is/was your LO a really bad sleeper? support and advise thread!

Angel, glad your night was better! Let's hope it continues!!

Claire & firefly - :hugs: - lets hope they are tired and sleep better tonight!!

Our night started off well. He went to bed a little late, at 8pm but again just lay there with a sleepy smile when I put him down and turned and went to sleep. Amazing progress from the little monster that screamed for an hour every night only 2 weeks ago!!!
We turned off the tv to go to sleep at 12, and Alex stirred at 12.15, so I gave him a bottle and he went back down. He woke at 3, had a bit more bottle and was back asleep by 3.30.
He then woke at 5, and no about of bottle/boobies/dummy/cuddles would get him to sleep longer than 5 mins and I gave up at 7.15 and got up for the day. Weve always managed to get him to sleep until between 8-9.30 so I'm finding these early wake ups on around 3 hours sleep horrible :dohh:
Our thread seems to have been moved to the lounge area under baby and parenting.:growlmad:

Oh I didn't notice. That is a shame cause apart from those who have subscribed to it already, it will attract very little new ppl who might suffer too :(

That's what I thought! I never go into the lounge area:wacko:

I hadn't realised this!:growlmad:
I'll ask the moderators if there is any chance they can move it back?
it's the second time they move one of my threads and although they claim new ppl can still join I really do not see that happening!

great news angel! hope tonight goes well too!! :thumbup:
and sorry yours was not good claire, firefly, gemma :hugs:

Oh you poor thing! I know those hourly waking so well. I always thought a sleep cycle is 45 minutes but it seems it can be an hour. So basically she couldn't fall deeply asleep again with every cycle. I don't know why sometimes they can and sometimes they cannot. But I always looked for the fault in something we do as parents (accidental parenting :wacko: :grr:) but I now believe that this cannot be it. I really don't think I have done anything majorly different with Dom lately and yet he has been sleeping better on average. Still, I would love to know why this happens. :hugs:

I think their sleep cycles change slightly as they get older, but don't quote me on that!:haha:
it's odd as she managed such a long stretch (for her) of 3+ hours at the start of the night,so I know she can do it. Who knows what goes on in their little bodies of a night?? lol
I came to the conclusion quite some time ago that it was not linked to anything I did or didn't do as a parent as it is soooo random with no pattern.
Maybe we are never meant to really understand?:haha:

I really don't think it's anything we do (good or bad). I've strated to think that as they grow there's a tendency to sleep better, but this atthe same time is affected by the 10000s of different new phases they go through. maybe those changes affect some babies less (those that STTN always) than others (ours!)
Morning ladies. How did your nights go?
Ours was bad. I had to settle Dom several times and this time I had to pick him up and rock him and sometimes that didn't do it cause as soon as I put him back down he cried again. I am not sure what caused this, the belly band or maybe he woke himself as he is now arm free in his sleeping bag. He also tried to roll on to his tummy several times so that I had to tighten the belly band which upset him. But he cannot roll front to back yet, he has a wedge under the sheet and the pillow and that surely makes sleeping on his belly really dangerous. Mind you, I don't think he even wants to sleep on his tummy cause when ever he managed to roll on to his tummy he just lifts his head like during tummy time. So I guess the poor boy is just trying to get comfy or to drop off somehow?
Added to this I had a big fight with OH last night. As much as I love my boys I have to admit they are not doing our coupledom much good. We snap at each other all the time when we never used to do this. Of course OH thinks it is me who snaps and told me that that is ok since I needed the outlet :wacko:. The fight was stupid really, he got angry when Dom wouldn't settle at bed time and though he didn't handle Dom roughly and never would, he did throw his muslin violently down across the room and said FFS. This always upsets me. OH then told me he was angry with me not with Dom cause he could see a bad night coming and then all he would hear again was me complaining all day long. Added to that I was annoyed with him as he had stayed up during his night to play video games and was naturally tired all yesterday. He had to go out in the morning and when he came home he had a two hour nap. I don't mind that usually but did cause he played all night instead of sleeping. He later told me that he had done this so that I could have an undisturbed night. And the thing is I wouldn't put it past him but it makes me feel like a really bad parent as I cannot cope with the lack of sleep as well as he can. He even offered to take all nights from now on! Oh golly he means well but could I feel more inadequate? :cry:
Well,my night wasn't great tbh :wacko: after a day with a 5.45am start she went on to have great naps and didn't nap past 4pm so on paper we should have had a good night...right? - wrong!
Went down no probs at 7pm, but woke at 8pm - settled her quickly thankfully.
Then at 10pm (when I was just getting ready to go to bed) she woke up and wanted to play:growlmad: It took until nearly 11pm to sort her out and we finally all went to sleep. More wakings through the night,don't think they were every hour, but often enough to be knackering. Then another fabulous 5.45am wake up!
Just don't know why any of this is happening??
At least I was able to give LO to OH for an hour this morning whilst I went back to bed :thumbup:

Angel - sorry you had an argument with OH,it's rubbish when it happens and makes you feel miserable :cry: hopefully you will have a better night.......we can all live in hope on this one!!:winkwink:

sorry your night was not good angel :hugs:
ours wasn't either, we're back to staying awake for 1.5-2hr in the middle of the night. :sleep:

i feel really down today. i can relate to what you say angel re. coupledom. it IS difficult. but your OH sounds really good!
Angel, glad your night was better! Let's hope it continues!!

