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Is the OPK Negative or Positive..Please Help

you should ov most likely tomorrow rather than today rarely u ov on same day of surge UNLESS u caught ur surge late :) thats most defiantly a nice positive u got there hun defo get bedding today and tomorrow to cover all angels and even the day after ov too :winkwink: xx

i also got a pos OPK today :dance: but im WTT at moment so im just getting used to my cycles again after having my baby and stopping the depo injections :)
oooops should have looked at date of this thread :rofl: silly me, anyways im now caught up, i hope u get ur BFP hun sounds promising, dont forget in the first week of pregnancy HCG fluctuates alot so if ur testing really early then u can get conflicting results, try testing after af was due that way u get a more accurate answer hun :)
charlie-which pictures are you looking at? Im not ovulating im late for AF and had 1 pos test and other negatives
lol sorry i was looking at ur first post the OPK you put up, it was only after i replied that i noticed there were 30 more pages :blush:
:haha: it's okay i do the same sometimes :blush: still no sign of AF yay dont know if i should buy a different brand or not of hpts
oh u defiantly should hun being late for af in my eyes justify's buying a good test maybe try a frer?? xx
i tested with a frer on saturday got a faint pos then after was getting negatives :shrug: the pics are in this thread i think on page 2 and 3 or so. I dont know if i should buy more FRERs
hmmmm see if u were in the UK id say grab a superdrug im not sure what brands u have in US, i defiantly suggest finding a good brand that u have there and try to get the highest sensitivity which here in UK is 10miu, maybe google what u have in your area or go onto your local shopping store website and see what they have, iv always found that shopping store brands are very good and very sensitive aswell as cheap for your pocket :thumbup:
im not sure if u have a walmart near you but i found these ....


they sell these in the UK and there highly rated yet cheap, they look exactly like a frer but there more sensitive in my experience, walmart have quite a few tests so have a look u may find something better :)
yes i have a walmart actually walking distance. And i know about the answer brand. I think i should buy that brand. I have to see if its inside the walmart by my house because last time it was only at the one by a mall by my house.
I've heard that answer is made by frer on one of these threads. I don't know how true that is, but they sure do look alike! I say test again!!! You can always test and if it's negative and af doesn't come, get your bloodwork next week. I've heard of so many women not being able to pick up hcg on hpt's that are pregnant. That's nuts, but it happens!:wacko:...oh there's a 2$ coupon on couponsuzy.com for ept's....fyi. :)
you should ov most likely tomorrow rather than today rarely u ov on same day of surge UNLESS u caught ur surge late :) thats most defiantly a nice positive u got there hun defo get bedding today and tomorrow to cover all angels and even the day after ov too :winkwink: xx

i also got a pos OPK today :dance: but im WTT at moment so im just getting used to my cycles again after having my baby and stopping the depo injections :)

I know you mentioned you're not trying, but did you get to:sex: last night anyway? Just curious because I'm a nosy gal! How old is your baby?:baby:
Thanks gabby and yes they look exactly alike and similar in pricing also. I am planning on geting bloodwork done. Told dh about and he said he is going to the doctor next week so when he gets his next paycheck we will go for mines so thats good. Even though i dont think i can wait that long :haha: but the only thing i thought about is that when i m/c last year, i was early and my levels were detected and i had IB. this one is different and i remember they said every pregnancy is different so i guess i wont know until the bloodwork is done. I might just go to the urgent care center thats $20 for a blood pregnancy test and get it done.
Thanks gabby and yes they look exactly alike and similar in pricing also. I am planning on geting bloodwork done. Told dh about and he said he is going to the doctor next week so when he gets his next paycheck we will go for mines so thats good. Even though i dont think i can wait that long :haha: but the only thing i thought about is that when i m/c last year, i was early and my levels were detected and i had IB. this one is different and i remember they said every pregnancy is different so i guess i wont know until the bloodwork is done. I might just go to the urgent care center thats $20 for a blood pregnancy test and get it done.

Hey ladies.....I have been stocking ur thread.....I am really hoping big BFPs for ou all! I can't believe you have to pay or bloodwork! I have never heard of that! I always thought that was the "free" way to test.....I can't wait to one back to this thread and see your BFP! Here's some love from Canada
you should ov most likely tomorrow rather than today rarely u ov on same day of surge UNLESS u caught ur surge late :) thats most defiantly a nice positive u got there hun defo get bedding today and tomorrow to cover all angels and even the day after ov too :winkwink: xx

i also got a pos OPK today :dance: but im WTT at moment so im just getting used to my cycles again after having my baby and stopping the depo injections :)

I know you mentioned you're not trying, but did you get to:sex: last night anyway? Just curious because I'm a nosy gal! How old is your baby?:baby:

:haha: yes we did bed BUT protected of course, well pull out method :blush:, i use OPk and charting for contraception rather than ttc, i had the depo jab but it totally messed me up and made me bleed for 4 months!!!!

my LO is only 6 months old and i have 2 other kids my boy of 10 and girl of 4 so i got a busy life :)
Canada-Thanks FXed you get a bfp yourself. Yes, in the U.S. you have to pay to get medical attention so we have to choose a good healthcare plan.

Charlie-I see you are a very busy lady over there :haha: I have to catch up. Im still ttc #1 :rofl:
Canada-Our health coverage sucks in this country! It's not a priority here. I have a couple of friends who had to file bankruptcy because their child was sick and their medical bills were outrageous. Our one friend had hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of medical bills because his son needed a kidney transplant. It's crazy. Who can afford such a thing? We so often take our health for granted. It's a wake up call to see your friends go through illness with their children.....hope you get your bfp soon!

Anywho, mz go get your blood test hun. So, what was your past IB like? Just curious.

Charlie- you definately got your hands full girl! LOL!

As for me, I'm on cd9, just waiting to O, but at this rate only the lord knows when that will be. Oh geesh!:shrug:
Well DH and i talked and this is my plan. Ok so i calculated when next AF will be due if AF would've came on time on Oct. 13th and it set my next AF to Nov. 17th. Now DH is off on Nov. 17th so thats good also. We plan to test on Nov. 17th and then go to the doctor to do bloodwork if AF has not appeared because then I will be 2 months late for AF (lmp Sept. 8th)!!! So thats the plan. I know it seems so far away but Im trying to be hopeful and give myself as much time as possible because I heard of women who was a month late and then got negative hpts and blood and then the 2nd month late, got pos blood test and bfp on hpt so its possible. And last time i was pregnant...my cycles were ALL OVER THE PLACE so i never really paid attention to them. Once it came, it came and left and that was it. So one day i went to the bathroom and wiped and saw pink so i said ok AF is starting. I put a pad on and told DH and then next time i went to the bathroom..nothing. But i still kept the pad on just in case because AF was known to do that. But next day the same thing...nothing. So I said okay no pad. Then since i was moody, DH told me to test and we bought a digi and bam came up pregnant. Went to the doctor and found out i was around 4 weeks pregnant. So thats why this cycle is throwing me for a loop.
Well lets pray for the bast! I hope you're pregnant! Gosh November is forever away! LOL!
Lol i know it seems so far away yet its next week :rofl: I start training for my new job on the 7th so i guess that's going to keep me busy for the 10 days leading up to the 17th hopefully :haha:

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