Is anyone else pregnant for the first time after IVF?

Congrats Caseys on being in the 2nd trimester. Looks like I am about 2 weeks behind you :) I can't wait for this 1st one to be over and be able to tell all of my family, especially my sister.

Peeker - congrats on 28.5 weeks. Feels so long away for me but I know that I will be there sooner than I think and then I will feel like I have so much still to get done. Sorry you've been sick the whole time.

I've had a few days of nausea here and there but I've been lucky on the whole and not had any throwing up or anything. Some dizziness too but mainly my thing is tiredness. And I need to control my stress at work better. I was super stressed last week and my acupuncturist could tell right away from my face and heartbeat. It's amazing how much info she knows from just my heartbeat. She called my pregnancy around day 9 past transfer as a potential and I hadn't even tested at home yet and she said she could tell from my heartbeat. There is so much about eastern medicine that is unknown to us in the west. Its amazing.

Anyway, hope all of you are having a great day. I have my first OB appt with regular doc tomorrow. Looking forward to getting to know the new doc and her staff. Don't feel comfortable with current doc as she recommended that I do all tests including cvs/amino and this new doc said she would only suggest that if the nuchal showed signs of needing the other tests. Much prefer that. whew!
:wave: may I join the discussion? I had my 1st IVF in July - the EC 7/17 and the transfer 7/22 (our 5 yr anniversary) and got our BFP on July 31st! This would be wonderful to follow all your stories and experiences, and compare notes. Nobody (no friends or family, ok my cousin is the ONLY person) knows we did IVF and nobody knows we're pregnant just yet.

I go in for more bw tomorrow. I just hope my numbers continue to rise! I may switch from injectable progesterone to suppositories, as I have some friends that are visiting us and staying with us for 3-4 days. I don't know how to 'sneak away' for our nightly progesterone jabbing. :haha: Has anybody else switched as well?? And were there any weird side effects??

Thanks ladies! :flower:

MissLemon, I loved your story as well :winkwink:
Welcome babybean and congrats! I switched from the shots to the suppositories but only after being on it a couple of weeks after my BFP. Doc finally took me off around week 9 and I was so relieved as they were very painful for me. I had no side effects from the switching or the suppositories themself.

I had some family visit us when I was doing the shots and I setup everything in the bathroom and would use that as an excuse to go take the shot. If that helps you. :)
Congrats, babybean! Do you mind if I ask where in the US you are? We seem to have a really good balance of Americans, Brits, I think a Canadian or two as well.

I personally was never on the progesterone shots, just the suppositories. After reading horror stories about how the shots hurt so much, etc, it made the suppositories no big deal to me.

During the whole IVF process, I turned the guest bathroom into my own little pharmacy, I didn't realize how much stuff was involved until I had to clean it out for guests that were coming. Plus I was able to close the door and forget about the shots until I had to go back in there and deal with them the next time.

Also I don't know about you girls, but I'm still monitoring one of the IVF threads in the assisted conception area, and it breaks my heart to read about those that had failed IVFs and can't afford to try again. It's just another reminder of how "lucky" I am to be able to afford what it took to get me to this point.
I just got horrible NT screen results, the normal risk for Downs for women my age is 1 in 110, my risk is 1 in 5. I am also high risk for Trisomy 18, 1 in 35. I'm waiting to hear back from my doctor to find out of it's too late for a CVS test or if I have to wait until week 15 for an amnio. Has anyone else been through a scare like this?
Ok after posting my last post, I did some research. My NT was normal, and so were my HCG levels, the only thing that was low was my PAPP-A from the bloodwork. So I googled "low Papp-A" and "IVF" and found this reassuring article:

I'm hoping when I talk to my doctor later she will tell me that it could be a false positive, we'll see...
Hi Caseys

Sorry for your worry and that article was very reassuring. Hope you get the opportunity to speak it over with your doctor.

It looks like I might not get my scan tomorrow as there is a riot in areas in London and my hospital is near where it is. Really disappointed but I suppose safety first.

Take Care
I had the scan today and not that great I think as they could see two sacs and two yolks but could not see baby or heartbeat yet. Really worried as thought at 6 wk 1day since EC they would see the baby. I have been told to come back in two weeks so two weeks of worrying for me.
Tory, I have heard in a lot of cases it takes longer than that. When I went in at 7 weeks for my first scan I saw a tiny little blob and they were like, that's the baby, and I found it hard to believe because like I said, it just looked like a blob. Hang in there!

Also I am so glad you still made it to your appointment, I hope the riots aren't affecting you too much? I lived in England for a year in the 90s but was up in Norwich at UEA. I miss the UK, hope to make it back someday.

Thanks Casey I am just doom and gloom at the minuet. I expected to see just a little mark in the sacs. I found out it was too so it would be twins but can't even get excited about that yet.
We nearly didn't make our appointment as it was in Hackney where the riots are.

