It fell out! 2 births so far! :-)

I'm away at the moment staying with mum & haven't got Internet access, but needed to pop on here quickly on my phone to say that I'm thinking of you today Nat. I hope that even if it might only be a small chance, that you might get some good news from a second scan.
No matter what happens today, we're all here for you Nat xx
Nat just wanted to let you know that inbetween all my packing for tomorrow i am thinking non stop about you today and am packing with all my fingers crossed for you xxxx lots of love and best wishes xxx
Hey ladies

Nat - thinking of you lots just now and hope all goes well for you. Whatever happens, you know we are here for you and you are in our thoughts. I can't imagine how you are feeling, and have heaps of admiration for you as you seem so strong.

Keep us posted.

Hi Ladies and thank you all so much for all your support :hugs:

Been to hospital today, had second scan which just confirmed that there is only a 3mm embryo there with a sac, so :baby: stopped developing very early :cry: I just knew I didn't feel pregnant enough and didn't expect anything other than confirmation of this at the second scan today. But I had to have a second check just to make sure.

I have taken the first tablet today, which they said may start things or may not, and am going back in tomorrow for 11.30am for the pessary treatment. Bit nervous but resigned to my fate now and just hoping that my body expels everything quickly and I can start to heal physically and emotionally. OH will be with me all day tomorrow and my mommy has been with me all day today.

Whilst at the hospital, when I went for a wee after the scan, I passed a blob of jelly-like mucus which was stained brown. I have over the past couple of days passed a few very small blobs of this and am wondering if my body is actually very slowly starting things anyway now. Wondering if this is maybe the plug of mucus from the cervix coming away :shrug: Have been having some slight little twinges over the past few days but they are very mild, some around ovary areas and some very low down, so something may well be happening. No red spotting yet though.

Will update when I can after tomorrow's events. Hoping to not have to stay in overnight or anything but I will be taking an overnight bag in case.

Hope everyone else is ok. Kim, hope you're having a fab time with your mum. Stina, hope you've had a good weekend. Ink, have a fabulous holiday :thumbup: OH has picked up some holiday brochures today to bring to hospital tomorrow, we are going to plan a break somewhere some time soon :thumbup:

Hey nat, I'm so sorry I wasn't able to get on here to wish you luck but I have been thinking of you hun:hugs:. It's truly awful what you are having to go through at the moment. I'm glad that you've got lots of people around you at the moment to look after you. Maybe a break away with oh will do you both good, at least in some small way it will give you something else to focus on.
Sending you lots of love xx
i have been thinking about u hun,sending big hugs ur way,hopefully ur body will start things soon for u hun,:hugs:
Any update, Nat?

I am officially off work now - had my last day today!!! Had a lovely lunch with the ladies and they spoilt me rotten! Then it was my scan this afternoon, and it didn't go quite as I had expected - I thought my bump size meant huge baby and I am certain that the baby has been lying head down... But instead they tell me it is measuring small and they are worried enough to do fortnightly scans. Also, it is breech, so they need to monitor that too... They couldn't see the cysts, so are no clearer on how they will be affected by labour.

Anyway, heading off to see my family for a fortnight from tomorrow, so should be busy packing and stuff...

Hope everyone is well?

Hi Ladies :flower: Hope everyone is ok.

I am feeling fine now but Wednesday was pretty rough going and not a nice thing to go through at all. I went in at 11.30am, had the first lot of pessaries inserted at 12.15pm (this was nothing, didn't hurt at all). But I ended up having to have the maximum 5 doses of the treatment so had further doses by mouth at 3.15pm, 6.15pm, 9.15pm and 12.15am.

