is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

I've also spent the last week sleeping in the spare double bed in alexs room - partly to be close to settle him and partly as his dads had a cold and was snoring do loudly!!
However, tonight Alex was throwing a paddy as I was trying to get him ready for bed and I wouldn't let him play with his tigger cushion. I chucked it on the floor and turned to grab his bottle, at which point he used every bloody ounce of his strength to lauch himself to the floor to get it!!!!!
I chucked the milk and grabbed the baby. He wasn't hurt - he landed on teddys and cushions - and actually laughed hysterically as it to say 'ha ha you can't stop me'!!!! I wasn't as amused, as not only did he nearly give me a heart attack, I had chucked a whole 6oz bottle on the bed that soaked through all the bedding and brand new mattress!!! :doh:

Means I'm
Back in with my snoring OH tonight :-(
Our evening is proving interesting. Been trying for the last 2 hours to get lily to sleep, she's fighting it big time. She refused her afternoon nap after me trying to get her to sleep for 90mins.

She's been awake since 2pm!

We were hoping for an early night.

oh my. :hugs:
i hope she gives in soon

have you taken her to the osteopath yet?

No, not yet, we're still waiting for milk matters to get back to us with a reccomendation, will be chasing her up over the coming days.

Lily is showing no signs of giving in, think she's going for a 3 hour fight.

Hope everyone else has a good night :hugs:
I've also spent the last week sleeping in the spare double bed in alexs room - partly to be close to settle him and partly as his dads had a cold and was snoring do loudly!!
However, tonight Alex was throwing a paddy as I was trying to get him ready for bed and I wouldn't let him play with his tigger cushion. I chucked it on the floor and turned to grab his bottle, at which point he used every bloody ounce of his strength to lauch himself to the floor to get it!!!!!
I chucked the milk and grabbed the baby. He wasn't hurt - he landed on teddys and cushions - and actually laughed hysterically as it to say 'ha ha you can't stop me'!!!! I wasn't as amused, as not only did he nearly give me a heart attack, I had chucked a whole 6oz bottle on the bed that soaked through all the bedding and brand new mattress!!! :doh:

Means I'm
Back in with my snoring OH tonight :-(

Oh no :hugs:
Our evening is proving interesting. Been trying for the last 2 hours to get lily to sleep, she's fighting it big time. She refused her afternoon nap after me trying to get her to sleep for 90mins.

She's been awake since 2pm!

We were hoping for an early night.

oh my. :hugs:
i hope she gives in soon

have you taken her to the osteopath yet?

No, not yet, we're still waiting for milk matters to get back to us with a reccomendation, will be chasing her up over the coming days.

Lily is showing no signs of giving in, think she's going for a 3 hour fight.

Hope everyone else has a good night :hugs:

where in the uk are you?
Spoke to soon....he's just woke up! :dohh:

Hope everyone has a good night :hugs:
I wish you all a good night ladies. My OH has nightduty tonight and I am so so glad! Wanted to cry last night and was so exhausted all day today! When will it change? When will it get better?! Everyone always promises that but your LOs are proof that sometimes it does not get better but quite the reverse! :cry:
Anyway, here is to hope which springs eternal! xxx
I 'm joining you ladies also! The last couple of weeks my lo's sleep has gone to hell! He used to sleep from 8 pm til 3 or 4 am eat them back to sleep till 6:30 eats again then back to sleep till 8. Now we have nights (like last night) where he is up fussing every hour! I'm at my wits end with him! It doesn't help that he is teething and he got his first cold, so I now have a bad sleeper on my hands!!!
:hugs: to all of us with bad sleepers!

:hugs: and welcome!
i guess it's even worse when you had some good sleep before :sleep:

Thanks Kosh!! Every night I hope he'll go back, but I'm not holding my breath! :wacko:
Not only am I exhausted, overwhelmed, depressed and stressed now I have some basically saying I'm a bad mom because I let izzy sleep in her swing. It's the only way we 1-1.5 hrs of sleep if we are lucky!! I'm at a loss anymore and just trying to survive!!
How do you all put your babies to bed?
I transitioned my twins to cribs in June and things have gotten even worse since then.

I start the bedtime routine at 7- 7:15, where I put jammies on, breastfeed them and then top them up with a bottle of formula.
They seem to get a second wind and it takes me 2+ hours to get them to sleep.

