Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

I was reading my diary last night in bed, and realised that it was this day last year that we had our first appointment at the fertility clinic, and it hit home that we'd probably have to go down the IVF route. As I was reading it, the little darlings were kicking away inside. I still can't really believe that it has worked and we're having two babies!:happydance:

You're right ladies - it does make it all worthwhile. Even the occasional freaky skull sticking out the side of my bump as number 2 who is still lying right across the top sticks his/her head out!

Happy New Year ladies. 2012 is going to be a very special year!
Happy New Year Ladies!

2012 is going to be an awesome year for all of us. I am so excited. We had the whole week off as the office was closed so it was so nice and relaxing. We finally got the baby's room completed. We just need to finish assembling the crib which will be this coming weekend. We finished the tree painting on the wall (need to take a pic and post it here so you can see it). I did a load of some of her clothes too over the weekend and it was so much fun trying to figure out how to fold these tiny pieces of clothes and of course i've already lost two of her socks. Must be inside one of the outfits but didn't find them. LOL

We took our prepared childbirth classes and Caseys - agree with you - totally going to need the epidural. I can't imagine that I have the mental capacity to handle all that pain and delivery naturally. Saw a video where this woman took an anathesgic to give herself a break for about an hour and the rest was natural. I don't know if I have the strength. The plan is to go at least past 5-6cm dilation and then ask for the epidural. I just don't want to take it too soon and end up stalling labor - that is my big fear. My sister had a 24hr labor with her first and then the baby turned funny and she ended up with a c-section anyway. I am hoping to avoid that situation. whew!

Hope everyone had a wonderful christmas and new year's holidays. 8 more weeks for me and man she is a moving these days. I can see the funny alien like movements with her pokes and jabs. She even woke me up last night with some strong kicks. Not sure if she was hungry or what but I was too tired to get up and eat :)

Have a good day everyone.
Question - have any of you considered cord blood banking? what are your thoughts on this? Yes/No/Waste of money, etc.
Question - have any of you considered cord blood banking? what are your thoughts on this? Yes/No/Waste of money, etc.

I briefly thought about it and decided against it based off what they said in my birth prep class - it's really expensive, still relatively new technology, and I think if you want to donate it they're not accepting it anymore because so many people have donated it. So basically if one day you do need it, most likely you can get a match for your child from those that have already donated theirs. Also I think they're still doing studies on the uses of it, it's just too new. I think only like 3% of those who give birth at my hospital actually do it? I was so tired during my classes, I'm amazed I am able to spit these facts out so my accuracy may not be 100%, sorry.

Conclusion from class: It's a waste of money so i'm not pursuing it.
Pregnancy observation from last weekend: When sitting down in a chair, I can now balance my cell phone on my bump, then a can of soda on top of it.
Pregnancy observation from last weekend: When sitting down in a chair, I can now balance my cell phone on my bump, then a can of soda on top of it.

OK. I just had to laugh at that one!!!

As for cord blood banking, I was thinking about that too. I think donating it makes sense, but let's say you do need to find a donor, would you be able to have use of the blood you've donated? I think they are hoping to be able to do more....I am leaning toward 'no' but want more information.

davecr - You are getting there! That's great! I'd love to see the tree...
I have all my classes coming up over the next month....

2012 is going to be great!!!
Hello Ladies,

HOpe you're having a good day. I had a bad night of sleep. Man its getting very uncomfortable or should I say hard to find a comfortable position :). I keep flip flopping from side to side because the ribs are starting to hurt. Must be expanding to make room for this little one. I can't imagine you ladies with the twins. How do they have room!!?

Here is a pic of the finished tree in the baby room. All is painted except for the monkey and butterfly which are wall stickers. What do you think?


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davecr _ that tree is gorgeous!!! congrats on a job well done! that took a lot of work, but it looks beautiful!!!

as for no either. last night i didn't sleep but for 1 hour maybe. yes..finding good position is impossible and i keep going from side to side which is no easy feat. that plus the trip or two to the bathroom just makes sleep entirely impossible....and the doc has no sympathy!!LOL....i guess it is par for the course.....there is a lot that people who have been pregnant don't tell you about!! hee hee hee
Amazing tree - that looks fantastic davecr! Baby is going to love it!

