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It's our turn, June mummies :D

Ooo god! I can't imagine av been in that.. Were you in when it happened too :/?
I hate thunderstorms aswell... And I'm same in living room our window is massive so I can't escape it unless I shut curtains but I don't wanna sit in dark :/ lol.

And Lauki it's ok for some isn't it! Wish it was sunny here... Its banging it down with rain and thundering and lightening :(

The thunderstorm will probably move my way soon! I'll just have to cuddle up with my cats on the sofa or on bed with a book and a cuppa!
Typical yorkshire! And well it'll head one way or other... Snuggling up with cats sounds better tho :D
Ooo god! I can't imagine av been in that.. Were you in when it happened too :/?
I hate thunderstorms aswell... And I'm same in living room our window is massive so I can't escape it unless I shut curtains but I don't wanna sit in dark :/ lol.

And Lauki it's ok for some isn't it! Wish it was sunny here... Its banging it down with rain and thundering and lightening :(

yes i was at home i had the tv and the computer on aswell it ws so scary i was living in rotherham
just sat there little un had cartoons on and i was making my self a cd on the pc then all of a sudden you could hear the electric crackling and all these blue sparks came out of plugs then the tv and computer just whent BANG and all smoke and everything started bellowing out everywere then all electric whent off and the room was just full of smoke couldnt see nowt hardly me and babi was hugged up on sofa screaming our heads off i was trying to ring oh i thought the house was going to burn down i mega mega shit my self it was awful the neigbours came running round to see what was going off lol as they had heard us screaming haha must have sounded like we was getting murdered :dohh:
Typical yorkshire! And well it'll head one way or other... Snuggling up with cats sounds better tho :D

typica yorkshire weather allright its bloody sunny hear now ive finished righting that little essay for ya lol
it took my mind of it at least so i dint soil my underwear lol
:haha:. Happy for you it's gone though! No good stressing out!
Haha! Yea it's sunny here now!?

And oh gosh, I dunt know what I'd of done :/.. Think I'd of literally shit misen! Just glad you and ya son was ok!
Omg if one more person texts me or puts something on my wall on facebook asking if I've had any signs, or reminding me I'm pregnant! I'm gunna scream! Lol
Omg if one more person texts me or puts something on my wall on facebook asking if I've had any signs, or reminding me I'm pregnant! I'm gunna scream! Lol

i have just had a rite benny with my mum seriously aswell she just txt and it red "has little lexi loo not decided to play yet" OMG WTF i txt her back and said "your my mum for christ sake do you not think i would have told you if i was in labour or if the baby had been born" she said "well everyone at work keeps asking me so i thought id ask you" i felt like saying well tell everyone at work to piss off lol (i used to work there so they know me lol) :dohh:
Annoying init! Ive got mates, family n people from work asking me... its like as soon as ive had her ill let you know! and im just ignoring most people on facebook :/ lol
Good morning ladies :) How is everyone feeling? Had horrible shooting pains again last night...I went to go stand up off my bed last night and I screamed OW!! My husband came running in the bedroom...I couldn't stand up as the pains in my cervix area were horrible when I stood up. Baby has dropped more and the pressure is horrible! I tried standing again and I screamed again...I had to lay down. It felt like someone was gutting me! I waited a bit and was able to get up. This morning I've been having cramping in my back and then I had pink colored discharge. No mucous in it though. I've been loosing my plug over the past week but this was a dry discharge tinted pink so I'm posititve it's not the mucous plug. I'm having horrible pressure pains this morning and I have so much pressure again I can't have a bm or the bm feeling is from the pressure I'm not even sure. I'm going to shower and get the kids ready just in case 'cause I don't feel right and this being number 5 I'm afraid I won't make it to the hospital in time 45 min. away as I have to wait for hubby to arrive home and then get the kids over to our MILs house. I'm getting a little paranoid. She is extremely low.
Good morning ladies :) How is everyone feeling? Had horrible shooting pains again last night...I went to go stand up off my bed last night and I screamed OW!! My husband came running in the bedroom...I couldn't stand up as the pains in my cervix area were horrible when I stood up. Baby has dropped more and the pressure is horrible! I tried standing again and I screamed again...I had to lay down. It felt like someone was gutting me! I waited a bit and was able to get up. This morning I've been having cramping in my back and then I had pink colored discharge. No mucous in it though. I've been loosing my plug over the past week but this was a dry discharge tinted pink so I'm posititve it's not the mucous plug. I'm having horrible pressure pains this morning and I have so much pressure again I can't have a bm or the bm feeling is from the pressure I'm not even sure. I'm going to shower and get the kids ready just in case 'cause I don't feel right and this being number 5 I'm afraid I won't make it to the hospital in time 45 min. away as I have to wait for hubby to arrive home and then get the kids over to our MILs house. I'm getting a little paranoid. She is extremely low.

