I've tried to do this & that... you know all for the baby's sake and then I'm taking a MEDICATION RIGHT next to where he is and it's rapidly absorbed. I don't know... I thought of this in total hindsight, AFTER my first dose. I will say, I have noticed an improvement... so I'm reassuring myself that I probably did NEED it and it's more helpful than harmful. I guess you could say I'm totally paranoid now.

But thanks for your reassurance too. :)

Also... when do you know when to actually start counting kicks? I can feel kicks, but there's no pattern and I've gone a day or two feeling nothing in the past. I'm 21w4d as of today and I started feeling kicks at 19w3d.
Also... when do you know when to actually start counting kicks? I can feel kicks, but there's no pattern and I've gone a day or two feeling nothing in the past. I'm 21w4d as of today and I started feeling kicks at 19w3d.

I'm almost 30 weeks and haven't started counting yet, he makes it pretty obvious to me that he's in there though.

I have my glucose intolerance test this afternoon, wish me luck!
I read somewhere where they say you should start counting. Off hand, I can't remember, but I don't think it is before 30 weeks. I feel 'junior' moving around, but not sure that it is hourly or anything like that. But I notice movements more at night, or in the morning before I get up, or sometimes after I eat. Once in a while I feel some kind of acrobatics going on in there! Other times, I don't feel anything. I like feeling the movements, but I am still getting used to it!!! LOL

Caseys good luck with the glucose test...not sure why, but I have already done two! Maybe because I have a family history of diabetes? I thought that is what they do, but seems other women are having their tests later than I did and certainly haven't had two by 24 weeks! Anyways! Hope it all goes well!

I have my 24 week check tomorrow, and I am hoping that my cervix is going to be looking okay....
I passed my one hour glucose test, yay! They said my iron is a little low and to take prenatals, which I already do, so will have to ask them what else I can do next time.

I also have a big scan with the specialist tomorrow to see how he is doing, as I am now officially in the "high risk" classification of my pregnancy as I am in my third tri. Fingers crossed....
Caseys - congrats on passing your gtt!!! Hope your next appt shows great news too!

I saw my OB today and now have to go every 2 weeks for a check and also she did today will be doing every two weeks a fibronectin test to make sure she can catch early labor. I guess my history of uterine surgery makes me high risk as well..She offerred to put me off work whenever I am ready--yikes! I will go for a scan at 30 weeks.

Things are just moving so quickly- I can't believe how fast it is coming!!!
Caseys - BTW my iron was found to be a little on the low side of normal too and I was told to take my supplement 2xday now instead of once. When I ran out of the original vitamins I had with the iron in them, I bought separate supplements because at one time I wanted to see if it was the iron that was constipating me, so I stopped taking them for a while, but that was between the first and second trimesters and then I noticed there was a drop in the hemoglobin level, although it was still normal, so I went back on the supplements, but it seems now I need to take them twice a day.
Hello Ladies,

I have been MIA for a while but lots of stuff has happened and its so great to read all of your posts. I've missed catching up with you all.

So glad to hear all of you are doing so well. I just finished my 28 week check and the glucose test (waiting on results). I totally agree with all of you regarding the wonderful feeling of the baby's movements. We've got her listening to music from headphones at night and she reacts to certain songs which is awesome to watch. I am also definitely there on the clumsiness. I totally spilled half my hot chocolate in a meeting today including all over my blackberry right in front of our entire senior management. What a way to start the morning :)

Caseys - your trimming story was hilarious. So I liked to shave and since I can't see anymore, I was going at it blind one day and going by feel only as well. I didn't quiet sit down in the shower but was squatting and trying to reach down there and hubby walked in and just gave me the most hilarious look. Yes, definitely the 'women are crazy' look LOL

On the counting kicks thing - Doc told me to start counting now but I think its because of this incident I had. Here is the story:

About a week ago, I felt some sharp pains in lower right abdomin that woke me up in the middle of the night. So called the doc and she had me go get some mylanta and that helps relieve the pressure and pain enough to allow me to sleep - she thought it was just gas build up. The pain continued the next day and got worse - all up the right side, up to the ribs and lots of pressure. I had regular bowel movements but the pain of the pressure won't go away. Had doc appointment the next day and she immediately sent me to the hospital and had me admitted - she was worried about my appendix. Nice - right! They won't let me eat or drink (in case of needing surgery), ran some tests and ultrasound and found nothing wrong. The ultrasound ladies had to push down quiet a bit to get certain scans and that must have helped move the gas because I was going to town right after that. Doc still wanted to monitor me so kept me overnight. I was back to home the next day around noon but man it was a long day at the hospital and I was thoroughly embrassed that we went through all that for nothing but a gas problem. I guess with this being first pregnancy its just hard to tell what's causing the pain. Nothing like that has happened since, so I am all back to normal. Just gave me a minor scary (talking about surgery and all, if it was the appendix and chances of miscarriage that comes with surgery - yikes). Whew!

Thank god all is well now and I know I shouldn't have been embrassased because the doc was just being extra cautious and it was all good at the end. But its hard not to feel that way a little bit.

Its so great to be back on this thread and reading all of your stories. Missed you guys. I will be better about posting from here on.
I just got back from an ultrasound with one of the perinatology doctors as I was considered high risk for placenta complications in my third tri. He measured at 30 weeks and 3 days which is exactly where he should be according to my due date, 2lbs 15 oz and I no longer have to see them as he's right on track!! Yay!!!! :dance:
Hello Ladies,

I have been MIA for a while but lots of stuff has happened and its so great to read all of your posts. I've missed catching up with you all.


Welcome back!!!! Glad the problem was just gas....LOL! It is funny but at the same time you can't be too careful. I would not hesistate to call if anything seems weird!!!

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