It's been 7 weeks since mc but still not af...when to ring the GP?

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Oh no Mack that sounds just awful. I hate animals in pain, its so heartbreaking. Our cat used to follow us around the house too when he was unwell. I'm sure these meds will work soon and he'll be feeling better. The towel thing is a good idea to help him in the mean time though.

MLM - did you enjoy your cantaloupe? I still haven't tried one yet! Thats so good that you get another scan at 8 weeks! I'm so sad about not having any more scans now :( Will have to ask a dr at work so I can have my fix.

Jane don't worry your bump will start developing soon i'm sure. I think for your first it just takes a bit longer. I didn't have any muscles on my tummy and already had quite a porky tum so I think mine was a lot of the fat just poking out more at first lol! I think 20+ weeks is when most start to see a proper baby bump.

I've had mild pains and aches too. I was worried about having another urine infection but dipped my wee at work and it was fine. I think these aches/pains/grumbles must be normal but it still worries me too. What have yours felt like?
Oh gosh I've just got myself in a tizz. I wads worrying about what these uncomfortable feelings could be and of course went to Dr Google for advice. Anyway I found a horrendously sad story from a woman who had an incompetent cervix and lost her baby at 22 weeks. Now I've completely freaked myself out. My next milestone is officially 24 weeks (when the baby can become viable). Apparently incompetent cervix only effects 1% of pregnancies so I know its highly unlikely but they didn't check my cervix length at the 20 week scan (I asked) so now i'm stressing :wacko:
Ah bobster, I don't blame you for worrying. From what I understand there is no way of knowing if you have that unless its been found during a previous pregnancy that went wrong.

I've written it on my list to ask the midwife about- my appointment is at 2.30 pm so will fill you in this evening.

I have a mixture of pains going on really:
-Stretching ones-not too worried about
-Mild af cramps- not very sharp and not all the time
-Stitch like feeling but more dull- this also comes and goes and is mild
-I had the odd sharp 'punch' from the inside at the weekend (too early to be baby surely?)

So I don't know which of these are normal- all could be I guess but will check today. Hope I hear the heartbeat on her Doppler.

Maybe you could pay for a reassurance scan at around 28 weeks bobster? Someone on here posted that mothercare we're offering it at some stores for £39 but I never looked it up myself.

I'm just thinking that people have their gender scans at 16 weeks so I could get one done too but I'm skint and only 4 weeks until 20 weeks when it will be more accurate then anyway.
Back from the midwife, everything went well- heartbeat was great and uterus is where it should be at this stage.

She said that all the cramps/twinges- even slight period ones are all normal. Even the sharp pulling pain in my tummy when I sneeze is normal.

Bobster, with the incompotent cervix she said there's no way of knowing if you have it. She said if you have it, as the weight of the babies increases it will cause your cervix to open and you will get bleeding and if that happens get yourself to accident and emergency or the delievery suite at the hospital ASAP.
Try not to worry about it if you can- like with most of this, it's in mother natures hands.
Glad everything was good Jane! I can't believe how far along you are, so exciting!

I have my first appointment with my new doctor tomorrow. No scan or anything, but I think they will take bloods. I have been extremely nauseous and have vomited a few times in the last few days. Feeling a bit better today though (which of course makes me a little paranoid). Trying not to over think things though. I'm so exhausted I slept a solid 10 hours last night and still had a hard time getting out of bed!
Bobster- Dr Google is evil, stay away!! Easier said than done for me though.
Oh thanks Jane. Good to know your midwife said all these pains feel normal. Especially the ones that feel like mild af as they worry me the most. I'm glad everything went well for you today. It's so exciting hearing the heartbeat! Not long until your 20 week scan now. I can't wait to find out if its really a girlie.

I might look into the mothercare scan. If its on offer in York that would be very tempting but not sure if other half would feel the same. He's anti obsessing and doesn't worry at all. I had to twist his arm for the 7 week scan. Oooh hope its that cheap in York.

Oh and someone at work said she felt movement from 14 Weeks so you never know! I felt the first spasm like movement in my 16th week. Oh its so exciting. This morning it looked like my tummy was rolling. The kicks are definatelly getting stronger. Just hope he hangs on for a few more weeks so he could make it in the real world if he were premature. Its a scary thought but I'm sure we'll all be ok. We've ad our share of bad luck haven't we.
Jane, This morning I had AF type pressure in my lower abdomen still. I think my muscles are sore because little man felt like he was doing somersaults on a train that was on a roller coaster the other day. I still get the occasional sharp pains from ligaments and stuff stretching. I get less of those now though. I think you just get aches, stretches, sharps, dulls, throughout the pregnancy. It does get better when you can feel movement though, I don't worry cause I can tell he's still being active.

