is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

Oh no! Sorry to hear that Firefly. Poor baby :nope:

I definitely think all bets are off when they're ill. I've been letting LO sleep whenever and wherever he wants and feed whenever he likes (food wise he's not eating much but whatever DOES go down I'm encouraging, even if it's not exactly nutritionally varied at present).

I'd say that as long as they're drinking milk there's no for them to drink extra water...just do as you're doing and let him feed as much as he likes. I'm offering both milk and water to my LO all the time and following his lead. He had a fever today of 39.5 and was miserable but perked up after a bit of calpol luckily. He's still drinking milk well and he's alert even though he's sad so that's my yardstick for how he's doing atm.

:hugs: to all the poorly babas and tired mamas. Hope we all feel better soon :flower:
Well miraculously enough bedtime was very easy and at the normal time. Straight to sleep with no fuss at all, so I guess now I'll just wait to see what tonight brings...sleep I do deeply and sincerely hope, but obviously that's most likely to be wishful thinking!

Hope everyone else is having good bedtimes tonight.
Hmmmm, well the easy bedtime appears to be as good as it's going to get tonight. We're on wake up number 2 in less than 2 hours *sigh*.

Just dosed him with Nurofen as he has a temperature so hopefully that will let him sleep easier once it starts to work.
Do you guys dread it too when evening approaches? Every evening I get this low feeling in my tummy cause I know we shall have to resettle Dom a gazillion times between his 7pm and our 10:30 bedtime. And he is sooo heavy now that I can barely lift him out of the cot, let alone rock him standing up as he prefers. :( And of course this feeling of gloom is added to as it is my night. I wouldn't ever give him this but I must admit that I have wondered if there are such things as herbal sleeping aids :blush:. Ah well at least going by how the last few nights were, I will get a stretch or two of 2 1/2 hours or maybe a lil more.
Get well soon to all the poorly babies :-( Cormac is still rough, was up from 1-4.30 last night poor little dude. He's had so much milk today, half of which I ended up wearing. He also managed to vomit directly into my mouth although somehow I didn't even realise and then good god it tasted like I was eating soap. That was a joy.

Firefly, thank you for that blog link. I have been looking for some new blog recently and this is perfect!

Sleep well little babies x
Get well soon to all the poorly babies :-( Cormac is still rough, was up from 1-4.30 last night poor little dude. He's had so much milk today, half of which I ended up wearing. He also managed to vomit directly into my mouth although somehow I didn't even realise and then good god it tasted like I was eating soap. That was a joy.

Firefly, thank you for that blog link. I have been looking for some new blog recently and this is perfect!

Sleep well little babies x

:sick: i'm dreading the day!

hope all LOs feel better tomorrow!
hope we mums have some decent sleep too!
Oh no flippity, poor you!! I would have been sick myself if that was me lol

Hope everyone is getting a good nights sleep.

Looks like last night was just a one off, by the time we went to bed just after 10 we'd had no wake ups so thought we were in for another good night.

But no, lo is currently wide awake talking and clapping! So looks like she'll be doing one of her 2 hour wide awake sessions :(

I just wish I knew what wakes her to the point of being so wide awake, she must be tired? :(
Our night was not good either.
Dom needed resettling every 20 to 30 minutes till 11:30 when I fed him and Seb (they usually eat an hour later). Then I was able to sleep till 3:30 and since then I have not slept more than maybe 20 mins here or there as both boys have been constantly waking. And to add to the frustration, Seb wouldn't eat at 4 nor just now either. I guess I have to get them up now as I doubt they will be lying semi quietly in the dark room much longer. I want to cry with tiredness. :(

Oh and I forgot to mention that I had trouble sleeping those 4 hours cause I was constantly worried that Dom would roll on his front. At 2:30 I got up to readjust him since he had rolled diagonally in the cot and was in danger of banging his head plus he was off the monitor. Last night every time I wanted to strap the bellyband on him he went crazy after 5 mins.
Yet another really bad night! I even went to bed at 9.30pm to try and get a few extra zzzzzz's but she had other ideas on that!!:wacko:
I think it was wake ups every hour,sometimes less and I think I might have got more than an hour,but that was about 5am:cry:
She is worse or just as bad as she was as a newborn:cry:
I don't feel too tired at present,but I know it will hit me later today.
How much longer will this last???????
I just know it's all to do with the new skills she has learn't over the weekend.
Who would have thought 3 hours straight sleep would seem like bliss??!! lol
Hope everyone else's nights weren't too bad.
I just thank god I have this thread to vent on and to know I am not going through this alone (and to know my baby is not totally odd :haha:)
Our night was not good either.
Dom needed resettling every 20 to 30 minutes till 11:30 when I fed him and Seb(thee usually eat an hour later). Then I was able to sleep till 3:30 and since then I have not slept more than maybe 20 mins here or there as both boys have been constantly waking. And to add to the frustration, Seb wouldn't eat at 4 nor just now either. I guess I have to get them up now as I doubt they will be lying semi quietly in the dark room much longer. I want to cry with tiredness. :(

