is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

so lisa - if you are going back part time,maybe it's not that bad?

eta ---

oh, and I officially have a crawler now!!! :yipee:

It's definitely not so bad now I know I'm going back part-time. Full-time would be a nightmare for me - 13hr shifts, weekends, nights, Christmas probably - and with OH working the same we'd almost never actually see LO which wouldn't be fair at all. I'm actually bricking it mainly about having to actually try to re-engage my brain and not cock anything up....going to be tricky. I will miss LO on the days I'm away from him but tbh I don't think I could be a sahm. I do enjoy my job and I miss that aspect of myself so I think it's the right thing for us (plus we have to pay the mortgage!). I have absolute respect for sahms now though, such hard work. I used to secretly think it was the easy option - safe to say I now think the opposite :haha:

Re the waking soon after bedtime, LO used to do this too, usually around an hour after going down. I initially thought it was discomfort too but he'd do it just the same after calpol etc and would mostly settle if I picked him up but I'd have to hold him until he fell back to sleep. To be honest this only stopped after we tried CC...we decided to try it when he started waking up all evening as it was getting unbearable having no time to eat or rest before the night began. He hasn't really done it since (I now wonder if that distressed cry was because he was awake when he didn't want to be :shrug:). He'll sometimes stir in the evening but usually settles himself back down within 1 minute unless he's really teething or something when he gets cuddles and teething gel.

Does your LO settle down for a stretch after this first wake up or is he waking all evening?

Claire - I hope your mum is ok :hugs:
Oh kosh I'm so sorry your still having such a hard time with the sleep. Try and stay positive....hopefully he will get much better soon :flower::hugs:

Claire - sorry about your mum being back in hospital! How is she today?

Well ladies....a bittersweet story here....
Good news is Alex has slept through 2 nights in a row for the first time ever :happydance:
There's a light at the end of the tunnel for all you ladies too in sure!!

Bad news....after a few bad nights, Monday night I was anxious about him not waking, so while he slept peacefully from 7pm-7.45am, I spent most of it wide awake waiting for him to wake and scared to go to sleep incase he woke. I was so overtired I was wired and just couldn't switch off my mind so barely got any sleep at all :wacko:
Last night, he slept 7pm-8.45am (:happydance: :happydance:) I was more at ease and also slept like a baby from 1.30am-8.45am, and was feeling relaxed and happy......until we went downstairs and discovered that the first night in nearly 10 months we had all slept soundly....we got bloody robbed :cry:

We got off very lucky and just OH's bike was stolen from the garden but they had tried to get in the back door. Weirdly though they left my bike :shrug:
Our garden has like a little pathway at the bottom but its so overgrown and tiny and only goes as fm fae as the garden next door, you wouldn't really know its there. And the bikes were right next to the back door, which is set back and can't be seen by the neighbours or path, so he would have had to come up as far as the door before seeing the bike, which makes me think the main aim was the house and they took the bike instead? There is some damage to the door but we aren't sure if it was there before?

About 3 nights ago I was in the kitchen at 5am making a bottle, when I thought I heard a noise and saw a shadow but convinced myself I was paranoid and imagining it, but now I'm not so sure :shrug: unfortunately for them they got an eyeful, and not a nice one as I was starkers - you would have thought that would have put them off coming back! Ha ha :haha:

Don't think ill be sleeping tonight. Way to anxious and jumping at every noise paranoid they will come back and Alex has woken 3 times already since 7 :growlmad:
And we are meant to be going away next week, but now I really don't want to go as I don't want to ruin Alex's sleep again and I don't want to leave the house empty incase we are robbed :dohh::cry:
oh gemma so sorry you got robbed! still,i think you were lucky the only took one bike! ans yay for sttn!! :yipee:

claire - how's your mum?
how was your night? was it your turn? because my LO slept much better last night! still woke several times,but nothing compared to the previous night :thumbup:

funilly enough lisa, he only slept 20min all day yesterday :shrug:

how's everyone else?
chocolala? mrs hedgegog?
firefly? last time you posted you were not doing well
hope things are better

:hugs: to all
It was too good to be true kosh - he's been up all night :-(
Glad you had a better night though :-)
Oh no, Gemma you poor thing. That's such a horrible thing to happen :hugs:
Sorry last night wasn't good either - not what you need when already stressed about something else.

Kosh :hugs: for being up every single hour. Aaarrgghh. Just, aaarrrggghhh. Hopefully the nights since then haven't been quite so bad?

Claire - how's your mum? Really hoping she's better and you can start to get some semblance of normality back soon :hugs:

Lisa - I am SO pleased that things have improved for you :happydance: there is hope after all!!