I'm with you both on the difficulty sleeping. I bought a special pillow (sleep genie) that encourages you to lie on your left side for best blood supply to the uterus, but I seem to have adapted to it and keep waking up on my back with numb feet - argh. Or even worse, sort of stuck on my back like a turtle. Then I lie worrying that I've cut off their blood supply until I feel them move.

I tried to describe it to DH as 'imagine sleeping with a medium sized rucksack on your front, and when you turn over, all the stuff in the rucksack seems to slide to the other side'. Then factor in the two trips to the loo, the raging thirst in the night (try not to drink much after 8pm otherwise it's 4 trips to the loo!), the hunger and the 3am panics when it all seems too much and you've not got a fun night. Last night I was awake from 4am to 6.30, bored rigid. At least when our little darlings are here we'll all have something to do in the night other than count how many seconds between cars passing.

Off to bed soon armed with a mini-torch to read with in case it happens again tonight!
Hello Ladies,

Thank you dmama and Miss Lemon for the comments on the tree - took as all week but it did turn out nice and now we can tell her it was custom made just for her :)

Miss Lemon - I was up last night too early in the morning turning to understand what the heck was going on and why I couldn't sleep when I was so tired when I got home last night. I also have been getting the lovely night sweats. Pools of sweat between boobs and legs. I finally put a towel down on the bed under me just in case of water break too. Need to bring one to the office. That's my fear - embrassing water break at work - won't that be lovely. Ah the things we are enduring for our little ones. Yet its so much fun and I am loving being pregnant overall. Can't wait to meet my little girl soon.

dmama - have fun with your classes. I need to take one more - the infant CPR class which I will take in the next two weeks. They were certainly very informative. We go for the maternity floor tour tomorrow. Most of the men in the classes were also very involved and asked lots of questions - that was nice to see. Only the newborn care class had one dumbass who didn't even get his wife a glass of water when he got one for himself and didn't participate at all in the class. All the other couples noticed it. I feel for that lady - she's on her own with her baby. So sad and made me feel lucky with my DH. He's so wonderful!

Caseys I loved your story about being able to balance things on your tummy. I was able to balance a small appetizer plate on my tummy yesterday - LOL Love it!

Hope you all had a good day.
Had another scan yesterday (we're getting them monthly as it's the only way they can check the growth of twins) and the great news is that they're both head down! Hurrah.
That means though that the hard thing sticking out just under my ribs from time to time isn't a head, but a bottom! I've been letting a few friends feel the head when it sticks out, and now I find that I've been encouraging people to stroke my unborn child's bottom! What a bad mother!!

Although it's great that they're now using the limited space more sensibly, it means that a natural birth could be possible. The doctor said that if I really want a cesarean then because of age and ivf, I've got a chance of them doing that. But they don't particularly recommend a cesarean if everything is looking ok. I think I liked it when the decision was taken out of my hands by one lying transverse! Not going to make a decision until we've had our hospital tour in 3-4 weeks time. The thought of going through labour, having the baby, and then doing it all again for another is rather terrifying.

Question for you ladies - are you finding your pelvic floor exercises harder to do? I suppose it makes sense because now they've got the babies resting on them, but I do find it harder to get a good squeeze!
Miss Lemon - Glad they are in the right position and let's hope they stay that way! Funny thing about feeling like the bottom was the head!!! I often wonder what it is that I am feeling...I can't ever be sure if it is an elbow, knee, foot or what...I wish I could look inside....

As far as pelvic! I am glad you mentioned that, because I have not been doing them!!! Yikes...I think every now and then I think about it, but not routinely...I do feel that I have more 'pressure' or just heaviness in the pelvic region now...especially by the end of the day...I'd better pick up on the Kegels!!!!

I had my breastfeeding class today...I guess it is good background for what is to come in the hospital..not sure I am quite confident yet....but we got lots of reading material....
I am excited that I have graduated to "squash" status per my ticker!!! I am having a planned c-section at 39 weeks, so I've got just 10 weeks to go! Coming so quick and I am ready to meet my little friend!!!!

Hope everyone else is doing well!!!!!
Well - 2nd day of maternity leave. After a heavy morning internet shopping for a cotbed mattress, comparing reviews of moses basket fitted sheets and a little snooze after lunch it's time for tea and crumpets. And to think I didn't want to finish work!

