Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

I just got back from an ultrasound with one of the perinatology doctors as I was considered high risk for placenta complications in my third tri. He measured at 30 weeks and 3 days which is exactly where he should be according to my due date, 2lbs 15 oz and I no longer have to see them as he's right on track!! Yay!!!! :dance:

Congrats on the great scan!!!
Why did they think you were high risk for placenta complications? Does this mean you won't have any more scans till delivery?
Caseys - your trimming story was hilarious. So I liked to shave and since I can't see anymore, I was going at it blind one day and going by feel only as well. I didn't quiet sit down in the shower but was squatting and trying to reach down there and hubby walked in and just gave me the most hilarious look. Yes, definitely the 'women are crazy' look LOL

Hahahahaha I knew I could count on you for a good response! So glad you're back, missed you!!
Congrats on the great scan!!!
Why did they think you were high risk for placenta complications? Does this mean you won't have any more scans till delivery?

Thanks!! When I had my NT scan around week 12 I had an unusually low blood test result of PAPP-A, the baby's protein in my blood or something like that. I heard it's a potential indicator for Downs and/or placenta problems. I was also high risk simply due to my age.

Weird thing happened during the scan though, I literally almost passed out - I was flat on my back and she must have pressed on something. If I hadn't sat up when I did I would have been out cold - I was super dizzy and I felt like my ears were filling up with water, couldn't really hear. Scary but I'm fine now, phew!

I don't think I will have any more ultrasounds unless my normal baby doc does them herself, boo. The reassurance I got today is going to last me a long time though thats for sure.
Hello Ladies,

Caseys - congrats on the great news from the US scan. That is wonderful that all is well with the little one. I miss seeing my little one on ultrasounds too. Its so wonderful to just see them. 12 weeks left for me so I will be seeing her soon but it seems so far away. :)

Dmama - thanks for the words of encouragement. Hubby gave me the same especially considering three doctors all said I did the right thing by coming in. I call it my most expensive gas visit - LOL. Also I hope and pray all goes well with you and your scans. Bed rest scares me too. I had a friend who was having twin boys and she was on bed rest the last 8 weeks. I can't even imagine that. It must have been so hard.

News today from me is we get our crib and dresser for her room this weekend - woohoo! So excited to get her room put together. Hubby and I took on a project to draw and cut out a massive tree for one wall of her room from flexible but hard plastic. Its a bigger project that we thought so taking us a big to complete but it will be nice to show her that we did that just for her and not just a store bought item. Though with all this work I kind of wish we had done a store bought item LOL.

Any of you starting thinking about or working on your birthing plans?
Any of you starting thinking about or working on your birthing plans?

First___That is funny about the plastic tree...I am sure a store bought item sounds good right now, but I would say that after it is all said and done, you and DH will be so proud and your child will love it!!! I don't have that kind of skill...All I am doing on that creative side, is that I crocheted a little baby blanket! Last year or so I made one for a friend's daughter who was pregnant, and so now I got to make one for my own baby! When I know the gender, I will make another one in the specific colors--maybe a bit larger so they can use it as a toddler, right now I just made one with a baby white base and sea green trim.

I am having a c-section, so am not sure if I have any control over the plan...I know that we've discussed having 1 person in the OR with me and that we could have a camera (I don't know if she mentioned video-or if I asked)...I think there may be some more to it like whether you breastfeed as soon as they tyke comes out or not and whether or not to cut the cord right away...I will ask to see if having a c-section interferes with those things--I am meeting with some of the doulas that work with patients from the hospital in about 2 weeks, maybe I will try to get some more informationthen---I am thinking about a post-partum doula especially because of the c-section ....I have friends who saved their placentas because of their cultural beliefs, but I am not thinking about that....Oh--how about cord blood? Is anyone saving cord blood for themselves, or donating it???

Are any of you having Braxton Hicks contractions...They don't come very often and sometimes not at all in a day, but they weird me out...Doc is not concerned though unless they are painful or come sooner than 10 minutes....

Oh and I read that the counting of movements usually happens after 28 weeks or 30 weeks, but definately by 35 weeks doc will have you run in if there aren't a certain number of movements in a certain period of time.

Have a good weekend!!!!:hugs:
Hi Ladies
Nice to catch up - great that tests are going well, and that it wasn't appendicitis Davecr! Think you were absolutely right to go in and get the pain checked out.

We've got a week off work to decorate the room where the babies are going to sleep. Got lots of white paint left over from another room, so just going to do the walls plain white and then decorate them with 'jungle' transfers and make some bright curtains. Your tree sounds fantastic davecr! You'll have to post a pic when it's done. I'm planning to make some simple felt soft toys in my 6 weeks between finishing work and the due date. And a wall hanging. And some cot bumpers. And a mobile.... Hmmm. We'll see.

