Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

Hopefull - I am so sorry to hear about your loss. That is devastating! My thoughts and prayers go to you and OH. Sending you big Hugs!!!
Hello Ladies,

Caseys, I agree with you - I'd have wrung that midwife's neck for not seeing Hopeful. How inhumane was that? Its just terrible.

Update on my end - we did the specialist ultrasound and all seems to be good. Met with a geneticist and she said that they are bening and will go away over time. We get them as babies and as adults because of the cerebal fluid generation to protect the brain and because they found no other soft markers (other things wrong with the little one) there is no further testing required. Woohoo! Little girl was active as can be too while doing the ultrasound. Almost like she was messing with the technican because just when she would get into position to take a shot of a particular part of her body, the little one would move. Like 'ha thought i was going to make it easy for you - did ya'. LOL. It was incredible to see how active she was and I hadn't even had any sugar yet that day.

Hope all of you are doing well.
All's well on my end, waiting for our sexing scan in a month! How are you doing hun?

Ooh how exciting to find out the gender soon!

I am doing great, just hit 23 weeks and am really starting to show for real. Hoping to get my husband to paint the baby's room tomorrow. Starting to feel the effects of showing though, it's starting to hurt to bend over and have gotten even klutzier - stabbed myself in the foot with a fork while emptying the dishwasher the other night :haha: so it's been quite the trip....
All's well on my end, waiting for our sexing scan in a month! How are you doing hun?

Ooh how exciting to find out the gender soon!

I am doing great, just hit 23 weeks and am really starting to show for real. Hoping to get my husband to paint the baby's room tomorrow. Starting to feel the effects of showing though, it's starting to hurt to bend over and have gotten even klutzier - stabbed myself in the foot with a fork while emptying the dishwasher the other night :haha: so it's been quite the trip....

LOL! :haha: That is so funny.. The way I bump into stuff I hate to see myself when I get big- always bumping into door frames with my shoulder.. So good you're getting DH to paint! Always good to give it time to get that yucky paint smell out. We're waiting on one more box of flooring and some blinds and then we are putting our monkey decals on the walls. :) You will have to post pics when you're done!
Went to my 16 week appt yesterday. I got to hear the heartbeat, but I didn't get an u/s...I was hoping, since the OB has an u/s in the office, but it isn't a very good one, so maybe they just confirm that the baby is alive and leave it at that. I have had about 4 u/s already, so I should be okay till the anatomy scan for 20weeks. Since I had CVS, I had to do additinal blood work for the Neural Tube Test and also got my thyroid checked again since it was low last time. I appear to have gained 3 more pounds than the OB wanted, so have been advised to watch what I am eating and do more exercise---I guess that means I need to stop giving in to the ice cream!!! Ha Ha:wacko:

Speaking of getting bigger, I feel a lot bigger than some others that I know are about 16 weeks, and am worried I have to get a lot of stuff done before I get too big...I have so much to clean out to prepare space for the baby....I went shopping and bought some little clothes and they are so is hard though since I didn't ask to know the sex...I began to second guess that because it really is almost impossible to find much in the neutral section these days, but I really do want a surprise, and the kid will have enough clothes to get through a few weeks and then I can do the gender-specific shopping later....I bought some yarn and am going to make an afghan...I made one for a friend's daughter last year, so am so excited to make one just for me and MY baby!!!

Have a good weekend!!!!
Hello Ladies,

Caseys - I feel you on the getting big. My tummy is really sticking out now but I am also short (5'2") so not much torso room for the baby and so she's going to stick straight out of the belly. Bending now is really hard and so is working out. I am worried about the gaining too much too fast. I've already gained ~15 pounds - yikes.

Starting feeling her move now and that feeling is so incredible. Almost sensing a pattern for when she's awake too.

We've painted the baby's room but that's as far as we've gone. Finally starting working on the baby registry because I was feeling like I haven't done enough. I started working on a small painting of different animal babies with a heading that says 'my jungle'. Going with the jungle theme for her room. But its going to take me a while to finish this thing. I still haven't finished the painting I started for my niece so I guess I better get on it :)
Hi Ladies
Not been on for a while - glad to see you all doing well. Was so sad to read about Hopeful though.

