is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

just to say hi and send :hugs: to everyone. will post more later on
we are def not STTN claire, don't worry........:sleep: it's getting so bad I cried myself to sleep last nigh......

ps - am i the only only one not getting the emails letting me know there's a new post on this thread? :shrug:
Sorry things are still bad for you kosh :nope:

Alex is getting progressively worse, waking practically every hour and taking anywhere between 20 mins to 2 hours to settle again. And home is my beautiful smiley happy baby. He's been swapped from a grumpy, clingy, annoying, overtired child as a result :haha:

Just don't know why he's suddenly got so bad again, after proving he CAN sttn. I think he's just teasing us - getting us used to him sleeping well, then reverting back to being an absolute nightmare :wacko::dohh:
I still get the emails kosh, but only one until I go in, so if I don't check/read my emails for a few days and follow the link of the email, my emails stop. So try looking through your old emails and spam to see if there's an old unread one and follow the link. Other than that just try resubscribing to the thread :-)
Hello all,

Just about caught up with you all on here. Things seem to be getting worse for me. Hourly wakings, rubbish naps and extremely clingy during the day to the point where I struggle to eat and drink without him going into a major meltdown. When we're playing, he's not even happy to be sat next to me, has to be literally on me. Major seperation anxiety. :nope:

Oh and I'm now sleeping on the floor in George's room as I couldn't cope with getting up constantly to resettle him.

:hugs: to everyone else
just to say hi and send :hugs: to everyone. will post more later on
we are def not STTN claire, don't worry........:sleep: it's getting so bad I cried myself to sleep last nigh......

ps - am i the only only one not getting the emails letting me know there's a new post on this thread? :shrug:

Oh Kosh, I wish we had the answer to this sleep nightmare?!!
I had the evening/night from hell last night. LO is sick with a cold and she was awake more than she was asleep and woke up at 3am with a fever!:cry:
I was by myself too as my DF had gone out for a work dinner.
I think I will have an early night.
I hope everyone has an ok night!
Sorry things are still bad for you kosh :nope:

Alex is getting progressively worse, waking practically every hour and taking anywhere between 20 mins to 2 hours to settle again. And home is my beautiful smiley happy baby. He's been swapped from a grumpy, clingy, annoying, overtired child as a result :haha:

Just don't know why he's suddenly got so bad again, after proving he CAN sttn. I think he's just teasing us - getting us used to him sleeping well, then reverting back to being an absolute nightmare :wacko::dohh:

Roll on the 4th and we can have a good old moan!!!:thumbup:
Hello all,

Just about caught up with you all on here. Things seem to be getting worse for me. Hourly wakings, rubbish naps and extremely clingy during the day to the point where I struggle to eat and drink without him going into a major meltdown. When we're playing, he's not even happy to be sat next to me, has to be literally on me. Major seperation anxiety. :nope:

Oh and I'm now sleeping on the floor in George's room as I couldn't cope with getting up constantly to resettle him.

:hugs: to everyone else

Oh Ramie, hugs for you too:hugs::hugs:
Hey ladies!!:flower:

Sorry I've been absent for so long. Pregnancy and Ava and working and my horses unexpectedly coming home last months has meant that I've either been run off my feet or totally exhausted!

I haven't read back through the last pages as I'm yet to eat but wanted to say hello and update you from our end! Since I last posted (about 9 weeks ago I think?!), the hourly wakings stopped and were changed for one epic night time tantrum! It would start anywhere between 11 pm and 3am and last a least 3 hours (basically an awake cycle). As you know we did CC someone I'd ruled out teething, discomfort, hunger (she refused milk or water) or anything else, that's how we some tour 3 hours. Her screaming at me and shaking her cot bars and then laughing and jumping every time I went into the room.

OH and I had some huge rows. He slept in the spare room one night with the monitor and spent an hour stroking her face until she fell asleep ... Cue a couple weeks of refusing to nap or go to bed with out someone's her room. He started telling me she was having night terrors and we needed to get help from a sleep specialist, it was stressful!!

I don't want to,tempt fate but we have just had out 10th consecutive night of sleeping through from 7.30pm until 7 or 8am!!:wacko:

I honestly couldn't say what has bought about the change, were doing nothing differently and she's still having 2 naps a day. She often wakes at 5am and mumbles a bit before settling herself back down until the morning.

