Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

I was also very excited by my pea :D

I'm not sure whether there's one or two in there DC ... I had 2 embies transferred but won't know til my scan on 27th how many are still there!
Maxwell, "Max" arrived last night at 2:37am, 6lbs 8oz. I got induced as he was driving me nuts! He's cute as a button, I will try to figure out how to post a pic sometime soon.
Congratulations Caseys!!!! You did it! I'm so pleased for you guys. Wooo hoooo.
Congratulations Caseys and welcome to Maxwell. I am so happy for you! Speedy recovery and enjoy the time with your little boy. Big hugs!

AFM - No change on my end. Had some braxton hicks last night while I was walking on the treadmill and they were pretty regular too. coming on every 10 minutes. Hubby got practice with the whole timing thing. But as soon as i sat down they went away. totally weird! so looks like my little bun isn't ready to go anywhere just yet.

Craving a burger wtih a fried egg on top - yummmy!

Hope you ladies are having a good day.
Caseys - Congrats and Welcome to Maxwell---That is actually the name I am choosing for my baby if I have a boy---have been keeping it secret all this time.....So happy...Hope all went smoothly and you and baby and DH are bonding well!!!! Lovin it!!!!

Davecr - Yourrrrrrrrr next! Baby will come when ready....ha ha Must want some more protein before making the journey to the outside world!!! Stay hydrated...I notice more BH when I haven't had enough water...

Urchin - I am obsessed with the fruit/vegetable thingy too!

Lemon - I am going to say that you might not last 5 weeks with those babies at that weight.....just a guess!

AFM - All is okay...NST went well and will be having them weekly now...I also feel like I am going to go earlier than the scheduled date...I am just very uncomfy and feel like my tummy is gonna burst open like the movie Alien....we will see....I want the baby to grow as well as it can, but I think I am ready anytime from 37 weeks on.....I am anxious to meet the baby...
Hello Ladies,

Quick update - 39 weeks and they did an ultrasound on Friday and she's already measuring 7.5 lbs but cervix was still only 1 cm dilated and still thick (same as last 3 weeks). Doc is worried about her getting too big so she recommended induction this Tuesday evening using proglastins first then oxytocin. We are excited and nervous at the same time. Praying cervix responds well and all goes well for vaginal delivery. I would like to avoid c-section if possible. If my body doesn't respond well then after 2 days or less they'll do c-section anyway. No going back after tuesday evening :)

Can't wait to meet my little girl. Hubby started jumping up and down in the doc office :) I am nervous more than so than he is, of course.

Hope all of you are doing well.
Caseys - Congrats and Welcome to Maxwell---That is actually the name I am choosing for my baby if I have a boy---have been keeping it secret all this time.....So happy...Hope all went smoothly and you and baby and DH are bonding well!!!! Lovin it!!!!

That's awesome that we picked the same name. I wanted a strong one, I don't think IVF babies should have any of the trendy, totally cutesy names as they had to be fighters to make it this far. That's just me though.
Quick update - 39 weeks and they did an ultrasound on Friday and she's already measuring 7.5 lbs but cervix was still only 1 cm dilated and still thick (same as last 3 weeks). Doc is worried about her getting too big so she recommended induction this Tuesday evening using proglastins first then oxytocin.

Good luck!! I was just on pitocin then once they broke my water, soon asked for an epidural. It was easier on me because I was already 4cm and 80%. Make sure you go in hydrated - I didn't know I was going to be induced that night, it was very spontaneous, and they gave me about 3 bags of saline (i was throwing up too so that was a factor). When I went to leave the hospital on Thursday my shoes didn't fit because my feet were so swollen from all the fluids.

You are going to do great!!!!
Good luck!! I was just on pitocin then once they broke my water, soon asked for an epidural. It was easier on me because I was already 4cm and 80%. Make sure you go in hydrated - I didn't know I was going to be induced that night, it was very spontaneous, and they gave me about 3 bags of saline (i was throwing up too so that was a factor). When I went to leave the hospital on Thursday my shoes didn't fit because my feet were so swollen from all the fluids.

You are going to do great!!!![/QUOTE]

Thank you so much Caseys! My cervix is making no progress at all. I did tons of walking, nipple simulation, drinking raspberry leaf tea, etc. (all the home remedies) over the weekend to hopefully get my cervix going. Nervous about how long it will take to get labor really going and having the energy by the end. I am sure they aren't going to let me eat since they want an empty stomach in case they need to do c-section. I am mentally prepared for the rest and will be taking the epidural at some point too. :)

Thanks for all the well wishes. I will post updates afterwards. Big Hugs!
Following up on a post of mine from several months ago, I just saw my "hoo-ha" for the first time since then! I was able to do a little trimming too, though I still have stitches so was just a slight trim. Still, it's the little things that are making me feel a little more like my former self now that I am on the other side. :)
davecr _ sending you my best for Tuesday!!!! Praying all goes well and you don't need a C-section....but either way, I hope delivery is going to be safe and you and the little one will be healthy on the other side!!!! soon you'll get to see that little face! so exciting!

