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It's our turn, June mummies :D

Lauki, don't feel bad, I know what you mean, my friend gave birth 5weeks early- she was due 5 weeks after me, and I cried, really sobbed, I was worried about her, but was so frustrated and fed up. :hugs:
If it makes you feel better, I've been to see them in the hospital (she's still in a week later as her daughter isn't feeding so good) and my bitterness is gone, it was just a flash really, it's totally natural! :hugs:
:rofl: about the chilli seeds! Mad lady! :)

I reckon this baby will be no less than 8lbs 9oz. I was over 8, and I reckon, though I haven't put much weight on, and have a neat bump, my long torso is hiding them well... :) xx

Thanks so much for making me feel better :).

I had my Pukka Pie, hurray! They always cheer me up.

Sorry your trying to have sex didn't quite work out for you My Bump! It does get a bit awkward towards the end, I must agree. We had some funky times as well a bit earlier (sorry for TMI ;)) and now I feel all crampy and getting tonnes of tightenings and pains!

Lol pukka pie/mcdonalds and sex, me and you are classy birds!!!! :)

:haha: very classic! Wouldn't change for the world though ;)!

Had aweful tightenings and pains all evening, but obviously all died down over the night! I can't say I'm enjoying these practice runs, as I really dread know what the real thing feels like!

Hope things will kick off for you soon My Bump!
Well look at all you lot getting signs :(! I haven't had one!
Did you say you was having a sweep today leah?
im at mw at half 4 so im sure she said at my 38 week if there was no sign of baby then she would do itbe we will see cos she is good athanding y appointment to the other community midwife and she is a biatch lol and probs wont do it
Aww I hope it gets things moving for you!
We need more June babies to dote on!

I'm still thinking I'll be having a July baby :(. Which is a shame, I really like the month June ^^!
leah - aww lol. i hope they do one for you anyway! wish i could have one done on my due date. i dunt think this lo wants to come anytime soon :(! but tbh i thought they did let you go over to 41 weeks before they did a sweep?

lauki - you never know! she might come on due date.. you had any signs or anything?
My midwife is giving me a sweep when I'm 40+1 because she says I'm showing signs :o.

I have lot's of BH/cramping and lower backpain so I suppose those are signs? I've not lost my plug yet or anything though. I have no clue though as I'm a first time mummy and my mum says she can't remember from when my sisters and me were born ;)!

Maybe your baby will make a surprise entry soon without getting too many signs!
Lucky you! And yep sounds like signs to me, but like you this is my first so not entirely sure.

I haven't got another appointment with midwife now :(! I got her at 41 weeks for a sweep if I haven't had her by then. I hope she does make an appearance I'm fed up of waiting now!
I seriously don't know why I spend half my time on here, yes it's nice talking to you ladies.. Buttttt... It always gets me on a downer when I see someone else has had their baby! Or that they are showing signs ect. Because I'm due in 2 days and I honestly think she just wants to stay in there! :(

My heart goes out to all those overdue mummies as I'm struggling to cope now and I'm not due for 2 days!

Arrrghhhh.... Sorry just needed to get it out!
I've been told by my midwife that she'd give me a sweep at 40+1 so lets hope she keeps her word. I have had very mild lower back/abdomen pain since sunday which hasn't got any worse but no Braxton hicks at all. Has anybody else not had BH before getting real contractions?
Ooh so strange how all midwifes are different? I really didn't expect to get a sweep at 40 weeks, but she told me herself, I didn't even have to ask for it. Maybe it's because she's 30 weeks pregnant herself and really feels how us other pregnant ladies are feeling! I bet she knows how badly we want to meet our babies!

I was coping alright with the waiting, up until now. My husband keeps nagging me that he wants his baby and that we should hurry up! He's normally Mr. Patience himself, but if even HE gets excited, how am I supposed to stay calm!

Don't forget Kanbumpx in just over 2 weeks you WILL be holding a baby! If you compare it to the 9 months you've waited, maybe it feels a bit less then!
I've been told by my midwife that she'd give me a sweep at 40+1 so lets hope she keeps her word. I have had very mild lower back/abdomen pain since sunday which hasn't got any worse but no Braxton hicks at all. Has anybody else not had BH before getting real contractions?

I'm sure there's plenty of ladies who don't get or feel their BH. Really nothing to worry about :thumbup:. Hope you get your sweep at 40+1!
Kandbump - our posts must have crossed. Didn't mean to gloat about my signs (if they are even signs?!). I am also feeling really impatient but for some reason feel like checking on BnB is the only thing I feel like doing and not getting on with other more practical stuff I should be doing.
Kandbump - our posts must have crossed. Didn't mean to gloat about my signs (if they are even signs?!). I am also feeling really impatient but for some reason feel like checking on BnB is the only thing I feel like doing and not getting on with other more practical stuff I should be doing.

Haha, no it's ok :)! I hope they are signs that LO is coming for you, as I know how it is to sit and wait wondering when they'll be coming.
And ye I'm same it's only things I feel like doing coming on here lol.. There's an ironing pile in other room but I just can't be bothered lol :/
well been for a 2 and half hour walk round asda and that didnt start anything going i hope this bloody midwife will do a sweep today or she will have one very unhappy hormonal patient lol
and yes kandbump it is so frustrating isnt when there is another birth story lol my
my OH is been a pain in the but aswell today he keeps txting me saying were is my littel girl what u done with her lol
Kandbump, :hugs: I know your pain, I'm over by 4days and still nothing, not a pain, a tightening, nada. I love reading the posts and I get genuinely excited for the other girls, but I am dying to have something happen to me! Had pains last night, turned out it was wind :blush:
Plus, I miss the girls when they move on... :cry: god, I'm such a sap today! :haha:
Good luck for the sweep Leah, and hope all those signs lead to something for you others! We're right behind you.... :winkwink: xxx

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