I'm not kidding myself that this is it. She's always had ups and downs but this is the longest stretch so far, I'm also sure that when the baby arrives next year, she will have some kind of regression but for now, I couldn't be happier and neither could she. She's a pleasure during the day, settles herself happily for her naps, doesn't fight at bedtime and wakes up so happy in the mornings!

I'll try and catch up on as many posts as I can but hope you're all well and sending lots of sleepy vibes to any babies still struggling.

I'll try to be back much sooner!xx
Lulu that's so great! I'm pleased things have settled for you....fingers crossed this is it for you and it'll be sttn from now on.

How is everyone else? All asleep? :winkwink::haha:

LO is one today :cloud9: I can't believe he's one already... We had a little party for him at the weekend which was nice and he's now got more presents than he knows what to do with (grandparents!). We won't have to get him anything for xmas at this rate :winkwink:

His sleep has gone downhill since I went back to work, which is as expected I suppose. He was sttn on and off before then but he got a cold and it all went a bit pear-shaped, then I went back to work so it's been a lot of change for him. He's become more clingy to me and is back to sleeping in our bed (or not sleeping as the case may be!). It's weird though because although I'm just as tired I'm nowhere near as stressed about it as before :shrug: I'm hoping we'll ride it out and he'll get back to his previous improved pattern.

Hope everyone else is well. Kosh, Ramie, Claire and gemma - I hope things are better for you :flower:
Welcome back LuLu! it's been a bit up and down here:winkwink:
I hope you are feeling ok? how long have you left until LO arrives?

Lisa, Happy Birthday to your LO - amazing to think a whole year has passed...time is just flying!

We are still getting over this cold so I cannot expect any sttn, but tbh the sleep hasn't been too bad as her sleep goes.
I guess my expectations just aren't that great! lol:winkwink:

Gemma, are you ok? haven't seen you on here for a few days?

Sleepy dust to all :hugs:
Lulu wow how wonderful that she is sleeping through. Even if it is just a phase! I enjoyed our phase of only two nightly wakings while it lasted, though I must admit that I am gutted that it seems over :( Hope it continues for you :)
Are you having your gender scan soon? And if so, will you come and tell us what you are having? Hope all is going well and you are feeling ok too. :)

Lisa congrats to your little man! Aww one already! Time is flying isn't it? Or rather being spent in a haze of exhaustion!

OH had last night and the longest stretch of sleep he got was 45 mins. Dominic was crying all night basically. It is my night tonight and though Dominic has only cried once since his bed time at 7, I am not too optimistic. It started after 11 for OH too. I am guessing it is the fourth tooth that is coming in that is causing this and up to yesterday or so the third tooth. (All four are on the bottom row btw) But it might not be that at all cause during the day he is his usual jolly and laughing self. Less so today than usual as he was very tired after last night I guess but no signs of pain. I don't know what else it could be though. :shrug: And since he has so many teeth yet to come in and Sebastian hasn't got any yet, I suppose sleep is a habit I really should kick.

Right, I am off to read and sleep. Night night all. Hopefully it will not be too awful for all of us. xxx
Just reading about some of you who had some good stretches, going back to bad sleep!

I'm in that boat with you!
The twins were doing pretty well, it seemed they were just waking up once each, randomly one would sttn and then we all caught a cold that lasted a month and we are back to 3 - 4 wakings EACH where the only way to get them back to sleep is nursing... UGH.

I'm back to work next week too.

Right now at 11.5 months old I am napping them on the boob because they still don't nap long enough.
Hey! I'm still here! Pleased some of you seem to be having slightly better nights.
Mixed bag for us really. Had some AWFUL nights, last night included, where he just wouldn't settle and wakes often. Some reasonably good nights too with only one or two wakings, and Monday morning we had to go in and wake him at 10.15am, after sleeping from 7pm (woke for bottle and 5 and 7, then woke at 9 but had gone back to sleep by the time I got to him :happydance:).
I've been mega busy with OH's birthday celebrations and our american friends thanksgiving feast! SIL had Alex over night Monday so I could take OH away to brighton for the night and he was a monkey for her and woke every half hour 7-10, then every 2 hours from there.
We were all late going to bed last night because of OH's party, so tonight will prob be dreadful as he's out of routine :dohh:

Sleepy dust to all you lovely ladies! :flower:
Hey all

Glad to hear some positive stories and sorry about the bad nights. We just keep going in and out of bad and good phases. Saturday, Sunday and Monday he only woke up once on one of those nights and STTN twice. Tuesday night comes around and I SWEAR he knows I am going to work on the Wednesday as he slept from 7-10.30 and then would only sleep on me all night. Every time I put him back in his cot he woke up crying. I got 2 hrs broken sleep in the end sitting in a chair as he thinks coming into bed is party time.