Not started on the birth plan yet -but have suspicion it will be C-section. One is currently lying head down, the other at right angles across the top. Suspecting they are boys as they are lying bottom to bottom!

I'm def. going to put in my birth plan though that I want immediate skin to skin contact with the little uns whilst they stitch me up - and if I'm not well enough or can't fit both on me, then they have skin to skin with DH! He's up for it and we've read that it's a great help in calming the baby down. Will be funny seeing him whipping his top off in the delivery room! And I'm banning the video camera he's getting for christmas from the delivery room. There will be plenty of time for cute newborn footage when I'm not out of it on drugs with my boobs hanging out! Don't want to be sitting there in the future watching that with the father and brother in law thank you very much!
I'm banning the video camera he's getting for christmas from the delivery room. There will be plenty of time for cute newborn footage when I'm not out of it on drugs with my boobs hanging out! Don't want to be sitting there in the future watching that with the father and brother in law thank you very much!

That's hysterical....I can't imagine!!!LOL!!!

I am watching my ticker and am thrilled that today I am at the 'eggplant' stage...Hee Hee....Time is certainly flying!!!!

Hope everyone is well!!!
Hello Ladies,

dmama - congrats on getting to eggplant stage. Isn't it amazing how time flies. Hubby just reminded me the other day that we only have 11 weeks left - wow. I was just down up the weeks and not thinking of how many were actually left. I guess I need to start a count down instead :)

Miss lemon - I completely agree with you on the whole camera in the delivery room thing. I am all of hubby video taping after the baby is born and catching all the action of the baby crying and things but not me. No taping of me screamig or sweating and red in the face and cursing hubby LOL

Ok so what do braxton hicks really feel like. I am not sure I've been having any. I read somewhere that it just feels like a tighting of the stomach and uterus and I've felt that a few times but didn't realize it was braxton hicks. I am not sure what the real contractions will feel like either. I so need to do some reading on this subject. We have signed up for the prepared childbirth class and newborn care classes at the hospital for the last week in December so I am sure I will learn more then.

Still working on my plastic tree but its coming along well. Much better now that the leaves and flowers have been cut and we can really see what this tree will look like. This weekend I need to paint all the leaves and flowers and maybe cut out an owl or bird for the tree. Then we can glue to the wall. Will take a pic and post it for sure.

Hope all of you are having a good day.
My ticker on my phone app says I am down to 59 days to go, eek!!

I drove to work this morning with a foot stuck firmly in my rib cage and a butt sticking out of my belly button, it was uncomfortable but such an awesome feeling.

The other night he stuck his foot out of my belly, it looked like an alien sticking out, it was so cute!

I think I am finally starting to get a "glow" because I am loving this, even though my discomfort is growing.

I was also thinking last night how I finally got my Xmas wish this year.... :xmas10: :blue:
My ticker on my phone app says I am down to 59 days to go, eek!!

I drove to work this morning with a foot stuck firmly in my rib cage and a butt sticking out of my belly button, it was uncomfortable but such an awesome feeling.

The other night he stuck his foot out of my belly, it looked like an alien sticking out, it was so cute!


That's is a wonder sometimes WHAT in the world they are doing in there?!!! LOL
But like you said, I love to feell the little one moving around although sometimes the movement keeps me up at night....the kicks and thumps are getting stronger now, so I do sometimes get a shock, but I really love feeling the baby moving..makes me know that everything is okay....

Gosh --only 59 days!!!! Seems like it is all going soooooooo fast! We will be meeting our little ones so soon!!! Are we ready????!!!!
Hi Ladies,

Totally not feeling ready for this little one to come into this world but also can't wait to see her and see what she looks like. It is amazing to feel her moving around and kicking. Love the feeling and I stop and smile every time she moves. People at work even know when she's kicking because my hand immediately goes to the tummy.

We met with a pediatrician and we loved him right away. Meeting with a couple more just to be sure we're picking the right now and then we'll at least have that done. Next week we go for the prepared childbirth and infant cpr classes. I think I will feel more prepared for the whole labor after these classes. Right now I am feeling like I don't know so much stuff.