Claire & firefly - :hugs: - lets hope they are tired and sleep better tonight!!

Our night started off well. He went to bed a little late, at 8pm but again just lay there with a sleepy smile when I put him down and turned and went to sleep. Amazing progress from the little monster that screamed for an hour every night only 2 weeks ago!!!
We turned off the tv to go to sleep at 12, and Alex stirred at 12.15, so I gave him a bottle and he went back down. He woke at 3, had a bit more bottle and was back asleep by 3.30.
He then woke at 5, and no about of bottle/boobies/dummy/cuddles would get him to sleep longer than 5 mins and I gave up at 7.15 and got up for the day. Weve always managed to get him to sleep until between 8-9.30 so I'm finding these early wake ups on around 3 hours sleep horrible :dohh:
Claire & firefly - :hugs: - lets hope they are tired and sleep better tonight!!
Ha,ha,ha,ha!!! yeah right!:winkwink:
maybe tonight? we live in hope!
Angel, Kosh & Clairey :hugs:

Angel, my OH and I have arguments like that too and we rarely ever had cross words before LO. It's the tiredness and being constantly on the go I think. Please don't feel inadequate, I bet your OH gets more sleep than you do when it's his night 'off', I think men find it much easier to switch off than we do :hugs:

Our night was ok-ish - better than the last few which is something. Took ages to get him to sleep though, it was 7.45 before he fell asleep which is late for him. We had the classic wake up for a feed 3 hours after going to bed, then again at 12.30 due to gas. He seems to be mostly better now but still has a shocking gas problem! Managed to resettle him after a while although he had a tantrum because I wouldn't give him boob, and he slept til 3.30 then nwoke for a feed. Awake again at 5.45 so did a quick feed which sent him back to sleep until 6.45. I did at least get one stretch of more than 2 hours last night but still feel exhausted.

Kosh, sorry you're feeling down today. Bad nights and then Mondays always make me feel low too, I think it's the combination of tiredness and OH not being around to help for a whole new week that gets to me. :hugs:

Clairey, the mystery of the random sleep pattern continues! If we could crack the code on this we'd be rich...or at the very least no longer knackered beyond all sense :winkwink: 5.45am wake ups are not good, fingers crossed for better tomorrow!
Angel, Kosh & Clairey :hugs:

Angel, my OH and I have arguments like that too and we rarely ever had cross words before LO. It's the tiredness and being constantly on the go I think. Please don't feel inadequate, I bet your OH gets more sleep than you do when it's his night 'off', I think men find it much easier to switch off than we do :hugs:

Our night was ok-ish - better than the last few which is something. Took ages to get him to sleep though, it was 7.45 before he fell asleep which is late for him. We had the classic wake up for a feed 3 hours after going to bed, then again at 12.30 due to gas. He seems to be mostly better now but still has a shocking gas problem! Managed to resettle him after a while although he had a tantrum because I wouldn't give him boob, and he slept til 3.30 then nwoke for a feed. Awake again at 5.45 so did a quick feed which sent him back to sleep until 6.45. I did at least get one stretch of more than 2 hours last night but still feel exhausted.

Kosh, sorry you're feeling down today. Bad nights and then Mondays always make me feel low too, I think it's the combination of tiredness and OH not being around to help for a whole new week that gets to me. :hugs:

Clairey, the mystery of the random sleep pattern continues! If we could crack the code on this we'd be rich...or at the very least no longer knackered beyond all sense :winkwink: 5.45am wake ups are not good, fingers crossed for better tomorrow!

Bad nights and then Mondays always make me feel low too, I think it's the combination of tiredness and OH not being around to help for a whole new week that gets to me

So true Firefly!!
claire - :hugs: 5.45am wake ups :wacko:

firefly - glad yours was ok!

sorry, i don't have many words today.i feel i can't cope anymore
claire - :hugs: 5.45am wake ups :wacko:

firefly - glad yours was ok!

sorry, i don't have many words today.i feel i can't cope anymore

Yes Kosh,5.45am is not my favourite time of the day to be woken!!:wacko: Last week she wasn't waking for the day until 6.45-7am so not sure what's different for the last few days???
I hope you feel better tomorrow, it's so hard to feel upbeat when it all gets on top of you.:hugs::hugs:
It's a shame we don't all live closer together we could meet for a coffee and a good old moan:coffee:!!! that always seems to make me feel a little better. I guess we have to settle for the virtual coffee and moan instead:winkwink:

Hugs to all :hugs::hugs:
claire - :hugs: 5.45am wake ups :wacko:

firefly - glad yours was ok!