Sounds like things are kicking off for you! I hope they are :D! Make sure to keep us updated and if anything more does happen.. Good luck!!
Good morning ladies :) How is everyone feeling? Had horrible shooting pains again last night...I went to go stand up off my bed last night and I screamed OW!! My husband came running in the bedroom...I couldn't stand up as the pains in my cervix area were horrible when I stood up. Baby has dropped more and the pressure is horrible! I tried standing again and I screamed again...I had to lay down. It felt like someone was gutting me! I waited a bit and was able to get up. This morning I've been having cramping in my back and then I had pink colored discharge. No mucous in it though. I've been loosing my plug over the past week but this was a dry discharge tinted pink so I'm posititve it's not the mucous plug. I'm having horrible pressure pains this morning and I have so much pressure again I can't have a bm or the bm feeling is from the pressure I'm not even sure. I'm going to shower and get the kids ready just in case 'cause I don't feel right and this being number 5 I'm afraid I won't make it to the hospital in time 45 min. away as I have to wait for hubby to arrive home and then get the kids over to our MILs house. I'm getting a little paranoid. She is extremely low.

Sounds like things are kicking off for you! I hope they are :D! Make sure to keep us updated and if anything more does happen.. Good luck!!

I sure will ladies.
Mother of 4-wow, 45 mins away. I am so glad that I am only 10 mins away or I would be paranoid too, especially if it was my 5th!

People are calling me too and asking about the baby. Next time my mom calls I am tempted to just say "I KNEW I forgot to call someone when I had the baby this morning!" haha, jk. I wouldn't really do that.
I wasn't positive what I had was blood earlier but now I just had a bm...I worked around the pressure in my bottom and now I have some bright red blood with mucous in it. I'm still cramping in my back. Not sure if I should bother my dr or not as I've been losing my plug over the last week and half but no blood ever in it. Not sure what I should do I'm scared I could be in early labor :shrug:
I wasn't positive what I had was blood earlier but now I just had a bm...I worked around the pressure in my bottom and now I have some bright red blood with mucous in it. I'm still cramping in my back. Not sure if I should bother my dr or not as I've been losing my plug over the last week and half but no blood ever in it. Not sure what I should do I'm scared I could be in early labor :shrug:

could be a bloody show :-/

i have gone all these months with no stretchies on my belly and i just took a shower and looked down and what is there :growlmad: a bright purple stretch mark to celebrate my not having a baby on my due date im so mad :growlmad:
well ladies think im starting having cramping pains every so often, been timing them and they range from 10 and 4 mins apart...but only lasting around 30 seconds and are still bearable so think its prob only the start! bouncing on my birthing ball at mo.....

so fingers crossed its the real thing and not a false alarm!!!
Oh dear :/... I hope nomore appear for you! I've only got them on my legs atm. Fingers crossed!!

Well dunt think mine ul be coming anytime soon.. she's just booted me in ribs so she must be high up!? Grrr
Hmmm wonder where I could get a birth ball from today!? I want one now :/ I'll bounce on it all night if I have to!!!

My fingers are crossed for you Louise x
Hmmm wonder where I could get a birth ball from today!? I want one now :/ I'll bounce on it all night if I have to!!!

My fingers are crossed for you Louise x

mines from argos :thumbup:

and i have been getting kicked in the ribs also so not a good sign :nope:

im getting worried aswell incase mw wont do a sweep or cant do a sweep i need this baby out of me asap

i feel so bloody irrative aswell today keep biting everyones head off :-/ im being a big bitch and i cant help it
Hmmm wonder where I could get a birth ball from today!? I want one now :/ I'll bounce on it all night if I have to!!!

My fingers are crossed for you Louise x

mines from argos :thumbup:

and i have been getting kicked in the ribs also so not a good sign :nope:

im getting worried aswell incase mw wont do a sweep or cant do a sweep i need this baby out of me asap

i feel so bloody irrative aswell today keep biting everyones head off :-/ im being a big bitch and i cant help it

I'm same :/... OH just rung to see how I am and i bit his head off for asking, bless him he only wanted to know if I was ok.. But i just said "if i wasnt id ring you ok!!"
I've been looking around internet and on alot of sites it says if the child is your first mw should usually do a sweep at 40 weeks.. do u know if this is true? if so, ill get on to my mw as im not booked in for one until im 41weeks on the dot :(

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