casey's how is it going? glad you get to become familiar with your body parts again!LOL ! It has been a while for me too! crazy the things we take for granted!!! Ha! Is baby sleeping long periods?

so far on this end, i guess we will just be waiting...increasing discomfort with everything and sleep deprived...i am having more BH and they are stronger, but i guess doc said not to worry unless they get painful...i guess i will know when that happens...but i am getting real anxious...i guess that is normal...about to go out of my mind worrying how things are going to go....i will see the doc later this week and also go for another NST...i know it is close, but i am not sure how to keep it together till 3-20!!!! i will do my best!!!
Hi Ladies.
Looks like I've missed some action, but I was busy myself with having the twins on Sunday!! Waters broke at 1am and they were with us at 12 noon, delivered normally with the help of my friend Mr Epidural! Isaac Harrison was 5lb 3 and Bethan Isobel was 4lb 10. They both in special care as they were 3 weeks early, but doing well and we visiting all day every day!

Will get some pics uploaded soon. x

Hope you other ladies ok!
Hi Ladies.
Looks like I've missed some action, but I was busy myself with having the twins on Sunday!! Waters broke at 1am and they were with us at 12 noon, delivered normally with the help of my friend Mr Epidural! Isaac Harrison was 5lb 3 and Bethan Isobel was 4lb 10. They both in special care as they were 3 weeks early, but doing well and we visiting all day every day!

Will get some pics uploaded soon. x

Hope you other ladies ok!

How exciting!! congrats!!! Welcome to the "totallackofsleepbuttotallyinlove" club! :happydance:
Congrats Lemon!!!
Considering the twins you did great! Were you having contractions before your water broke? I am wondering what the lead in to labor is like since I MUST have a csection I am just worried I will miss the signs.
In any case I am happy things went great!

I am assuming Davecr also delivered?!

I guess I am next! Can't believe the time is here for us!
Sorry been mia for a while ladies. My little Ria was born on 2/22 via c-section at 1:15pm weighing 7lb 8ozs and 21.5 inches long. Went in night before on programs tins and had lots of cramp like contractions. They started me on pitocin. Lasted about 4 hours on my own to 4cm then asked for our buddy mr. Epidural. Doc came in half hour later and I had regressed to less than3 cm and she was worried I that baby might be too big and we'd have shoulder distortion problems so recommended we go for c-section. We were in the operating room within next half hour to have the little one. I cried so much after hearing her cries. It was so incredible to see my hubby crying too when he saw her. She's gorgeous with a full head of hair. Guess I fit that old wives tale about lots of hair on the baby if you have lots of heartburn. Her hair stood straight up after the first bath and the nurses couldn't get it to go down so they made a mohawk out of it. It was so cute :)

I am recovering wells and adjusting to no sleep but totally in love as Casey put it. :) and loving life as a whole. Feels like we had no life before our little ones arrived :). Casey's glad you're recovering well. I can't wait to do some trimming as well soon. Miss lemon -congrats on the birth of your twins. Looks like they are at a great weight and wishing you a speedy recovery.
Drama- good luck. Your next :)

I will post a pic later. Sending you lots of big hugs!
I am finally a watermelon!!! And I feel like one too!!!

Congrats Davecr!

Hope all of you mommies are doing well!
Congrats Davecr! Lovely news. Hope you recovering well too.

Not long to go dmama! I had no contractions till i got to the hospital - it was leaking fluid that was my signal. Hopefully though your little one will stay put until the 20th.

Life still mad here as babies still in special care and I'm spending 8-12 hours a day at hospital and the rest of the time expressing every 3 hours inc the night so shattered. I'm hooked up now to the pump and typing 1 handed!

Isaac is feeding from me so ready to come home but bethan can't feed on her own yet so they want to keep her longer. Will be awful bringing just 1 home so hoping she gets it before monday!
Miss lemon -congratulations. Hope your babies are doing well and are home with you now. Beautiful pic of you and the little ones. My little Ria is great and already a month old today. Time is flying by too quickly already now.

Dmama - any news on you and your babies. Sending you wishes for speedy recovery.

Casey's- how are you and max doing?
Hi ladies....just home today with my baby daughter!!! I had a girl.....!!!!!
Her name is Olivia....we are doing well so far!!! It is incredible....C-section was definitely something I need to replay in my was so surreal...but as they pulled her out and announced it was a girl...I will never forget that moment!
We are trying to get organized and dead tired, but loving it....

BTW..what do you all put your little ones to sleep wearing....the hospital only used a long sleeved tshirt with diaper and a you keep up with that or do something more? Welcome to motherhood!!!
Sorry I haven't commented much lately, been sleep-deprived! Congrats to everyone!

We put Max in a sleepsuit usually - those long sleeved outfits with booties. Sometimes like tonight he's in one of those with snaps and no booties, but you can fold the sleeves over his hands. We always swaddle him in one of those premade swaddles. Since he's got his hands covered we'll probably only swaddle his lower half.

Breastfeeding didn't work out for me so I pump then feed. Time for my before bed pump. I will try to catch up on all the posts soon!

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