I am not doing CC anymore. It worked great for us at a time when i was extremely desperate and pretty depressed. Nowadays I can cope with it better, mainly because I do get nights where I get sleep and the nights I don't I just know it will pass at some point!

Sleepy dust to all x
Why on earth did I ever think I could cope with a baby :cry:
He's been screaming at the top of his lungs since 4am. My neighbours must think I'm torturing him :wacko:

It's just a tantrum cry as he wants out of his cot, he is definately not ill. Had to come down to the kitchen for 5 as my head is literally pounding :nope:

I'm fed up to the back teeth of 'surviving' on 2/3 hours sleep. I go back to work in less than 5 weeks - how on earth and I going to manage an hour long commute each way, and 9 hours of tax calculations, all on zero sleep when I can't even manage at the mo. it's seriously affecting my health. I've had a cold since the beginning of October, have a constant headache and just feel so ill and rub down all the time.

Made all the more annoying as I KNOW he is perfectly capable of sttn. He just prefers to scream for hours on end. He end threw his seahorse thing at my face earlier in temper, punched me full on in the nose and launched his dummy across the room. What have I done to have such an angry baby??? :cry:
Why on earth did I ever think I could cope with a baby :cry:
He's been screaming at the top of his lungs since 4am. My neighbours must think I'm torturing him :wacko:

It's just a tantrum cry as he wants out of his cot, he is definately not ill. Had to come down to the kitchen for 5 as my head is literally pounding :nope:

I'm fed up to the back teeth of 'surviving' on 2/3 hours sleep. I go back to work in less than 5 weeks - how on earth and I going to manage an hour long commute each way, and 9 hours of tax calculations, all on zero sleep when I can't even manage at the mo. it's seriously affecting my health. I've had a cold since the beginning of October, have a constant headache and just feel so ill and rub down all the time.

Made all the more annoying as I KNOW he is perfectly capable of sttn. He just prefers to scream for hours on end. He end threw his seahorse thing at my face earlier in temper, punched me full on in the nose and launched his dummy across the room. What have I done to have such an angry baby??? :cry:

Oh Gemma, you poor thing! it's so tough and I take my hats off to you ladies who have/are going back to work.
Are you still ok for Tuesday and that coffee?
I hope you have a better day today.
He finally went back at 7.45 with a warm bottle, which I'd said I wasn't going to do as he didn't need it, but was just SO exhausted :dohh:
He woke at 10.15, so I got about another 2 hours but I still feel like a zombie! :wacko:

Yes I'm still good for Tuesday. What time were you thinking? :flower:
He finally went back at 7.45 with a warm bottle, which I'd said I wasn't going to do as he didn't need it, but was just SO exhausted :dohh:
He woke at 10.15, so I got about another 2 hours but I still feel like a zombie! :wacko:

Yes I'm still good for Tuesday. What time were you thinking? :flower:

Glad he at least went back to sleep and gave you a few hours. Not enough to make you feel normal but more human I guess?
I pretty much resort to giving her the boob as I just can't take the fight and lack of sleep. Comments of "rod for own back" etc etc!:winkwink:

Hmmm time? I always find it tricky as I never know what the day is going to be like due to the night time antics :haha: How is Alex's eating? we could meet at Lunchtime and give them their lunch (Lucy is going through the I'm not eating solids much phase) or after lunch? Flexible really. What did you have in mind?
I'm fine with either. Same with Alex, sometimes he will be up at 7, but sometimes it's as late as 10 and I don't like to wake him so lunch or afternoon is great with us. Again he's hit and miss with food but in general he is very good! :thumbup:
Shall we say 1pm? but this can of course be subject to change by Alex or Lucy! lol :haha:

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