Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

Ok looking at my sig, my baby is definitely not the size of a watermelon yet. Hopefully they mean the small, 4 serving ones that you get in the grocery store and not those monster ones, I can't imagine giving birth to one of those!
Ok looking at my sig, my baby is definitely not the size of a watermelon yet. Hopefully they mean the small, 4 serving ones that you get in the grocery store and not those monster ones, I can't imagine giving birth to one of those!

Maybe it is a small watermelon size, but in a baby shape for easier exit! And don't forget, even the skull squishes in a bit. That's what I keep telling myself. Bought some 'tiny baby' babygrows this week in case they come early, and can't help hoping on one level they come out that size rather than the 'newborn' size which looks huge next to it!!

Well done for keeping quiet with your religious friend. Not sure I would have been able to resist saying that in that case god must be the embryologist who injected my partners sperm into my egg!
Hello Ladies,

Caseys, well done on holding your tongue iwth the religious friend. i am very proud of you. I don't think I would be able to either. You're right sometimes you just want people to know how much science played at part of our little miracles and though at the end there was some part that God had to play in helpnig them stick to us and grow, it still sucks that we spent that much money and all those lovely drugs to get there. I told my hubby that we were having a beautiful petridish baby LOL

Definitely must be small watermelon size. Can't imagine how big you ladies with the twins are getting. The muscles on my ribs are definitely being pulled and I get sharp pains at night if I am turning in bed and pull them too much when I stretch a bit. I woke up poor hubby over the weekend with loud cry when I pulled the mucles in the middle of night and he ran to grab the half packed hospital bag thinking it was time LOL Poor thing is on pins and needles waiting to get to the hospital which is pretty much the next step.

Other than that I am feeling well - just more and more tired all the time and its been crazy busy at work. I was pooped at the end of last week putting in long days. Needed the weekend to recover for sure and then ended up working more on sunday so I feel like I haven't gotten a break. Hoping things slow down after this week - whew!

Hope you all are having a good day.
Caseys - yes definately good for you! I had a conversation with a friend of mine who was criticizing people who hire ladies in India to be surrogates....well, I have some opinion about that too, but at the same time, my friend went on to say that people should just adopt if they can't have kids and leave all the IVF stuff alone, pointing to octomom and all of that...well my friend has no idea that I went through IVF, so I didn't say anything except to say that I believe people need to do whatever they feel is right and that not all IVF goes the way of any case, I didn't tell my friend to go fly a kite, although I was thinking about it, but that is why I didn't tell certain people about this journey in the first place....Congrats on being full term!!!! Any time now!!!!

Lemon - yes, I am just over 5 feet tall and I am getting uncomfortable...don't want to complain, but my pelvis is just achy achy achy! and I have a short torso on top of it and so there is just no room in there...I can't imagine another 2 months---don't know how it is going to work out for a full term baby to fit!!! but hoping to get there!!!!

davecr - oh yes....i was sneezing the other day and got an excruciating pain in the low is just so interesting because i had no morning sickness really, and no real problems with this pregnancy, but right now---i have it all! reflux, insomnia, achy hips and fatigue....thank goodness i am going to start working from home next week!!! Almost full term for you!!!!

Keep up the good work ladies!!!!! Seems we are heading toward the home stretch!!!!
Hello Ladies,

Hope everyone is doing well today outside of the achy hips, pelvis, pulling muscles and sleepiness :) Baby was hungry last night at 3 am so I got up and had some cereal and then couldn't sleep. So the mood for today is defnitely sleepy for me.

Hubby had a weird dream that I though I would share - we are at the hospital and he goes downstairs in the elevator to get something and gets stuck in the elevator. He's freaking out because I am already in labor and he's stuck in the elevator. The doors finally open to a big ballroom where people are dancing and then congrulating him on the baby. He's still going 'I gotta get back to my wife'. He finally gets back to the room and I've already had the baby and even named her without him being there. And I named her some old name that he didn't like.

How's that for your subconcious working its way through dreams!! Poor thing. And I thought that us ladies were supposed to be stressed out about labor and having weird dream. Our other halves are also freaking out and they are probably feeling a bit lost too considering nothing in their control as men would like to have thing. :)

Anyway, hope all of you are having a good day.
Sounds like your hubby is worrying deep down! Mine is starting to get nervous now we're only 6 weeks away. Said the other day that if he was going for a job interview for role of parent, he'd not get it coz he's no experience! I think though that we'll all be expert nappy changers 3 days in.