Our nights have been slightly better than they were. We had one lovely night on Monday where he woke at 11, 3 and 7 :happydance: the other nights have been less good but not as utterly horrific as the week before so I'm grateful for that. We've been to see a new osteopath today as I'm willing to try anything that might help...we'll see what happens. He fell asleep after the appointment and despite being parked up in his buggy in a really noisy restaurant he slept for over an hour. This is virtually unheard of - usually he's such a light sleeper that if you so much as fart on the other side of the house he wakes up!

Hope everyone else is doing well xx
I appologise in advance if I don't respond to all your posts on the thread, but I haven't had time to read through properly as I am having a week from hell!!!
Had to take LO to the doctors on Wed eve with a temp of 38.8 and they said she had some redness by her tonsils but they weren't too concerned. (It has since gone away:thumbup:)we then had a dreadful night with screaming and crying for 2 hours from 9-11pm which messed our sleep up yeaterday. Then to top it all off LO decided to fall forward and bang her mouth putting her 2 tront teeth trough her lip! I then had to take her to a&e to see if it needed stitching (thankfully it didn't) she had cut the actual lip and had split the stringy bit that runs from the underside of your top lip and connects to your gum(not the proper medical term!:haha:) she is ok now and it is not bleeding anymore,but she just looks like she has a fat lip:dohh:
then we had the night from hell with hourly wakings:nope::cry: so today feel like cr@p.
On a better note I think Mum is coming home today!!:happydance::happydance:
will try and catch up more later.
omg claire! so sorry you're having such a bad week!! :hugs:
poor lucy, is she fine now?

we just got back to the doctors too. gael woke up with a rash all over his chest and neck!:nope: 'viral' was the answer :shrug:...but he seems fine now. he's practicing his growling. i have a mini godzilla :cloud9:

lisa - why do doctors seem to have two answers for everything? it's either viral or antibiotics...:winkwink:
:hugs: Claire, what a rubbish week. Really hope things settle down for you now and yay for your Mum coming home!

Kosh, hope LO is ok and not too out of sorts :hugs:

Well, yesterday I said that we took LO to a new this could just have been a one off (although I hope not), but last night was AMAZING. He fell asleep on the way home after our sing and sign class so was asleep at 5.15. He'd only had one nap yesterday so we decided just to put him straight to bed as he seemed like he was done for the day. He obviously woke up when we took himout of the car seat and put him into pjs but after a feed he went straight to sleep so was in bed just after 6pm. He slept til 10pm, had a feed then slept til 2am! I fed him again and then put him back down. The last few weeks he's gone mental if you then leave the room, but last night he just rolled over and chatted to himself a bit. He was in his cot babbling away for around 40 minutes, quite happy, no fuss at all. This is a miracle quite frankly and the first time this has ever happened. I had to go back in after that as he got a bit upset but after a quick cuddle he farted a bit (so assuming gas was keeping him awake) and then went straight off to sleep. He then slept til 6.45am fed again and went back to sleep til 8.15am!!! He was just so calm all night and slept for 15 hours!
Claire - :flower: Hope your LO is ok and next week is much better than this last one for you.

Kosh - unfortunately it's because it's usually....viral or bacterial (hence the antibiotics) :haha::wacko: Or allergy. That's another good one :winkwink:
Hope your LO is ok :flower:

Firefly - Yay for the better night and self-settling. Hopefully it's the start of something good. My LO was fighting his afternoon nap today so I gave up and just put him in his cot fully awake, not even sleepy, and left the room. He didn't even cry (I was going to do a bit of CC and go in after 1 min etc) but just 'talked' to his teddy and then went to sleep for 1.5 hrs!! Not a peep. I know he can do it as he's done it sometimes at night, but I still can't quite believe it when he just goes to sleep without a hoo-ha :dohh: I'm all geared up for a battle!

Sleepy dust to all for tonight :thumbup:
<WSS :wacko:

LO has had a really up and down week. A few good nights and a few really terrible ones. She's also been a grumpy wee so and so during the day. She's getting her first molars I think and is also having constipation issues again (could these be related?)

Anyway, last night we had the worst night ever. She went to bed around 10.30pm and slept for 2 hours in her cot which was a great start. I got into bed with her when she woke at 12.30 then she woke hourly until 3am when she was wide awake and screaming. It took ages to settle her and she'd wake up 5minutes later screaming again. I don't know how long this went on for but it was getting light outside when I finally got to sleep. She then thankfully only woke hourly and luckily wasn't up for the day until 10.30am so I got a bit of sleep. It's a bad night though when you think hour long stretches are good!

She's being a real grump today too and after such little sleep I don't have much patience. DH is away with work at the moment which doesn't help.

Hope you all had better nights :hugs:
Mrs hedgehog and Kosh - :hugs::hugs::flower::flower:

I wish there was a a super-hug smiley.
How is everyone?:flower:

Not much to report really, sleep is pretty much the same really (not enough of it!:wacko:)
I have been thinking this evening, what did people do about sleep before the idea of CC?


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