Hope you guys are all ok
Sorry I've been silent lately, just so tired from not sleeping well and working all day. I will be considered full-term this weekend. I went to my weekly doctor's appointment yesterday and I am already 1.5cm dilated. I could stay this way for awhile so it doesn't mean much but he's definitely getting ready! I have also nicknamed him "Squirmy Wormy" because he moves so much.
Hello Ladies,

Caseys - congrats on getting full term but now the waiting begins to see when he's ready to come into this world. Hang in there sweetie. I totally feel you on the sleepless nights and full days of work. I am in the same mode and its crazy busy at work too. Waking up way too many times at night and sometimes just staying awake after bathroom visits or just not being comfortable and waking up with night sweats. I even noticed the baby moving less when I am exhausted. Poor thing. But my doc is not worried and hasn't even started checking to see if i've started dilating yet. I see her in another 2 weeks and then once a week after that. I am feeling braxton hicks like twice a week but nothing else so far. Not sure I would even know if I felt a contractions. Still not sure what to expect there. I've had a lot of people at work and out in general looking at my belly and going OMG you're not going to make it another 6 weeks. I keep reminding them that I am only 5' 2" and that there isn't much room for the belly but to go out that's why I am looking so big but they don't believe me. So weird that men and women have given me that comment and I hear it like almost everyday.

miss lemon - enjoy your maternity leave. I wish I was home too. At least so I can take more naps in the middle of the day :) I have a coworker who went to same ivf doc and is two weeks behind me in schedule but she's having twins and has been on bed rest since december - poor thing started getting contractions and so they immediately put her on bed rest with a home contraction monitor. She has another 6 weeks to hold the babies.

dmama - congrats on squash status. are you planned for c-section due to the twins? Oh and thanks for the reminder about the kegels. I need to be more on top of that as well.

Hope you guys are having a good day.
Ms. Lemon how many weeks are you again? How much time do you get for maternity leave over there in the UK? Glad you get to enjoy the final weeks...

Caseys - I've called my little one 'squirm worm' too...Sometimes, I just don't know what is going on in there and it is funnhy to see my tummy moving all around from the outside! Congrats on being full term! What an incredible feeling you must have! Awesome!

Davecr- I am in the same boat...I am just 5 feet tall and very short torso, so I am looking like a walking circus tent! People simply can't belive I have over 2 months to go!!! I can't believe it either...My pelvis and ribs are painfully splitting apart to accomodate this child who thankfully is just in the 55th percentile...I don't think I can carry a much larger than avg baby...I am having just one little guy/girl--the C section is due to prior fibroid history that was pretty extensive, so I am not a candidate for a trial of labor...that has been known to me since the surgery some years ago....

I had my 30 week appt today and as I mentioned the baby is good and in the 55th percentile for weight, so things are on track...doc mentioned I have slightly more amniotic fluid but just on the larger side of normal and probably because the uterus is larger than 30 week size due to the fact that a few of my old fibroid friends have decided to show up again....So I guess with a large uterus and average baby, maybe there is just more fluid? IDK...but neither the specialist or my OB seemed concerned...Baby looked fine, heart and all of that was good...I am going to start working from home after the next week is over and then after about a month of that, start my maternity leave...we will see how this is all going to is so exciting but the unknown is a bit scary...I have a few Braxton Hicks contractions every day...some days more than as long as they go away quickly the doc is not worried and my cervix is fine...they've been checking every two weeks the last 6 weeks or so and soon I go to every week....Getting tired and pelvis is achey, but I will miss the feeling of the squirm worm so I am trying to enjoy as much as I can now!

Glad to see everyone is doing well!!!
Hello Ladies,

Wanted to share how much fun it was last night to watch my belly for a good half hour or more. She was so active and constantly moving around. Another squirmy worm indeed. Just puts a smile on your face and watching the look of amazement on hubby face is incredible as well. Makes all the aches and pains worth it!!! :)

dmama - wow you're doc certainly gives you a lot more informatino regarding size and weight of baby. Mine just says 'you're on track' and leaves. I have no clue what the size she possibly is right now or what percentile. Of course they are not doing any more ultrasounds either. That is so great that you get to go on maternity leave in another month. Not me. I am working til the end to maximize the 12 weeks I plan to take (half unpaid) after the baby arrives. US maternity leave sucks compared to most of the world. I read that we are just behind Nigeria in terms of maternity/paternity benefits. So much for being this great western country - Wow!