After the pessaries, I had to stay lying down for an hour to allow them to dissolve and start working. I started with period-like pain within about 25 minutes of having them put in and was bleeding by around 2pm. The next few hours, between 2-5pm or so, were the worst. The pains were constant and quite strong, not excruciating pain but just very wearing and were getting me down, so I did end up having some painkillers (cocodemol or something) around 4pm. I also had two episodes of horrid diarhhoea and was then also sick not long after having the painkillers (I think being sick may well have been a reaction to the painkillers :shrug:) Pains then eased a lot by the evening. Then at 10.30pm, I went to the loo (had to wee in cardboard pans every time) and passed the entire pregnancy sac!! There was no pain with this and very little bleeding but the size of the sac amazed me - it was about 3 inches long by 2 inches and quite thick too. Kidney shaped and fleshy coloured. It is clear that this had kept on growing and was probably the size of a 12-13 week pregnancy, it is just that the :baby: stopped growing very early :cry:. I couldn't see the baby at all as the sac wasn't really transparent, plus embryo would have been very tiny. I immediately felt tons better after passing this physically and also it was huge relief psychologically, as it was obvious what it was and that my body had definitely expelled the majority of what it needed to. They later confirmed it was the entire gestational sac but still gave me the 12.15am meds as they were not sure I had passed all the placental tissue. Consequently I did have to stay overnight and I did notice that I passed some clots of tissue through the night, which I am hoping was the placenta coming away, but they are still not sure if I have passed everything. However, they let me home around 11.30am yesterday morning as I felt ok, bleeding was (and still is) just like a period and I now have hardly any pain, just odd little twinges every now and again.

So it is now just a case of seeing how I go - I am to contact them if my bleeding gets heavy, if I pass any large clots or if I get any bad pain. I am hoping that my body has passed all the pregnancy tissue and that my bleeding will now just be like a period that gradually eases off. I have a follow-up scan booked on Monday 9th May to check my womb is empty.

I am feeling ok girls, just feel like I'm on a period now. I have been surprised so far at how little bleeding I have had, this has never been heavy, just like a period so far. Just hoping all has come out and it will just gradually ease off now. Emotionally too I feel fine. Obviously sad how this turned out and that we have lost our :baby:, but seeing the sac proved I was indeed pregnant and I was amazed at what my body had created, even though it didn't turn out as we'd hoped. To me this has proved that my body can do it and gives me hope that it will do so again, hopefully next time we will be successful :thumbup: So we are both feeling very positive and intend to try again as soon as possible :thumbup:

Hope everyone else is ok. Stina, sorry to hear your scan wasn't as you'd hoped but please try not to worry. I am sure :baby: is still strong enough even if a little small and may well turn around to be head down yet.

Thanks for all your support ladies and speak again soon :hugs: xx
aw hun,my heart goes out to u its not a nice thing to go thru at all,but its over now and u and oh can look to the future,i'm pleased ur feeling ok:hugs:
You are amazing nat. Your attitude is so positive and I'm so very impressed. I think what you've gone through is just awful yet you can still feel positive. I really hope that as soon as your body is ready you get your bfp, you so very much deserve it Hun :hugs:
Hi Girls from the US, just popped on to see how Nat was and im so pleased to know you are ok - Nat you are an amazing lady and hope that you get on ok in the next few days too.
Well, the weather here ws wet for two days but as from today we should have good weather til tues when we leave. Love to all the it fell out girls and i am not testing til i get home sorry but there is just no privacy at my SIL's so am waiting but just to let you all know i have had a metallic taste for 4 days and bleeding gums for 4 days and getting up in the night for a pee ( so annoying and tiring), for 4 days so fingers crossed but have had really strong period type cramping on and off for a week.
Speak to you all when i get back to our time xxx its 2.30pm here !
Nat- :hugs: Wow- you're an inspiration. That's a very positive outlook to that experience even though it's sad that the baby stopped growing.
Ink- bet you're pregnant... Those are good symptoms. No worries- Understandable about no privacy at SIL's home.
Nat, you truly are an amazing woman. To go through what you have with such strength and courage, well, inspiration doesn't even half cover it. I hope that you've been able to physically and mentally heal bit by bit over the last few days. Like you said, it's a major thing that you became pregnant in itself. Let's hope that it happens soon for you now and that you have a smooth and trouble free time. You deserve it.

Stina- I hope that it works out ok for you. I think it just means that your bubba will be a delicate little flower ;) It's good that they're keeping a close eye on things for you though. Keep us posted!

