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It's our turn, June mummies :D

Lol my OH has jut made me chuckle.. He put his head on my bele to talk to LO and he reckons he can here my waters 'gurgling'? Lol. Surely you can't here em? :/
Congrats to the new babies!!

You know there is a song that goes " It's not funny my ass is on fire!" lol Sorry couldnt help but think of it.

Update from doctors: Im 3cm!! waters are bulging, cervix is now low and soft and baby has dropped even lower. Doc did a proper sweep. It didnt really hurt at all. I think long as your cervix is low enough, its not that bad. Dont get me wrong though, it doesnt feel good either! lol Also I guess my due date was changed at my 8 week US, but no one ever told me! So my Due date is NOT june 19th but in fact is June 21st. I guess it was only a couple of days so they didnt bother with telling me?? So anyhow, doc said that the only reason it matters is because if I elect to be induced I have to be at lest 39 weeks long. So next Tuesday if I havent had my little girl by then, my doc is on call that Thursday, so we will set it up. So if nothing else I will have my baby BY June 16th!! So kinda have a plan and that makes me feel much better. I have been having contractions since my apt though, so fingers crossed Im one of those who goes into labor shortly after a good sweep :) On a side note, my son was born the 16 of aug...so would be a easy bday to remember lol :)

Also I havent gained any weight in the last three weeks!! YAY so in total Ive only gained 20 pounds. I think Im going really well

well done you... id love to know how u manage to walk around dilated and not know.

Quick question has anyone tried raspberry leaf tea???

I dont know, I guess 3cm isnt all that much when you think about the size of babies head LOL But I have hoped something was happening but didnt know for sure.

Yes ive tried RLT. It isnt bad to be honest :) But I dont drink it like I should Ive only had a couple cups.

I did try to eat half a pineapple last night...before my tongue gave out...so maybe that helped with dialating me?
Yay! For the progress mummyof2peas! :)
Had a lovely lovely dinner but fell out with my DH on the way there as he hadn't put petrol in the car when he used it up this morning, it was honestly empty empty empty! Running on fumes, I kid you not. He didn't tell me til we were past the petrol station on the way to the restaurant! Man, I was furious! I honestly didn't think we'd make it to the petrol station after dinner, but we JUST made it, half coasting towards the end. How dare he?! I could have gone into labour today! :haha:
Anyway, dinner was great, bring on the babies! :) xx
Yay! For the progress mummyof2peas! :)
Had a lovely lovely dinner but fell out with my DH on the way there as he hadn't put petrol in the car when he used it up this morning, it was honestly empty empty empty! Running on fumes, I kid you not. He didn't tell me til we were past the petrol station on the way to the restaurant! Man, I was furious! I honestly didn't think we'd make it to the petrol station after dinner, but we JUST made it, half coasting towards the end. How dare he?! I could have gone into labour today! :haha:
Anyway, dinner was great, bring on the babies! :) xx

Haha! Ive done it many of times with petrol, running one fumes and I must admit one time I didn't make it to the petrol station. So ever since then.. I always make sure there's enough lol. Glad you enjoyed you dinner.. What did you end up having? x
Had bruschetta, then veal milinese, then crepes! :)
Husband had prawns, rare steak with pate, and apple tart... Spot the choices he picked so I couldn't steal a bit of his! :haha:
It was totally lovely tho, nice to get out for a while! :) but I was dying for someone to ask when I was due to freak em out... :haha: xx
Haha the meanie.. I always tend to pinch abit of OH meal if we go anywhere.. Got to be tried hasn't it!! Lol. And ye bet it was nice to get out.. Not nice been stuck in house all time is it :(. And once LO is here, it'll be the rare occasion you'll get to go out for a meal x
Yay! For the progress mummyof2peas! :)
Had a lovely lovely dinner but fell out with my DH on the way there as he hadn't put petrol in the car when he used it up this morning, it was honestly empty empty empty! Running on fumes, I kid you not. He didn't tell me til we were past the petrol station on the way to the restaurant! Man, I was furious! I honestly didn't think we'd make it to the petrol station after dinner, but we JUST made it, half coasting towards the end. How dare he?! I could have gone into labour today! :haha:
Anyway, dinner was great, bring on the babies! :) xx

DH and I have gone round and round on this too!!! I keep telling him that the car cant have less then quarter tank, cause if he thinks Im mad now, just wait till after Ive gone into labor and we have to stop to get gas on the way to the freaking hospital! lol
Yay! For the progress mummyof2peas! :)
Had a lovely lovely dinner but fell out with my DH on the way there as he hadn't put petrol in the car when he used it up this morning, it was honestly empty empty empty! Running on fumes, I kid you not. He didn't tell me til we were past the petrol station on the way to the restaurant! Man, I was furious! I honestly didn't think we'd make it to the petrol station after dinner, but we JUST made it, half coasting towards the end. How dare he?! I could have gone into labour today! :haha:
Anyway, dinner was great, bring on the babies! :) xx

DH and I have gone round and round on this too!!! I keep telling him that the car cant have less then quarter tank, cause if he thinks Im mad now, just wait till after Ive gone into labor and we have to stop to get gas on the way to the freaking hospital! lol

So glad it's not just me then! :) x
All this talk of food :sick: Not feeling well. Loose stools are back, I'm exhausted and feel like I'm going to hurl.

