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It's our turn, June mummies :D

my dh texts from work all the time and says anytime now would be ok.....anything yet?...well I'm waiting..... LOL If he only knew what I do during the day to get things started LOL

BTW its 330am and Im up at my laptop because of contractions. Just started to time them, so far we are sitting at about 12 min apart. So maybe the sweep I had yesterday really did do something :) I also had a pretty loose pooh (clear out?) right before bed last night. So maybe just maybe this is the start of things and not wishful thinking. Although this is the first time Ive had to breath through my contractions, so here's hoping!
my dh texts from work all the time and says anytime now would be ok.....anything yet?...well I'm waiting..... LOL If he only knew what I do during the day to get things started LOL

BTW its 330am and Im up at my laptop because of contractions. Just started to time them, so far we are sitting at about 12 min apart. So maybe the sweep I had yesterday really did do something :) I also had a pretty loose pooh (clear out?) right before bed last night. So maybe just maybe this is the start of things and not wishful thinking. Although this is the first time Ive had to breath through my contractions, so here's hoping!

good luck i hope things pick up for you i just had a pretty painfull tightening was very differant to the BH feeling but that was it i happend twice and stopped :growlmad: this little girl is in trouble for being a torment when she is born lol
Yay! Fingers crossed they're happening for you, keep us posted... :) xx
Im afraid to wake DH up since its 4am in the morning...but every time I sit down on the pot to pee, I have another contractions. So the last threee Ive timed have been about 3-4 min apart but only last about 30 seconds. But Im really started to get excited:) although not liking how painful these are at this point...OUCH!
Im afraid to wake DH up since its 4am in the morning...but every time I sit down on the pot to pee, I have another contractions. So the last threee Ive timed have been about 3-4 min apart but only last about 30 seconds. But Im really started to get excited:) although not liking how painful these are at this point...OUCH!

sounds liek this is for you hunny hope they keep up xx
Fingers crossed things are kicking off for you now!

My nesting instinct just kicked in massively! Sorted out the whole living room :happydance: it looks so nice and clean and tidy now!

Do the contractions feel like Braxton Hicks but then really painful? Or is it a completely different feeling alltogether?
Keep it going! :) come on out baby! Everyone wants to meet you! :) x
Oh, I'd be totally rubbish, I have such a telling face k! Haha. I'd just txt and say you were thinking about her. :) i hope all goes well for her! :) x

Lauki, havent tidied a thing today, done totally nothing! I love when the room looks all tidy and clean. X
I think I wouldn't talk to her about it until she is ready to speak to you about it.

When I had a BFP last year in March we went to see the whole family and phoned everyone up we were going to have a baby. Then the next day (on my birthday><) I had a miscarriage. We had to tell everyone the bad news this time.

When we started trying again in September and we got our BFP I really didn't want to tell anyone until we had the 12 week scan and I knew the baby was okay. I really didn't want to have to tell anyone if I'd have a miscarriage again.

I have no idea obviously how other women think about this, but that's how it went for me personally :). Hope it helped a bit!
Good luck mommyof2peas!

And i would txt ur sis prob if shes anything like me she will tell u anyway with exitment! But its up 2 u u have 2 respect her descission to keep it 2 herself.. U could just say ur on w/e forum aswell or make a point n saying its a good forum and c if she says anything shes prob scared if she lost her last xx
kandbump i would just leave it tbh she mite be a bit hormonal and narked you peeked lol she may have a big suprise install to tell everyone at same time mite upset her if she knows you know :-/
DH just got up :) for work he gets up at 4am anyhow. He is sat with a cup of coffee then I think we will get the kids up and off to the hospital :D these are way to intense to be nothing....u ladies are awesome!
well if nesting is a sign labour is near im f***ed cos my house is a rite tip and i cba to do a thing today i feel so lazy lol infact im that lazy and dont wnt to tidy up i can ignore and see past the mess everyone has gone out and left me to lol
Ohhh so exciting!! Good luck!! Keep us up to date :D!
mommyof2peas-that sounds like you will be leaving third trimester forums soon, haha! :)

kandbump-I agree with lettuce. Just text or call her and say you have been thinking about her and ask how she is and such.

I have a doctors appointment this afternoon so hopefully he will tell me some good news! :)
DH just got up :) for work he gets up at 4am anyhow. He is sat with a cup of coffee then I think we will get the kids up and off to the hospital :D these are way to intense to be nothing....

woooo hoooo im so excited for you and a little jealous at the same time of course lol :yipee::wohoo::dance::loopy:
well if nesting is a sign labour is near im f***ed cos my house is a rite tip and i cba to do a thing today i feel so lazy lol infact im that lazy and dont wnt to tidy up i can ignore and see past the mess everyone has gone out and left me to lol

Haha, I've been like that for weeks!!! Now I really feel the urge to get things done. Tomorrow I'll be doing the kitchen :haha:.

I'm such a messy person normally, this really isn't like me and it's scaring me a bit :dohh:. We will see if it's a sign, or just really wishful thinking ;)!
Maybe I'm just thinking I'm nesting, but I'm actually just cleaning BECAUSE it's a sign of labour coming up, my mind trying to trick myself!
Yeah, I know when my friends miscarried, the next time they were pregnant we knew early on, but it more just so we could look after them iykwim? But some like to hold on til they're more sure everything is going well, each to their own! :hugs:
We only told our parents, then we had an early scan at 7.5 weeks and we told our siblings after that, just cos the consultant said the chances of a successful pregnancy was 97% at that point. everyone else had to wait til the 12 week scan! :haha:
Maybe she's got some special way of telling you planned! :) xx
Do you remember telling people you were pregnant? Doesn't it seem minutes ago, yet so long ago? I still love thinking about it... :) xx

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