Oh that's sad. As you said before, was risky of her to announce it so early to the general public.
I only told my mum, dad and sister but then it seemed wrong for DH's parents not to know so we told them too but when we had the loss just a couple of weeks later I felt an idiot for having told the in laws- they weren't very sympathetic and quite matter of fact about it (not what i needed!). If I get my BFP again I think we'll just keep it to ourselves for a bit longer.
Bobster this no ovulation thing is really frustrating as you know. Must be confusing for our bodies with the hormone changes. Will you keep using the opk's the rest of the cycle or have you given up on them? This is partly why I don't want to waste the ones I've bought until I know things a bit more normal but then the opk's can help you tell if things are more normal so it's a chicken and egg situation!
Still no af for me and think it will come at 8 weeks again, which will be Christmas week- great! I'm hoping it will sort itself out and that the reflexology will help....at this rate I think a valentines BFP will be out of my grasp.....maybe an Easter egg will give me a BFP
How are you doing Mlm and Mrs Phez?
How is the Carpel Tunnel mackjess?