is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

well, not a brilliant night for us either, although better than yesterday.
he's gassy again. not as bad as before, but quite gassy and now i can tell THAT is what upsets him during the night. I'm still doing the exclusion diet, so it must have been something he had. no idea what.

as i said we're doing BLW - do you think I should do switch to purees in case the problem is that his stomach is not handling it very well?

Are you keeping a food diary for both of you?

Does be enjoy the blw? If so it might be difficult to get him to take purée, he also might not like being fed as he's used to doing it himself. Lily won't let us feed her at all.

well, you would have thought I would keep a diary, wouldn't you? well, i forgot! :dohh: how stupid that is? I mean,I'm making the effort of not eating chocolate but I forget to write what I/we do eat?!

re. BLW he really likes it but sometimes is a bit lazy and likes it when I hold the food for him (eg a whole peach), so maybe he wouldn't mind being spoon fed, although I'd prefer not to
A terrible night for us last night, she just wanted to suck all night. She's wanted to nurse a lot today too. Who knows why :shrug:

She's refusing her afternoon nap right now so I'm thinking I'll just try to keep her up and maybe try to put her to bed early. What do you do if your LO won't nap at their usual time? Do you just skip the nap or do you let them take their nap later and then have a later bed time? Our 'routine' is always getting messed up because LO won't nap at the same time 2 days in a row.
A terrible night for us last night, she just wanted to suck all night. She's wanted to nurse a lot today too. Who knows why :shrug:

She's refusing her afternoon nap right now so I'm thinking I'll just try to keep her up and maybe try to put her to bed early. What do you do if your LO won't nap at their usual time? Do you just skip the nap or do you let them take their nap later and then have a later bed time? Our 'routine' is always getting messed up because LO won't nap at the same time 2 days in a row.

If he skips a nap and there is time I would try to get him to have a catnap to keep him going but otherwise I keep him up and put him to bed at 7 as usual. He is seriously seriously grumpy though and its hard. Loads of people I know don't let theory LO nap after 3pm. Today my LO slept until 2.30 and the MIL was round so I couldn't give him a catnap from 4.30-5. He was a mess by 7. I have seen it won't work really keeping him awake after 3, I'm left with a grumpy and OH gets 30 minutes with him at 6.30 and he was just whiney and crying. My LO can still only go max 3 hrs between naps although much better with 2 hrs.

So, in answer to your question! Keep the same bedtime if I can.
8pm til 6/7am?!?! Oh, what we all wouldn't give for a night like that. I nearly throttled a firend of mine who has a baby that has slept all night since 4 weeks old. For the first time in 10 months he woke up at 2am and stayed awake until 4am, crying if she left the room. Never have I heard such a fuss or such theatrics about how tired someone was :gun: :gun: I restrained myself from actually saying anything sarcastic or unhelpful, which I think deserves a medal :haha:
A terrible night for us last night, she just wanted to suck all night. She's wanted to nurse a lot today too. Who knows why :shrug:

She's refusing her afternoon nap right now so I'm thinking I'll just try to keep her up and maybe try to put her to bed early. What do you do if your LO won't nap at their usual time? Do you just skip the nap or do you let them take their nap later and then have a later bed time? Our 'routine' is always getting messed up because LO won't nap at the same time 2 days in a row.

I normally just play it by ear, if LO seems to really lose it later on I'll let him have a late nap but still try to stick to the same bedtime (ish) but if he seems ok I'll keep him up and move bedtime slightly earlier.

:hugs: for the bad night. Is it possible that she may be trying to drop down to one nap (or has that already happened)?
Hmmm, interesting night. It's 1.40, I went to bed at 10 but I've only managed a few mins sleep as Lily just wants to keep nursing every 20 mins or so, I've tried refusing her, she'll get a but upset, but she is going back to sleep but only for a few mins. I feel bad refusing her, but it's getting too much and at times I just need her off me! :coffee:

She went to sleep without a fuss to start with though :thumbup:
Good morning ladies :)
We had another good night! :D OH and I went to bed at 10:30 and Dom wanted feeding at 00:30. Then he didn't wake till 3:50 when I fed him again. And then he was asleep till 7:15! Seb woke at 6:15 and twice till 7:15 but I count this as really good as they usually wake every hour or more after 4. Now if ONLY I could have gone back to sleep after the midnight feed I might have had some decent sleep. Sadly it was after 2 when I finally dropped off. How perverse is that?!
Hope you all have had a good night too? xxx
Mrs hedgehog . If Ava won't sleep I have to play it by ear too ... She's terrible when tired so sometimes have to adjust bedtime by half a hour or so to fit a short nap in.

