Nights still the same for us I'm afraid

Although he seems to be actually feeding more during the night

The last few nights I've had to change him as he's absolutely soaked through. He used to just have a quick suckle back to sleep every time he woke, but now for some reason he's having mammoth feeds! He obviously needs this otherwise why would he be doing it??? I try my hardest to get him to eat more during the day, but a lot of the time he'll only have a couple of bites of lunch/dinner etc. Tried him on cows milk in a cup but again not interested. I think he now thinks nights are for feeding, days are for playing
Noelle - Hi, you said you night weaned, how on earth did you do this? I wish I could do it but I'd be afraid of the tears and couldn't handle that. Were you bf and cosleeping? Also, may sound like a silly question but how did you know your LO had reflux? Is it obvious? Could my LO have developed this??

really hope you have a breakthrough soon. What is the set up when Alex sleeps at your SIL's, is he in a cot?

to everyone else