is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

Oh I am so sorry Claire :( I really hope tonight will be better for you! And of course for everyone else here.
For us last night was actually really good. Well, it was OH's night but he said Dominic woke for his bottle at 11:30 and then slept till shortly before 6 when Sebastian's loud chatter woke him! Can you believe it?! The night before he woke at 3 but I only gave him water and he woke again at 3:30 and only got water again. Both times he was easy to settle. So I am hoping the message is getting through to him that there will be no more 4am-ish bottle. It is my night tonight and I so wish it wasn't lol. Because OH injured his arm in a fall yesterday, he couldn't lift the boys out of their cots so he got me up at 6 to help him and I have been up since then. I guess that is normal for most but I still feel really tired as it was the third night in a row of broken/shortened sleep. Tonight will be the 4th so yeah I am really hoping Dominic repeats his new sleep stunt :)
Sleepy dust to all :)
I'm losing the will to live I'm so tired.

We had 3 weeks where I thought she'd finally cracked it. Was just pure bliss but it wasn't meant to be. And since then it's gone from bad to worse.

She currently is teething her back molars and to top it off now has chicken pox :( I'm yet to sleep tonight and struggling to keep going. What makes it worse is I just can not cuddle lo to sleep, she just goes crazy on me. Wish I could just make it all better.

Hope you are all getting some sleep x
I am so sorry jellysecret! I really hope your LO will get better soon. With the chickenpox it isn't surprising she isn't sleeping well I guess. So hopefully when that is over she will once again sleep well. :hugs:

For us it was ok last night I guess. We had to do a lil bit of CIO in the evening as Dominic would once again not stay asleep. He took 45 minutes to fall asleep on his own but of those he only cried for the first 5 minutes at most and again for about 3 minutes in the second half of the 45 mins. The rest he spent with playing with his muslin, chatting and yawning. Still, it wrenched at my heart to not go into him :(
He wanted his bottle at 12:45 and then woke again at 4:45 so that was a nice stretch. But I only gave him water then and he drank about 90ml of it so maybe he was thirsty. However, after that he didn't go back to sleep but cried and whined on and off till we gave up and went to him at 5:30. I am glad I can sleep tonight though I must admit cause I am exhausted!
Hope all is well with all you other ladies. Sending lotsa :hugs:
Really can't take any more. Just about to enter the 6th hour of Alex's tantrum screaming. Nothing wrong with him. He just wants to come in my bed, which needs to stop as I'm going back to work in 3 weeks and need to be able to sleep.

My head is pounding :wacko::cry:
Really can't take any more. Just about to enter the 6th hour of Alex's tantrum screaming. Nothing wrong with him. He just wants to come in my bed, which needs to stop as I'm going back to work in 3 weeks and need to be able to sleep.

My head is pounding :wacko::cry:

Oh Gemma you poor thing! and to think your little sweet boy who looks so angelic could be such a little devil!! lol
I have no advice as we are in the same boat, but without the added pressure of me going back to work.
Is he just crying without stopping? 6 hours is soooo long, you'd think he'd be too tired to keep it up?
Hugs to you:hugs::hugs:
Yup he finally gave in at 1.30, oh started snoring at 1.35 so I ended up in the spare bed, trying not to wake Alex. Got to sleep about 3. He woke up at 6.30 so I got a fairly good stretch. He came in bed with me as he wpuldnt settle in his cot (again!!) but I couldn't sleep as he was moving and 'talking' in his sleep.
At 9 I went and woke OH up who took Alex downstairs and I slept till 12 when he came to tell me he'd fed him and he now needed a nappy change :-(
I hope he will realise he will have to look after him alll day all by himself soon, and he will have to be the one to change his poo nappys!!! Grrr
hello everyone, haven't read the posts sorry. in the middle of moving houses and dealing with builders :growlmad:

going through a major regression and i really can't see the light this time :nope:

hope you're all doing better :hugs:
Oh bless you kosh you must be so stressed :wacko:

I moved 10 days before Alex was born and as a result never want to move again ever!!! Means I'm not allowed a baby girl as we've only got two bedrooms lol

Things will get better, must be upheaval and be strange for LO too. Hope you manage to get some sleep soon xx :flower::hugs:
thanks gemma

i know it must feel strange for him too that's why i'm just trying to cope for now, but i don't think i can;t take much more

on a positive note, my LO learnt to whistle!! :haha::thumbup::cloud9:
I sat here in a right rage this morning and typed out a huge post about how exhausted I was after only getting 30 mins sleep as Alex wouldn't settle and was grizzling and feeding all night.
Just as I was about to hit the submit button a call came through from my brother to tell me my nan had just passed away suddenly.

Puts my moans into perspective really. I'm absolutely devastated and just don't know how I'm going to manage without her. I can honestly say she was my best friend. I spoke to her about 20 times a day and even though I'm now living 150 miles away I still do all her shopping and jobs via the Internet and go back once a month to take her 'supplies' of her favorite biscuits from m&s and sherry!

My poor baby isn't going to have our nan around for his first christmas and its looking like its going to be a sombre one.

