is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

hi girls, i'm really finding difficult to keep up, sorry!

we had a bad night last night,LO was awake from 2 until 4:45am :wacko: I blame teething :growlmad:
we had to be out all day today and he only napped during car journeys so by 6pm he was soooo tired and grumpy - he's been asleep since 6:45pm,extremely early for him.
so that actually proves my fears - I many times think I should stop obsessing about his daytime sleep and he'll sleep if/when he's tired (yeah right) and won't be a big deal.well, it was, by the end of the day he was really really upset and fell asleep in less than 10min poor thing.

anyway,hope everyone has a better/good night tonight.

mrshedgehog - i'm on a diary-free diet, and although his sleep is far from good, I do think it helps! :thumbup:

claire - how's your mum? i'm thinking of you too. :hugs:
Hi Ladies, just wanted to pop on and see how it's all going.
My Mum is still stable, but very sick still.
She is still in ICU and still on the ventilator and now has a slight chest infection on top of everything else:wacko:
They don't seem too concerned by anything in particular,she just has to fight offf the infections and get off the ventilator.
She is semi conscious now so can respond with nods to questions we ask. They are having to keep her slightly sedated as otherwise she keeps trying to remove her breathing tubes:wacko:
She seems to be moving in the right direction though and I am so happy to have been able to hold her hand and have her hold mine back:cloud9:

On the sleep front.......I am soooo knackered!! Lucy's sleep hasn't been awful, but it hasn't been great either. I'm guessing up every 2 hours in the night....not reallly too sure as I am just on auto pilot in the night. I don't blame her though as her routine is pretty distrupted at the moment and the time which she goes to bed has moved all over the place. Hopefully when mum gets a bit stronger I can relax a bit more and get the routine back on track.
Hope everyone elses nights weren't too bad.
Sorry for the bad nights and poorly babies!
Just popped by to update on my Mum.
She is still stable, still on the ventilator and is still sedated so is not concious.
The important bit is that she has not deteriorated. I just pray that she can come back from this and we can put our lives back together.
My little Lucy has been pretty good with naps and nightime sleep. Not great, but certainly not awful. I don't think I could cope right now.
All rules and routine are a bit out the window at the moment and it doesn't seem to be having too much of a negative effect.
I do feel a bit guilty that I am not going to be able to do many baby things (play groups etc) in the coming weeks with the whole Mum/hospital thing. I hope it won't matter for a little while?!

Thanks again for your kind thoughts.

Hey hun, been thinking about you and your mum a lot and hoping and praying that she begins to improve over the incoming days and weeks. Don't feel guilty about Lucy, she is fine and missing a few playgroups for a couple of weeks certainly won't impact her in any way. Much love, hugs and prayers xxxx

Thanks Storm, it's so nice to know I have you ladies for support!
I know you went through the toughest time with your mum (and still are I'm sure)
I hope Lydia is letting Mummy get some sleep??!!
Claire - I'm so glad your mum seems to be moving in the right direction :happydance:

Hopefully it won't be long until she's up and about and you can relax a little must be so stressful at the minute. I think a spa day is definitely in order for you once everything is back to normal :flower:

Kosh - :hugs: for the bad night. I'm glad the dairy-free is helping though.

My LO seems to be back into the habit of being up for hours in the motn. I can't work out why. He is still a bit poorly, or it could be teeth I suppose. Or it could just be random :wacko:

I'm getting more and more stressed about my return to work at the moment. Just can't see how I'm going to do it, but I guess I'll have to work it out as there's really no choice :cry:
Hello ladies.

Been not been on for a few days as lily is back to sleeping 'normally' at night, only waking 4-6 times and not fighting too badly. Fingers crossed I haven't jinxed that now!

But, she's now decided to fight naps for up to an hour, then only sleep for 30 mins :dohh: she then screams until I stop trying to get her back to sleep and take her out of the bedroom. So, she's a grumpy turd most afternoons now :growlmad:

I'll catch up properly later.
Clairey, so glad to hear your mum is moving in the right direction - that's great news! I still miss my mum every day but I'm just thankful I had such an amazing mum and just sad L won't know her.

Sleep with L is random, we are still co sleeping and it is getting better. She saw a consultant on Monday and at last we have losec for her reflux and a preventative antibiotic for her UTI, not sure if its coincidence but this mornings nap is still ongoing and it's been 50 minutes so far - 50 minutes is a big deal for us, we are used to 25 or 30 twice a day!

