is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

oh, gemma, claire - are you meeting up? :thumbup: wish i could join you!

gemma - sorry for the awful night

angel - are you back in this thread? :nope::hugs:

flippity - nice to hear from you and glad you have at least some very good nights

lisa - belated happy bday to your LO!:cake:

no time to catch up properly with old posts sorry
i'm moving houses on saturday and up to my nose with things to do :nope:

have a question ladies - if you do not do any sleep training and/or weaning at night, how can a 10mo baby who wakes at least every two hours start to STTN (or at least do longer stretches)? i just can't see it happening, ever!
gemma and claire how fun, you are meeting up :)

kosh I think so, at least sometimes. 2 nights ago OH was up with Dominic every 45 minutes and sometimes more. My night then was a bit better in as much as he slept between his midnight and 4am feed with only waking once at 1 and being easy to settle then. Both boys however now wake any time after 5 and want to be up. And that seriously makes me want to cry. WHY?? And how can I make them sleep longer? It is of course still a remnant of the summer time / winter time switch but they are going to bed at 6:45/7, so that was adjusted fine. I just don't know why they still wake according to summer time. Any tips on what I could do? Mind you I don't think I can put them to bed later as they get seriously whiney and tired after 6 as it is. :(
angel - :hugs: i wish i can you any advise, but i just do not know anything anymore :nope: we are going through a major regression (not that there was anything to regress from!:winkwink:) and the only way i can cope with it is thinking it will pass
Oh Kosh, I wish you were closer and you could join us! :cry: Yes, just keep saying "it will pass and it will get better!"
I often wonder about your question re: not using sleep training and not night weaning? I myself think too that it will never happen - we live in hope that it happens sooner rather than later:winkwink:

Angel, sorry that you have gone backwards with the sleep,hopefully it is just temporary:wacko:
If anyone else is up for meeting then let us know?:flower:

:hi: everyone.

So sorry to hear of all the bad nights. The woohoo thread is seeming far away atm.

Our sleep is also pretty pants at present. I'm guessing it's because I've gone back to work but who knows :shrug:. A month ago his sleep was the best it's ever been, with a few sttn thrown in to really get my hopes up, but it's all gone downhill and now he's up every 2 hrs at best again so we're back to cosleeping to get through it (which I hate as he's such a fidget I can't relax).

Like Flippity, I'm not planning on repeating the CC...partly because I think it's separation anxiety related so it'd probably make it worse, and partly because I'm also coping with it better and I know that he can improve so I'm trying to just go with it until it passes (he'll probably be a teenager by then but I can hope). He's got his MMR jab next week so there's really no point trying to 'fix' anything this week as it'll all go to pot I'm sure.

gemma and claire how fun, you are meeting up :)

Yes angel we are, in Staines on Tuesday for coffee! If anyone else can make it let us know, I'm looking forward to it! :thumbup:

angel - :hugs: i wish i can you any advise, but i just do not know anything anymore :nope: we are going through a major regression (not that there was anything to regress from!:winkwink:) and the only way i can cope with it is thinking it will pass

Sorry to hear your both having a bad time :nope:
I feel absolutely AWFUL tonight - Alex has cut tooth number 5 this afternoon, so was obviously the reason for the 4 hour screaming tantrum :dohh:
I did check last night and there wasn't even a tooth nearly close to cutting, and yet this afternoon, there it is!
He was doing his tantrum cry, rather than his ill cry so I'm still not convinced that it was just him having a bit of a paddy :shrug:
Dom has three teeth and a 4th one visible under the gum. But I don't think it makes him suffer at all as he is a jolly and smiley as ever during the day. He had a bit of a nappy rash a week or so ago but that is cleared up too. So who knows why he has been crying 4 times already since we put him to bed at 7.
Do you think there is anyone out there who really knows why babies do what they do?

Eta: Sebastian still has none
Dom has three teeth and a 4th one visible under the gum. But I don't think it makes him suffer at all as he is a jolly and smiley as ever during the day. He had a bit of a nappy rash a week or so ago but that is cleared up too. So who knows why he has been crying 4 times already since we put him to bed at 7.
Do you think there is anyone out there who really knows why babies do what they do?

Eta: Sebastian still has none

This really does go to further prove that even twins are completely individual babies!
I don't think we will ever really know what goes on in a babies mind/head :nope:
Not been posting much recently as it's depressing to write post after post starting with 'another dreadful night'. LO seems to go through little phases of 2 or 3 nights of sleeping slightly better (4hour stretches) and then gets gradually worse again until we're back to the hourly wakings.

