Yay for those that had a good night! Big hugs for those that didn't.
Now I don't want to curse myself by writing this down, but we've had FOUR good nights in a row

Last night we had 3 wake ups, which is the worst of the 4 nights (but still AMAZING by normal standards)...
bed by 7.15 then slept til 10.30 (feed @ 10.30)
10.45-2.40 (feed @ 2.40)
3-5.30 (coughed and woke himself up - mini feed because I was desperate to keep him from waking up completely!)
The other thing that feels like a miracle has been performed is that last night and tonight he has self settled for bed with NO FUSS

I fed him as usual, gave him a cuddle for 5 minutes or until he started to show he wanted to be put down...then put him in his cot awake, he grabbed his muslin, rolled over and last night spent 15 minutes shuffling around before going to sleep (no help from me at all, I just stood there). Tonight it was 5 minutes of shuffling around and then zonked out. I have no idea how this is even possible as I haven't done anything at all differently
Please, please let us have turned a corner here with the sleep. I have no problem doing a couple of feeds at night as long as I get a half decent stretch of sleep in there somewhere!