Kosh and ellebelle, I feel your pain
I thought that maybe, just maybe we might be getting somewhere after having a few nights where LO only woke 3 times. This week however, has been utterly horrific and I feel like I'm at the end of my tether with what to do next. Every night is a different version of bad at the moment, but because they're do totally random I just feel at a complete loss as to what to do next. If I could come up with any vague consistencies I could maybe come up with a plan but there is NOTHING that seems to correlate with the sleep. To add to the stress this week LO is also refusing point blank to eat anything at all and wants to nurse constantly. In the entire week he has eaten only a handful of raspberries, a couple of bites of banana and a few spoonfuls of yoghurt. That's it. For the entire week. His eating is always bad but this is a whole new level of rubbish.