It's our turn, June mummies :D

Come on ladies! Where are those babies!
I'm gonna try a really spicy pizza next week, as I really don't like curry that much! I hope it'll have the same effect ;).
My MW told me to absolutely NOT use Castor oil, because she says it doesn't work. Just have lots of sex and go for walks! So we're on a strict 'sex every day'-schedule!

lol i had a spicy mexican beef pizza from asda other day didnt do a thing just gave me heart burn same as themadras and beef curry i had so going for a jalfrezi today see if that gets us anywere lol and im walking to my grandads house this evening as my little boy is sleeping there but gotta watch him while grandad nips out so thats up a huge hill somay set things going never no wishfull thinking and all lol
omg im going o/t i know.. but MEN (im on a rant about Oh AGAIN lol).. GRRR, i ask him to do ONE thing just ONE... and its as simple as going to the door to get our takeaway! and he makes a BIG fuss over it! saying i should go as he "asked me to do a simple thing and go get the takeaway " and " he only asked me to do that one thing " .... EXCUSE ME... if it was that simple why didnt he just go? .. im not dressed! lol.... And if i dont do nothing who was ironing his clothes for work when he came in from work!? and who does the cleaning/ironing/cooking/washing pots/tidying his mess up/hoovering/washing clothes ect...!? Hmmmmmmm!?
Apparently walking with one foot on pavement, one on the road, helps things along... :D
Hey we can't wait! Sorry to hear about your results! :( :hugs:
That'll be lovely having a birthday baby itsagirl! :) xxx
omg im going o/t i know.. but MEN (im on a rant about Oh AGAIN lol).. GRRR, i ask him to do ONE thing just ONE... and its as simple as going to the door to get our takeaway! and he makes a BIG fuss over it! saying i should go as he "asked me to do a simple thing and go get the takeaway " and " he only asked me to do that one thing " .... EXCUSE ME... if it was that simple why didnt he just go? .. im not dressed! lol.... And if i dont do nothing who was ironing his clothes for work when he came in from work!? and who does the cleaning/ironing/cooking/washing pots/tidying his mess up/hoovering/washing clothes ect...!? Hmmmmmmm!?

my OH will never go to the door for nothing he wont get deliveries takeaways nothing its as if he is scared about who is on the other side of door lol
Come on ladies! Where are those babies!
I'm gonna try a really spicy pizza next week, as I really don't like curry that much! I hope it'll have the same effect ;).
My MW told me to absolutely NOT use Castor oil, because she says it doesn't work. Just have lots of sex and go for walks! So we're on a strict 'sex every day'-schedule!

lol i had a spicy mexican beef pizza from asda other day didnt do a thing just gave me heart burn same as themadras and beef curry i had so going for a jalfrezi today see if that gets us anywere lol and im walking to my grandads house this evening as my little boy is sleeping there but gotta watch him while grandad nips out so thats up a huge hill somay set things going never no wishfull thinking and all lol

the spicy thing doesn't work.. well not for me.. almost everyday ive had chilli seeds on mi food.. had a spicy pizza yesterday, ive even had vindaloo and that didnt work lol. and if you've read thro the posts i went to the extreme of eating a teaspoon of chillies yesterday hehe
just had a calzone (yummmm) with chilli sauce in..

Hmm, reading that post again, i think im obsessed with CHILLIES haha
Hope it'll sort it for you!

I think all these old wives tales about what to do, only really work if your body is ready to go into labour ><.
I had to scream practically (not quite) to get oh to feed the cats, they were going mad at my ankles when I was trying to make our dinner and he was next to the cupboard where the food is! 4times I had to ask! Just do it and shut up boys! :growlmad: :haha:
Don't they realise they can't win right now?! :haha: xx
Apparently walking with one foot on pavement, one on the road, helps things along... :D
Hey we can't wait! Sorry to hear about your results! :( :hugs:
That'll be lovely having a birthday baby itsagirl! :) xxx

i heard this but must be a load of old cobblers cos mw never mentioned it earlier when i asked hergenuine ways to bring on labour she just said to bounce on ball walk up and down stairs and stay active all just to let gravity take place sono need to walk down road like a drunk falling of curb lol i dont think will make much differance than walking in general or going up and down stairs :-/:shrug:
and i know leah, i think he must be scared aswell!! haha... its not hard to go get it, ye ok i could go but im sat in mi underwear :/ haha
MEN theyre such drama queens
Hope it'll sort it for you!

I think all these old wives tales about what to do, only really work if your body is ready to go into labour ><.

i second this i have been on ball again for a continuous 2 an half hour nearly and nothing i never get off the bloody thing
i bet the people in the car wash accross the road think im a rite weirdo if they can see in my flat all they will be able to see is me bobbig up and down all day lol OH says i bet they think your havin sex i says what all bloody day lol :haha:
:haha:. I just tried my bouncing ball, but it's giving me more of a headache and it's making me dizzy. So I've given up again! No more inducing labour tricks tonight, I'm just gonna have a cuppa and relax and get through these painful Braxton Hicks :thumbup:.

My hubby always has to get the door for takeaways etc! I'm always the one being scared of who's on the other side of the door :haha:. So silly!
well i have a really hard tummy keeps going soft hard soft hard but most of the time its hard
arrrgh ive had enough of this pregnancy malarchy whos bloody idea was it to have a baby lol
:haha: it'll be all worth it when you hold you baby :flower:!
im really considering going and having a soak in my grandads bath as i have horrid back ache that just came on out of no were :-/ maybee they got some lavendar oils that i could put in waterheard this can help relax your body ready for labour or something :-/ and therestheother oil whats it called clary sage or something my nan has loads of oils and stuff so may go have a route aroundin her bathroom see what i can find and have a soak lol the walk over there and back may even do something :-/ worth a go
Oh a bath sounds lovely! Yeah, try that, get a good nights sleep and hopefully baby will appear when we're not looking! :) xxx
Oh a bath sounds lovely! Yeah, try that, get a good nights sleep and hopefully baby will appear when we're not looking! :) xxx

haha lol i wish
just realised i havent had my tea yet and its 8 :-/ think my appetite has done a runner i havent eaten half what i usually eat in a day
mmmmmm symtom watching again loss of apetite mmmmmm lol
Haha! This is worse that the 2ww symptom watching! :D xx
Something weird happened to me today! I couldn't eat my pudding, and it was ice cream as well. I must be going ill :(!
I ran out of stomach room ages ago... :( even my separate "sweet stomach" doesnt work anymore... :(
Aww I have to tell you! My hubby did something so sweet today :thumbup:.

I was on the bed when he got in and had my eyes closed as I was asleep before he got in. Then he got changed and everything and told me to open my eyes. I saw this cute Me To You bear in front of me with the text: 'I love you this much'. And the bear is sat with his arms wide open! It still makes me soppy when I think of it! Silly hormones!

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