is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

really really sorry you're having such an awful time firefly :hugs::hugs:

has he been waking and staying up every night for the last 2 months? I know from experience that is soul-destroying. I can more or less cope with 1000s wakes per night, but staying up in the middle of night really gets me, so I totally understand :hugs:
if it was my LO, if he wakes up and doesn't go back to sleep within say 15-20 min then nothing would work, rocking, nursing, singing, etc etc. he has to stay up for 1.5-2hr but once he gets to that mark, he starts to unwind and then falls back asleep :shrug:
I read about this and it seems to be related to the sleep cycles and awake periods - if they wake 'too much' they have to wait for a full 'awake' period until they are able to go back to sleep again. Like my LO, if he wakes from a nap early, because of a noise or something that's it, end of nap until next 'nap time'. Of course, not every baby is like this but I think our terrible sleepers have all these lovely features! :dohh:

Kosh, yep up for hours every night apart from 1 or 2 in NOvember and 5 or 6 days at the beginning of this month. We've had odd nights or even a week at a time in the past where this has happened, but never for this long before. 1000s of wake ups are rubbish but at least if they're short and you can get back into bed it doesn't feel as awful as being awake for so long in the middle of the night. Today I actually contemplated loading the car up and driving up to Newcastle to stay with my in laws just so that I could give him to MIL during the day while I slept and then I could become nocturnal for a while! If the weather wasn't so poo I might actually have done it!
Kosh, yep up for hours every night apart from 1 or 2 in NOvember and 5 or 6 days at the beginning of this month. We've had odd nights or even a week at a time in the past where this has happened, but never for this long before. 1000s of wake ups are rubbish but at least if they're short and you can get back into bed it doesn't feel as awful as being awake for so long in the middle of the night. Today I actually contemplated loading the car up and driving up to Newcastle to stay with my in laws just so that I could give him to MIL during the day while I slept and then I could become nocturnal for a while! If the weather wasn't so poo I might actually have done it!

oh if you happen to do that please do let me know so we can meet up!!!
(had you mentioned already that your in-laws were here? if you did I completely forgot about it! :dohh:
Oh Firefly I'm with you on this one (as is Kosh too :thumbup:) truly awful, you poor love.
No advice but lots of hugs:hugs::hugs::hugs: it just seems so unfair to us Mummy's who just want a bit of a break from the sleepless nights, but it's just not happening for us.
We are int he same in the respect that if a sleep is interupted then we have to wait until an awake cycle has passed before she will sleep again,so perhaps for some reason your LO is waking and needing to stay awake until the next sleep time:shrug:, but why????? that's the question we all would like to know the answer to!!:nope:

I have a very poorly baby tonight - so much so we called an ambulance at 7pm as she looked like she was going to pass out and had gone all blotchy:nope: she is running a very high temp 39.6 was the highest and she is now asleep in her nappy. I took her to the doctors earlier and he diagnosed an ear infection,but we were so worried this evening and didn't want to take a chance:nope: :nope: she was checked over and it was decided that we would stay at home with her and monitor her condition,my poor baby:cry:
oh claire - 39.6 is really high, poor thing, hope she starts to get better soon!!!!
Not much time to post as want to go to bed...

:hugs: firefly, hope things are improving for you

Clairey - how is your LO now, hope she's better

We're still pretty much the same, numerous wakings every night but like Kosh said it's manageable when they go straight back to sleep.

Lucy is still very poorly. trying very hard to keep fluid in her and she is hardly eating:cry: this has meant a very tired baby,so in a sick twist it means she sleeps for hours at a time,but poos her nappy so I end up having to change her so don't get much sleep myself:wacko:
I hope everyone else is ok?
How are we all ladies?

Rubbish night last night.

George is 1 tomorrow :cloud9: We're taking him to Blue Planet Aquarium :happydance:
How are we all ladies?

Rubbish night last night.

George is 1 tomorrow :cloud9: We're taking him to Blue Planet Aquarium :happydance:

awww I was so emotional when my LO was about to turn 1!:cloud9::cry:
time flies!

our night was not bad , and by good I mean:
he went to bed at 8pm and then woke up at
11pm, 1am, 2am, 4:30am, 6:30am and then up for the day at 7:30am
so 5x.
but he went back to sleep very quickly each time

who would have said this would be a good night for a 1 year old!:dohh:
Happy Birthday for tomorrow George!!!:happydance: where does the time go???
All bets are off with us regarding sleep at the mo due to Lucy being so poorly,although she has been sleeping pretty well,but I think it's because she's ill:shrug:
Claire - really hope Lucy is getting better now, how horrible and scary for you with the ambulance :hugs:

Kosh - I will definitely let you know when a trip up to Newcastle is on the cards, at the moment it looks like we'll almost definitely be there over Easter :thumbup:

Ramie - Happy birthday to George, may his birthday bring lots of restful :sleep:

Still having shocking nights here and can't see any possibility of improvement any time soon. The only small glimmer of hope is that a second molar has now half cut through the gum and the other 2 are visible under the gum so maybe we might get a bit of a respite when then come through (whenever that may be). Aaaarrrggghhh, just aaarrrggghhhh.