My OB is doing a manual check on my cervix at my next appt, I'll be almost 35 weeks. I think that's to see if it's softening and to check the plug to see how close I'm really getting. They peek at the cervix during the u/s when they do it on my tummy. It's not as accurate as the wonderful wand u/s (no thanks) but they can see the top of it and said there was no funneling or anything which is good. Maybe if you got another scan Bobster they could at least see the top of it?

From what I've heard about IC though, you will feel lots of pain/cramps and have fluid leakage, plug loss and/or bleeding. And there have been times I've had sharp pains down there because Finn is trying to kick his way out, but my cervix has been fine at every check so even if you did have pain it may not mean anything. It's just so stressful when you don't know what's going on in there isn't it???

MLM, yay for your appt. It's nice to get in even if it's just bloods. And with that exhaustion I don't think you have a thing to worry about!
Mlm sounds like baby's zapping all your energy growing big abd strong. Its amazing the differences you see on scans as weeks go on in the early stages so its no wonder it drains us. Have you had any cravings or anything?

All our symptoms came and went too don't worry. Mine felt like travel sickness or a hangover. Bleugh. Hang in there though it won't last forever.
Thanks Mack. I asked at the last scan and they said they don't ever check the cervix unless there's any poblems. It seems a shame if they wait until symptoms of IC before checking as from what I've read its often too late then. Must Just try not to worry I guess and stay off Google. What will be will be.

How's Jake today? Is he taking his meds?
That's odd. They always tell me "its nothing official" when they look at it thru my tummy but like I said they usually take a peek at it. Maybe that's why they say that over there, since it's not as accurate as the dildo cam.

Jake's doing good. Got him a new bed and he looked like he was in bliss last night! He knew it was his and I could barely get it unfolded and on the floor cause he was trying to climb on it while I was still holding it up. Super cute. I swear he was smiling in his sleep.

He's been taking meds for his heart and allergies for quite some time so he's used to that. Trying to help him up the stairs with the towel totally confused him so we are still buttlifting. Hopefully in a week or so he can make it up our front porch steps since there is only 3 of them. We put a gate across the stairs on the deck in the backyard since that is a whole story, we don't want him to try on his own, and he still gets to run around and frolic in his yard.
And you know you have a spoiled furbaby when the vet sees you're pregnant, and is like Ooooooh, Jake is gonna be JEALLloooousss, and proceeds with advice on that. :haha:
yey for the vomiting mlm- hope all goes well for your appointment tomorrow- keep us posted, shame the scan is still a week and a bit away. Have you told anyone yet?

My OH sounds like yours bobster- hence I have no doppler and I doubt he would want a separate gender scan besides the standard anatomy scan at 20 weeks- just hope the bean is not shy and will co-operate.
Bobster, did you book any antinatal classes? I was advised to reserve my NHS ones today or at the very least book a hospital tour and do private antinatal ones.

Was looking online for father-to-be cards for fathers day on sunday but they all looked a bit cheesy so might make my own-keep it simple.
I do wonder how our cat will deal with the baby- she is like a baby herself always getting cuddles and the center of attention!

What advice did the vet give? Can you leave the baby and dog alone in the same room?
Mack, I'm sooooo worried about how my dog will be with a baby. What were the tips your vet gave?
She said to have someone bring a shirt, hat or blanket with the baby's scent to the house for the dog to smell as soon as they could. Also, if you are going to keep them out of the nursery or off certain furniture, to start doing that now. We have a low gate we can step over at the nursery door now. Our little dog can jump it, but we at least notice then (hardwood floors) and can shoo her out. She likes stuffed animals and blankest too much! They also said not to leave them unattended at first, maybe even have the dog come out to the front porch for some good sniffs before we get in the house, and then after we are home a bit I should be able to get a feel for how much/if they can be alone together.

Both of my dogs have been around babies and kids so I'm not terribly worried. I just hope I have enough energy to give them the attention they are used to so they don't get sad. Jake is an old snoozer who doesn't get on furniture, I'm more worried about our rat terrier accidentally running across him or something like that. I got a pack n play for the living room (playpen basically) that has a bassinet in the top to deter her from that.
My appointment went really well today! I actually heard the heartbeat for the first time - they said they're keeping my date based on lmp, so I am still only 6+4. Heart rate was 116, which she said was normal at this point. I have a follow up ultrasound in 2 weeks. So happy!!
Doesn't look like much, but here's my scan pic


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