Hello ladies!!
Sorry nobody's sleep has improved
Alex had improved, although he's been a bugger to get off to sleep and a few occasions the last two weeks he's sat chatting to his teddies in his cot until gone 11, after going to bed at 7!! And from
There woke at 3, 6, & 7 then up for the day between 8.30 and 9.
I'm came down to my dads in cardiff Thursday night. I left at 7.45 hoping he would sleep in the car as its his bedtime. No such luck! He slept 8-8.30 then chattered away the rest of the journey. He refused to go anywhere near his travel cot, so was in with me, and even Then he only slept 1.30-3, & 4.30-8
Last night my brother babysat and he was a nightmare for him. He refused to sleep and screamed bloody murder with big fat tears, again petrified to go near the cot, so they were sat downstairs eating ice lollies at 11pm when I came home

So he was in with me again.
The last two nights he has woke at 3am on the dot and screamed for over half hour. Nothing could console him. Cuddles, dummy, bottle, nothing! Really awkward as he's waking my brother up and he had to be up early
Tonight he's had a temper tantrum so again he's in bed with me.
I think maybe his teeth are to blame. His molars are coming through, and he's got bright red cheeks, a runny nose and awful nappy rash. And he's been so grizzly today, which is very unlike him
One development though......he started walking yesterday!!! We were at my friends house having coffee and I saw him move out of the corner of my eye and he walked about 8 steps to her computer!! Hasn't stopped since! Only sad thing is OH isn't here with me, and I know he'd be gutted tools it so I'm not going to say anything and let him witness it himself at home and let him think its the first time lol
Hope you all have good nights ladies!!