A bunch of ladies at work threw me a really nice surprise shower last thursday. It was so nice and I had no clue what they were up to. It was wonderful to feel so loved and the little one got lots of pink clothes. Its her new fav color now LOL

Hope everyone is having a good day.
That's lovely they threw you a shower. I'm having a wobbly this week about leaving work for a year as I really like my job and it is an important part of me. It was brought home today as I sat writing a 3 year strategy with my boss (of which my maternity cover will do the first year), and then getting an excited text from DH saying he's been invited to Barcelona to talk at a conference in June, can he go. It hit me that he'll be speaking at conferences in Europe and I'll be at home wiping bottoms and washing nappies!
Don't get me wrong - I wouldn't change having these babies for the world, but I guess it's going to take a bit of getting used to being at home with them all day every day and I'm a bit scared! Is it just me?
davecr - i do think taking the classes will make you more confident and bring it all home... the time flies so fast and i am also thinking that i am going to miss feeling the little one moving around is such an amazing time! so glad you were showered with such a nice display from your coworkers! that is amazing....

mslemon - i feel your pain....i feel like my life is already not my own....i know that things will change a, taking off 1 year is hard to manage and we only get about 3 or 4 months of paid maternity leave--but I can imagine being away from a job you love for that long---it will do something to your sense of is good to acknowledge it and it isn't a complaint at all---it is called being a MOM dear, and for all of us, we are going to be faced with all the things we gave up for this miracle...and there is no regret at all and nothing will make any one of us say that we wished we hadn't done it, but we definately have to give something up in order to be is just being a mom and your feelings are natural and i totally get it....i used to take some pretty adventurous trips around the world and while i won't be giving up travel, things will have to be very different how, when and where i do it....again, no regrets at all, but there are just some things i know that i won't be able to do as before....reality is definately setting in, the closer we get!!!! [hugs]
Hi Ladies,

Hope your day is going well. Any of you had any issues with mild spotting? Today is second day in a row that I've had mild spotting. I called the nurse and she said to come in only if its gets to be steady flow and I need to wear a pad. But so far its only been mild spotting. Can't figure out what's causing it either because I see it on the panties but not when I wipe (sorry for the TMI). Any thoughts?

dmana and miss lemon -I hear you on the feeling that your life is about to change dramatically. I am planning to take the full 12 weeks off that we are offered here (some unpaid) because I am thinking this is the only time I'll ever get to do that. Sometimes I feel like that is too long away from work and my career but then I know that I need to be selfish for my baby too. Hubby wants me to take time off for the whole year but iwth his part time job we can't afford to do that. If his work situation changes though he does wnat me to either cut back on the hours or take time off period. I am not sure how I feel about that just yet. I am sure I will feel totally different that first day I have to leave her and go to work. Life will be so different but we are so ready for it.

Seems surreal that we are so close to having the reality of something we've wished for so long. Life is so amazing :)
davecr - I haven't had any spotting since after my CVS. The nurses are probably right. Baby is still moving around yes? I would say keep an eye out and go in if you continue or if you don't feel comfortable--go in anyway!!! Perhaps your placenta moved and is near the cervix? I know sometimes with placenta previa, there may be some spotting....As long as you are feeling the litttle one moving and you are not having pain and cramping, or other symptoms, I'd say no need to panic, but don't be afraid to go in and get checked, even if they just check a heartbeat and send you back out the door...We've come to far to let some nurse's 'intuition' get in the way---although I know they have tons of can't hurt to humor a first time mom....

It is crazy how close we are! I am just still in shock actually...Now planning the arrival of my mom etc, so all of it is just becoming so real...Also now that I've entered the 3rd trimester, I am feeling very pregnant and have all the aches and pains that are listed in the book! However, I would not trade it for anything....We will see how this affects our professional lives....I myself may have to put off taking a more demanding position. But you know, in the end, it will be so well worth it...It is a shame that we can't have it all..We can come close, but we can't do everything contrary to what some people say. Our kids will come first always.

Happy Holidays Everyone!!!
Hello Everyone,

dmama - thanks for the advice. I'am definitely feeling her moving around so that is a good feeling. I am only spotting light pink and once in the morning. Had it again today. Its just bizzare because there is nothing the rest of the day. I just had doc appointment last friday and her heartbeat was good and belly was measuring right at 30 weeks. I will definitely call the nurse again today. Third day in a row with light pink spotting but again only once in the morning. I have felt a braxton hick contraction once a day the last two days too. Its such a weird feeling of the tighting of the top part of the stomach. Going to ask the nurse about that as well. I think its braxton hick from the description in the book.

We went pediatrician interviewing. Loved the first doctor, older gentleman from south africa who immediately talked about the baby like it was his baby and he would be there to see her right away after birth. He made it so personal which I loved. Only worry is he is probably close to retirement in another 5 years or so. Saw another doctor, this one a younger female who was very knowledgeable but more clinical and not as personable. I am sure both are excellent docs but it is so hard to decide at this early stage. Just going to have to go with the gut feel and pick one.

