Congrats Caseys on being in the 2nd trimester. Looks like I am about 2 weeks behind you I can't wait for this 1st one to be over and be able to tell all of my family, especially my sister.
Peeker - congrats on 28.5 weeks. Feels so long away for me but I know that I will be there sooner than I think and then I will feel like I have so much still to get done. Sorry you've been sick the whole time.
I've had a few days of nausea here and there but I've been lucky on the whole and not had any throwing up or anything. Some dizziness too but mainly my thing is tiredness. And I need to control my stress at work better. I was super stressed last week and my acupuncturist could tell right away from my face and heartbeat. It's amazing how much info she knows from just my heartbeat. She called my pregnancy around day 9 past transfer as a potential and I hadn't even tested at home yet and she said she could tell from my heartbeat. There is so much about eastern medicine that is unknown to us in the west. Its amazing.
Anyway, hope all of you are having a great day. I have my first OB appt with regular doc tomorrow. Looking forward to getting to know the new doc and her staff. Don't feel comfortable with current doc as she recommended that I do all tests including cvs/amino and this new doc said she would only suggest that if the nuchal showed signs of needing the other tests. Much prefer that. whew!
Peeker - congrats on 28.5 weeks. Feels so long away for me but I know that I will be there sooner than I think and then I will feel like I have so much still to get done. Sorry you've been sick the whole time.
I've had a few days of nausea here and there but I've been lucky on the whole and not had any throwing up or anything. Some dizziness too but mainly my thing is tiredness. And I need to control my stress at work better. I was super stressed last week and my acupuncturist could tell right away from my face and heartbeat. It's amazing how much info she knows from just my heartbeat. She called my pregnancy around day 9 past transfer as a potential and I hadn't even tested at home yet and she said she could tell from my heartbeat. There is so much about eastern medicine that is unknown to us in the west. Its amazing.
Anyway, hope all of you are having a great day. I have my first OB appt with regular doc tomorrow. Looking forward to getting to know the new doc and her staff. Don't feel comfortable with current doc as she recommended that I do all tests including cvs/amino and this new doc said she would only suggest that if the nuchal showed signs of needing the other tests. Much prefer that. whew!