Yes must keep gas in the car 'cause you just never know :thumbup:
All this talk of food :sick: Not feeling well. Loose stools are back, I'm exhausted and feel like I'm going to hurl.

Yes must keep gas in the car 'cause you just never know :thumbup:

Motherof4 I keep getting this horrible nausea of a night time too!! It's so wierd!

I am having some slight period type pain and irregular tighteneings tonight but feel that it is nothing just another mini practice run.......but thought I would post it as my oh always says "well one of them practice runs is gonna be the real thing"!!! YE BUT WHICH ONE!!!!!!!????!!!!! Grrrrr!

Your dinner sounded fab lettuce (especially compared to my mcdonalds lolol)
All this talk of food :sick: Not feeling well. Loose stools are back, I'm exhausted and feel like I'm going to hurl.

Yes must keep gas in the car 'cause you just never know :thumbup:

Motherof4 I keep getting this horrible nausea of a night time too!! It's so wierd!

I am having some slight period type pain and irregular tighteneings tonight but feel that it is nothing just another mini practice run.......but thought I would post it as my oh always says "well one of them practice runs is gonna be the real thing"!!! YE BUT WHICH ONE!!!!!!!????!!!!! Grrrrr!

Your dinner sounded fab lettuce (especially compared to my mcdonalds lolol)

My hubby says the same thing :haha: I wonder what it's like to be them every time we go through these bouts of contractions. I bet they get their hopes up. Hopefully it's not a practice run and maybe things kicking off for you:thumbup:
Lauki, don't feel bad, I know what you mean, my friend gave birth 5weeks early- she was due 5 weeks after me, and I cried, really sobbed, I was worried about her, but was so frustrated and fed up. :hugs:
If it makes you feel better, I've been to see them in the hospital (she's still in a week later as her daughter isn't feeding so good) and my bitterness is gone, it was just a flash really, it's totally natural! :hugs:
:rofl: about the chilli seeds! Mad lady! :)

I reckon this baby will be no less than 8lbs 9oz. I was over 8, and I reckon, though I haven't put much weight on, and have a neat bump, my long torso is hiding them well... :) xx

Thanks so much for making me feel better :).

I had my Pukka Pie, hurray! They always cheer me up.

Sorry your trying to have sex didn't quite work out for you My Bump! It does get a bit awkward towards the end, I must agree. We had some funky times as well a bit earlier (sorry for TMI ;)) and now I feel all crampy and getting tonnes of tightenings and pains!

Lol pukka pie/mcdonalds and sex, me and you are classy birds!!!! :)
It was totally lovely tho, nice to get out for a while! :) but I was dying for someone to ask when I was due to freak em out... :haha: xx

haha im the same...want people to ask me how long left just so i can say last week! haha xxx
I would love it to be the real thing, but they just never get any 'worse' so I know it's not the real thing!! :(

You have such teeny babies!! :) I bet 7lb felt massive to you. My dd was 7lb4 at 38 weeks so I wonder how much bigger this one will be (if she is). You will be fine if yours is bigger than 7lb as your body has done it before and well done on getting this far too!! xx
Speaking of sex. After going to the doctors and telling everyone I am 3cm, they keep saying have sex have sex. As much as I want to get things started Im kinda afraid at this point to have sex with DH. My waters BROKE with DS during sex with hubby! I think if it happened again he might be scared for life and never want nookie again lol
I would love it to be the real thing, but they just never get any 'worse' so I know it's not the real thing!! :(

You have such teeny babies!! :) I bet 7lb felt massive to you. My dd was 7lb4 at 38 weeks so I wonder how much bigger this one will be (if she is). You will be fine if yours is bigger than 7lb as your body has done it before and well done on getting this far too!! xx

Well that makes me feel a little better :) Do they really put much more weight on towards the end or does it slow down more?

mommof2peas-That's hilarious about the waters breaking...you should go for it:thumbup:
Anything been happening since you lost your plug Louise??? x
Speaking of sex. After going to the doctors and telling everyone I am 3cm, they keep saying have sex have sex. As much as I want to get things started Im kinda afraid at this point to have sex with DH. My waters BROKE with DS during sex with hubby! I think if it happened again he might be scared for life and never want nookie again lol

:haha: that's hilarious, how funny! :)
DH hasn't had sex in months- it freaks him out :cry: it's the whole 3rd person in the room... :cry::cry:
Sorry about making you feel sick :hugs: I have that funny pain low down again- it's like the babys head is turning in my pelvis and it's sharp and achey. What is going on baby?! :haha: xx
I would love it to be the real thing, but they just never get any 'worse' so I know it's not the real thing!! :(

You have such teeny babies!! :) I bet 7lb felt massive to you. My dd was 7lb4 at 38 weeks so I wonder how much bigger this one will be (if she is). You will be fine if yours is bigger than 7lb as your body has done it before and well done on getting this far too!! xx

Well that makes me feel a little better :) Do they really put much more weight on towards the end or does it slow down more?mommof2peas-That's hilarious about the waters breaking...you should go for it:thumbup:

Well the advice varies alot.....they used to say they put alot of the weight on at the end but they now think they kind of reach a weight at term and just fatten up a little bit (unless there is a medical or obstetric reason hindering or exacberating (sp?) growth of course). It's one of those things that is so individual to each baby, mum and pregnancy I don't think we will ever know truly.

tightenings and pain are now every 3 minutes but still not bad, they are more than I usually get though pain wise so iv'e allowed myself to cross one toe in hope!!!

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