
I'm so sorry you're having a bad eve hon. Any chance OH can give you a night (or even and evening) off any time soon? It always helped me to plan something like that when LO was being really difficult to deal with.
Re sleep training - in an ideal world I wouldn't do any at all. I hate having to do it and I'm frankly rubbish at sticking to it because I cave too quickly. If I didn't have to go back to work I don't think I'd be considering it so seriously, but I have a very demanding job where I could literally kill people if i make the wrong decision and I really don't feel confident that I can do it on such little sleep

but I HAVE to in order for us to pay our mortgage. So...sleep training may well happen for us.
I've tried some of the gentle techniques. I'm working on not letting him BF to sleep using the Pantley pull out method from No Cry Sleep Solution, and I'm trying to get him to go to sleep in the cot by persisting in putting him down sleepy but awake, picking him back up if he cries then putting him back down when calm even though it sometimes takes hours and it seems to be completely random whether he'll put up a fight or not. It doesn't seem to be getting progressively better particularly, like I thought it might, and it hasn't stopped him waking frequently in the night at all.
I'm hoping that his own room may help him but realistically I'm not sure it'll be that simple.
I just don't know what to do for the best. I wish I knew what would work with him but I'm clutching at straws. When I read flippityflop's posts about how well CC worked for her I feel like it might work for us too, as our LOs sound very similar, but it seems that just when I decide that we're definitely going to try it LO has a better night and I lose my confidence and then it all goes to pot. I'm also scared in case I try it and it doesn't work and my last resort option is then gone and things won't improve and I'll be a disaster at work.
I just wish he would sleep better. I hate hate hate that I even have to think about sleep training but it's just not feasible for me to actually go to work in the state I'm in most days