Oh and I forgot to mention that I had trouble sleeping those 4 hours cause I was constantly worried that Dom would roll on his front. At 2:30 I got up to reajust him since he had rolled diagonally in the cot and was in danger of banging his head plus he was off the monitor. Last night every time I wanted to strap the bellyband on him he went crazy after 5 mins.

:hugs::hugs: Angel
Angel, clairey and jellysecret :hugs: for the bad nights.

Flippityflop, :hugs: for the mouth incident. There aren't really words for how bad that must have been!

We had a rubbish night, as expected really. He managed to sleep from around 9ish to 11.20 after the nurofen and then again until nearly 2am but after that he was awake until 4 for reasons that I just couldn't work out. He seemed to think it was playtime and would not lie down in his cot :wacko: I finally got back to sleep only to have OH start some thunderous snoring which woke me up and then my neighbours f*cking quails started making insane squawking noises (don't ask!), so managed maybe 1.5 hours in total after 4am but broken into small catnaps.

So now I am utterly knackered, waiting for the first nappy of the day and desperately hoping that LO shows some signs of being better. He seems to have woken up in a good mood despite the rubbish sleep (no idea how given that I feel like turd), but has been gifting me with some awful smelly parps so far this morning which doesn't instill confidence!

Fingers crossed all the poorly LOs start to significantly improve today.
Hey ladies. I've just scanned the last couple of pages. Nope your babies are starting to feel better. I'm sure the only thing worse than not getting any sleep is having a fussy portly baby all day too :(

We're still up and down here. Night before last bedtime was a fight but nay for half an hour, she then woke at 9.30, 10,30. Then at 12.30 for a feed and was up her usual 2 hours and refused to go t sleep unless I was sat by her cot (well and truly busted my OH here as it is clearly because that's what he's been doing fr an easy life on his nights! We've discussed!).

Last night bedtime was great and she slept through until 5am when she had a feed and went back to sleep until 7.30 ccc amazing!

I've booked the week off of work and have spent most of it with my head down the loo whilst Ava screams at me from the bedroom floor. OH keeps banging on about how he thinks were having twins. If he doesn't stop I might smash him in the face. Likewise, if we end up with twins, I will probably also smash him in the face ... All in the name of making myself feel better!

Good luck for this evening all. Just going to grab 20 minutes while Ava is napping!x
Hugs to those with poorly babies and those who had bad nights :hugs:

Lily had her second osteo yesterday, huge difference to how she was last week as osteo lady was able to touch Lily's head, last week lily kept swiping her hands away. So this week she was able to get a lot done. She was really pleased that lily has started eating more since her first appointment, she said that shows there's less tension/stress there. We're seeing her again next week. straight after her appointment lily started sticking her tongue out loads and really far, that doesn't seem like much, but it's not something she has really done before, so I think that shows there is less tension there. :thumbup:

Lily went to sleep really easily last night, which was a huge shock to me as she'd only been awake 2 hours! I spent the whole evening convinced she'd wake up and refuse to go back to sleep for hours! She still woke a lot last night, but back to her usual 6 or so times, which is bareable as I just stick a boob in and we go back to sleep, well I do, lily doesn't wake properly. She had roughly 12hours last night, which is miles better than the previous night when she didn't go to sleep until 11:30pm and only had 9 hours sleep. I'm really hoping last night wasn't a fluke!

