Hey ladies!
Sorry I haven't had chance to read all the comments over the last few days - been manic!
I did quickly see firefly and Lisa's reply's. Firefly - I always have a spare vest & sleepsuit or some sort of spare outfit but that morning as I'd got the bag ready I realised a bottle of water had spilt on them, so I put them in the wash and forgot to get more clothes
they'd been in there weeks and not been used and the day they get taken out I need them - sods law!!!!
Lisa, I haven't yet although last night I was shattered (hungover lol) and fell asleep in ten mins so hoping I can get into a better routine. I suspect that if I left my iPhone downstairs I'd get to sleep quicker
But I'm always making lists in my head and use it to 'weite' things down to get them off my mind, so it helps in that aspect...
Mixed bag to report sleep wise. He's sleeping better at night but fight him naps (although saying that he's just reached out for a cuddle and crashed out on me
Tuesday night he spent the day with his dad while i cleaned the house, he then slept 8-2, 3-6, 7-9 - so pretty well. Although 2 periods of playing in his cot for an hour.
Wednesday He spent the day with his dad again while I spent the day in London to go to the script concert (amaaaaazing - and we met Danny O'Donoghue as we were leaving the pub after
We got home at 1, OH had put Alex down to sleep in his cot, and my friend was staying over (she'd come to stay from Wales), so we carried him into our bed. He woke....got very excited, and played, poked us and pulled our hair until 5.30am
OH turned his back and put earplugs in and went to sleep at 2 and left me to deal with him

He then woke at 7.30 after only 2 hours sleep, at which point I made OH. Take him downstairs so I grabbed another 2 hours.
Last night he slept 7-2.30, 3.30-6.30, 7-8.30, so he finally seems to be getting the hang of it although I need to try and iron out the final bits like the waking twice to play for an hour
Hope you all have had a good few days and lots of sleep! I'll try and go back and read all the comments I've missed over the last few days
Sorry I haven't had chance to read all the comments over the last few days - been manic!
I did quickly see firefly and Lisa's reply's. Firefly - I always have a spare vest & sleepsuit or some sort of spare outfit but that morning as I'd got the bag ready I realised a bottle of water had spilt on them, so I put them in the wash and forgot to get more clothes

Lisa, I haven't yet although last night I was shattered (hungover lol) and fell asleep in ten mins so hoping I can get into a better routine. I suspect that if I left my iPhone downstairs I'd get to sleep quicker

But I'm always making lists in my head and use it to 'weite' things down to get them off my mind, so it helps in that aspect...
Mixed bag to report sleep wise. He's sleeping better at night but fight him naps (although saying that he's just reached out for a cuddle and crashed out on me

Tuesday night he spent the day with his dad while i cleaned the house, he then slept 8-2, 3-6, 7-9 - so pretty well. Although 2 periods of playing in his cot for an hour.
Wednesday He spent the day with his dad again while I spent the day in London to go to the script concert (amaaaaazing - and we met Danny O'Donoghue as we were leaving the pub after

We got home at 1, OH had put Alex down to sleep in his cot, and my friend was staying over (she'd come to stay from Wales), so we carried him into our bed. He woke....got very excited, and played, poked us and pulled our hair until 5.30am

OH turned his back and put earplugs in and went to sleep at 2 and left me to deal with him

He then woke at 7.30 after only 2 hours sleep, at which point I made OH. Take him downstairs so I grabbed another 2 hours.
Last night he slept 7-2.30, 3.30-6.30, 7-8.30, so he finally seems to be getting the hang of it although I need to try and iron out the final bits like the waking twice to play for an hour

Hope you all have had a good few days and lots of sleep! I'll try and go back and read all the comments I've missed over the last few days