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It's our turn, June mummies :D

Congratulations emmy!!!!! First baby and I think we deserved one after having this thread open for so long!!

I have no signs what so ever of having this baby and feel really fed up, heavy, exhausted and miserable!!! Does she not realise that I want to meet her?!!!!!

Hopefully sounds like some of you are doing something!!!!! Fingers crossed for you!!

I need a mcdonalds!!!! :( xxxxx

That sounds yummy! :)

I might call oh and tell him there is some research on the net that a mcdonalds can send you into labour!!!! Not very healthy but at this point I really am past caring.......what's an extra pound to the other 30 something iv'e gained :)

Also what sort of weight babies do we think we are carrying?? Keep meaning to ask as it's the one thing (apart from her health and what she looks like) that I am desperate to know............I think mine will be about 8lb4, although I really can't tell how big she is as she is constantly back to back and all I can ever feel is gangly legs and feet :)
Oh god I'm getting scared on the weight thing :(
Ok my first child was 7lbs at 36+3
my 2nd was 5lbs 4oz at 37+5
my 3rd was 5lbs 8.5oz at 36+5
my 4th was 6lbs at 37+3

Being that I'm 38+4 and this is the longest I've been pregnant I'm really scared baby will weigh too much. I had 30 stitches with my 7lb baby...so I'm a little worried :/
Just calling back in briefly to announce my babys birth, Gabriel Luke was born 2nd June (2 days early) Started another thread with birth story xx
See you all in birth club... GOOD LUCK JUNE Mummies!!!!!!!!! xxxx
Evening ladies! Sorry you've been going through so much pain Mother of 4. It must be horrible :(.

My dad just phoned me and announced my step sister gave birth to a baby boy at 32 weeks, he weighs just under 4lbs. Luckily he seems to be healthy but they'll be staying in hospital for a while.

I got really emotional with it because I was due at least 5 weeks before her and I started feeling extremely guilty for feeling jealous that she has her baby and I'm still waiting. I know I should be blessed that my pregnancy is going so well and my baby will be healthy when she comes out, but it still feels like my limelight got stolen as I was gonna have the first grandchild in the family. Please don't think I'm a horrible person because I'm beating myself up for feeling jealous about it! I just really want to meet my little one now, hoping that it won't be another 4 weeks :(. I feel like such a bad person though feeling the way I do. I hope it goes away soon and I can enjoy my pregnancy again :).

Luckily my hubby is very understanding and went out to buy me rice pudding, as I've been fancying that for days now! I might feel better after a Pukka Pie+veg and rice pudding for afters!
Evening ladies! Sorry you've been going through so much pain Mother of 4. It must be horrible :(.

My dad just phoned me and announced my step sister gave birth to a baby boy at 32 weeks, he weighs just under 4lbs. Luckily he seems to be healthy but they'll be staying in hospital for a while.

I got really emotional with it because I was due at least 5 weeks before her and I started feeling extremely guilty for feeling jealous that she has her baby and I'm still waiting. I know I should be blessed that my pregnancy is going so well and my baby will be healthy when she comes out, but it still feels like my limelight got stolen as I was gonna have the first grandchild in the family. Please don't think I'm a horrible person because I'm beating myself up for feeling jealous about it! I just really want to meet my little one now, hoping that it won't be another 4 weeks :(. I feel like such a bad person though feeling the way I do. I hope it goes away soon and I can enjoy my pregnancy again :).

Luckily my hubby is very understanding and went out to buy me rice pudding, as I've been fancying that for days now! I might feel better after a Pukka Pie+veg and rice pudding for afters!

Don't beat yourself up with it hun, I think everyone would feel the same in your situation... Even if they don't admit it. I know I would. :hugs:
I do hope everything goes ok with her LO though. Hope you're ok xx
I'll be fine again tomorrow :). I bet it's just me being hormonal!

In the end I just want her baby to be okay and if I have to wait 4 more weeks, so be it! My baby will come out, eventually ;).