Just found out my friend in works sister lost her baby girl on Friday, LO didn't survive the birth, I don't know the details - so exhausted as I am I want to hug my little lady and tell her how much I love her and I will when she wakes up! xxxx
Claire- i m so happy your mum is doing better, hopefully she will fight that infection soon and you can all find your routine.

Storm-so so sorry for your friend and her baby. Stories like this make me feel so bad about complaining about sleep.

Had a terrible night n day so far, nat is tired n grumpy n stuffy and Her brother is constantly waking her up and aaaaaarrrrrggggg
Hope your mum continues to do well Claire.

LO has been fighting sleep the past few nights. Monday she went down at 9.30pm but woke at 10 and was up til 11.30. Last night she refused to go to bed until 11 and tonight it's almost midnight and she's just gone down. How long do your LOs go between nap and bed time. LO is so easy to predict during the day and it's obvious when she's ready for a nap. At night though she show no sleepy signs at all until it's ridiculously late. I never know when to start the bed time routine as she is just so unpredictable.
claire - great to hear your mum is doing better! :hugs:

storm - omg, i'm so sorry for your friend. how do people survive something like that? :cry:

mrs hedgehog, christiana -sorry things are not going well :hugs:

lisa - mine is also staying up for hours in the motn :wacko: i blame teething - I realised today he has 3 (three!) coming through at the same time! that must be painful! :nope:

i'm too nervous about going back to work. although if i'm honest,i think I'm actually in denial. I really do NOT want to go back to work and leave him.:nope: can't even think about it. :cry:

chocolala - we are the same- 4-6 times a night is not too bad!:haha:

flippity,firefly,angel - how are you?

sleepy dust :dust:
Claire I am so glad your mum seems to be getting better. I hope she fights off that infection soon and she can be off the tubes.

Storm I am so sorry about your mum and your friend. Like Chistiana said, it makes me feel bad about complaining about my lil sweet Dominic.

But this is why I am up and on here. Been up pretty much hourly since midnight. And since 5 he is tossing from side to front and back and doesn't seem to be able to settle. He starts crying and I pick him up and rock him and he goes back down to sleep. As soon as I am back in bed he starts crying again. It is now 6:30 and I am sooooo sooo tired! My mother and aunt are coming around tomorrow and I need to clean some more tomorrow morning and all I want to do is sleeeeep! Why does he toss and turn like that. It is as if he cannot find a comfy position. But I don't know how to help him. He used to just need a lil wriggling and he went back to sleep. Lately it doesn't work. He is now in his bed moaning and I am worried he will wake Sebastian. I better go to him. Again.
Sorry to hear that everyone's nights are so rubbish at the moment. I don't really want to say that Cormac is better now and slept 6.30-7.30 last night, I feel guilty and gloating coming on here saying that. Rest assured I totally feel for you all and am rooting for you all. I have a friend from NCT who is struggling and is really down so I'm taking her LO out for walks with my LO in a carrier so she can have a sleep or just relax. I found even if I couldn't have a nap then just time where I didn't have to entertain a grumpy LO which is exhausting in itself, and frankly quite boring, was great.

I really wish I had an answer for you guys, I just know how you all feel and am sending lots of love.

Claire, hope your mum continues to improve quickly.

I am back to work in 6 weeks and keep getting very tearful, can't actually talk about it at the moment!
Sorry to hear that everyone's nights are so rubbish at the moment. I don't really want to say that Cormac is better now and slept 6.30-7.30 last night, I feel guilty and gloating coming on here saying that. Rest assured I totally feel for you all and am rooting for you all. I have a friend from NCT who is struggling and is really down so I'm taking her LO out for walks with my LO in a carrier so she can have a sleep or just relax. I found even if I couldn't have a nap then just time where I didn't have to entertain a grumpy LO which is exhausting in itself, and frankly quite boring, was great.

aww that's so nice of you!

I really wish I had an answer for you guys, I just know how you all feel and am sending lots of love.

Claire, hope your mum continues to improve quickly.

I am back to work in 6 weeks and keep getting very tearful, can't actually talk about it at the moment!

same here :cry: back to work 1st November. I'm actually totally in denial, thinking it will not happen...:nope:

wrote this,went to my LO and broke out in tears.......:cry::cry:
There's someone in baby club complaining because their 2 MONTH OLD wakes 3 times a night, 3 times! :nope: I'd give anything for 3 times at a year old, 3 times would be a luxury!

