When did you start cc? I decided to start lastnight. It took a lot of check ins and an hour but both girls went to sleep on their own. Tonight it took less than half the time!
Now my problem is having to rush to them in the night in fear that one crying will startle the other awake... so I will probably continue to nurse in the night... I just don't want to do sleep training and screw it up by nursing in the night.
Good luck to you!
I did a bit of it last week but ruined it as I kept giving in. Then we were away for two nights, so she was getting nursed whenever for those nights, and was up every 1.5 hours nursing last night. So this week I'm trying to be strong! She had a feed at 10-45pm, and have decided now not to feed until 5am. With the hope of eventually going to one or no night feeds. Because of all the night feeding she's not been taking her solids and isn't gaining weight properly. So I have been advised to cut night feeds so that she will eat properly in the day.
It must be so hard with twins! Good to hear they settled more quickly tonight for you! I don't know if nursing in the night will screw it up or not. If they aren't waking too much in the night and you don't mind then just continue.