Morning ladies.
We had a good night last night, which I was very grateful for as the previous night was shocking, lily had the beginnings of a cold and obviously wasn't feeling well so kept waking, often crying and then refusing boob so had to be rocked, was just a bad night and I barely got any sleep. So I had two nights of very little sleep, yet the husband kept complaining how tired he was, I nearly punched him

when I declared at 8:30 that I was going to bed he had to ask why!

Anyway, last night I gave lily a dose of calpol and started trying to feed her to sleep, she her usual fighting it b*llocks despite being exhausted. I tried putting her in her cot a couple of times in the vain hope she'd go to sleep, but she just cried, so I'd end up feeding her again. I got fed up of this so I put her in her cot again, to which she cried, but I tried stroking her hair, which had soothed her the previous night, but she was having none of it in her cot, so I tried stroking her ear, which always relaxes her and sends her into a daze

she only bloody fell asleep!!!!!

I'm counting this as self settling, only the 5th time in her whole life shes done it and the last time was 6 months ago! I don't know if it was the osteo the day before or the calpol which helped though. She then stayed asleep for just over an hour, again something she has done of an evening for a long while
I think she only woke 6 times, it may even have been less than that. So I got blocks of roughly 2 hours and woke for the day at 7:30. So all in all a good night!
I'm so chuffed, but I'm really hoping it wasn't a fluke and she does it again tonight!