End rant before I say something I might regret! :dohh:
There's someone in baby club complaining because their 2 MONTH OLD wakes 3 times a night, 3 times! :nope: I'd give anything for 3 times at a year old, 3 times would be a luxury!

End rant before I say something I might regret! :dohh:

read that one too......:growlmad:
really really do not understand
Claire - glad your mum is stable and wishing her a speedy recovery. :hugs:

Just about sane here...for now! The good news is that after the horrific night on Sunday where I literally slept for 10 minutes and thought I was going to die from exhaustion, the others haven't been quite so bad. LO is still ill and horribly snuffly and coughing so up loads in the night. Bless him, he also sounds like he's losing his voice. Really hoping he can shake this off soon as I hate seeing him so bunged up. He's also off his food again - seems to be everytime he gets ill all he wants is milk.

We're definitely dropping a nap here but still in transition territory so some days are one long one and some days are 2 short naps. Monday was a 1 nap day and bedime was really easy, yesterday was a 2 nap day and bedtime was awful. Hoping for just one nap today but we have a baby group this afternoon so I suspect I'll be fiended by a second nap in the car on the way home!

OH has been working late for the last 3 weeks and has another week of late finishes to go and I feel completely shattered doing bedtime on my own for so long. Hats off to those of you who don't have the luxury of bedtime help!
Claire - glad your mum is stable and wishing her a speedy recovery. :hugs:

Just about sane here...for now! The good news is that after the horrific night on Sunday where I literally slept for 10 minutes and thought I was going to die from exhaustion, the others haven't been quite so bad. LO is still ill and horribly snuffly and coughing so up loads in the night. Bless him, he also sounds like he's losing his voice. Really hoping he can shake this off soon as I hate seeing him so bunged up. He's also off his food again - seems to be everytime he gets ill all he wants is milk.

We're definitely dropping a nap here but still in transition territory so some days are one long one and some days are 2 short naps. Monday was a 1 nap day and bedime was really easy, yesterday was a 2 nap day and bedtime was awful. Hoping for just one nap today but we have a baby group this afternoon so I suspect I'll be fiended by a second nap in the car on the way home!

OH has been working late for the last 3 weeks and has another week of late finishes to go and I feel completely shattered doing bedtime on my own for so long. Hats off to those of you who don't have the luxury of bedtime help!

We're dropping a nap here too. She's sometimes struggling though and slipping in a late nap which makes bed time really late, a late morning the next day and then it takes 2 or 3 days to get back into sync again.
Flippityflop and kosh..i know this might sound totally rediculous but when i went back to work when i had my son his sleep kind of got better. Dont ask why, maybe my mum had a better napping technique or something but he went from waking 2-3 times (yap not such a bad sleeper my dd is my super crappy one!) to only waking once. So there...i totally feel for you but there could be some hidden light in the crappy fact you re going back to work

Kosh and Flippity - I totally feel the same about going back to work. I can't really think about it too much but every time I do I get a mixture of teary and panicked. I'm really lucky to be leaving him with MIL and working part-time so I've nothing to complain about's just the thought of someone else being with him all day combined with so little sleep :cry:

Firefly and Mrs Hedgehog - I think we may be trying to drop a nap here too but I'm not sure. Lately he's been awake for a lot longer before his morning nap and then only sleeping for 30mins and having a longer early afternoon nap so maybe he's trying to drop the morning one :shrug: We'll wait and see.

Flippity - woohoo for the sttn. Don't feel bad about posting on here - it gives me hope!

Claire - glad your mum is improving :flower:

Chocolala - don't get me started on the baby club threads bemoaning bad sleep. I have to bite my tongue very hard.

Storm - I'm so sorry for your friend :cry: Awful.

Angel :hugs: for the bad night

Christiana - :hugs: I can't imagine being this tired and having another child to deal with too.

Our night wasn't too bad considering he's full of cold and has now got diarrhoea AGAIN :growlmad:

In other news, he took 5 unaided steps yesterday!!! :happydance: Let's hope this means he'll walk soon and tired himself out so he sleeps all night (yeah right!) He hasn't repeated it though so far so it may have been a fluke.
Wow lisa 5 unaided step is such a big deal and at only 10 months...CONGRATULATIONS little guy!! I dont know about sleep but my son was a way happier baby once he started walking!

Natalia has just gone down but i m still holding her so here we go..pray for me!!!

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