I used to and sometimes can put them in bed and one of them will go to sleep on her own, but they usually scream so I take them out and rock or nurse them to sleep.
Then usually it takes a million times, because they snap awake as soon as I start lowering them in their crib....

So my 8 month olds go to bed at 10 or 11 at night... when everyone else's perfect babies seem to go to bed at 7pm and sleep till 7am :huh:
How do you all put your babies to bed?
I transitioned my twins to cribs in June and things have gotten even worse since then.

I start the bedtime routine at 7- 7:15, where I put jammies on, breastfeed them and then top them up with a bottle of formula.
They seem to get a second wind and it takes me 2+ hours to get them to sleep.

I used to and sometimes can put them in bed and one of them will go to sleep on her own, but they usually scream so I take them out and rock or nurse them to sleep.
Then usually it takes a million times, because they snap awake as soon as I start lowering them in their crib....

So my 8 month olds go to bed at 10 or 11 at night... when everyone else's perfect babies seem to go to bed at 7pm and sleep till 7am :huh:

Please don't believe everyone when they say their LO's sleep 7-7 (Not suggesting people lie,just maybe a little more economical with the truth:winkwink:? and also if you read all the posts on here you will soon see that not all babies fit into that mould of STTN.
Ellebelle- firstly.. Hey neighbour! :wave: secondly, I can't imagine having 2 babies to get and keep asleep! :hugs: our problem isn't going to sleep, its staying asleep lol but all I do is shower, jammies, dark room, then BF both boobs (usually about an hour to 1.5 hrs) and then he's usually asleep.. The odd time he'll wake as soon as he's in the crib but in the past few wweks that hasn't really been an issue (it was for the longest time though so I'd just BF again and it usually did the trick) If he doesn't need the resettle he's in bed between 9 and 930... I too wonder about those 7-7 people :wacko:

Tonight sucks. I'm starting to think the cosleeping on the trip might have affected his sleeping habits :( all I want to do is cave and let him cuddle and nurse all night but our bed is too small and I really don't want to get into that habit...

Its 430 and he's been waking every 1-1.5 hrs tonight. The last waking at 2am had him up for an hour and a half because he had to poop and then wouldn't settle after. Finally got him asleep only to have him wake an hour later :sleep: I don't mind the odd waking but I know he can't be hungry every hour so it mist be habit now?? :(
:hugs: to all this morning, hopefully there were a few ok nights last night? Sorry to see more of you suffering horrible sleep.

I am happy to report that after a few horrendous nights in a row, last night was pretty good! LO went to sleep by 6.30 with hardly any fuss, but had been awake almost 6 hours by that point :wacko: - naps yesterday were awful and I was dreading an overtired meltdown and hundreds of wake ups...but it didn't happen! He slept 6.30-9.30, woke for a feed then went back to sleep until 1am, fed, woke again at 4.40am, fed and then woke for the day at 7am!! :happydance: I got TWO blocks of 3 hours sleep for me. I feel sooooo much better after the last few horrible nights.

I feel really guilty now as I was really short tempered and frustrated with LO yesterday mornimg after a night of no sleep :cry:

There is definitely no logic to his night time sleep. Yesterday he ate and slept less than normal, was awake for hours before bedtime and yet slept better than normal.
Ellebelle- firstly.. Hey neighbour! :wave: secondly, I can't imagine having 2 babies to get and keep asleep! :hugs: our problem isn't going to sleep, its staying asleep lol but all I do is shower, jammies, dark room, then BF both boobs (usually about an hour to 1.5 hrs) and then he's usually asleep.. The odd time he'll wake as soon as he's in the crib but in the past few wweks that hasn't really been an issue (it was for the longest time though so I'd just BF again and it usually did the trick) If he doesn't need the resettle he's in bed between 9 and 930... I too wonder about those 7-7 people :wacko:

Tonight sucks. I'm starting to think the cosleeping on the trip might have affected his sleeping habits :( all I want to do is cave and let him cuddle and nurse all night but our bed is too small and I really don't want to get into that habit...

Its 430 and he's been waking every 1-1.5 hrs tonight. The last waking at 2am had him up for an hour and a half because he had to poop and then wouldn't settle after. Finally got him asleep only to have him wake an hour later :sleep: I don't mind the odd waking but I know he can't be hungry every hour so it mist be habit now?? :(

:hugs: I have come to the conclusion with my LO that it's not habit, it's totally random. I've thought so many times that certain things have created habits only to find that everything changes again without me doing anything different.
Not only am I exhausted, overwhelmed, depressed and stressed now I have some basically saying I'm a bad mom because I let izzy sleep in her swing. It's the only way we 1-1.5 hrs of sleep if we are lucky!! I'm at a loss anymore and just trying to survive!!