I have got another two week wait again!
Hi ladies

I had my ET on 7/7 and my BFP on 7/19.
I just had my first ultrasound with the RE yesterday and we saw a little bean in there with a heartbeat! :happydance: I am still on pins and needles, but so glad to see that. I go back to the RE in two weeks for a final check with them and in the meantime, my OB wants to see me, so I will have another ultrasound next week too! This is my first pregnancy ever. I had one failed IVF cycle in April.

Good luck ladies...praying our little beans keep growing well!!!
My prayers for you in London where the turmoil is happening...Stay safe!
Oh Tory you must be so worried, but don't be. You wouldn't have yolk sacs surely if they weren't there! Mine were just tiny, tiny blobs - I had to take the womans word for it that they were there! Know what you mean about another two week wait though - that's exactly what it felt like. I thought the doubts and anguish and waiting would finish with the BFP, but no! Hopefully your little beans will be swimming around in a couple of weeks and put your mind at rest. Then you'll be able to panic that you're having twins :winkwink:

Watch those riots too Mrs - we've got them starting in Manchester now apparently - like we've gotta copy London! Bloody ridiculous.

Good luck Caseys - it must be so worrying for you too but hopefully everything will be ok. Thank goodness for reassuring articles!

Hi dmama - hello to you and your little bean!
For those of you who had to take progesterone vaginal suppositories (or injections) when did your doc tell you to stop them?
For those of you who had to take progesterone vaginal suppositories (or injections) when did your doc tell you to stop them?

I started to taper at 10 weeks. The placenta begins to take over in week 8, but many RE's recommend taking them for a couple of weeks beyond that.
Caseys, I live on the East coast.

I can't believe all the British riots! Scary stuff. I didn't even think of this effecting scans, dr's appts, etc. Hope things get resolved soon!! Stay safe!:hugs:

I went in for bloodwork today. I was so nervous to hear back, as last time I mc at 8 weeks. I'm only 5 weeks along at this point but my hcg 4,343. I hope that's good :shrug: The nurse said it was... I hope, hope, hope this bean sticks!

My progesterone was high enough that I can try out the suppositories. I had them ordered I may just stick with the injections as long as I can. I have first scan next week! I'll be 6 weeks and 3 days then... I don't even know what I'll be able to see. Do ANY of you have the option to receive a recording of the appt?? Like a video of the ultrasound and the heartbeat?? Just curious...

Good luck ladies!
Caseys, I live on the East coast.

Do ANY of you have the option to receive a recording of the appt?? Like a video of the ultrasound and the heartbeat?? Just curious...

Good luck ladies!

I had my ultrasound yesterday and I got a thumbdrive with the pics on it and also a video including the recording of the heartbeat but it was hard to hear it on my tiny computer at home...I guess different offices offer different things depending on the resources...They told me to bring it back and they will add the next ultrasound session to it! Good luck!!!!

I am waiting a call back from my RE office...My RE said yesterday to continue with my progesterone, but when I called today because I discovered I am out of refills, the nurse said that since I am 7 weeks I should be stopping them anyway. I told her that I just saw the doc yesterday and he said to continue and she was supposed to check and call me back, but the wench hasn't called me back yet and the office is closed. I still have some left, but need more before the weekend, so I am gonna have to call tomorrow and demand some clarification...But now I am certain I want to stay on them for a few more weeks...We will see...I have an appt with my OB next week and will see what she says about it, but I will need the refill before then...I hate when they forget to call back!!!! :growlmad:
Hi all, hope you don't mind me posting again :)
I just wanted to say congrats to everybody who has BFPs!
Caseys - I had a downs screen, just measured the neck and took bloods like AmorBeBe said and they did an assessment of risk factors like do you smoke, drink and medical history. Thankfully mine came back low risk. I believe they look for certain things in your blood which can be produced if the baby has downs. It's not that reliable though, so they told me!

Tory123 I had what you had, all my bloating and symptoms disappearing and about the same time. I was so worried I went to the midwife and she listened for the heart beat. Then when I said it was an IVF pregnancy she said that it is very common with IVF because you've been so full of drugs for so long THEY are what is making you bloated and eventually it will disappear.

AmorBebe yeah all my family and work had to know I was having IVF or else I'd not have got the time off for my appointments, and after my BFP they were all overjoyed and I just wanted them all to shut up as my clinic said don't get excited until your 11 week scan then you really know everything is OK. They did my head in. I so wish nobody had knows, like the worry isn't enough, then everybody around me was getting excited and I was terrified it wouldn't work out.

Hope you all have a lovely day :)

Ok after posting my last post, I did some research. My NT was normal, and so were my HCG levels, the only thing that was low was my PAPP-A from the bloodwork. So I googled "low Papp-A" and "IVF" and found this reassuring article:

I'm hoping when I talk to my doctor later she will tell me that it could be a false positive, we'll see...

Thanks for posting this Caseys, I just had my scan on Monday and should be getting the results back the end of this week or next week.

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