On a funny note, I am not sure how the rest of you are with your sex life but its been very weird for me. The desire is totally gone and now with the big belly its so funny trying out even simple positions. I started laughing when I was getting on top and poor hubby thought I was laughing at him when I was only thinking in my head how funny it was that I was moving like I was climbing a mountain with the big belly and then I felt like I was crushing him. Talk about killing the mood....LOL

Hope all of you are having a good day.
davecr - Ha ha! Yes, girl...the mood is gone!!!! Not interested at all really---it is shameful...

I am glad you are going to check in with the nurse again...just to keep track. I am sure it isn't something major, but I saw someone on another site this morning that started having clots and bleeding and now is having a c-section at 35 weeks due to placenta previa. So it can't hurt for them to just take a for braxton hicks, i have been having them for several weeks and they are really weird. sometimes it is random and sometimes they come when i have felt a lot of movement....they say dehydration can also cause them, so make sure you are getting a lot of water....

AFM - right now, i think what is new for me is the spreading of the ribs...i guess i am at that stage. i feel like i have been working out, but i haven't. i even think one day that the baby was stuck in my rib as i had excruciating pain for about 1/2 hour and then all of a sudden went away.....but my bra strap is moving further apart complaints here though...i am so happy having this little one in there, so i will take it!!
Hello Ladies,

Dmama - good to know I am not the only one LOL. I wonder how many women are out there who really have the opposite reaction and have increased sex drive as the books claim. Because its definitely not happening here. I think there is too much blood flow to the area too which makes it hard for the nerves to feel anything. hahahah. Oh and I feel you on the ribs pain. I've been feeling my ribs expanding for a couple of weeks now and I get that sharp pinching pain on my left side. Sitting up straight as a rod is the only thing that brings relief.

I spoke with the nurse last night and she said that braxton hicks might be causing the spotting or just a small irritation of the cervix. I have had no spotting this morning so far. Nurse told me to drink lots of water. She said I might be getting dehydrated at night (even though I manage to finish a whole glass with all the wakeups to pee). So working to drink more water for sure now.

Going to visit a friend today who just had a baby a month ago. Need to start hearing labor stories so that I can know what can go wrong. Been watching this TV show called Baby Story where they show different births happening (not in gorey detail though) and there was one lady last night who had a surprise pregnancy and was in complete negative state and kept saying she can't do this the whole time during labor. And I am thinking here we are with our miracle babies, so happy and thus will probably be stronger than she was - mental state anyway. The nurses and docs were even getting frustrated with her because she wasn't pushing properly and it was causing the babies heart rate to drop. Scary thought but I would push through all the pain to make sure nothing happens to this little bundle. Of course I don't know what kind of pain she was dealing with but I just get the feeling that I will be in a more positive mental state and thus stronger - at least that's the plan :) :)

Hope you guys all have a good day. Last day at work for the year and man its quiet here today. Offices are closed all next week so we'll get to go to the childbirth classes and work on her room. Finish that tree project :) Only 9 weeks left til I get to see my little one - so excited!
What's sex? :rofl: I wouldn't know, that's the last thing I've been interested in quite some time...

One thing I learned from my childbirth class is that I am definitely getting an epidural, I can't imagine doing this all without meds.

I'm done with all my classes, preregistered at the hospital, took a tour, my parents just booked a flight from RI to CO for the day before my delivery date and I have most things I need though I know there's still a bunch missing so I have this anxiety, that I need to go shopping and make sure I am 100% prepared. I am slacking on all the FMLA paperwork though, still need to fill out my short term disability stuff.

Oh and my feet REALLY hurt, ugh! I need to get more exercise but we got a foot of snow yesterday, I took yesterday off so I wouldn't have to drive to work in it and had already scheduled today off. Maybe I'll get hubby to walk the dogs later and I'll walk behind him, it's been so hard forcing myself to exercise.

As I type this, my belly has been having a little earthquake in it, I hit 33 weeks this weekend, eek!

Yeah I think we are definitely tougher than some of the other women going through this. I don't let my pregnancy symptoms bother me as much as I see others complaining on the other forums. In a way, the pain of him trying to stick his hand out through my belly button makes me happy... :)

Ok, "I didn't know I was pregnant" is on, this should be interesting. I couldn't watch this show or "A Baby Story" until recently, it was too hard to watch given what I went through.
In a way, the pain of him trying to stick his hand out through my belly button makes me happy... :)

LOL!!!! But I sooooooo agree!!!! I continue to be amazed at what our bodies have to (and CAN) do to grow a whole human being.... Stay well ladies and enjoy the Holidays!!!

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