Read about the 6 week 'period' after birth so went to buy some of the special maternity pads. Have you seen the size of them?? The pack of 24 is bigger than a cereal box, and when I read the back it recommended 24 for the first 2 days, then 48 for the first week. I looked a sight carrying armfuls of the things to the checkout!! Today's task is to buy some giant maternity pants on the internet for them to fit in.
Yes, I think men get anxious at this point! I think it is hard because as our symptoms get to the better of us, there isn't much they can do, but I think it starts to hit home that this is actually going to happen and they get excited, anxious, scared as well...Plus they don't know what their role is going to be in the delivery room...all out of their control....something new for them!!!

Lemon--I also stocked up on pads....I don't care how absorbent they may be there is no way I am using those huge monster pads! LOL!!!!! I may deal with them while in hospital, but I am not walking around with those things Ha ha ha....I am really a tampon user (forgive the openness) but I bought my usual back up pads..which are the 'super' absorbent kind, but thin and long--they got me through heavy bleeding with my fibroids...We will see...I may live to eat my words!!! Hope not though! :)
It was bittersweet buying them though I will say, as it signals the end of the pregnancy and I will miss being pregnant I think (definitely was doing very well without a period these last months)....but it also signals that soon, my little one will be here, so....ONWARD!!!!
Yes - has been lovely not having periods. Or my pre-menstrual migraine. I'm wondering whether to ask if I have a C-section, they can whip out my fibroid whilst I'm opened up! I'm sure they won't, but it might be worth asking. It's only small (12mm), but its position causes so much pain during each period that I would love to say goodbye to it!
Anybody remember their sugar levels, when it was time for the glucose test? Or what the range of normal was considered to be?
My sugar level was 138 (12.9) and the cut off for my ob is 140, which mean I barely made it under the 'normal' level. I know normal is typically 80-120, but during pregnancy the 'norm' is stretched to cover a wider range. Needless to say, I'm hoping my OB isn't somebody that's making up her own guidelines, and my levels are actually within the range of normal.
I just moved, and therefore transferred OB's at the 28 week mark. I don't feel like I have the classic signs/symptoms of gestational diabetes... but just wanted to check with you all.

I'm 29w4d now and just received the RhoGam shot yesterday... I moved from CT to NE and my OB in CT stressed the importance of receiving my RhoGam at 28wks (so I would need to get it as soon as I moved back, at my first appt). My new OB, in NE, told me that I would have to get some lab work done and I would receive it at 29w3d at the earliest. I guess it's probably not THAT big of deal, but it's always a little nerve racking to hear conflicting advise - especially since the one in CT is the the OB that saw me through everything thus far. Also, my OB was asking me all about my IVF!? Which leaves me nervous thinking she hasn't worked with many IVF pregnancies... or something. Ugh.

Hope you are all doing well! So many of you fine ladies are practically to finishline! I'm very excited and hopeful for all the happiness that is to come :)
Lemon - I too have fibroids and asked the doc if she could remove them because I am definitely having a C-section, but she said they don't like to do it because the uterus is so full of blood at that time, they don't want to risk hemorrhage and a hysterectomy. She said that she'd only remove one if it interfered with getting the baby out or making the incision. But ask your doc...maybe if you have just one fibroid, they will do it, but they will probably want to avoid any additional potential complication.

babybean - hi there! I think that your glucose test sounds about right and perhaps you are on the border...Your doc may have you repeat it in a few weeks. From what I have read it seems 28 weeks is when they suggest Rhogam...I have no idea if waiting one more week will hurt, but don't know why they just didn't give it at 28 weeks? At least you got it now though... I would say it probably isn't a big deal either but yes it becomes confusing when one practitioner says one thing and another says another thing...But I believe that it is more for the second pregnancy than the first anyway, so as long as there was not problem where you could have been sensitized prior to the birth of this baby, then it is probably fine....

Well, tomorrow is the last of the classes---ye old childcare class!!! Yeah! we learn how to bathe and diaper the little tyke! It is getting real, and maybe I am getting scared!!!!! Starting to finally have the baby dreams...the doc was asking me about it and I hadn't been having them, but seems like they have started!!! Can we say 'excitement'?!!!!!!

Take care ladies!!!! We are all so close, so let's keep each other posted and supported in this last stage of pregnancy..... :)
Sorry I can't help with the sugar level stuff Babybean - don't think we do all that in the UK. They just check a urine sample each time we have an appointment and I suppose would do more tests if it looks dodgy from that. Hope you get it sorted though.

Well Dmama - I shouldn't have mentioned the bloomin fibroid! Have had the awful stabbing pain I get during a period all weekend which was really scary at first as I thought the babies were coming early. Kept in touch with the hospital though and they think it is just muscular, but it is so painful in the night that I can't lie down. If I do get into one position, I'm then 'stuck' as it is agony to move, so for the last two nights I've had to get up with lots of gasps and moans (poor DH) and have a bath at about 2am, then try to sleep scrunched up on the sofa, re-filling my hot water bottle at various intervals. Needless to say I've not slept much - good practice I suppose!
In addition, my belly button is starting to stick out which I'd kind of expected, but the whole area around it is extremely painful, and is showing some bruising! It hurts even when I pull my top down over it. I'm wondering whether I've got that thing where the abdominal muscle splits - common when carrying twins I believe - argh.