It's nothing a Pukka Pie can't fix!
i am sooo regretting all the spicy food once again not only have i been up fo two nights with heartburn i just whent for a bm and it burnt me like hell (sorry if tmi) no more spice for me i cant even sit back down
Haha, poor you!
I never really eat spicy food anymore as I really can't tolerate it! I always end up eating just a tiny bit because it's too hot too eat and then an hour after dinner I'm going through the cupboards for snacks ;)!
Lauki, don't feel bad, I know what you mean, my friend gave birth 5weeks early- she was due 5 weeks after me, and I cried, really sobbed, I was worried about her, but was so frustrated and fed up. :hugs:
If it makes you feel better, I've been to see them in the hospital (she's still in a week later as her daughter isn't feeding so good) and my bitterness is gone, it was just a flash really, it's totally natural! :hugs:
:rofl: about the chilli seeds! Mad lady! :)

I reckon this baby will be no less than 8lbs 9oz. I was over 8, and I reckon, though I haven't put much weight on, and have a neat bump, my long torso is hiding them well... :) xx
And I tried having sex this morning and it was an awful awkward 'ordeal'!!! Poor oh!!

Ha ha and just got my mcdonalds, what a spoilt brat!!!! And it is so worth it......come on baby out you come now!!!

Lauki, don't feel bad, I know what you mean, my friend gave birth 5weeks early- she was due 5 weeks after me, and I cried, really sobbed, I was worried about her, but was so frustrated and fed up. :hugs:
If it makes you feel better, I've been to see them in the hospital (she's still in a week later as her daughter isn't feeding so good) and my bitterness is gone, it was just a flash really, it's totally natural! :hugs:
:rofl: about the chilli seeds! Mad lady! :)

I reckon this baby will be no less than 8lbs 9oz. I was over 8, and I reckon, though I haven't put much weight on, and have a neat bump, my long torso is hiding them well... :) xx

Thanks so much for making me feel better :).

I had my Pukka Pie, hurray! They always cheer me up.

Sorry your trying to have sex didn't quite work out for you My Bump! It does get a bit awkward towards the end, I must agree. We had some funky times as well a bit earlier (sorry for TMI ;)) and now I feel all crampy and getting tonnes of tightenings and pains!
Hey ladies just dropping in to say my princess Daisy arrived Monday weighing a big 8lb 13oz!

I will do a birth story with pictures but am still in hospital :(

Can't believe some of you ladies are still pregnant!!! I'm sending masses of labour vibes to you all xxxxxxxxxx

congrats to you! hopefully my turn soon!

been overdue sucks!!! got a cracking headache to go with it too!!! :(
Congrats to the new babies!!

You know there is a song that goes " It's not funny my ass is on fire!" lol Sorry couldnt help but think of it.

Update from doctors: Im 3cm!! waters are bulging, cervix is now low and soft and baby has dropped even lower. Doc did a proper sweep. It didnt really hurt at all. I think long as your cervix is low enough, its not that bad. Dont get me wrong though, it doesnt feel good either! lol Also I guess my due date was changed at my 8 week US, but no one ever told me! So my Due date is NOT june 19th but in fact is June 21st. I guess it was only a couple of days so they didnt bother with telling me?? So anyhow, doc said that the only reason it matters is because if I elect to be induced I have to be at lest 39 weeks long. So next Tuesday if I havent had my little girl by then, my doc is on call that Thursday, so we will set it up. So if nothing else I will have my baby BY June 16th!! So kinda have a plan and that makes me feel much better. I have been having contractions since my apt though, so fingers crossed Im one of those who goes into labor shortly after a good sweep :) On a side note, my son was born the 16 of aug...so would be a easy bday to remember lol :)

Also I havent gained any weight in the last three weeks!! YAY so in total Ive only gained 20 pounds. I think Im going really well
Congrats to the new babies!!

You know there is a song that goes " It's not funny my ass is on fire!" lol Sorry couldnt help but think of it.