Angel ... Brilliant night! Fingers crossed for some more like that!

Our nights just keep going backwards ... She goes down fine with no fuss, then up at 12-1ish for almost 2 hours every not. We then wakes at 4, 6 and up at 7. I'm not sure how,to changeout. I left her having a chat and a moan last night and she dropped back off by herself so I went in and checked her blankets but had to settle her at 6 as she cried.x
Oh dear, poor Lulu that must be so exhausting! At his worst Dom never was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night! What does she do during? Does she want to play or is she actually trying to sleep again but cannot?
Yey angel that's great!!! Let's hope the boys have reached a turning point!!

Our night wasn't the best we've had recently, but not too bad.

Previous day/night he only had one night then cried to go to sleep at 615 but from 12 was unsettled and wanted to get up at 6.

Yesterday I made sure he had 3 naps (20-30 mins each). Then put him to sleep at 7.45. Put him down awake and he grizzled for 5 mins before falling asleep.
He woke twice for his dummy but settled straight back with his dummy and a rub on his back.

Lulu I'm also having trouble getting to sleep at the moment. I've been so exhausted the other night and went to bed at 8 but didn't drop off till 1. Alex woke at 1.30 :wacko:

Each night it's gone midnight before I drop off to sleep. Last night Alex woke at 12.30 (as he had previous night) and was wide awake wanting to play. I made sure he was ok and went back to bed and left him to it. I was listening on the monitor (half asleep) and he dropped off about 1.15.

He woke at 3.30 and settled straight back.
5.45 he woke and I gave him a warm 3oz bottle which he drank most of then soar it out and headed to my boob where he fell asleep at 6.30.
Then at 7.30 he woke wanting to play and wouldn't settle so I put him back in his cot. He snoozed till 8.30.

How do I stop his being so awake at midnight and wanting to play?? I've left him alone now for two nights so he gets no stimulation but he still lays there for over an hour talking and grizzling to himself?

Not complaining - still a million times better than our nights were even just a few weeks ago, but not as good as when we started the controlled crying 2 weeks ago. Damn trip ruining him routine :haha:
Just trying to iron out the final problems :happydance:
Oh dear, poor Lulu that must be so exhausting! At his worst Dom never was up for 2 hours in the middle of the night! What does she do during? Does she want to play or is she actually trying to sleep again but cannot?

Rolling, screeching (for fun, not crying!), kicking the cot bars because likes the noise, ptrending that her hands are the LO's amazing thing she's ever seen ...!!

I've worked out that if stroke her face until she's super relaxed she's pretty muc too tired and floppy to fight it then so I sit by her a bit, then stand by the door ndnthen leave, sometimes she koans and sometimes she goes straight t sleep ... I don't know whether this is a good or bad thing after our CC but I'm kind of in survival mode and early pregnancy tiredness has kicked in with full force. I'm like a zombie!

What do you all d for night feeds? Do you get them up, feed lying down, keep them in sleeping bags etc? I have always got Ava up and normally change her nappy as she's very wet by 1am. I'm not sure if shes bothered by her nappy and I'm know she can go all night with one without a change.

Because i change her she's out of her sleeping bag and then I feed in the rocking chair. I'm wondering if I can bypass the nappy change and keep,her in her sleeping bag sloshed doesn't wake up quite as much ... Any thoughts?
We don't change nappies until morning unless they pooed of course which is usually obvious just from the smell! But also, they are wearing woombies which can be unzipped from the bottom up in case we do need to change them. I think it helps if they don't get too cool as that really does wake them all the way. Also, we use a nappy size up for nights. We still get the odd explosion or leak by morning but it never is at midnight and only ever towards morning. And maybe it was that Little Angels nappies weren't good enough so at the moment we are trying Pampers active fit and so far so good but I am not convinced that this solves the problem. :shrug:
As for feeds, lately we are keeping the boys in the cots while feeding them. For one cot this means kneeling on the nursery bed and hanging over the railings but for Seb it means bending over while standing and my back doesn't like it much lol. But I think they drop off faster and deeper if we don't lift them out. But of course if you BF then that won't work. Good luck!
Hmmm, interesting night. It's 1.40, I went to bed at 10 but I've only managed a few mins sleep as Lily just wants to keep nursing every 20 mins or so, I've tried refusing her, she'll get a but upset, but she is going back to sleep but only for a few mins. I feel bad refusing her, but it's getting too much and at times I just need her off me! :coffee:

She went to sleep without a fuss to start with though :thumbup:

LO has been the same the past few nights. Our LOs are about the same age. Do you think there could be some kind of growth spurt? She's also been nursing a lot during the day, yesterday before bed it reminded me of the cluster feeding from when she was a newborn. After a while she started biting me though so I stopped her nursing, she had a complete meltdown then nursed a bit more and fell off to sleep really easily. We had a slightly better night after that but she still had several wake ups where she fed quite a lot. I'm still at a complete loss when it comes to explaining her sleep patterns and the constant night feedings. I come up with a million reasons every day to explain it. She's definitely not waking out of habit, it's too random to be a habit. My instincts tell me though that if she wants to nurse then I should let her nurse. There could be some hidden reason for the comfort sucking. Maybe she's fighting a bug or something that has no symptoms, maybe she's going through some big developmental leap, maybe she is just really hungry. :shrug:
Hmmm, interesting night. It's 1.40, I went to bed at 10 but I've only managed a few mins sleep as Lily just wants to keep nursing every 20 mins or so, I've tried refusing her, she'll get a but upset, but she is going back to sleep but only for a few mins. I feel bad refusing her, but it's getting too much and at times I just need her off me! :coffee:

She went to sleep without a fuss to start with though :thumbup:

LO has been the same the past few nights. Our LOs are about the same age. Do you think there could be some kind of growth spurt? She's also been nursing a lot during the day, yesterday before bed it reminded me of the cluster feeding from when she was a newborn. After a while she started biting me though so I stopped her nursing, she had a complete meltdown then nursed a bit more and fell off to sleep really easily. We had a slightly better night after that but she still had several wake ups where she fed quite a lot. I'm still at a complete loss when it comes to explaining her sleep patterns and the constant night feedings. I come up with a million reasons every day to explain it. She's definitely not waking out of habit, it's too random to be a habit. My instincts tell me though that if she wants to nurse then I should let her nurse. There could be some hidden reason for the comfort sucking. Maybe she's fighting a bug or something that has no symptoms, maybe she's going through some big developmental leap, maybe she is just really hungry. :shrug:

Yeah, I think there is some sort of leap or growth spurt around now, that's what I'm holding onto anyway! Lily took a few unaided steps the other day, none since though, so I'm wondering if it's partly to do with that :shrug: but yes it is just like a newborn cluster feeding! I too tried not giving lily boob at times last night as it was just getting too much, I was only able to hold her off for a few mins though.

Did I read that your little one had vaccinations recently? If so could that be a reason for the comfort sucking?
Yes, she had vaccinations on Monday so that could be playing a part too. She's starting to take a few unaided steps as well so there's definitely a lot going on. I think once she's able to walk we'll see an improvement as we had a spell of her sleeping better when she started crawling. The wonder weeks theory has never really matched up for us but I do think that there are often things going on under the surface that we just don't know about or can't explain.
We don't change nappies until morning unless they pooed of course which is usually obvious just from the smell! But also, they are wearing woombies which can be unzipped from the bottom up in case we do need to change them. I think it helps if they don't get too cool as that really does wake them all the way. Also, we use a nappy size up for nights. We still get the odd explosion or leak by morning but it never is at midnight and only ever towards morning. And maybe it was that Little Angels nappies weren't good enough so at the moment we are trying Pampers active fit and so far so good but I am not convinced that this solves the problem. :shrug:
As for feeds, lately we are keeping the boys in the cots while feeding them. For one cot this means kneeling on the nursery bed and hanging over the railings but for Seb it means bending over while standing and my back doesn't like it much lol. But I think they drop off faster and deeper if we don't lift them out. But of course if you BF then that won't work. Good luck!

D you find they don't need winding after their bottles? I ff now so will give it a try. Maybe getting her up is just a habit I got into when I was BF!
Lulu no we do not burp them at night. We have never been able to burp Sebastian at all anyway, no matter what we tried and Dom seems to cope ok without it now. I also find that at night they drink somewhat slower so maybe that is why they don't have that much wind? We use Avent bottles but you might try Dr Brown if Ava is prone to gassy tummies? xxx
We use the the tommee tippee anti colic ones so I'm going to,give it a try feeding her lying down tonight and see how we go! She went to bed brilliantly as is becoming the norm so I'll await the 1am energy marathon and report back!x
haven't read all the updates yet, but in the meantime wanted to send sleepy dust :dust: to everyone
hope you're all having ok-ish nights at least!

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