Miss Lemon - how goes maternity leave?

Hope you ladies are having a good day.
I wrote a reply a day or so ago and then had some problem with the site or the computer....

davecr - I agree...maternity leave sucks here in the US....My doc wants me to not commute to work, so instead of taking a disability which comes with a reduction in pay, my supervisor agreed to let me work at home for a month, that way, I can actually work up until a week before the c-section so that I have a week to just get things ready, so I won't really start maternity leave until March...but it will be nice not to commute and work from home where I can put my feet up and take a break as I need to...I do not know how they expect us to bond with the baby, heal from the delivery, get on a schedule with breast feeding and get organized with daycare in a couple of weeks!!!! It sucks it really does and if I could afford to be a stay at home mom for a little longer I would...And true, we as a country aren't that great in maternal morbidity either! This country has a lot to learn....if it were the men giving birth there would definately be better leave laws!!!

I got to have another ultrasound because the doc wanted to check on my fibroids, but I think that was probably the last one, unless the doc feels she needs to have one more thing looked at before the c-section, but I imagine that not much should change by the time the baby will be delivered. It's cute to see the baby in there though, but as they get so big, you can only see separate body parts at a time...

So...have you ladies already packed your bags for the hospital? I have been reading on what to bring...I have the hospital tour next week, so I will consider setting things aside after that maybe? I don't know...don't want to have a bag sitting around for weeks, but don't want to pack in a hurry either....

Have a great weekend ladies!
Wow - things are really moving on for people. So excited to read you are nearly there Caseys and it could be any time soon. Sending you good luck vibes.

I feel bad now for going on about maternity leave when you guys are all still flogging away. We are really lucky in the UK with our maternity pay. As I've been with my employer for a good few years, we get 3 months leave full pay, 6 months statutory maternity pay (125 pounds a week) and then can take another 3 months off with no pay which is what I'm doing so I get a full year. I've got a friend in Texas due in March and she's got to work right up to the birth and then gets about 6 weeks off - that seems really hard.

Dmama - I'm right there along with you - 30 weeks and 2 days, but I've finished work now because twins are much more likely to be premature, and the more rest I get and take it easy, the longer they might stay in. Sounds tough on your friend Davecr on bed rest - hope they stay in there! Most people here work as close to the birth as they dare so they get more time off with the baby afterwards, but I suppose I'm thinking I've more chance of healthy babies if I take more time off beforehand!

I really feel for you ladies who are around 5 foot - can imagine you feel really uncomfortable. I'm 5 foot 11 and so have a lot of 'abdomen' space, but I'm still really uncomfy. They're both head down which means I get feet and butts stuck up just under my ribs, and as I'm typing this I'm having to sit bolt upright on the sofa as I can't slouch! I invested in the Nexcare Bump support as walking round even the supermarket was getting tiring on those poor ligaments - it's great. Trussed up like a turkey, but it does take the weight of a bit.

Right - better go get in the bath to try and ease my back muscles before going out tonight. Can't wait to get my 'truss' on!!

Good weekends to all.
I finished packing my hospital bag yesterday, just have toiletry items, a couple things for the baby to wear and a blanket for him, some clothes for myself and nursing type bras, a puzzle book, also a blanket to wrap the baby in so the dogs can get used to his smell before we bring him home. I am also bringing some books i got from my baby prep classes and things like that and plan to toss in my laptop and phone charger at the last minute.

I have a little rant now, there is this super religious woman i know and we carpooled down to my husbands holiday party together last night. She knows it took me awhile to get pregnant and told me last night she tells her friends oh this girl i know is pregnant after so long because God said it was her time, he picked this time for me, blah blah blah. Sorry but i just want to smack her and be like no, it was because we spent +$15k and used a petrie dish so shut the f*** up. I have successfully resisted several times though, as she says this crap to me every time i see her, you ladies should be proud of me!!! Ok rant over...

I am officially full term!!! Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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