How was your night? I also had to have stern word with my OH as he kept waking when LO would stir at, say, 6am and saying 'wow, that's the first time he's woken all night!' and i'd have to stop myself from nutting him. No, it's the first time YOU'VE woken and heard him you wally, I'VE been up a hundred times. Needless to say, he only said it the once![]()
so after reading this and firefly's comment, I have a question ladies - apart from Angel and Mr. AngelUKhow many of you really share duties or night duties with your OHs? And do you think that has any impact on the way your LOs sleep/behave at night?
My OH does bugger all!
He started off with great potential and stayed up with me and helped, but by about 6 weeks or so went to bed and put him ear plugs in and slept soundly! He still does this every night

He said it was cos he couldn't help as I was breastfeeding. Not true. There was always a bottle of expressed milk in the fridge as I had so much, and he was combi fed from 12 weeks on

I must admit I do slam around sometimes in a huff after I've been up for the 15th time in the night and I like to kick him when he snores

He does sometimes get up with Alex at 8 or 9am so I can grab another hour or too, but more often than not he sleeps in late and I get up early with Alex after being up with him all night!