I'm only at 16 weeks, but these two beans are getting bigger and I'm down to two pairs of trousers that fit now! Know what you mean about hard to bend over - my friend had to help me fasten some boots in a shoe shop yesterday. What's it going to be like when I'm 8 months?? I think that a lot of my bump is bloating though as it def. gets bigger during the day!

Off to midwife for the 16 week checkup (a week late) this week. DH coming too as midwife said she'll try and listen to the heartbeats.

Oh - and my best news. I found a double buggy that not only FITS IN MY SMALL CAR, but is purple!!! How cool is that. Babyjogger City Mini Double if anyone else with two on the way looking. Not that I plan to do any jogging though!
Went for midwife appointment and she'd said that although they're not supposed to listen for the heartbeats, we could. So DH arranges time off work to come with me, and my usual midwife is ill and her stand-in is much more jobsworth and says "oh no, we're not allowed to do that before the 20 week scan"! Boo. So DH gets to see me have my blood pressure taken. Thrilling!
Im 36 years young been trying for 7 years to have my first bundle of joy! Had 1 year clomid and 4 cycles IUI..did it in my final round of IUI!!
18 weeks pregnant due in march 2012 (will be 37)
Jilly :hugs:
Went for midwife appointment and she'd said that although they're not supposed to listen for the heartbeats, we could. So DH arranges time off work to come with me, and my usual midwife is ill and her stand-in is much more jobsworth and says "oh no, we're not allowed to do that before the 20 week scan"! Boo. So DH gets to see me have my blood pressure taken. Thrilling!

Lemon - why is it that they can not listen for the heartbeat?

Jilly_J - welcome:hi:...I am about 18 weeks too...we are close buddies!!! Congrats!
Welcome Jilly - great to hear it has worked for you!

Dmama - the midwife said they couldn't listen for the heartbeat in case 1) they couldn't hear any and then I'd worry and 2) in case the heartbeat is fine but the anatomy scan at 20 weeks shows a problem. Reason 1 am I frustrated with because I'm intelligent enough to realise that if they can't hear the heartbeats it's prob because they're small and muffled. The fact that I'm expanding rapidly shows the babies are ok and growing! And reason 2 I just don't get! Hey ho. Only got a week to wait for the anatomy scan so not too long till I can say hello to them!

Have a horrible, horrible feeling today that my belly button is less 'deep' than usual. I really don't want it sticking out as I had a laparoscopy a few years ago (camera through the belly button) so have a scar of the stiches. I'll look like frankenstein!
Welcome Jilly - great to hear it has worked for you!

Dmama - the midwife said they couldn't listen for the heartbeat in case 1) they couldn't hear any and then I'd worry and 2) in case the heartbeat is fine but the anatomy scan at 20 weeks shows a problem. Reason 1 am I frustrated with because I'm intelligent enough to realise that if they can't hear the heartbeats it's prob because they're small and muffled. The fact that I'm expanding rapidly shows the babies are ok and growing! And reason 2 I just don't get! Hey ho. Only got a week to wait for the anatomy scan so not too long till I can say hello to them!

Have a horrible, horrible feeling today that my belly button is less 'deep' than usual. I really don't want it sticking out as I had a laparoscopy a few years ago (camera through the belly button) so have a scar of the stiches. I'll look like frankenstein!

That's insane, my fertility doc found the heartbeat at like 7 weeks and that was one of the ways they confirmed that my IVF worked.

As for belly buttons, I already kinda look like Frankenstein due to the fact that I decided to keep my piercing in for as long as possible so it's totally sticking out as my belly button is almost even with the rest of my stomach. I'm thinking it may finally be time to take it out. :cry:

Jilly - welcome, and congrats!! :happydance:
Lemon and Caseys - Thanks for mentioning the belly button

My belly button is not deep anymore either. I used to have an outtie and had surgery to correct the umbilical hernia which was the cause. That's why I couldn't get a normal piercing.

Anyway my scars on the navel were not too noticieable, but now, my belly button looks quite weird. Actually was irritated a week or so ago as it was stretching over the scar...I guess we all have Frankenstein belly buttons for Halloween!:wacko:

I am so waiting for the anatomy scan too~ Can't wait to see the little one again!