Update from doctors: Im 3cm!! waters are bulging, cervix is now low and soft and baby has dropped even lower. Doc did a proper sweep. It didnt really hurt at all. I think long as your cervix is low enough, its not that bad. Dont get me wrong though, it doesnt feel good either! lol Also I guess my due date was changed at my 8 week US, but no one ever told me! So my Due date is NOT june 19th but in fact is June 21st. I guess it was only a couple of days so they didnt bother with telling me?? So anyhow, doc said that the only reason it matters is because if I elect to be induced I have to be at lest 39 weeks long. So next Tuesday if I havent had my little girl by then, my doc is on call that Thursday, so we will set it up. So if nothing else I will have my baby BY June 16th!! So kinda have a plan and that makes me feel much better. I have been having contractions since my apt though, so fingers crossed Im one of those who goes into labor shortly after a good sweep :) On a side note, my son was born the 16 of aug...so would be a easy bday to remember lol :)

Also I havent gained any weight in the last three weeks!! YAY so in total Ive only gained 20 pounds. I think Im going really well

That's great news!!!:happydance: But I must say I'm SOOOOO jealous:pop: I hope things kick off for you soon :)
Congrats to the new babies!!

You know there is a song that goes " It's not funny my ass is on fire!" lol Sorry couldnt help but think of it.

Update from doctors: Im 3cm!! waters are bulging, cervix is now low and soft and baby has dropped even lower. Doc did a proper sweep. It didnt really hurt at all. I think long as your cervix is low enough, its not that bad. Dont get me wrong though, it doesnt feel good either! lol Also I guess my due date was changed at my 8 week US, but no one ever told me! So my Due date is NOT june 19th but in fact is June 21st. I guess it was only a couple of days so they didnt bother with telling me?? So anyhow, doc said that the only reason it matters is because if I elect to be induced I have to be at lest 39 weeks long. So next Tuesday if I havent had my little girl by then, my doc is on call that Thursday, so we will set it up. So if nothing else I will have my baby BY June 16th!! So kinda have a plan and that makes me feel much better. I have been having contractions since my apt though, so fingers crossed Im one of those who goes into labor shortly after a good sweep :) On a side note, my son was born the 16 of aug...so would be a easy bday to remember lol :)

Also I havent gained any weight in the last three weeks!! YAY so in total Ive only gained 20 pounds. I think Im going really well

That's great news!!!:happydance: But I must say I'm SOOOOO jealous:pop: I hope things kick off for you soon :)

LOL nothing to be jealous about yet love!! LOL Just have a plan set :) A couple contractions dont really mean anything unless it does something :) you (poor you) of all people know that :):flower: But thanks I have my fingers crossed something happens myself :)
Congrats to the new babies!!

You know there is a song that goes " It's not funny my ass is on fire!" lol Sorry couldnt help but think of it.

Update from doctors: Im 3cm!! waters are bulging, cervix is now low and soft and baby has dropped even lower. Doc did a proper sweep. It didnt really hurt at all. I think long as your cervix is low enough, its not that bad. Dont get me wrong though, it doesnt feel good either! lol Also I guess my due date was changed at my 8 week US, but no one ever told me! So my Due date is NOT june 19th but in fact is June 21st. I guess it was only a couple of days so they didnt bother with telling me?? So anyhow, doc said that the only reason it matters is because if I elect to be induced I have to be at lest 39 weeks long. So next Tuesday if I havent had my little girl by then, my doc is on call that Thursday, so we will set it up. So if nothing else I will have my baby BY June 16th!! So kinda have a plan and that makes me feel much better. I have been having contractions since my apt though, so fingers crossed Im one of those who goes into labor shortly after a good sweep :) On a side note, my son was born the 16 of aug...so would be a easy bday to remember lol :)

Also I havent gained any weight in the last three weeks!! YAY so in total Ive only gained 20 pounds. I think Im going really well

well done you... id love to know how u manage to walk around dilated and not know.

Quick question has anyone tried raspberry leaf tea???
Congrats on the new babies :)

Mommyof2peas - I hope things kick off for you soon :)

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