The good thing is that this morning it feels a little better, so I'm hoping that it was just caused by the babies wrestling for space inside me, and now they've found new positions. Fingers' crossed!
Just got home from the doctors, was told I may not make it to my next appointment next Monday and most likely won't make it to my due date on 2/11. I am already 3cm dilated and 70% effaced but no contractions that I can feel, though apparently I've had some to get the effacement so far along.

He's on his way!!!
Just got home from the doctors, was told I may not make it to my next appointment next Monday and most likely won't make it to my due date on 2/11. I am already 3cm dilated and 70% effaced but no contractions that I can feel, though apparently I've had some to get the effacement so far along.

He's on his way!!!

Oh Caseyes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So exciting!Sounds like it to me too!!! Has the baby dropped into the pelvis? It is just a matter of time now....Depends on whether this little one wants to get evicted early or not, but it seems like it is going to be soon!!!! Please keep us posted when you can! I know this is what you've been waiting for, so enjoy it all.....:happydance: If you don't make it back on before you go into labor, I am praying for a healthy safe delivery for you and your baby!!!!Go gett'em!!!:thumbup:

Lemon - having two is so much more challenging...all the aches and pains must just be double!!!! i am sure the little ones are squishing each other for room in there! Maybe one of your little guys had a foot in between your ribs? that happened to me once and it was excrutiating! sleeping has certainly not been happening here either....i've already gotten hip to a hot shower before seems to really help...but once i get up for that first pee...all is lost...hope your improvement from this morning continues!:hugs:

Today, I had my 32 week check...Although I am starting to work from home, doc was trying to suggest I go out now...problem is that I am trying to stay on full pay for as long as I can, but am wondering if working 3-4 additional weeks is worth it? I guess it is, because seriously I just work on the computer...I mean, I can type to you guys, so I think I can work on the computer for a few weeks....and basically depending on how much I get done at a time, perhaps I can actually goof off (shush) some of the rest of the time....It isn't really that demanding....I just have to do a phone conference once or twice a week...not a major deal....Anyway, I am planning to go out at week 36...but of course, by week 34 if I feel things have changed ( and they change every day) I may ask to go out then and just eat the loss in pay.....(means more disability days with pay cut after junior comes--but will be worth it). I would definitely start disability if I could not work from home because it is getting hard to get around and I get so tired all the time......I start my non-stress tests at week 34 as well..I guess due to the prior myomectomy and fibroids and age, they want to check the placenta function...makes me wonder why they wait so late to do that though because it seems like if there was a problem, junior would not be doing so well by now, but I also guess there isn't much they could do about it till now anyway---by taking the baby early....Well all is good so far...I've gained 5 pounds since the prior 2 weeks and have just decided with 7 weeks to go, I am not going to worry about it ( I didn't gain anything at the last visit)...just keep on trying to eat healthy and lay off some ice cream, but not going to worry that much!

I can't wait till all the babies roll in!!!! Sorry for the long post...i am just so excited!!!!!
Just got home from the doctors, was told I may not make it to my next appointment next Monday and most likely won't make it to my due date on 2/11. I am already 3cm dilated and 70% effaced but no contractions that I can feel, though apparently I've had some to get the effacement so far along.

He's on his way!!!

That is so exciting Caseys. Go girl! Please ask your hubby to let us know on here how you are doing, and good vibes and best wishes winging their way across the atlantic to you. x

Dmama - it's such a difficult one about when to finish. What is your gut feeling? I'd felt tired, but OK in the couple of weeks before I finished - but when my body gave a great sigh of relief that I had finished I realised I'd been running on adrenaline. The breathless/heart racing episodes stopped right away too! Could you do as you say and review it again in 2 weeks? I suppose doing the best for these babies of ours is priority, but when it has a big financial implication, that can affect the baby too.
Hello Ladies,

Caseys - congrats and good luck and safe delivery. We can't wait to see a pic of your little boy! Lucky you to have already come this far with dilation and effactment without contractions. I am wishing for the same thing. :)

dmama - sounds like you're coming along very well. Good luck with deciding on the work issue. I have a sit down computer job too so I am planning on working til the end. That way I can extend time afterwards but our benefits here suck compared to yours. So maybe you should take full advantage.

miss lemon - hope you're feeling better from the fibroid. How scary and hopeful the c-section goes all smoothly. It would be nice for them to remove it while they have you opened up. Let us know what yoru doc says.