My poor grandad is disabled and sat in the chair for hours crying 'please don't put me in a home!'.

My dads just rung asking us to postpone Alex's birthday/Christening in January as he can't leave my grandad to come here and grandad is disabled and housebound. He said it would break his heart to miss his only grandchilds christening and first birthday.
Don't know what to do as people have booked hotels and travel. And it's not like he will suddenly find someone else to take care of my grandad in a few months?
My nan was also paying for it (as our little secret lol) :-/

Just can't think straight. My dad phoned from my Nan's, and her photo flashes up on my phone, which freaked me right out.

Postman just brought a card from her with a cheque to pay for a new fridge/freezer as ours broke and money to get grandads Xmas present. The card said 'gem & Phil, hope everything works out ok for the three of you, love nan xxxx'
Broke my heart!

Just don't know how ill cope without my best friend to chat and gossip with an go to for advice :cry:
Oh gemma I am so sorry! I wish I could give you a proper :hugs: or do something else real for you. I am so so sorry! :hugs:
Gemma,I know I already sent you a text, but once again I am so so sorry and big hugs :hugs::hugs:
Gemma I'm so sorry to hear about your nan :cry::hugs:

Don't focus too much on the christening/birthday dilemma just yet, I'm sure your Dad just had an immediate knee-jerk reaction to everything that's just happened and once the dust has settled a little bit it might not seem so difficult for him to make it.

Nans are wonderful and I'm sure she'll be watching over you now. There isn't anything really helpful I can say but I do understand about her being a best friend and support. My nan was the same for me - she's still with us but she's now 93 and I went to visit her at the weekend and she's really not able to remember very well or have an in depth conversation anymore and I miss her, so I can't imagine how much harder it is for you :hugs::hugs:
Gemma I'm so sorry for your loss. Grandmothers are very special people. My granny died 11 years ago but I still miss her loads. However, I still feel like she is here somewhere and I just can't see her. I feel her presence very strongly and can still hear her voice. Your nan will be there watching over you and you can still chat with her and ask her for advice. Listen carefully and you'll hear her voice still. Hugs to you and your family x x
Thanks for your messages guys, means a lot. I'm Still in a state of shock really.
Just can't stop crying. My eyes are all sore and bleeding from crying so much :wacko:

I must have picked up the phone to ring her 100 times today.
OH has been great but doesn't know how to handle things really and of course hes very upset and grieving himself.

My FIL came and took me out for a drink last night to get me out of the house which I was grateful for, and got a bit worse for wear. He said he'd look after Alex for the night and came and woke me up at 3 as Alex wouldn't go back to sleep and he said he wanted a mummy cuddle. I was really annoyed and said you've just cuddled me while I cried myself to sleep less than 2 hours ago and now I've got to do it again. Just get out and leave me in peace. He went in the spare room then and I felt really guilty, until I woke up at 7 to OH snoring beside me in bed, both bedroom doors closed and the monitor switched off :growlmad:
Alex was awake and playing but I don't think he'd woken and cried as he screams so loud we would have heard him but I was so angry with him.

He just offered to look after Alex for a few days while I stay in Wales with dad sorting out the funeral, and I said you do realise that means you'll actually have to listen and get up in the night?!? Think I'd better take him with me!!!

Off out later to donate her Xmas pressies (6 bottles of sherry and 10 packs of her fave biscuits!) to the care home where OH's nan has just moved into so they can enjoy them over Xmas. Shame to let them go to waste xx
Oh kosh I was just thinking about you!
How's things with you??? Hope your ok and things have improved??

I'm ok. Well, not really but you know what I'm mean. My last few days have been a whirlwind of hospitals, funeral directors, newspaper obituarys, flowers, banks. Nothing nice.

Today I have collected death cert, registered death, organised funeral, and I'm currently washing her favourite clothes to take to the funeral home tomorrow. Keeping busy to keep me going.

Sat, sun & mon Alex had a tooth cutti g and I got 2 hours max each night. Last night I got 5 hours and felt like a different woman today.
Hope it repeats tonight although my brother has no grasp on being quiet and will no doubt come home loud and drunk and its not like I can tell him off under the circumstances, plus it's his house :wacko:

Most of the important stuff is to clear a huuuuge 3 bed/3 reception room Victorian house as grandad wants all her stuff gone so he isn't faced with reminders. Got 6 wardrobes of her clothes to sort before anything else. As well as caring for Alex and my 85 year old disabled grandad.

Feel like screaming most of the time :-(
oh gemma :hugs: i hate emptying houses. i empyied my dad's house 4 (four!) years after he died! but you seem to be coping much better

we are still in sleep hell.......
tonight seems to be going slighlty better but the previous 3 nights he's been waking every hour for 1/2 of the night and wanting to sleep in my arms the second 1/2!!! nothing settles him, not even BF and he wakes up arching his back and screaming. i think his molars must be coming through because he's also constantly grinding his teeth and pulling his ears. I really hope is that because i am running out of explanations...:coffee:
weird thing is his absolutely fine during the day......:shrug:

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