Hey, here is a question....How are you all figuring out what type of car seat to buy? Are you checking the web or did the doc give information on specifics?
Hey, here is a question....How are you all figuring out what type of car seat to buy? Are you checking the web or did the doc give information on specifics?

I researched online for a good car seat. I went with the britax Chaperone infant car seat and I bought the B-Ready stroller too. One word of advise - check the date on the bottom of the seat, In Canada, my seat expires after 6 years. but it also depends on how long the co. you buy from has it on the shelf before buying it. Also, if you are thinking of purchasing Britax they have awesome sales every once in awhile, awhile ago ago, there was one where if you buy a stroller, you get a car seat for free or visa versa. My car seat is so cute, its color is called cowmouflage.
Just seeing the general consensus on a few things:

  • how many weeks along were you.... when you scheduled a birthing class
  • interviewed pediatricians
  • checked into daycare
  • called a photographer for maternity and/or newborn pics
  • had a shower and/or registered

I've had friends mention maybe one of the above at a time OR all of the above to me and I reply with 'I honestly have no clue'. I don't want to 'put the cart before the horse', so to speak. I'm just taking things a week at a time now, but after I started hearing 'repeats' of those questions... I got geared up and call to register for a birthing class. The nurse/mid-wife asked me some of these questions as well, followed by an 'oh, you sound overwhelmed'.

So... I know everyone is different and does things according to their comfort level and what they're used to... but I wanted to ask you ladies: When did you start looking into some of the things I mentioned on my TO DO LIST?
Just seeing the general consensus on a few things:

  • how many weeks along were you.... when you scheduled a birthing class
  • interviewed pediatricians
  • checked into daycare
  • called a photographer for maternity and/or newborn pics
  • had a shower and/or registered

I scheduled my classes a few weeks ago, signed up for breastfeeding, baby care and birth prep, they're from mid-November through December. I'd heard they fill up quickly and these are the last ones scheduled for the year. Since I'm due in February they were my only option.

I haven't even thought about pediatricians yet. There are some that are at the same hospital where I currently go so I'll probably just pick one of those.

Daycare - I need to start looking into that, though I probably won't need it until May of next year.

Maternity/newborn pics, I have a really nice digital SLR camera and photography is a hobby of mine so I plan to take a lot of the newborn photographs myself, maybe will have some done professionally in the future but kinda want to save the money for somethign else. I'm not sure I need maternity photographs though I had someone take one of my bump yesterday.

I'm due February 11th, my shower will be December 3rd - after Thanksgiving and before Christmas craziness. I'm in the process of registering at Target and Babies r Us for a few items, hoping my more experienced mom friends just kinda know what I need and get it for me.

I hope this helps!
Just seeing the general consensus on a few things:

  • how many weeks along were you.... when you scheduled a birthing class
  • interviewed pediatricians
  • checked into daycare
  • called a photographer for maternity and/or newborn pics
  • had a shower and/or registered

We're advised to book our ante-natal classes when we reach week 26 here, but as twins will be early they've told me to ask about booking them a bit sooner.

We just get the paediatrician we are given with the good old national health. Not complaining as it's free!

The fact that daycare for two will cost all my monthly salary if I work full time has scared me to avoiding thinking about it until the little darlings are at least 6 months old.

too tight to pay for professional photo's so DH will be using my camera. Told him to make sure I don't have my boobs out in the newborn ones as I probably won't care at the time, but don't want pics of them passed round later!

and baby showers haven't really caught on much in the UK yet so don't think I'm going to bother with one. Feel a bit uncomfortable about asking for stuff - although think that is me coming over all british. If you've got it in your culture - go for it!!

oh - and dmama - I delegated car seat decisions to DH and he researched the internet, some health agency advice videos and many catalogues, and has come to the conclusion we'll be getting the Maxi Cosi pebble with the isofix family-fix base option for the first year then the Maxi Cosi Pearl which should take them from 1 year - 4.

Hope that helps and you all ok!!
I just completed my costume that I plan to wear tomorrow, posting it because I am hoping you all get as much of a kick out of it as I do.


Hopefully the image is showing right above this? It's not showing for me. Grrr/

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