Inkd, that all sounds very promising. Enjoy the rest of your trip and fingers crossed, you'll come back with some good news :)

How is everyone else? Toots? Deafgal? Good weekend?

Things are all fine here. Had a lovely time with my mum and sisters- they were all fussing around me as you can imagine. They all got to feel him kicking which they were all chuffed with :) He was very active the whole time I was down there but when I got home, he was very quiet. I was a bit worried so got the doppler out for the first time in weeks. He was fine, so I'm not sure if he's been having a growth spurt or if he was just tired out from the week! I've got a midwife appointment again tomorrow so I'm assuming she'll measure fundal height etc. 4D scan is on Thursday evening so looking forward to seeing our little guy again.
I had great weekend- too busy though so I was exhausted last night at work. :shrug:
Hi Ladies :hi:

How is everyone? Did everyone have a good long weekend and did we all watch the royal wedding?

I've lost track of where most of us ladies are on progress etc? Obviously know that Stina and Kim are counting down the days to :baby:'s arriving :thumbup: And that Ink has some promising symptoms and will hopefully test soon? :shrug: Lou, where are you in your cycle and how is it going? and Deafgal? And Mamadonna, are you trying again now or still waiting for a bit?

As for me, I feel like I am recovering quite well now. Bleeding from a miscarriage is strange though - very stop/start! :wacko: I bled like a period Thursday/Friday but then from Saturday it has all but stopped for most of the time (just spotting and pretty much only when I wipe) except for Saturday evening and last night, where it seemed to start up again with proper red bleeding and a few accompanying pains. But both of these instances have only lasted the evenings and then slowed right down again overnight (hardly had anything all day today again). Just hoping I don't have too many more of these 'spurts' now and it eases off and my scan on Monday shows all has gone :thumbup: I am still getting occasional cramps, particularly it seems lately when I wee! :shrug: They only last seconds though and aren't very often now, so hoping they are just everything getting back into place and contracting down etc.

I've been back into work today and the girls there who know have been really nice. My boss came to see me first thing this morning to check I was ok to be back at work and said to just let her know if I felt unwell or felt unable to work. I guess this has tipped them off at least now that I may well start a family and need maternity leave one day (god willing this does happen for us some time soon [-o<). I was quite nervous about announcing a pregnancy to them as I've only been there since November.

Hope you are all ok anyway girls. Ink, hope you've had a fabulous holiday x
Currently on 9 dpo- got a temp rise today (but think it's higher than normal because I slept with a sweatshirt/hoodie which I almost never do but did this morning cuz I was cold. If you're curious- the link to the chart is in my ff ticker. Been nausea past few days and tired too.

I'm relieved you're coping/dealing with the whole mc. It really sucks when it happens though.

I had a nice busy weekend and I did watch most of the wedding- missed the ring, kiss, and carriage. :dohh: I went to breakfast when that happened. :shrug: Oh well. I can find the clips online somewhere if I look hard enough.
Sounds like you're coping really well Nat. Just keep an eye on the bleeding and make sure it doesn't go on too long or get too heavy. How did it feel being back at work? I'm glad to hear that you've got so many supportive people around you :)

Midwife appointment went well today. The fundal height is 28cm which is exactly as it should be for 28 weeks. My blood pressure was fine and sample was clear. She managed to find bubba's heartbeat straight away this time (as opposed to the 20 mins it took last time when she scared the hell out of me!) and said it sounded good. I told her that I was having some low down cramping feelings lately and she told me that I may be dehydrated so I've stocked up on cranberry juice to make sure I keep UTIs away, and I'm on orders to drink more.
Just focusing on Thursday evening now to see bubba again.
hi nat well done hun you sound like ur coping well,i felt better going back to work sooner than the doc said,it helped me think about something else.

we are just gonna go for it,i'm scared as hell that it will happen again but if i dont try i will never kno,i have no idea where i am in my cycle,my ticker is wrong,i'm hoping af shows soon so i can start again

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