Big :hugs::hugs: to everyone
I think Lucy is hopefully on the mend, but we will see what tonight and the morning bring.
:hugs::hugs: to you Firefly and I hope that it is the teeth and you will soon get some zzzzzzzzz's! we still only have the 2 bottom teeth??? Should I be worried that she hasn't got more?
Fingers crossed for a good night!
Hi everyone,
Been a bit busy so not on here much at the moment.
We're still having mixed nights. We had several good nights in a row with one fantastic night where she slept in her cot from around 10pm until 5am!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it. Other good nights she's just woken 2 or 3 times. The past few nights though have been back to waking every hour and she's a miserable grump during the day. I don't know if she's getting more teeth or if it's something else. Just when I think we're getting a break LOs sleep goes down the drain again. She's off her food too and wants to nurse constantly which is all making for one tired mamma in this house!
Hope everyone else is ok x x
wow mrs hedgehog - 10pm til 5am?!! :thumbup::happydance:

sorry for the delay - happy birthday George!!! :cake:
hope you had a lovely day!

firefly - see you over Easter then! :thumbup:

claire - glad to hear Lucy is getting better :thumbup:

how's everyone else?

I always wonder - are you still reading from time to time lisa? how are things?
Hey ladies! Still been peeking in here but not really had a reason to post. No not because Alex has suddenly started sleeping :haha: I've now returned to work full time and my oh is now a stay at home dad, and to be fair he's doing great!!
He's started staying in the spare room because it drove him mad going back and forth down the landing every half hour! He's finally realising how hard I've had it this last year!!! Plus it means I'm getting a sold sleep of between 5-7 hours, dependant on which shift, and I get my lush king size bed to myself! :haha:
Well on week days I do. I'm doing the weekend nights so no lay in for me lol!

Being back at work in itself is ok, although its like being the newbie in the office again and I'm being given rubbish work!
I must say though, it's lovely having a lunch hour - a whole hour to sit and relax, read a book, eat my food without having screaming in my ear or having it stolen! And I get to have my own handbag rather than a changing bag!! And no more poo nappies as he poos in the morning and he gets up after I've left for work :happydance:

However I am missing my lil man LOADS! This week I'm not getting in until 6.30 - just enough time to have a quick cuddle, feed &bath before putting him to bed.
He's being a night to get off. He went to bed to ought at 7.15 and he's been sat there chatting away to his teddys until 15 minutes ago!!
Phil said he's still waking most hours, which is ridiculous when we know he is capable of sleeping through.

It's so lovely when I get home, he's like an excited puppy plodding over and giving me cuddles and kisses. Then he gets grumpy, which I think is partly tiredness, and partly because he's annoyed I left him all day.
He stayed with my SIL Saturday so me and OH could celebrate our 10 year anniversary. He's stayed there a few times and loves her to bits and usually doesn't even acknowledge the fact I'm leaving. But Saturday, for the first time ever, he screamed and yelled and cried. Broke my heart :cry:

He's hoping things improve for us all!!!

OH didnt get the job. Well, technically he did. Had the call offering the job and was told he would receive offer letter and contract next morning. We started looking into childcare and looked for a car for him. Then later the same day the MD announced a restructure and recruitment freeze, so he'd lost the job before he even started. When are we going to get a break :shrug: my wages aren't even going anywhere near covering our bills this month :dohh:
Weh had the most awful night last night!!:cry: I really didn't get any sleep until about 5am I think. All she wanted to do was suck all night long:cry: and of course I coudn't get any sleep. She screamd blue murder everytime I tried to pop her off the boob :wacko:. so tired today and it has pretty much ruined my saturday because I have felt grumpy all day.
I just pray she sleeps better couldn't be much worse tbh:winkwink:
Hey ladies,

Gemma glad being back at work is going ok. Such a shame about your OH's job, hope he finds something soon. Must be so nice to see your LO when you get home:cloud9:

Clairey, sorry to hear about your awful night. :coffee: Some people say they can fall back to sleep whilst their LO's suckle away but I find this hard to do. I always end up uncomfortable or in an awkward position. I like to move away a bit when he pops off so that I can sleep on my front but it's tricky doing that without waking him.

That last few nights haven't been great here either :nope:
Ugh does anyone have any ideas how to get babies to sleep longer in the morning? I think we are back to the trend of waking super early. Dominic started moaning at 3:40 but went back to sleep and then woke again at 4:40. I ignored him but stared at the monitor and I think he dozed for about 15 minutes cause I switched the sound back on and must have drifted off too when at 5:20 he started crying in earnest. And of course Sebastian woke then too. So I have now been awake more or less since before 4. Yesterday Dominic also woke at 5 but it was OH's night and I didn't have to get up.
Seems you get one thing sorted with their sleep and another thing pops up. :(
Sorry to hear that angel. No magic ideas I'm afraid, Alex is being a nightmare too.
He's refusing point blank to sleep a lot of the time. The last 3 nights he's been tired and rubbing his eyes, so I've taken him to bed at 7pm with a warm bottle of milk, which usually sends him straight off, but last night for example, he was still mucking about and talking to himself at 11! I gave up and got him in bed with me, but he was still awake at 12.30, when OH took him in the spare room so I could sleep as I have to be up at 6 to do an hours drive to work :-(
The last week he has been waking at 4 and not going back until 7, and then up for the day by 9! So he's only having a 3 hours and hour and a half stretch in the night, and an hours nap in the day :-(

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