I think I could cope with the frequent wakings if we at least had more of a routine. Today LO woke at 9am, napped between 3 and 5 and then has just gone to bed at midnight. Yesterday she woke at 11am, napped from 3.30 until 5 then went to bed at 10.30pm. The day before she slept until 10am, napped from 3 til 5 and went to bed at 11pm. There's never any pattern and she doesn't show any signs of being tired so we never know where we are. It drives me mad. I wish she had a more fixed bed time and wake up time so I could plan my days better.And I wish I could get her to go to bed earlier so I could get my evenings back. How can we get into a routine?
Not been posting much recently as it's depressing to write post after post starting with 'another dreadful night'. LO seems to go through little phases of 2 or 3 nights of sleeping slightly better (4hour stretches) and then gets gradually worse again until we're back to the hourly wakings.

I think I could cope with the frequent wakings if we at least had more of a routine. Today LO woke at 9am, napped between 3 and 5 and then has just gone to bed at midnight. Yesterday she woke at 11am, napped from 3.30 until 5 then went to bed at 10.30pm. The day before she slept until 10am, napped from 3 til 5 and went to bed at 11pm. There's never any pattern and she doesn't show any signs of being tired so we never know where we are. It drives me mad. I wish she had a more fixed bed time and wake up time so I could plan my days better.And I wish I could get her to go to bed earlier so I could get my evenings back. How can we get into a routine?

Ah Mrs Hedgehog, don't ever not post because it's always the same "bad news" we're all in the same boat and we know what you are going through!!
Perhaps to try and get her onto an earlier bedtime you should do a couple of "hardcore" days of not letting her sleep so late in the afternoon,even if it means she doesn't sleep during the day. If you can get her to go to bed at 7pm ish once then you might stand a better chance of getting it around this time everyday? Lucy doesn't always show any tired signs so I just asume she is tired from the number of hours she has been awake and go with that - most times she is tired and will sleep,but I'm sure if I let her stay up she would:growlmad:
I know! if only it were that easy huh?:nope:
Sending hugs :hugs:
How were your nights ladies? I have been up since 4! Fed Dominic and Sebastian at 12:15 and Dom needed rocking for 20 minutes to get back to sleep. At 4:15 he wanted the next feed so I got to sleep between then. But after 4 all was over! Dom needed rocking and rocking and rocking till almost 5 and of course woke Sebastian too who also needed settling. Then I went to bed at 5 and a quarter of an hour later Dominic starts crying again. I go and check and have to change his nappy and romper as he is wet and did a leaky poo. I then rock him and alternatively Seb who also is awake again. Then they went back to sleep and I went back to bed at around quarter to 6. At 6:30 both boys were awake and wanting to start the day. :cry: I had dozed for maybe 10 minutes. So yeah I had an hour before midnight cause OH and I went to bed too late and 3 hours after midnight and that is it. I guess I should be grateful for the 3 hours stretch but I am just soo tired! :cry:
Ahh guys, almost feel a fraud still posting when there are so many bad nights happening for you all :(

Ava has been up a couple of times a night for the past day or so but she is snuffly and sneezing a I'm just trying to make her feel better.

Just to echo what Claire said ... Ava NEVER shows tired signs. While I'm getting her into her pjs she will be twisting, yelling, laughing and generally wanting to play. As soon as she sees her bottle she starts whining and as soon as its finished she's exhausted ... It didn't always used to be like that before we did our version of CC but she always pretended she didn't need to sleep. Now she just goes down without the fight!

Our scan is on the 13th so I'll be sure to let you all know! I feel good! Way better than I ever did with Ava! I think my SPD is about to come back but I think that has something to do with the horses coming home and having to do all of that twice a day! I'm more tired than I was at this stage last time, but I didn't have a hyper 9 month old then!

I've out a strict order in for one that sleeps next time, I'm even hoping to get the, in the same room eventually ... We'll see how that goes!xx
I have no idea why I am still up at this time? when I could be putting it to good use in the bedroom ie. sleeping!!!
off to bed for me now as I am sure I will be woken up shortly after I have fallen asleep:wacko:
Sleepy dust.:hugs:
Our sleep is also pretty pants at present. I'm guessing it's because I've gone back to work but who knows :shrug:. A month ago his sleep was the best it's ever been, with a few sttn thrown in to really get my hopes up, but it's all gone downhill and now he's up every 2 hrs at best again so we're back to cosleeping to get through it (which I hate as he's such a fidget I can't relax).