No one can judge you unless they are living your exact situation. You are not a bad mum, you're helping your LO sleep the best way you can right now and sometimes just keeping your head above water is a massive achievement. Hang in there :hugs::hugs:
How do you all put your babies to bed?
I transitioned my twins to cribs in June and things have gotten even worse since then.

I start the bedtime routine at 7- 7:15, where I put jammies on, breastfeed them and then top them up with a bottle of formula.
They seem to get a second wind and it takes me 2+ hours to get them to sleep.

I used to and sometimes can put them in bed and one of them will go to sleep on her own, but they usually scream so I take them out and rock or nurse them to sleep.
Then usually it takes a million times, because they snap awake as soon as I start lowering them in their crib....

So my 8 month olds go to bed at 10 or 11 at night... when everyone else's perfect babies seem to go to bed at 7pm and sleep till 7am :huh:

My 11 month old doesnt do perfect baby either, we start getting her ready for bed between 8 and 9pm, she takes a while to settle, do quite often isn't actually in bed until 10:30 -11pm. I also get her to sleep in the lounge so I can get some sort of an evening just vegging. I did use to get her settled in the bedroom, but that meant that was me for the night as I can't leave her, i was going crazy with that.

Well, last night, as predicted took 3 hours of lily fighting before she went to sleep at gone 11pm, she'd been awake 9 hours by then. She then wouldn't stay settled, so I had to keep re-boobing her. So I didn't get to bed until midnight, shortly after she needed boob again, so I didn't get to sleep until 1am ish. She also woke 4 or 5 times and was awake for the day at 8:45, again, not enough sleep and she is exhausted today, yet she is now fighting her nap! :growlmad:
Not too bad a night for us. We had quite a lot of wakings but a couple of longish stretches too and a couple of times she even settled without boob. The only problem is she wouldn't sleep until midnight and wasn't up for the day until midday!! I've tried everything to get her to bed earlier but she just wakes up and is wide awake again. Because we cosleep I have to stay in bed with her until she wakes up. It's great to have a long lie but I get nothing done. Any ideas how I can get her to bed earlier?
How do you all put your babies to bed?
I transitioned my twins to cribs in June and things have gotten even worse since then.

I start the bedtime routine at 7- 7:15, where I put jammies on, breastfeed them and then top them up with a bottle of formula.
They seem to get a second wind and it takes me 2+ hours to get them to sleep.

I used to and sometimes can put them in bed and one of them will go to sleep on her own, but they usually scream so I take them out and rock or nurse them to sleep.
Then usually it takes a million times, because they snap awake as soon as I start lowering them in their crib....

So my 8 month olds go to bed at 10 or 11 at night... when everyone else's perfect babies seem to go to bed at 7pm and sleep till 7am :huh:

We start at around 8 and lucky if we get to bed by 11!! I don't always believe moms anymore when they talk about what their babies all do.
I agree, I really think some moms embelish (sp?) when it comes to their babies sleep habits! I have 3 friends with babies all around my lo's age, one being a set of twins and according to their moms they all sleep through the night except my baby!!! My Dh calls b.s. on them, however I can't help but feel that they are doing something right and I'm doing it all wrong!

Lo was a great sleeper until the last couple of weeks, now he never slept from 7-7, but he wasn't constantly waking! At least last night was much better, he went down at 7:45 slept till 11 when he woke up crying we soothed him then he went back down til 2 am nursed and slept til 6:30 nursed again than woke for the day at 8. It's an improvement, :hugs: to everyone who had a rough night one day we will sleep again!
We're having such a trying day because she's tired, her nap was only about 30 mins long!

She keeps shouting and screaming at the top of her voice, it's so loud it's hurting my ear drums, she's doing it over and over again. Don't know what to do, really loosing my patience.

Trying to get her to sleep again, but she's just fighting it by trying to crawl/roll over while feeding or pulling her hair :dohh: :growlmad: I hope tesco arrives soon so we can take her for a drive to shut her up!

And to think I was thinking of talking to the husband about the possibility of trying for another one in the new year, think I'll keep my mouth shut today! :dohh:

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