I had a quick feel in Lily's mouth yesterday and discovered that 2 molars have popped through! This would probably explain the couple of nights of comfort sucking, but other than that there was no signs that they were ready to come through!
On a blatant sympathy hunt here ladies...just taken LO to the dr due to exploding bottom, sickness and now a rash and she thinks it might be german measles :cry: we have to go back later in the week for swabs to confirm or rule it out and so for now we're in quarantine. Not that that really makes a massive difference as with the poor little munchkin exploding both ends it's not exactly like I would have been venturing anywhere anyway...other than to the shop for carpet cleaner :wacko:

Managed to get him to nap in his buggy for his lunchtime nap - for the last few days he's refused to nap anywhere other than on me, which in turn has made him too hot and then made him sick when he wakes up. Fingers crossed he'll have a half decent nap and I can just sit here on the sofa in a daze for an hour or so!
On a blatant sympathy hunt here ladies...just taken LO to the dr due to exploding bottom, sickness and now a rash and she thinks it might be german measles :cry: we have to go back later in the week for swabs to confirm or rule it out and so for now we're in quarantine. Not that that really makes a massive difference as with the poor little munchkin exploding both ends it's not exactly like I would have been venturing anywhere anyway...other than to the shop for carpet cleaner :wacko:

Managed to get him to nap in his buggy for his lunchtime nap - for the last few days he's refused to nap anywhere other than on me, which in turn has made him too hot and then made him sick when he wakes up. Fingers crossed he'll have a half decent nap and I can just sit here on the sofa in a daze for an hour or so!

Oh poor little thing :hugs: and :hugs: for you not allowed to go out.
Oh no! Sorry to hear that Firefly. Poor baby :nope:

I definitely think all bets are off when they're ill. I've been letting LO sleep whenever and wherever he wants and feed whenever he likes (food wise he's not eating much but whatever DOES go down I'm encouraging, even if it's not exactly nutritionally varied at present).

I'd say that as long as they're drinking milk there's no for them to drink extra water...just do as you're doing and let him feed as much as he likes. I'm offering both milk and water to my LO all the time and following his lead. He had a fever today of 39.5 and was miserable but perked up after a bit of calpol luckily. He's still drinking milk well and he's alert even though he's sad so that's my yardstick for how he's doing atm.

:hugs: to all the poorly babas and tired mamas. Hope we all feel better soon :flower:

On a blatant sympathy hunt here ladies...just taken LO to the dr due to exploding bottom, sickness and now a rash and she thinks it might be german measles :cry: we have to go back later in the week for swabs to confirm or rule it out and so for now we're in quarantine. Not that that really makes a massive difference as with the poor little munchkin exploding both ends it's not exactly like I would have been venturing anywhere anyway...other than to the shop for carpet cleaner :wacko:

Managed to get him to nap in his buggy for his lunchtime nap - for the last few days he's refused to nap anywhere other than on me, which in turn has made him too hot and then made him sick when he wakes up. Fingers crossed he'll have a half decent nap and I can just sit here on the sofa in a daze for an hour or so!

Oh no:nope:

Did they suggest anything to make him more comfortable in the mean time? Poor little thing.

Hope you manage to recharge a bit while he's sleeping.x
On a blatant sympathy hunt here ladies...just taken LO to the dr due to exploding bottom, sickness and now a rash and she thinks it might be german measles :cry: we have to go back later in the week for swabs to confirm or rule it out and so for now we're in quarantine. Not that that really makes a massive difference as with the poor little munchkin exploding both ends it's not exactly like I would have been venturing anywhere anyway...other than to the shop for carpet cleaner :wacko:

Managed to get him to nap in his buggy for his lunchtime nap - for the last few days he's refused to nap anywhere other than on me, which in turn has made him too hot and then made him sick when he wakes up. Fingers crossed he'll have a half decent nap and I can just sit here on the sofa in a daze for an hour or so!

Oh no! Poor baba (and poor mamma and dadda too :hugs:).

Hopefully he'll be better soon. Not to question your doc as obviously they've seen your LO, but I was under the impression that Rubella caused cold-like symptoms mainly, rather than bum ones iykwim? It's also pretty rare now due to the MMR being around, so it could be (purely speculating obv) that it isn't that but another viral gastroenteritis bug as they often cause rashes too. Hopefully this is the case as at least you wouldn't need the quarantine then. Fingers crossed the swabs give you some answers :flower:
Lulu yay for such a good night. But poor you for all that sickness though. Mind you, with my twins I didn't throw up much. I think only 4 times in the first 14 weeks and then my all day sickness went away. But I remember several ladies on the tri forums who suffered from hyperemesis and only carried one baby. So this sickness doesn't have to mean anything. And while I understand that having twins might seem daunting since you already have one baby, it is also the most amazing blessing that ever happened to me :)

Chocolala wow molars already at 8 months? I didn't know they came so soon! I bet that must have hurt! Hope she sleeps better again tonight :)

firefly Oh gosh your poor baby! I really hope it isn't the German measles and that he gets better soon. :hugs:

kosh how is it going?

Everyone I hope this will be a great night for us all :) xxx

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