Mrs H that's amazing! You must feel so much better. Why do you think it happened? Random or did you do something differently?
Firefly - hopefully having your OH settle LO for a few nights will help to at least reduce the night feeds even if it doesn't eliminate them entirely. I completely understand the feeling of being so tired that you'll do anything just to get them back to sleep asap. I only started trying to change it when BF didn't work at getting him to settle anymore, so it wasn't actually getting me any more sleep anyway at that point.
I never tried it but a friend tried to lengthen the time between feeds by settling any other way except feeding...the rule was that her LO had to go to sleep, even if only for 10mins, before getting another feed so that he learnt that he could get back to sleep without boob. Apparently it was exhausting for a few nights but it worked quite well in that she got him down to one big night feed rather than a small one every 3hours. Suppose it can't hurt to try right?
Claire - I've found that a short am nap (no more than 45mins) then a longer pm nap (around 1.5 hours) seems to help him sleep better at night (so far...!) I think he had been having too much day sleep for his needs (usually 3+hrs) so I've been capping the napping

He went to bed at 8.30am last night, woke at 12am for a sip of water, then came into our bed at 6.20am and slept until 7.45

I'm so desperate for this to be the key to his sleep that i'm sticking to it rigidly (to the amusement of my OH). We'll see...
Let us know how your mum is doing.
Kosh - hope you're ok