sorry, i don't have many words today.i feel i can't cope anymore

Yes Kosh,5.45am is not my favourite time of the day to be woken!!:wacko: Last week she wasn't waking for the day until 6.45-7am so not sure what's different for the last few days???
I hope you feel better tomorrow, it's so hard to feel upbeat when it all gets on top of you.:hugs::hugs:
It's a shame we don't all live closer together we could meet for a coffee and a good old moan:coffee:!!! that always seems to make me feel a little better. I guess we have to settle for the virtual coffee and moan instead:winkwink:

Hugs to all :hugs::hugs:

that'd be ideal! we could all meet up and get our LOs to discuss sleeping tricks :winkwink:
claire - :hugs: 5.45am wake ups :wacko:

firefly - glad yours was ok!

sorry, i don't have many words today.i feel i can't cope anymore

Yes Kosh,5.45am is not my favourite time of the day to be woken!!:wacko: Last week she wasn't waking for the day until 6.45-7am so not sure what's different for the last few days???
I hope you feel better tomorrow, it's so hard to feel upbeat when it all gets on top of you.:hugs::hugs:
It's a shame we don't all live closer together we could meet for a coffee and a good old moan:coffee:!!! that always seems to make me feel a little better. I guess we have to settle for the virtual coffee and moan instead:winkwink:

Hugs to all :hugs::hugs:

that'd be ideal! we could all meet up and get our LOs to discuss sleeping tricks :winkwink:

Yes, would be wonderful! just think Newcastle is tad too far for a coffee :wacko:
you and your OH don't fancy moving "down south" do you?? lol :winkwink:

I am always reluctant to join baby and mothers groups in real life cause I always think what would I have in common with these mummies (except babies) but if you ladies lived closer I know we would have a lot of fun :)!

kosh sweetie, is there anything we can do to help or is it just one of those things? Have you considered talking to your GP or do you think it is mainly lack of sleep? I am not feeling too upbeat myself today but I know for me it is just lack of sleep. If it would help you I am here for you if you want to vent via PM. Sending you loads of :hugs:
claire - :hugs: 5.45am wake ups :wacko:

firefly - glad yours was ok!

sorry, i don't have many words today.i feel i can't cope anymore

Yes Kosh,5.45am is not my favourite time of the day to be woken!!:wacko: Last week she wasn't waking for the day until 6.45-7am so not sure what's different for the last few days???
I hope you feel better tomorrow, it's so hard to feel upbeat when it all gets on top of you.:hugs::hugs:
It's a shame we don't all live closer together we could meet for a coffee and a good old moan:coffee:!!! that always seems to make me feel a little better. I guess we have to settle for the virtual coffee and moan instead:winkwink:

Hugs to all :hugs::hugs:

that'd be ideal! we could all meet up and get our LOs to discuss sleeping tricks :winkwink:

Yes, would be wonderful! just think Newcastle is tad too far for a coffee :wacko:
you and your OH don't fancy moving "down south" do you?? lol :winkwink:


mmm lol unfortunately not, how about you, you know that ppl 'up north' are more friendly! :winkwink:
I am always reluctant to join baby and mothers groups in real life cause I always think what would I have in common with these mummies (except babies) but if you ladies lived closer I know we would have a lot of fun :)!

so true. if only could we have at least a monthly meeting lol...

kosh sweetie, is there anything we can do to help or is it just one of those things? Have you considered talking to your GP or do you think it is mainly lack of sleep? I am not feeling too upbeat myself today but I know for me it is just lack of sleep. If it would help you I am here for you if you want to vent via PM. Sending you loads of :hugs:

thanks angel, it means a lot :hugs:
i know i should talk to my gp...
Kosh big hugs!!! Hope you feel better soon hun :flower:

I've often thought its a shame we can't meet up, I'm in Woking in Surrey for 3 weeks of the month then Cardiff for the last week but don't think any of you are near me? Shame we can't meet in a central easier place like London or hope on a megabus or something lol! We should do a poll to see where everyone is!

Not a great night for us, went to bed at 7, but woke fully at 10, 12, & 1. He then woke fully at 3, and was still awake when I fell asleep at 6.45. He must have fallen asleep to at some point but was awake at 8.45am.

Just don't know what to do so stop him waking for hours in the night? Keeping him up later doesn't work...
I kind of half took my hv's advice and have him no stimulation - I just went in every 15-20 mins, repositioned him and gave him back his dummy, so hopefully tonight he will realise he is not going to get cuddles or be fed and go to sleep? The thing is, I'd be happy to feed him all he wants and cuddle him all he wants if it helped him sleep, but it doesn't :shrug:
gemma - with us, once LO is properly awake it will take a full 'awake period' until he goes to sleep again (in our case it's ~1.5hr)
Oh Crikey I'm really hoping this 2/3/4/5 hour wakings are just a phase. I've always been able to get him back to sleep again even if just for an hour (apart from when he was doing the 20 min wakings :wacko:).

I just can't see why after a few weeks doing amazingly well with his sleeping, he's regressed. Maybe because he's becoming more active and starting to crawl? :shrug:

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