I just went for 36 wk check last friday and cervix is still high and closed and little girl is turned head down but hasn't droppped. She was all up into my ribs yesterday making my stomach rock hard too. I am starting to get very uncomfortable and more and more tired at the end of the day. Sleeping is so uncomfortable and waking up 3-4 times. And you ladies are right, once you've woken up it takes a while to fall asleep and get restful sleep. My ribs are starting to expand too now. I can feel the muscles getting all sore.
I haven't had any baby dreams, is that weird? Mentally I feel like I am going to go to the end and maybe even past my due date so maybe that's why I am not feeling anxious or worried. Don't know. I still go to my daughter's room and just sit and imagin me holding her though. I am very excited to start the bonding with her :) :)

Hope you ladies are having a good day.
I haven't had any baby dreams, is that weird?

Mine have always been weird ones composed of things I observed during the day but in random order. I learned last night not to ever watch that totally stupid MTV show Jersery Shore right before bed. I kept waking up begging my mind to make me stop dreaming about those morons.

Another preggo friend keeps dreaming about having sex with hot movie stars. I sooo wish my mind was like hers!
Caseys - that's hilarious about watching jersey shore. I keep having weird dreams as well and some of them are just plain scary ones like people chasing me and trying to kill me and/or hubby. Maybe I need to stop watching the action movies or something - hahah

Dreams about doing it with movie stars - now those would be nice dreams considering I have no energy at all to jump my hubby. Poor thing is being deprived and will only continue through the 6 weeks after birth. We've tired but the positions are just not comfortable and thus not sexy. I usually feel like a big whale trying to move around anyway LOL

Oh and did I ask you guys about the whole nuturing feeling. Well I don't have it but I think hubby's got it big time. He's on a frenzie every weekend to get all her stuff washed, cleaned and organized, etc. Its amazing. I love doing it with him but he's the one initiating. And I thought women were supposed to get that feeling towards the end.
That's great that he's into nesting!! I've not heard about the bloke doing it before, but hey, who cares. Mine has had a 'we have to have lots of technology ready for the babies' phase so he's bought a camera, a video camera and a new computer to edit it all on! Oh - and an additional sofa that we've been meaning to get for years to cope with the increased visitors we expect to get. We're officially skint now, but I think he thought if we don't get these things before the babies arrive, we never will!

Know what you mean about the increasingly uncomfortable bit. I think I've doubled in size in this last fortnight. Attempted to cut my toenails yesterday and really hoping that effort lasts until after the babies are born as it was nigh on impossible and I don't think I'll be able to do it again! And I put a purple jumper on, only to be told "you look just like a giant ribena berry"! Thanks for that.

Good luck with the sleeping ladies. I can recommend a couple of drops of lavender oil on a tissue under the pillow - seems to be helping me get back to sleep after the staggering trips to the loo in the night!
Hello Ladies,

How is everyone doing today? I am officially full terms at 37 weeks and doc appt on friday showed that I am already 1 cm dilated and cervix is just starting to soften up. Nurse started handing us admittance paperwork and it finally hit us both that this is down to the wire and could happen any day now. Of course in reading everything in the books and online, the 1 cm doesn't mean anything and it could be tomorrow or weeks from now. I will say that I had bad cramping Friday night and I think it was from the doc checking the cervix. Thought that was a precursor to labor but it went away the next day. So confusing!!! Guess its just a waiting game now. They did a quick ultrasound and baby is about 6lbs 13 oz already which is good average size and she was already head down all the way into my pelvic area which explains the constant pressure I feel down there. Its probably hilarious to watch me walk sometimes as I have that pelvic pressure and so can't help but waddle. hahaha

Caseys - Wishing you a smooth delivery - I know you were told you might not make it to this weekend. Big Hugs.

Dmama - what did you decide regarding staying home? I was so tempted this morning to stay home. I was just way too sleeping and slept right through the alarm clock. I feel rested though because I only woke up 2 times last night - woohoo.

Miss Lemon - I gave up on trying to do anything to my toenails. I am going to go for a pedicure later this week because I can barely tie my shoe laces. I look so professional at work with a nice outfit and tennis shoes on LOL. But the ankles are swelling up too much now not to switch to more comfortable shoes.

Now just worried that I might now know I am having contractions. Everyone keeps telling that I will definitely know but since its the unknown to me, I am nervous about that. Folks at work started a pool betting $5 a date guessing which day the baby will arrive. The baby gets half the proceeds. I was all for making money since they were all taking guessing on the date anyway. Most people think I am having this kid way before the due date.

Hubby had a talk with our daughter advising her of the plan for her to come on a Friday so that we could be home by Monday. That was his plan and it was so cute to watch him talking to her. I am looking forward to seeing my little girl :) :)

Hope you guys are having a good day.
No baby yet so I'm back at work again today. I wish he would hurry up and come out, he's been beating up my insides!

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