Like Flippity, I'm not planning on repeating the CC...partly because I think it's separation anxiety related so it'd probably make it worse, and partly because I'm also coping with it better and I know that he can improve so I'm trying to just go with it until it passes

AHH LISA, we are in the EXACT situation (except I am not back to work yet -- that's next week)
Last month, the twins were doing so much better, so I stopped posting here. Were down to one wake up a night, some random sleep throughs... now we are back to every 2 hours and me co-sleeping with them and nursing them to sleep.
I will not repeat CC again either because I know they are capable of self settling so I respond when they cry. I agree, I think it's separation anxiety related.
Last night was OH's night but at 3ish he woke me cause he couldn't take any more. He had been trying to settle Dominic back to sleep ever since his 11:45 bottle. Dominic would drop off when rocked in OH's arms but cry as soon as he was put down in the cot. And this happened for over 3 hours before OH came to get me. OH is actually much better at rocking Dominic to sleep than I but he needed some moral support. I sat with him while he tried another few times to put Dominic in his cot. Nothing worked. In the end we decided to let Dom cry while we sat next to his bed so he could clearly see us in the dim light but we would not touch him or rock him again. He cried for at the most 5 minutes. At night in the dark time seems longer but it still felt like 5 minutes at the most, so it might well have been less before Dominic dropped off. In the meantime Sebastian of course was woken by the crying but he just lay still and quiet in his cot. OH got him out when Dominic was asleep and rocked him back to sleep. That took about 40 minutes cause Seb was wide awake and smiled and giggled when he saw us. But he is such a good boy and not usually a problem at all so no need to do any CC with him. We finally went back to bed at 4:30. At 5:20 Sebastian woke again but OH gave him a bottle and he dropped off again and I think he slept till 7 when his loud chatter woke Dominic too. OH let me sleep till 10:30 to make up for the loss of sleep and I then let him nap from 11 to 2 but as you can imagine, I am DREADING tonight. We have decided that if Dominic pulls that stunt again of not wanting to go back into his cot, we will let him cry again. It wasn't fun at all and went against every instinct that tells me to pick up my crying son but he definitely didn't do his hurt/hungry//wet sobbing crying but the more shouty tantrumy kind, if I may call it that. So he really was ok, he just wanted to be held. Makes me feel bad for him but this was a new thing last night and I don't want him to get into the habit of only being able to sleep on us at his age, when with all his sleep problems he never did this before! :(
Sttn still feels like a distant dream for us :(
Hope you are all doing ok ladies and that you get lovely long stretches tonight :)
Oh Angel, so sorry you had such a bad night. We are not doing very well here either. Lots of wakings all through the night and then an early waking at 4.30 or 5am so I have to spend a bit of time getting her back to sleep.
I'm just so tired:cry: and my chance of a good lie in at the weekend was thwarted by this dreadful cough I have had and I just couldn't get back to sleep for coughing!:nope:
I think we are due another tooth or 2 as she is def showing the teething signs,so I might give her a bit of calpol before bed tonight to help with the pain.
Hope everyone else is ok?
We had a good night on Sunday night, only 1 waking between midnight and 9am when I had to get her up as I had a meeting at work. The only problem was the late bed time. We'd been out for the day and she fell asleep in the car on the way home and then was up until midnight :dohh: I think being out all day though was what made her sleep so well, she was exhausted.

Last night wasn't as good, wakings every couple of hours but at least she went to bed at a decent time (10.30pm instead of midnight is good for us!!) She's still sleeping now at 10am. I should have woken her up as now she'll not nap before I go to work at 2 and she'll not sleep for MIL until she's absolutely exhausted which will be around 5pm. She'll sleep until 7 and then be up until midnight again! I really hate waking her though as it's so hard to get her to sleep! I've asked MIL not to let her sleep in the late afternoon and she says she doesn't but I think that she's lying as the last time I picked LO up at 6.30pm it seemed like she'd just woken up.
How have everyone slese nights been?
We are having a major regression! well, not that it was any good to begin with! lol
Hourly wakings and maybe 2hrs at most all through the night with an early waking to deal with also!
Really struggling with it now and getting quite depressed that at nearly 11months it is more like dealing with a newborn! only trouble is everyone else is more accepting of it when it is a newborn and don't pass judgement on your parenting skills.:wacko:
I know we are due some teeth so I guess this could be partly it, but even calpol last night didn't improve anything:cry:

Sleepy dust to all.

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